- Holistic Engineering Ethics?Eddie Conlon, Diana Adela Martin & Brian Bowe - 2018 - Proceedings of the Engineering Education for Sustainable Development Conference.details
Technology Development as a Normative Practice: A Meaning-Based Approach to Learning About Values in Engineering—Damming as a Case Study.Mahdi G. Nia, Mehdi F. Harandi & Marc J. de Vries - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (1):55-82.details
Promoting Human Subjects Training for Place-Based Communities and Cultural Groups in Environmental Research: Curriculum Approaches for Graduate Student/Faculty Training.Dianne Quigley - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (1):209-226.details
A Systematic Approach to Engineering Ethics Education.Jessica Li & Shengli Fu - 2012 - Science and Engineering Ethics 18 (2):339-349.details
Investigating ethical issues in engineering design.Ibo Poel - 2001 - Science and Engineering Ethics 7 (3):429-446.details
Future directions in engineering ethics research: Microethics, macroethics and the role of professional societies.Joseph R. Herkert - 2001 - Science and Engineering Ethics 7 (3):403-414.details
Ways of thinking about and teaching ethical problem solving: Microethics and macroethics in engineering. [REVIEW]Joseph R. Herkert - 2005 - Science and Engineering Ethics 11 (3):373-385.details
Engineering ethics, individuals, and organizations.Michael Davis - 2006 - Science and Engineering Ethics 12 (2):223-231.details
Collective Responsibility for Oppression: Making Sense of State Apologies and Other Practices.Victor Guerra - 2023 - Dissertation, University of California, Riversidedetails
A Multi-level Review of Engineering Ethics Education: Towards a Socio-technical Orientation of Engineering Education for Ethics.Diana Adela Martin, Eddie Conlon & Brian Bowe - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (5):1-38.details
When Ethics is a Technical Matter: Engineers’ Strategic Appeal to Ethical Considerations in Advocating for System Integrity.Orana Sandri, Sarah Holdsworth, Jan Hayes & Sarah Maslen - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (4):1-19.details
Conceptualizing a Theory of Ethical Behavior in Engineering.Luan Minh Nguyen, Cristina Poleacovschi, Kasey M. Faust, Kate Padgett-Walsh, Scott G. Feinstein & Cassandra J. Rutherford - unknowndetails
Responsibility without Moralism in Technoscientific Design Practice.Jaap Jelsma & Tsjalling Swierstra - 2006 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 31 (3):309-332.details
(1 other version)Using Student Engagement to Relocate Ethics to the Core of the Engineering Curriculum.Mary E. Sunderland - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (6):1771-1788.details
Culture of Disengagement in Engineering Education.Erin A. Cech - 2014 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 39 (1):42-72.details
Second-Guessing Scientists and Engineers: Post Hoc Criticism and the Reform of Practice in Green Chemistry and Engineering.William T. Lynch - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (5):1217-1240.details
Informed decision making about predictive DNA tests: arguments for more public visibility of personal deliberations about the good life. [REVIEW]Marianne Boenink & Simone van der Burg - 2010 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 13 (2):127-138.details
(1 other version)Using Student Engagement to Relocate Ethics to the Core of the Engineering Curriculum.Mary E. Sunderland - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (6):1-18.details
Ethics and Academic Integrity Elements of Ethics in Electrical Engineering.Oana Vasilica Grosu & Eusebiu Toader - 2020 - Postmodern Openings 11 (4):193-206.details
Software engineering standards for epidemiological models.Jack K. Horner & John F. Symons - 2020 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 42 (4):1-24.details
Situating Moral Agency: How Postphenomenology Can Benefit Engineering Ethics.L. Alexandra Morrison - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (3):1377-1401.details
A constructivist approach to the use of case studies in teaching Engineering Ethics.Diana Adela Martin, Eddie Conlon & Brian Bowe - 2017 - Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 715:193-201.details
(1 other version)Taking Emotion Seriously: Meeting Students Where They Are. [REVIEW]Mary E. Sunderland - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics (1):1-13.details
Investigating ethical issues in engineering design.Ibo van de Poel - 2001 - Science and Engineering Ethics 7 (3):429-446.details
Engineering Students as Co-creators in an Ethics of Technology Course.Gunter Bombaerts, Karolina Doulougeri, Shelly Tsui, Erik Laes, Andreas Spahn & Diana Adela Martin - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (4):1-26.details
Confessions of a Shoveler: STS Subcultures and Engineering Ethics.Joseph R. Herkert - 2006 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 26 (5):410-418.details
Engineers’ Moral Responsibility: A Confucian Perspective.Shan Jing & Neelke Doorn - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (1):233-253.details
Ethics and engineering courses at delft university of technology: Contents, educational setup and experiences.I. R. van de Poel, H. Zandvoort & M. Brumsen - 2001 - Science and Engineering Ethics 7 (2):267-282.details
Engineering Ethics Education: A Comparative Study of Japan and Malaysia.Balamuralithara Balakrishnan, Fumihiko Tochinai & Hidekazu Kanemitsu - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (4):1069-1083.details
Engineering Ethics Beyond Engineers' Ethics.Josep M. Basart & Montse Serra - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (1):179-187.details
Responsibility Ascriptions in Technology Development and Engineering: Three Perspectives. [REVIEW]Neelke Doorn - 2012 - Science and Engineering Ethics 18 (1):69-90.details
A Pragmatic Approach to Ethical Decision-Making in Engineering Practice: Characteristics, Evaluation Criteria, and Implications for Instruction and Assessment.Qin Zhu & Brent K. Jesiek - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (3):663-679.details
Scientists’ Ethical Obligations and Social Responsibility for Nanotechnology Research.Elizabeth A. Corley, Youngjae Kim & Dietram A. Scheufele - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (1):111-132.details
Broadening Ethics Teaching in Engineering: Beyond the Individualistic Approach. [REVIEW]Eddie Conlon & Henk Zandvoort - 2011 - Science and Engineering Ethics 17 (2):217-232.details
The golem: Uncertainty and communicating science.Trevor Pinch - 2000 - Science and Engineering Ethics 6 (4):511-523.details
“Ain’t No One Here But Us Social Forces”: Constructing the Professional Responsibility of Engineers. [REVIEW]Michael Davis - 2012 - Science and Engineering Ethics 18 (1):13-34.details
Responsibility in Engineering: Toward a New Role for Engineering Ethicists.Jessica Nihlén Fahlquist & Neelke Doorn - 2010 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 30 (3):222-230.details
COVID-19 pandemic reveals challenges in engineering ethics education.Luan M. Nguyen, Cristina Poleacovschi, Kasey M. Faust, Kate Padgett-Walsh, Scott G. Feinstein, Bobby Vaziri, Michaela LaPatin & Cassandra J. Rutherford - 2023 - International Journal of Ethics Education 8 (1):99-127.details
Editorial: Ethics and Engineering Design.Peter-Paul Verbeek & Ibo van de Poel - 2006 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 31 (3):223-236.details
(1 other version)Taking Emotion Seriously: Meeting Students Where They Are.Mary E. Sunderland - 2014 - Science and Engineering Ethics 20 (1):183-195.details
Rawls’s Wide Reflective Equilibrium as a Method for Engaged Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Potentials and Limitations for the Context of Technological Risks.Behnam Taebi & Neelke Doorn - 2018 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 43 (3):487-517.details
Technology Development as a Normative Practice: A Meaning-Based Approach to Learning About Values in Engineering—Damming as a Case Study.Marc Vries, Mehdi Harandi & Mahdi Nia - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (1):55-82.details
Ethical Risk Management Education in Engineering: A Systematic Review.Yoann Guntzburger, Thierry C. Pauchant & Philippe A. Tanguy - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (2):323-350.details
A professional ethics learning module for use in co-operative education.Cheryl Cates & Bryan Dansberry - 2004 - Science and Engineering Ethics 10 (2):401-407.details