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  1. Meaning Approached Via Proofs.Dag Prawitz - 2006 - Synthese 148 (3):507-524.
    According to a main idea of Gentzen the meanings of the logical constants are reflected by the introduction rules in his system of natural deduction. This idea is here understood as saying roughly that a closed argument ending with an introduction is valid provided that its immediate subarguments are valid and that other closed arguments are justified to the extent that they can be brought to introduction form. One main part of the paper is devoted to the exact development of (...)
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  • On the idea of a general proof theory.Dag Prawitz - 1974 - Synthese 27 (1-2):63 - 77.
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  • Advances in Proof-Theoretic Semantics.Peter Schroeder-Heister & Thomas Piecha (eds.) - 2015 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    This volume is the first ever collection devoted to the field of proof-theoretic semantics. Contributions address topics including the systematics of introduction and elimination rules and proofs of normalization, the categorial characterization of deductions, the relation between Heyting's and Gentzen's approaches to meaning, knowability paradoxes, proof-theoretic foundations of set theory, Dummett's justification of logical laws, Kreisel's theory of constructions, paradoxical reasoning, and the defence of model theory. The field of proof-theoretic semantics has existed for almost 50 years, but the term (...)
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  • Constructions, proofs and the meaning of logical constants.Göran Sundholm - 1983 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 12 (2):151 - 172.
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  • Peter Schroeder-Heister on Proof-Theoretic Semantics.Thomas Piecha & Kai F. Wehmeier (eds.) - 2024 - Springer.
    This open access book is a superb collection of some fifteen chapters inspired by Schroeder-Heister's groundbreaking work, written by leading experts in the field, plus an extensive autobiography and comments on the various contributions by Schroeder-Heister himself. For several decades, Peter Schroeder-Heister has been a central figure in proof-theoretic semantics, a field of study situated at the interface of logic, theoretical computer science, natural-language semantics, and the philosophy of language. -/- The chapters of which this book is composed discuss the (...)
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  • Remarks on some approaches to the concept of logical consequence.Dag Prawitz - 1985 - Synthese 62 (2):153 - 171.
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  • Brouwerian intuitionism.Michael Detlefsen - 1990 - Mind 99 (396):501-534.
    The aims of this paper are twofold: firstly, to say something about that philosophy of mathematics known as 'intuitionism' and, secondly, to fit these remarks into a more general message for the philosophy of mathematics as a whole. What I have to say on the first score can, without too much inaccuracy, be compressed into two theses. The first is that the intuitionistic critique of classical mathematics can be seen as based primarily on epistemological rather than on meaning-theoretic considerations. The (...)
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  • On Different Ways of Being Equal.Bruno Bentzen - 2020 - Erkenntnis 87 (4):1809-1830.
    The aim of this paper is to present a constructive solution to Frege's puzzle (largely limited to the mathematical context) based on type theory. Two ways in which an equality statement may be said to have cognitive significance are distinguished. One concerns the mode of presentation of the equality, the other its mode of proof. Frege's distinction between sense and reference, which emphasizes the former aspect, cannot adequately explain the cognitive significance of equality statements unless a clear identity criterion for (...)
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  • Intuitionistic epistemic logic.Sergei Artemov & Tudor Protopopescu - 2016 - Review of Symbolic Logic 9 (2):266-298.
    We outline an intuitionistic view of knowledge which maintains the original Brouwer–Heyting–Kolmogorov semantics for intuitionism and is consistent with the well-known approach that intuitionistic knowledge be regarded as the result of verification. We argue that on this view coreflectionA→KAis valid and the factivity of knowledge holds in the formKA→ ¬¬A‘known propositions cannot be false’.We show that the traditional form of factivityKA→Ais a distinctly classical principle which, liketertium non datur A∨ ¬A, does not hold intuitionistically, but, along with the whole of (...)
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  • The Seeming Interdependence Between the Concepts of Valid Inference and Proof.Dag Prawitz - 2019 - Topoi 38 (3):493-503.
    We may try to explain proofs as chains of valid inference, but the concept of validity needed in such an explanation cannot be the traditional one. For an inference to be legitimate in a proof it must have sufficient epistemic power, so that the proof really justifies its final conclusion. However, the epistemic concepts used to account for this power are in their turn usually explained in terms of the concept of proof. To get out of this circle we may (...)
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  • A Note on Synonymy in Proof-Theoretic Semantics.Heinrich Wansing - 2024 - In Thomas Piecha & Kai F. Wehmeier (eds.), Peter Schroeder-Heister on Proof-Theoretic Semantics. Springer. pp. 339-362.
    The topic of identity of proofs was put on the agenda of general (or structural) proof theory at an early stage. The relevant question is: When are the differences between two distinct proofs (understood as linguistic entities, proof figures) of one and the same formula so inessential that it is justified to identify the two proofs? The paper addresses another question: When are the differences between two distinct formulas so inessential that these formulas admit of identical proofs? The question appears (...)
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  • Proof Theory and Meaning.B. G. Sundholm - unknown
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  • From the Knowability Paradox to the existence of proofs.W. Dean & H. Kurokawa - 2010 - Synthese 176 (2):177 - 225.
    The Knowability Paradox purports to show that the controversial but not patently absurd hypothesis that all truths are knowable entails the implausible conclusion that all truths are known. The notoriety of this argument owes to the negative light it appears to cast on the view that there can be no verification-transcendent truths. We argue that it is overly simplistic to formalize the views of contemporary verificationists like Dummett, Prawitz or Martin-Löf using the sort of propositional modal operators which are employed (...)
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  • On Paradoxes in Normal Form.Mattia Petrolo & Paolo Pistone - 2019 - Topoi 38 (3):605-617.
    A proof-theoretic test for paradoxicality was famously proposed by Tennant: a paradox must yield a closed derivation of absurdity with no normal form. Drawing on the remark that all derivations of a given proposition can be transformed into derivations in normal form of a logically equivalent proposition, we investigate the possibility of paradoxes in normal form. We compare paradoxes à la Tennant and paradoxes in normal form from the viewpoint of the computational interpretation of proofs and from the viewpoint of (...)
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  • Proofs, Grounds and Empty Functions: Epistemic Compulsion in Prawitz’s Semantics.Antonio Piccolomini D’Aragona - 2021 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 51 (2):249-281.
    Prawitz has recently developed a theory of epistemic grounding that differs in many respects from his earlier semantics of arguments and proofs. An innovative approach to inferences yields a new conception of the intertwinement of the notions of valid inference and proof. We aim at singling out three reasons that may have led Prawitz to the ground-theoretic turn, i.e.: a better order in the explanation of the relation between valid inferences and proofs; a notion of valid inference based on which (...)
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  • Maddy On The Multiverse.Claudio Ternullo - 2019 - In Stefania Centrone, Deborah Kant & Deniz Sarikaya (eds.), Reflections on the Foundations of Mathematics: Univalent Foundations, Set Theory and General Thoughts. Springer Verlag. pp. 43-78.
    Penelope Maddy has recently addressed the set-theoretic multiverse, and expressed reservations on its status and merits ([Maddy, 2017]). The purpose of the paper is to examine her concerns, by using the interpretative framework of set-theoretic naturalism. I first distinguish three main forms of 'multiversism', and then I proceed to analyse Maddy's concerns. Among other things, I take into account salient aspects of multiverse-related mathematics , in particular, research programmes in set theory for which the use of the multiverse seems to (...)
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  • Inference and Epistemic Transparency.Gabriele Usberti - 2019 - Topoi 38 (3):517-530.
    In his paper “Explaining Deductive Inference” Prawitz states what he calls «a fundamental problem of logic and the philosophy of logic»: the problem of explaining «Why do certain inferences have the epistemic power to confer evidence on the conclusion when applied to premisses for which there is evidence already?». In this paper I suggest a way of articulating, and partly modifying, the intuitionistic answer to this problem in such a way as to both answer Prawitz’s problem and satisfy a requirement (...)
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  • Godel's interpretation of intuitionism.William Tait - 2006 - Philosophia Mathematica 14 (2):208-228.
    Gödel regarded the Dialectica interpretation as giving constructive content to intuitionism, which otherwise failed to meet reasonable conditions of constructivity. He founded his theory of primitive recursive functions, in which the interpretation is given, on the concept of computable function of finite type. I will (1) criticize this foundation, (2) propose a quite different one, and (3) note that essentially the latter foundation also underlies the Curry-Howard type theory, and hence Heyting's intuitionistic conception of logic. Thus the Dialectica interpretation (in (...)
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  • The intended interpretation of intuitionistic logic.Scott Weinstein - 1983 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 12 (2):261 - 270.
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  • Necessity of Thought.Cesare Cozzo - 2014 - In Heinrich Wansing (ed.), Dag Prawitz on Proofs and Meaning. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. pp. 101-20.
    The concept of “necessity of thought” plays a central role in Dag Prawitz’s essay “Logical Consequence from a Constructivist Point of View” (Prawitz 2005). The theme is later developed in various articles devoted to the notion of valid inference (Prawitz, 2009, forthcoming a, forthcoming b). In section 1 I explain how the notion of necessity of thought emerges from Prawitz’s analysis of logical consequence. I try to expound Prawitz’s views concerning the necessity of thought in sections 2, 3 and 4. (...)
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  • Godel's unpublished papers on foundations of mathematics.W. W. Tatt - 2001 - Philosophia Mathematica 9 (1):87-126.
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  • Dag Prawitz on Proofs, Operations and Grounding.Antonio Piccolomini D’ Aragona - 2019 - Topoi 38 (3):531-550.
    Dag Prawitz’s theory of grounds proposes a fresh approach to valid inferences. Its main aim is to clarify nature and reasons of their epistemic power. The notion of ground is taken to denote what one is in possession of when in a state of evidence, and valid inferences are described in terms of operations that make us pass from grounds we already have to new grounds. Thanks to a rigorously developed proof-as-chains conception, the ground-theoretic framework permits Prawitz to overcome some (...)
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  • The proper explanation of intuitionistic logic: on Brouwer's demonstration of the Bar Theorem.Mark van Atten & Göran Sundholm - 2008 - In Mark van Atten, Pascal Boldini, Michel Bourdeau & Gerhard Heinzmann (eds.), One Hundred Years of Intuitionism : The Cerisy Conference. Birkhäuser Basel. pp. 60-77.
    Brouwer's demonstration of his Bar Theorem gives rise to provocative questions regarding the proper explanation of the logical connectives within intuitionistic and constructivist frameworks, respectively, and, more generally, regarding the role of logic within intuitionism. It is the purpose of the present note to discuss a number of these issues, both from an historical, as well as a systematic point of view.
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  • Montague’s Paradox, Informal Provability, and Explicit Modal Logic.Walter Dean - 2014 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 55 (2):157-196.
    The goal of this paper is to explore the significance of Montague’s paradox—that is, any arithmetical theory $T\supseteq Q$ over a language containing a predicate $P$ satisfying $P\rightarrow \varphi $ and $T\vdash \varphi \,\therefore\,T\vdash P$ is inconsistent—as a limitative result pertaining to the notions of formal, informal, and constructive provability, in their respective historical contexts. To this end, the paradox is reconstructed in a quantified extension $\mathcal {QLP}$ of Artemov’s logic of proofs. $\mathcal {QLP}$ contains both explicit modalities $t:\varphi $ (...)
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  • The Paradox of the Knower revisited.Walter Dean & Hidenori Kurokawa - 2014 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 165 (1):199-224.
    The Paradox of the Knower was originally presented by Kaplan and Montague [26] as a puzzle about the everyday notion of knowledge in the face of self-reference. The paradox shows that any theory extending Robinson arithmetic with a predicate K satisfying the factivity axiom K → A as well as a few other epistemically plausible principles is inconsistent. After surveying the background of the paradox, we will focus on a recent debate about the role of epistemic closure principles in the (...)
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  • (1 other version)Dag Prawitz on Proofs and Meaning.Heinrich Wansing (ed.) - 2014 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
    This volume is dedicated to Prof. Dag Prawitz and his outstanding contributions to philosophical and mathematical logic. Prawitz's eminent contributions to structural proof theory, or general proof theory, as he calls it, and inference-based meaning theories have been extremely influential in the development of modern proof theory and anti-realistic semantics. In particular, Prawitz is the main author on natural deduction in addition to Gerhard Gentzen, who defined natural deduction in his PhD thesis published in 1934. The book opens with an (...)
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  • Self-referentiality of Brouwer–Heyting–Kolmogorov semantics.Junhua Yu - 2014 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 165 (1):371-388.
    The Gödel–Artemov framework offered a formalization of the Brouwer–Heyting–Kolmogorov semantics of intuitionistic logic via classical proofs. In this framework, the intuitionistic propositional logic IPC is embedded in the modal logic S4, S4 is realized in the Logic of Proofs LP, and LP has a provability interpretation in Peano Arithmetic. Self-referential LP-formulas of the type ‘t is a proof of a formula ϕ containing t itself’ are permitted in the realization of S4 in LP, and if such formulas are indeed involved, (...)
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  • Odel's dialectica interpretation and its two-way stretch.Solomon Feferman - manuscript
    In 1958, G¨ odel published in the journal Dialectica an interpretation of intuitionistic number theory in a quantifier-free theory of functionals of finite type; this subsequently came to be known as G¨ odel’s functional or Dialectica interpretation. The article itself was written in German for an issue of that journal in honor of Paul Bernays’ 70th birthday. In 1965, Bernays told G¨.
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  • Semantics and the Justification of Deductive Inference.Ebba Gullberg & Sten Lindström - 2007 - Hommage À Wlodek: Philosophical Papers Dedicated to Wlodek Rabinowicz.
    Is it possible to give a justification of our own practice of deductive inference? The purpose of this paper is to explain what such a justification might consist in and what its purpose could be. On the conception that we are going to pursue, to give a justification for a deductive practice means to explain in terms of an intuitively satisfactory notion of validity why the inferences that conform to the practice coincide with the valid ones. That is, a justification (...)
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  • Inference Rules and the Meaning of the Logical Constants.Hermógenes Oliveira - 2019 - Dissertation, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
    The dissertation provides an analysis and elaboration of Michael Dummett's proof-theoretic notions of validity. Dummett's notions of validity are contrasted with standard proof-theoretic notions and formally evaluated with respect to their adequacy to propositional intuitionistic logic.
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  • Intuitionism and the anti-justification of bivalence.Peter Pagin - 2008 - Philosophical Explorations.
    forthcoming in S. Lindström, E. Palmgren, K. Segerberg, and V. Stoltenberg-Hansen (eds) Logicism, Intuitionism, and Formalism — What has Become of Them?, Synthese Library, Springer. Pdf file.
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  • Epistemology Versus Ontology: Essays on the Philosophy and Foundations of Mathematics in Honour of Per Martin-Löf.Peter Dybjer, Sten Lindström, Erik Palmgren & Göran Sundholm (eds.) - 2012 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    This book brings together philosophers, mathematicians and logicians to penetrate important problems in the philosophy and foundations of mathematics. In philosophy, one has been concerned with the opposition between constructivism and classical mathematics and the different ontological and epistemological views that are reflected in this opposition. The dominant foundational framework for current mathematics is classical logic and set theory with the axiom of choice. This framework is, however, laden with philosophical difficulties. One important alternative foundational programme that is actively pursued (...)
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  • Truth, proofs and functions.Jean Fichot - 2003 - Synthese 137 (1-2):43 - 58.
    There are two different ways to introduce the notion of truthin constructive mathematics. The first one is to use a Tarskian definition of truth in aconstructive (meta)language. According to some authors, (Kreisel, van Dalen, Troelstra ... ),this definition is entirely similar to the Tarskian definition of classical truth (thesis A).The second one, due essentially to Heyting and Kolmogorov, and known as theBrouwer–Heyting–Kolmogorov interpretation, is to explain informally what it means fora mathematical proposition to be constructively proved. According to other authors (...)
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  • Some Obstacles Facing a Semantic Foundation for Constructive Mathematics.Michael R. Koss - 2015 - Erkenntnis 80 (5):1055-1068.
    This paper discusses Michael Dummett’s attempt to base the use of intuitionistic logic in mathematics on a proof-conditional semantics. This project is shown to face significant obstacles resulting from the existence of variants of standard intuitionistic logic. In order to overcome these obstacles, Dummett and his followers must give an intuitionistically acceptable completeness proof for intuitionistic logic relative to the BHK interpretation of the logical constants, but there are reasons to doubt that such a proof is possible. The paper concludes (...)
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  • logicism, intuitionism, and formalism - What has become of them?Sten Lindstr©œm, Erik Palmgren, Krister Segerberg & Viggo Stoltenberg-Hansen (eds.) - 2008 - Berlin, Germany: Springer.
    The period in the foundations of mathematics that started in 1879 with the publication of Frege's Begriffsschrift and ended in 1931 with Gödel's Über formal unentscheidbare Sätze der Principia Mathematica und verwandter Systeme I can reasonably be called the classical period. It saw the development of three major foundational programmes: the logicism of Frege, Russell and Whitehead, the intuitionism of Brouwer, and Hilbert's formalist and proof-theoretic programme. In this period, there were also lively exchanges between the various schools culminating in (...)
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  • Judgement and the Epistemic Foundation of Logic.Maria van der Schaar (ed.) - 2012 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    This compelling reevaluation of the relationship between logic and knowledge affirms the key role that the notion of judgement must play in such a review. The commentary repatriates the concept of judgement in the discussion, banished in recent times by the logical positivism of Wittgenstein, Hilbert and Schlick, and the Platonism of Bolzano. The volume commences with the insights of Swedish philosopher Per Martin-Löf, the father of constructive type theory, for whom logic is a demonstrative science in which judgement is (...)
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  • Proof and canonical proof.Bernhard Weiss - 1997 - Synthese 113 (2):265-284.
    Certain anti-realisms about mathematics are distinguished by their taking proof rather than truth as the central concept in the account of the meaning of mathematical statements. This notion of proof which is meaning determining or canonical must be distinguished from a notion of demonstration as more generally conceived. This paper raises a set of objections to Dummett's characterisation of the notion via the notion of a normalised natural deduction proof. The main complaint is that Dummett's use of normalised natural deduction (...)
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  • Constructive mathematics and quantum mechanics: Unbounded operators and the spectral theorem. [REVIEW]Geoffrey Hellman - 1993 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 22 (3):221 - 248.
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  • Intuitionism: An introduction to a seminar. [REVIEW]Charles McCarty - 1983 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 12 (2):105 - 149.
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  • Enrico Martino, Intuitionistic Proof Versus Classical Truth: The Role of Brouwer’s Creative Subject in Intuitionistic Mathematics, Springer, 2018: Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science, vol. 42, pp. 170 + XIII. ISBN 978-3-319-74356-1 EUR 93,59, 978-3-030-08971-9 EUR 93,59,ISBN 978-3-319-74357-8 EUR 74,96. [REVIEW]Peter Fletcher - 2019 - Studia Logica 107 (4):845-851.
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