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  1. Dying for the group: Towards a general theory of extreme self-sacrifice.Harvey Whitehouse - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41:e192.
    Whether upheld as heroic or reviled as terrorism, people have been willing to lay down their lives for the sake of their groups throughout history. Why? Previous theories of extreme self-sacrifice have highlighted a range of seemingly disparate factors, such as collective identity, outgroup hostility, and kin psychology. In this paper, I attempt to integrate many of these factors into a single overarching theory based on several decades of collaborative research with a range of special populations, from tribes in Papua (...)
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  • The status of the "material" in theories of culture: From "social structure" to "artefacts".Andreas Reckwitz - 2002 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 32 (2):195–217.
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  • Agency, time, and causality.Thomas Widlok - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  • Deforming the Figure: Topology and the Social Imaginary.Scott Lash - 2012 - Theory, Culture and Society 29 (4-5):261-287.
    Topology is integral to a shift in socio-cultural theory from a linguistic to a mathematical paradigm. This has enabled in Badiou and Žižek a critique of the symbolic register, understood in terms of pure conceptual abstraction. Drawing on topology, this article understands it instead in terms of the figure. The break with the symbolic and language necessitates a break with form, but topologically still preserves a logic of the figure. This becomes a process of figuration, indeed a process of `deformation'. (...)
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  • A manifesto.Warren Schmaus, Ullica Segerstrale & Douglas Jesseph - 1992 - Social Epistemology 6 (3):243-265.
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  • Collective Efficacy in Sports and Physical Activities: Perceived Emotional Synchrony and Shared Flow.Larraitz N. Zumeta, Xavier Oriol, Saioa Telletxea, Alberto Amutio & Nekane Basabe - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  • Logic in religious and non-religious belief systems.Piotr Balcerowicz - 2018 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 84 (1):113-129.
    The paper first proposes a new definition of religion which features a novel four-layered element and which does not involve any circularity ; thereby, it allows to clearly distinguish the phenomenon of religion from certain other worldviews, in particular from certain political ideologies. Relying on the findings, the paper develops two structural conceptual models which serve to describe religious and non-religious belief systems. Further, the definition and the conceptual models allow to establish a clear criterion to distinguish pivotal structural differences (...)
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  • Comment: Social Integration and Health: Contributions of the Social Sharing of Emotion at the Individual, the Interpersonal, and the Collective Level.Bernard Rimé - 2018 - Emotion Review 10 (1):67-70.
    Among the four components proposed by Sbarra and Coan to guide the research aimed at understanding the role of emotion in the connection between social relationship and health, I view the fourth one, labeled “transactional dimensions,” as offering particularly rich promises in this regard. To illustrate, I sketch the example of individual, interpersonal, and collective effects entailed by the process of social sharing of emotion. The example rests on the bidirectional flow of transactions that develops continuously between these three levels.
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  • Sociologie et psychologie en France, l’appel à un territoire Commun: Vers une psychologie collective.Laurent Mucchielli - 1994 - Revue de Synthèse 115 (3-4):445-483.
    L’histoire officielle de la discipline veut que la psychologie sociale française, née et morte aussitôt à la fin du XIXe siècle, ait connu une longue éclipse pour renaître seulement dans les années 1950 sous influence américaine. Cette disparition dans la première moitié du XXe siècle serait due à la domination de la sociologie durkheimienne qui passe pour être hostile à la psychologie. Cet article remet en cause cette vision traditionnelle. Il montre que la sociologie durkheimienne s’est elle-même définie comme une (...)
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  • Quasi-objects, Cult Objects and Fashion Objects.Bjørn Schiermer - 2011 - Theory, Culture and Society 28 (1):81-102.
    This article attempts to rehabilitate the concept of fetishism and to contribute to the debate on the social role of objects as well as to fashion theory. Extrapolating from Michel Serres’ theory of the quasi-objects, I distinguish two phenomenologies possessing almost opposite characteristics. These two phenomenologies are, so I argue, essential to quasi-object theory, yet largely ignored by Serres’ sociological interpreters. They correspond with the two different theories of fetishism found in Marx and Durkheim, respectively. In the second half of (...)
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  • What if the human mind evolved for nonrational thought? An anthropological perspective.Jonathan Marks - 2017 - Zygon 52 (3):790-806.
    Our knowledge of the evolution of human thought is limited not only by the nature of the evidence, but also by the values we bring to the authoritative scientific study of our ancestors. The tendency to see human thought as linear progress in rational capacities has been popular since the Enlightenment, and in the wake of Darwinism has been extended to other species as well. Human communication can be used to transmit useful information, but is rooted in symbolic processes that (...)
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  • Türkiye Göçmeni Ve Yerli Kıbrıslılarda Dindarlık: Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti Örneği.Asım Yapıcı & Yusuf Emre - 2016 - Dini Araştırmalar 18 (47).
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  • Biology, Culture and Coevolution: Religion and Language as Case Studies.Francesco Ferretti & Ines Adornetti - 2014 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 14 (3-4):305-330.
    The main intent of this paper is to give an account of the relationship between bio-cognition and culture in terms of coevolution, analysing religious beliefs and language evolution as case studies. The established view in cognitive studies is that bio-cognitive systems constitute a constraint for the shaping and the transmission of religious beliefs and linguistic structures. From this point of view, religion and language are by-products or exaptations of processing systems originally selected for other cognitive functions. We criticize such a (...)
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  • The propagation of social representations.Saadi Lahlou - 1996 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 26 (2):157–175.
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  • Shared Adversity Increases Team Creativity Through Fostering Supportive Interaction.Brock Bastian, Jolanda Jetten, Hannibal A. Thai & Niklas K. Steffens - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:383816.
    In the current era, building more innovative teams is key to organizational success, yet there is little consensus on how best to achieve this. Common wisdom suggests that positive reinforcement through shared positive rewards builds social support within teams, and in turn facilitates innovation. Research on basic group processes, cultural rituals, and the evolution of pro-group behavior has, however, revealed that sharing adverse experiences is an alternative path to promoting group bonding. Here, we examined whether sharing an adverse experience not (...)
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  • Le corps, le rythme et l'esthétique sociale chez André Leroi-Gourhan.Alexandra Bidet - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Cet article a déjà paru dans Techniques & Culture en ligne, 48-49 | 2007 Résumé : L'œuvre d'André Leroi-Gourhan est traversée par une anthropologie du rythme. Celle-ci ne part pas d'une socialité constituée, de rythmes dits « sociaux », mais inscrit au contraire l'analyse de la rythmicité dans une approche de l'homme comme être vivant, comme totalité indivise. Elle pose en des termes renouvelés le problème classique du groupement des hommes et des liens entre l'individu et son milieu. Avec la (...)
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  • Core Social Values in Contemporary Societies.Pan Wei - 2009 - Diogenes 56 (1):53-73.
    This essay intends to build an analytical tool for understanding social values. It proceeds by defining the term ‘social value’, differentiating ‘core’ and ‘non-core’ social values and discussing their respective functions in society. Then, it extracts from social values a seven-tier system of core social values, built on seven basic social relationships: self–other, man–nature, individual–community, community–society, people–government, people–(state) nation, and (state) nation–world system. The corresponding views of right and wrong on these types of relationships are ‘core values’ and concern perceptions (...)
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  • Parsons on Christianity.Raf Vanderstraeten - 2016 - Thesis Eleven 132 (1):50-61.
    In his late work on Christianity, Talcott Parsons obviously built upon the writings of both Durkheim and Weber. While he departed from the idea that increasing differentiation of the system of action did not have to threaten the unity of the system as a whole, his emphasis on structural differentiation was also complemented by one on value integration. He believed that, especially in the New World, religion (i.e. Christianity) has gradually become able to impose its definition of the situation in (...)
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  • Durkheim’s Epistemology: The Neglected Argument.Ann Rawls & Andrei Korbut - 2014 - Russian Sociological Review 13 (2):84-140.
    Durkheim’s epistemology, the argument for the social origins of the categories of the understanding, is his most important and most neglected argument. This argument has been confused with his sociology of knowledge and Durkheim’s overall position has been misunderstood as a consequence. This lead to the argument that there are two Durkheims: a functionalist positivist and an idealist. The current popularity of a “cultural" or “ideological” interpretation of Durkheim is as much a misunderstanding of his position as the “functional" interpretation (...)
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  • Avatars of the Collective: A Realist Theory of Collective Subjectivities.Frédéric Vandenberghe - 2007 - Sociological Theory 25 (4):295-324.
    Let it be a network of voices... A network of voices that not only speak, but also struggle and resist for humanity.
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  • Critical Foundations of the Contextual Theory of Mind.Mr S. A. Orwin O'dowd Antiquarivodamailcoza - unknown
    The contextual mind is found attested in various usages of the term complement, in the background of Kant. The difficulties of Kant's intuitionism are taken up through Quine, but referential opacity is resolved as semantic presence in lived context. A further critique of rationalist linguistics is developed from Jakobson, showing generic functions in thought supporting abstraction, binding and thereby semantic categories. Thus Bolzano's influential philosophy of mathematics and science gives way to a critical view of the ancient heritage acknowledged by (...)
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  • Methodological Consilience of Evolutionary Ethics and Cognitive Science of Religion.Juraj Franek - 2016 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 16 (1-2):144-170.
    For the larger part of modern western intellectual history, it has been assumed that the study of morality and religion requires special methodology, insulated from, and in some important aspects incongruent with, the scientific method commonly used in the realm of natural sciences. Furthermore, even if it would be granted that moral and religious behavior is amendable to scientific analysis, the prospects of using evolutionary theory in particular to do the heavy lifting in explanation of these phenomena have been bleak, (...)
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  • Embodied Memory: Commemorative Ritual in Sociology of.Alexey Vasilyev - 2014 - Russian Sociological Review 13 (2):141-167.
    Reconstruction of Émile Durkheim’s views on collective memory is the focus of the article. Durkheim had not created the completed concept of collective memory and his main attention was concentrated on its concrete form, that is to say the commemorative ritual. Thereby he laid the methodological foundations for further development of the concept of collective memory and influenced on later memory studies. Durkheim’s sociology leads with the necessity for a conclusion that for the support of stability of a community, its (...)
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