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  1. Diagnosing Pseudoscience – by Getting Rid of the Demarcation Problem.Maarten Boudry - 2022 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 53 (2):83-101.
    For a long time, philosophers of science have expressed little interest in the so-called demarcation project that occupied the pioneers of their field, and most now concur that terms like “pseudoscience” cannot be defined in any meaningful way. However, recent years have witnessed a revival of philosophical interest in demarcation. In this paper, I argue that, though the demarcation problem of old leads to a dead-end, the concept of pseudoscience is not going away anytime soon, and deserves a fresh look. (...)
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  • Humor and the Good Life in Modern Philosophy: Shaftesbury, Hamann, Kierkegaard.Lydia Amir - 2014 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    _An exploration of philosophical and religious ideas about humor in modern philosophy and their secular implications._.
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  • The Ecology of Money: a Critical Assessment.Louis Larue - 2020 - Ecological Economics 178.
    This paper assesses the proposal to transform the monetary system into an Ecology of money, that is, into a system made of a large diversity of complementary currencies. Its central aim is to examine whether this proposal could provide a systemic solution to both the ecological and financial crises, as several authors, most notably Lietaer and Douthwaite, have argued. To this end, it analyses the two main arguments in favour of this proposal. First, it focuses on the claim that an (...)
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  • (1 other version)Science, religion, and democracy.Philip Kitcher - 2008 - Episteme 5 (1):pp. 5-18.
    Debates sometimes arise within democratic societies because of the fact that findings accepted in accordance with the standards of scientific research conflict with the beliefs of citizens. I use the example of the dispute about Darwinian evolutionary theory to explore what a commitment to democracy might require of us in circumstances of this kind. I argue that the existence of hybrid epistemologies – tendencies to acquiesce in scientific recommendations on some occasions and to defer to non-scientific authorities on others – (...)
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  • Darwin and Religion: Correcting the Caricatures.John Hedley Brooke - 2010 - Science & Education 19 (4-5):391-405.
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  • Making sense of alternative currencies.Louis Larue - 2019 - Dissertation, Université Catholique de Louvain
    The main goal of this thesis is to provide a clear basis for the analysis of alternative currencies, such as Bitcoin, LETS, Local currencies, the WIR or Carbon currencies. It attempts to determine whether alternative currencies might constitute just and workable alternatives, either in the form of small-scale experiments or in the form of more radical reforms. The first chapter proposes a new way to classify currencies. The second examines the case in favour of monetary plurality. The third analyses the (...)
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  • Should Intelligent Design be Taught in Public School Science Classrooms?Anya Plutynski - 2010 - Science & Education 19 (6-8):779-795.
    A variety of different arguments have been offered for teaching ‘‘both sides’’ of the evolution/ID debate in public schools. This article reviews five of the most common types of arguments advanced by proponents of Intelligent Design and demonstrates how and why they are founded on confusion and misunderstanding. It argues on behalf of teaching evolution, and relegating discussion of ID to philosophy or history courses.
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  • Alvin Plantinga: Where the Conflict Really Lies. Science, Religion and Naturalism.Maarten Boudry - 2013 - Science & Education 22 (5):1219-1227.
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  • Some evolutionary model or other: Aspirations and evidence in evolutionary psychology.Paul Sheldon Davies - 2009 - Philosophical Psychology 22 (1):83 – 97.
    Evolutionary Psychology as Maladapted Psychology ROBERT C. RICHARDSON Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2007 248 pages, ISBN: 0-262-18260-2 (hbk); $30.00 “Just about anything is consistent with some evolut...
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  • Language and Reality.Menno Lievers - 2021 - In Second Thoughts. Tilburg, Netherlands: pp. 261-277.
    An introduction to philosophy of language since Frege, focusing on the 20th century.
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  • Michael Ruse on science and faith: Seeking mutual understanding.David Wisdo - 2011 - Zygon 46 (3):639-654.
    Abstract. In Science and Spirituality, Michael Ruse attempts to reconcile traditional Christianity and modern science by arguing that Christianity addresses questions that lie beyond the domain of science. I argue that Ruse's solution raises a number of problems that render it unsatisfactory for both the scientist and believer. First, despite his objections to “God of the gaps” arguments, his own strategy for identifying those questions that are beyond the limits of science seems to raise the problem in a new form. (...)
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  • Dismantling Paley’s Watch: Equivocation Regarding the Word “Order” in the Teleological Argument.Randall S. Firestone - 2020 - Open Journal of Philosophy 10 (1):155-186.
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  • Darwin’s Arguments in Favour of Natural Selection and Against Special Creationism.Robert Nola - 2013 - Science & Education 22 (2):149-171.
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  • Methodological naturalism and the truth seeking objection.Erkki Vesa Rope Kojonen - 2017 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 81 (3):335-355.
    Methodological naturalism, the exclusion of the supernatural from the natural sciences, has drawn critique from both proponents of Intelligent Design and some philosophical naturalists who argue that the methods of science can also be used to evaluate supernatural claims. One principal objection to methodological naturalism has been what I call the truth seeking objection. In this article I develop an understanding of methodological naturalism capable of answering the truth seeking objection. I further also argue that methodological naturalism as a convention (...)
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  • How not to attack intelligent design creationism: Philosophical misconceptions about methodological naturalism. [REVIEW]Maarten Boudry, Stefaan Blancke & Johan Braeckman - 2010 - Foundations of Science 15 (3):227-244.
    In recent controversies about Intelligent Design Creationism (IDC), the principle of methodological naturalism (MN) has played an important role. In this paper, an often neglected distinction is made between two different conceptions of MN, each with its respective rationale and with a different view on the proper role of MN in science. According to one popular conception, MN is a self-imposed or intrinsic limitation of science, which means that science is simply not equipped to deal with claims of the supernatural (...)
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  • Spór o możliwość wykrywania projektu w naukach przyrodniczych.Dariusz Sagan - 2015 - Scientia et Fides 3 (1):87-114.
    Controversy over the possibility of detecting design in natural sciences: According to intelligent design theory, certain biological and cosmic phenomena are designed by an intelligent being and this design is scientifically detectable. However, critics refuse to regard this theory as scientific, thereby suggesting that it does not deserve serious discussion in scientific circles. The article presents main methodological objections to intelligent design theory, indicating its unscientific or pseudoscientific character and impossibility of scientific design detection. Critics try to show that this (...)
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  • Naturalistic vs Supernatural Explanations: “Charting” a Course away from a Belief in God by Utilizing Inference to the Best Explanation.Randall S. Firestone - 2014 - Open Journal of Philosophy 4 (3):281-302.
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  • Theology, evolution, and the human mind: How much can biology explain?John F. Haught - 2009 - Zygon 44 (4):921-931.
    Evolutionary biology contributes much to our present understanding of life, and it promises also to deepen our understanding of human intelligence, ethics, and even religion. For some scientific thinkers, however, Darwin's science seems so impressive that it now supplants theology altogether by providing the ultimate explanation of all manifestations of life, not only biologically but also metaphysically. By focusing on human intelligence as an emergent aspect of nature this essay examines the question of whether theology can still have an explanatory (...)
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  • Where’s the Joy in Secularism?Steven Cassedy - 2013 - The European Legacy 18 (3):345-357.
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  • Between complexity and harmony: Peter Harrison on science and religion: Peter Harrison: The territories of science and religion. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2015, xiii+300pp, $30 Cloth.Yiftach Fehige - 2016 - Metascience 25 (3):355-362.
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  • Making Room for Faith: Does Science Exclude Religion?Michael Ruse - 2013 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 37 (1):11-24.
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  • Co-evolving: Judaism and biology.Bradley Shavit Artson - 2011 - Zygon 46 (2):429-445.
    Abstract. Biology has been able to systematize and order its vast information through the theory of evolution, offering the possibility of a more engaged dialogue and possible integration with religious insights and emotions. Using Judaism as a focus, this essay examines ways that contemporary evolutionary theory offers room for balancing freedom and constraint, serendipity and intentionality in ways fruitful to Jewish thought and expression. This essay then looks at a productive integration of Judaism and biology in the examples of co-evolution, (...)
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  • Darwin – What if Man is Only an Animal, After All?Ansgar Beckermann - 2010 - Dialectica 64 (4):467-482.
    According to Darwin, humans, just like other organisms, are not created by any special act. All organisms arise by natural processes from inanimate matter. Humans are no exception. But can it really be the case that even humans are ‘only’ animals – natural beings which (a) are completely made up of natural parts (in the end, of macro-molecules which themselves consist of atoms), and for which it is (b) true that all processes that occur within them are physico-chemical processes? In (...)
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  • Dewey, Religion, and the New Atheism.Robert Sinclair - 2010 - Contemporary Pragmatism 7 (1):93-106.
    This article explores the conflict between those who find value in religious commitment and others who recommend the complete abandonment of religion. It examines John Dewey's reflections on religion in order to assess its possible resources for addressing this specific conflict. Dewey's discussion highlights deep human impulses that a secular perspective should address. But this should be accomplished not through his proposed broadening of religious life, but by promoting these impulses and the community life that responds to them as shared (...)
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  • The Christian core of intelligent design.Sharon Woodill - 2015 - Zygon 50 (2):271-286.
    Intelligent design theorists assert that ID is a scientific theory that is merely consistent with some religious beliefs. Many critics point to the circumstantial evidence of the apparent development of ID from creation science and the affiliation of ID with mainstream evangelical organizations to assert its religious orientation. This article suggests that the position of ID proponents is a substantial understatement, and that beyond the circumstantial evidence of critics, fundamental Christian doctrine constitutes the essence of ID theory. The bulk of (...)
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  • Kitcher’s modest realism: The reconceptualization of scientific objectivity.Antonio Dieguez - 2010 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 101 (1):141-169.
    In Science, Truth, and Democracy (2001a), Kitcher moderates the strongest ontological realist thesis he defended in The Advancement of Science (1993a), with the aim of making compatible the correspondence theory of truth with conceptual relativity. However, it is not clear that both things could be harmonized. If our knowledge of the world is mediated by our categories and concepts; if the selection of these categories and concepts may vary according to our interests, and they are not the consequence of the (...)
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  • On Mathematical Anti-Evolutionism.Jason Rosenhouse - 2016 - Science & Education 25 (1-2):95-114.
    The teaching of evolution in American high schools has long been a source of controversy. The past decade has seen an important shift in the rhetoric of anti-evolutionists, toward arguments of a strongly mathematical character. These mathematical arguments, while different in their specifics, follow the same general program and rely on the same underlying model of evolution. We shall discuss the nature and history of this program and model and describe general reasons for skepticism with regard to any anti-evolutionary arguments (...)
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  • The critique of intelligent design: Epicurus, Marx, Darwin, and Freud and the materialist defense of science. [REVIEW]Brett Clark, John Bellamy Foster & Richard York - 2007 - Theory and Society 36 (6):515-546.
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