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Epistemic comparativism: a contextualist semantics for knowledge ascriptions.Jonathan Schaffer & Zoltán Gendler Szabó - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 168 (2):491-543.details
Objects and Attitudes.Friederike Moltmann - 2024 - New York: Oxford University Press.details
Generics in Context.Rachel Sterken - 2015 - Philosophers' Imprint 15.details
Copredication and Property Inheritance.David Liebesman & Ofra Magidor - 2017 - Philosophical Issues 27 (1):131-166.details
Necessitarian propositions.Jonathan Schaffer - 2012 - Synthese 189 (1):119-162.details
Modal dispositionalism and necessary perfect masks.Barbara Vetter & Ralf Busse - 2022 - Analysis 82 (1):84-94.details
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(Counter)factual want ascriptions and conditional belief.Thomas Grano & Milo Phillips-Brown - 2022 - Journal of Philosophy 119 (12):641-672.details
Disposition Ascriptions.Simona Aimar - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (7):1667-1692.details
Possibility Semantics.Wesley H. Holliday - 2021 - In Melvin Fitting, Selected Topics From Contemporary Logics. College Publications. pp. 363-476.details
Confessions of a schmentencite: towards an explicit semantics.Jonathan Schaffer - 2021 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 64 (5-6):593-623.details
Variable Objects and Truthmaking.Friederike Moltmann - 2020 - In Mircea Dumitru, Metaphysics, Meaning, and Modality: Themes From Kit Fine. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.details
(1 other version)The Semantic Foundations of Philosophical Analysis.Samuel Elgin - manuscriptdetails
Truthmaker Semantics for Natural Language: Attitude Verbs, Modals, and Intensional Transitive Verbs.Friederike Moltmann - 2020 - Theoretical Linguistics 3:159-200.details
Reply to Fine on Aboutness.Stephen Yablo - 2018 - Philosophical Studies 175 (6):1495-1512.details
Situation Pronouns in Determiner Phrases.Florian Schwarz - 2012 - Natural Language Semantics 20 (4):431-475.details
On similarity in counterfactuals.Ana Arregui - 2009 - Linguistics and Philosophy 32 (3):245-278.details
The Situationalist Account of Change.Martin Pickup - forthcoming - Oxford Studies in Metaphysics.details
Definiteness Projection.Matthew Mandelkern & Daniel Rothschild - 2019 - Natural Language Semantics:1-33.details
Structural Realism or Modal Empiricism?Quentin Ruyant - 2019 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 70 (4):1051-1072.details
Situations, alternatives, and the semantics of ‘cases’.Friederike Moltmann - 2019 - Linguistics and Philosophy 44 (1):1-41.details
The Problem of Cross-world Predication.Alexander W. Kocurek - 2016 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 45 (6):697-742.details
The Stories of Logic and Information.Johan van Benthem, Maricarmen Martinez, David Israel & John Perry - unknowndetails
A plea for inexact truthmaking.Michael Deigan - 2020 - Linguistics and Philosophy 43 (5):515-536.details
Modeling future indeterminacy in possibility semantics.Fabrizio Cariani - manuscriptdetails
Semantic Variance.Martín Abreu Zavaleta - 2018 - Dissertation, New York Universitydetails
Incomplete descriptions and indistinguishable participants.Paul Elbourne - 2016 - Natural Language Semantics 24 (1):1-43.details
Intentional identity and descriptions.William Lanier - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 170 (2):289-302.details
Descriptive Indexicals, Deferred Reference, and Anaphora.Katarzyna Kijania-Placek - 2020 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 62 (1):25-52.details
The Inductive Route Towards Necessity.Quentin Ruyant - 2020 - Acta Analytica 35 (2):147-163.details
Detaching if-clauses from should.Ana Arregui - 2010 - Natural Language Semantics 18 (3):241-293.details
Tolerant reasoning: nontransitive or nonmonotonic?Pablo Cobreros, Paul Egré, Dave Ripley & Robert van Rooij - 2017 - Synthese 199 (Suppl 3):681-705.details
(1 other version)What the States of Truthmaker Semantics Could (Not) Be.Francisca Silva - 2024 - Topoi.details
Unsettledness in times of change.Martin Pickup - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2):1-20.details
Situation economy.Ezra Keshet - 2010 - Natural Language Semantics 18 (4):385-434.details
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Domain restriction: the problem of the variable location revisited.Diego Feinmann - 2022 - Linguistics and Philosophy 45 (5):1197-1226.details
What ‘the number of planets is eight’ means.Robert Knowles - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (10):2757-2775.details
Cognition in Practice: Conceptual Development and Disagreement in Cognitive Science.Mikio Akagi - 2016 - Dissertation, University of Pittsburghdetails
Outline of an Object-Based Truthmaker Semantics for Modals and Propositional Attitudes.Friederike Moltmann - 2025 - In Peter van Elswyk, Dirk Kindermann, Cameron Domenico Kirk-Giannini & Andy Egan, Unstructured Content. Oxford University Press.details
Steps towards a semantics of dance.Pritty Patel Grosz, Patrick Georg Grosz, Tejaswinee Kelkar & Alexander Refsum Jensenius - 2022 - Journal of Semantics 39 (4).details
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The Many Facets of Trust.Riccardo Baratella, Glenda Amaral, Tiago Prince Sales, Renata Guizzardi & Giancarlo Guizzardi - 1998 - In Nicola Guarino, Formal Ontology in Information Systems. IOS Press.details
The situations-based approach to deep worldly indeterminacy.George Darby & Martin Pickup - 2022 - In Valia Allori, Quantum Mechanics and Fundamentality: Naturalizing Quantum Theory between Scientific Realism and Ontological Indeterminacy. Cham: Springer.details
The Semantics of Implicit Content.Dan Zeman - 2011 - Dissertation, University of Barcelonadetails
The Use of the Binding Argument in the Debate about Location.Dan Zeman - 2017 - In Sarah-Jane Conrad & Klaus Petrus, Meaning, Context, and Methodology. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 191-212.details
Constructing Situations and Time.Tim Fernando - 2011 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 40 (3):371 - 396.details