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The sanctity-of-life doctrine in medicine: a critique

New York: Oxford University Press (1987)

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  1. Being a Person and Acting as a Person.Grzegorz Hołub - 2008 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 13 (2):267-282.
    The article is primarily concerned with the ambiguities which surround the concept of the person. According to the philosophical tradition taking its roots from Locke's definition, personhood depends on consciousness. Therefore, “personhood” can be ascribed to different entities, and only these entities acquire a moral standing. This can entail that a human being may or may not be considered as a person, as well as higher animals and even artificial machines. Everything depends on manifest personal characteristics. In order to sort (...)
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  • Quantum Theory Methods as a Possible Alternative for the Double-Blind Gold Standard of Evidence-Based Medicine: Outlining a New Research Program.Diederik Aerts, Lester Beltran, Suzette Geriente, Massimiliano Sassoli de Bianchi, Sandro Sozzo, Rembrandt Van Sprundel & Tomas Veloz - 2019 - Foundations of Science 24 (2):217-225.
    We motivate the possibility of using notions and methods derived from quantum physics, and more specifically from the research field known as ‘quantum cognition’, to optimally model different situations in the field of medicine, its decision-making processes and ensuing practices, particularly in relation to chronic and rare diseases. This also as a way to devise alternative approaches to the generally adopted double-blind gold standard.
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  • Letter of reply to Howard Liss, M.D.: On DNR orders.Edmund L. Erde - 1990 - HEC Forum 2 (6):399-401.
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  • Idealist Origins: 1920s and Before.Martin Davies & Stein Helgeby - 2014 - In Graham Oppy & Nick Trakakis (eds.), History of Philosophy in Australia and New Zealand. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 15-54.
    This paper explores early Australasian philosophy in some detail. Two approaches have dominated Western philosophy in Australia: idealism and materialism. Idealism was prevalent between the 1880s and the 1930s, but dissipated thereafter. Idealism in Australia often reflected Kantian themes, but it also reflected the revival of interest in Hegel through the work of ‘absolute idealists’ such as T. H. Green, F. H. Bradley, and Henry Jones. A number of the early New Zealand philosophers were also educated in the idealist tradition (...)
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  • Two Ways to Kill a Patient.Ben Bronner - 2018 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 43 (1):44-63.
    According to the Standard View, a doctor who withdraws life-sustaining treatment does not kill the patient but rather allows the patient to die—an important distinction, according to some. I argue that killing can be understood in either of two ways, and given the relevant understanding, the Standard View is insulated from typical criticisms. I conclude by noting several problems for the Standard View that remain to be fully addressed.
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  • Knowing, Anticipating, Even Facilitating but Still not Intending: Another Challenge to Double Effect Reasoning.S. Duckett - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (1):33-37.
    A recent administrative law decision in Victoria, Australia, applied double effect reasoning in a novel way. Double effect reasoning has hitherto been used to legitimate treatments which may shorten life but where the intent of treatment is pain relief. The situation reviewed by the Victorian tribunal went further, supporting actions where a doctor agrees to provide pentobarbitone to a patient at some time in the future if the patient feels at that time that his pain is unbearable and he wants (...)
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  • A Reply to Fr. Barry.Helga Kuhse - 1987 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 15 (3):163-164.
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  • Normative and descriptive consequentialism.Jonathan St B. T. Evans - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (1):15-16.
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  • Nonconsequentialist decisions.Jonathan Baron - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (1):1-10. Translated by Jonathan Baron.
    According to a simple form of consequentialism, we should base decisions on our judgments about their consequences for achieving our goals. Our goals give us reason to endorse consequentialism as a standard of decision making. Alternative standards invariably lead to consequences that are less good in this sense. Yet some people knowingly follow decision rules that violate consequentialism. For example, they prefer harmful omissions to less harmful acts, they favor the status quo over alternatives they would otherwise judge to be (...)
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  • The principle of double effect as a guide for medical decision-making.Georg Spielthenner - 2008 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 11 (4):465-473.
    Many medical interventions have both negative and positive effects. When health care professionals cannot achieve a particular desired good result without bringing about some bad effects also they often rely on double-effect reasoning to justify their decisions. The principle of double effect is therefore an important guide for ethical decision-making in medicine. At the same time, however, it is a very controversial tool for resolving complex ethical problems that has been criticized by many authors. For these reasons, I examine in (...)
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  • Terminale Sedierung, Sterbehilfe und kausale Rollen.Prof Dr Phil Dieter Birnbacher - 2004 - Ethik in der Medizin 16 (4):358-368.
    Während die terminale Sedierung neueren niederländischen Erhebungen zufolge bereits in mehr als 5% aller Sterbefälle zur Leidensminderung am Lebensende angewandt wird, sind viele der durch dieses Verfahren aufgeworfenen begrifflichen und ethischen Fragen weiterhin offen. Kontrovers ist insbesondere die begriffliche Einordnung der Kombination von terminaler Sedierung und Behandlungsabbruch sowie die Frage nach den dafür einschlägigen ethischen Kriterien. Ausgehend von einer Analyse von drei Szenarien mit unterschiedlicher kausaler Rollenverteilung argumentiere ich dafür, den Standardfall der Kombination von terminaler Sedierung und Behandlungsabbruch unter die (...)
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  • New Legal Moralism: Some Strengths and Challenges.Thomas Søbirk Petersen - 2010 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 4 (2):215-232.
    The aim of this paper is to critically discuss the plausibility of legal moralism with an emphasis on some central and recent versions. First, this paper puts forward and defends the thesis that recently developed varieties of legal moralism promoted by Robert P. George, John Kekes and Michael Moore are more plausible than Lord Devlin's traditional account. The main argument for this thesis is that in its more modern versions legal moralism is immune to some of the forceful challenges made (...)
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  • Doctrine of double effect.Alison McIntyre - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    The doctrine (or principle) of double effect is often invoked to explain the permissibility of an action that causes a serious harm, such as the death of a human being, as a side effect of promoting some good end. According to the principle of double effect, sometimes it is permissible to cause a harm as a side effect (or “double effect”) of bringing about a good result even though it would not be permissible to cause such a harm as a (...)
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  • “Sanctity-of-Life“—A Bioethical Principle for a Right to Life?Heike Baranzke - 2012 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 15 (3):295-308.
    For about five decades the phrase “sanctity-of-life“ has been part of the Anglo-American biomedical ethical discussion related to abortion and end-of-life questions. Nevertheless, the concept’s origin and meaning are unclear. Much controversy is based on the mistaken assumption that the concept denotes the absolute value of human life and thus dictates a strict prohibition on euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide. In this paper, I offer an analysis of the religious and philosophical history of the idea of “sanctity-of-life.” Drawing on biblical texts (...)
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  • Mental Illness, Lack of Autonomy, and Physician-Assisted Death.Jukka Varelius - 2015 - In Jukka Varelius & Michael Cholbi (eds.), New Directions in the Ethics of Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 59-77.
    In this chapter, I consider the idea that physician-assisted death might come into question in the cases of psychiatric patients who are incapable of making autonomous choices about ending their lives. I maintain that the main arguments for physician-assisted death found in recent medical ethical literature support physician-assisted death in some of those cases. After assessing several possible criticisms of what I have argued, I conclude that the idea that physicianassisted death can be acceptable in some cases of psychiatric patients (...)
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  • Assessing animal welfare: Design versus Performance criteria.Jeffrey Rushen - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (4):758-758.
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  • Side effects: Limitations of human rationality.Keith Oatley - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (1):24-25.
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  • Some examples of nonconsequentialist decisions.Gerald M. Phillips - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (1):25-26.
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  • The moral status of stem cells.Agata Sagan & Peter Singer - 2007 - Metaphilosophy 38 (2-3):264–284.
    What moral status should we attribute to stem cells? To answer this neglected question, we look in this essay at the properties of embryos and other entities that could develop into beings who have uncontested moral status, namely, adult humans. Our analysis indicates that those who grant moral status to embryos should also grant it to stem cells. This has implications that verge on absurdity, since even if we were to try to do what we can to protect these entities, (...)
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  • Moral status and the treatment of dissociative identity disorder.Timothy J. Bayne - 2002 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 27 (1):87-105.
    Many contemporary bioethicists claim that the possession of certain psychological properties is sufficient for having full moral status. I will call this thepsychological approach to full moral status. In this paper, I argue that there is a significant tension between the psychological approach and a widely held model of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID, formerly Multiple Personality Disorder). According to this model, the individual personalities or alters that belong to someone with DID possess those properties that proponents of the psychological approach (...)
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  • Dying like a dog: the convergence of concepts of a good death in human and veterinary medicine.Felicitas Selter, Kirsten Persson, Johanna Risse, Peter Kunzmann & Gerald Neitzke - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 25 (1):73-86.
    Standard views of good death in human and veterinary medicine considerably differ from one another. Whereas the good death ideal in palliative medicine emphasizes the positive aspects of non-induced dying, veterinarians typically promote a quick and painless killing with the aim to end suffering. Recent developments suggest a convergence of both professions and professional attitudes, however. Palliative physicians are confronted with patients wishing to be ‘put to sleep’, while veterinarians have begun to integrate principles and practices from hospice care. We (...)
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  • Eliminating ‘ life worth living’.Fumagalli Roberto - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 175 (3):769-792.
    This article argues for the elimination of the concept of life worth living from philosophical vocabulary on three complementary grounds. First, the basic components of this concept suffer from multiple ambiguities, which hamper attempts to ground informative evaluative and classificatory judgments about the worth of life. Second, the criteria proposed to track the extension of the concept of life worth living rest on unsupported axiological assumptions and fail to identify precise and plausible referents for this concept. And third, the concept (...)
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  • Consequences of consequentialism.Rick Grush - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (1):18-19.
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  • Bibliography on the Principle of Double Effect.Jörg Schroth - 2011 - Ethik Seite.
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  • (1 other version)Terminal sedation, euthanasia, and causal roles.Dieter Birnbacher - 2004 - Ethik in der Medizin 16 (4):358-368.
    ZusammenfassungWährend die terminale Sedierung neueren niederländischen Erhebungen zufolge bereits in mehr als 5% aller Sterbefälle zur Leidensminderung am Lebensende angewandt wird, sind viele der durch dieses Verfahren aufgeworfenen begrifflichen und ethischen Fragen weiterhin offen. Kontrovers ist insbesondere die begriffliche Einordnung der Kombination von terminaler Sedierung und Behandlungsabbruch sowie die Frage nach den dafür einschlägigen ethischen Kriterien. Ausgehend von einer Analyse von drei Szenarien mit unterschiedlicher kausaler Rollenverteilung argumentiere ich dafür, den Standardfall der Kombination von terminaler Sedierung und Behandlungsabbruch unter die (...)
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  • Toward positive animal welfare.Clive Hollands - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (4):757-758.
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  • Broadening the base for bringing cognitive psychology to bear on ethics.Peter Railton - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (1):27-28.
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  • What goals are to count?Mark D. Spranca - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (1):29-30.
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  • Inappropriate judgements: Slips, mistakes or violations?Peter Ayton & Nigel Harvey - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (1):12-12.
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  • On strangerism and speciesism.J. A. Gray - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (4):756-757.
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  • The consequences of taking consequentialism seriously.Philip E. Tetlock - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (1):31-32.
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  • Three reservations about consequentialism.Hal R. Arkes - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (1):11-12.
    According to a simple form of consequentialism, we should base decision on our judgments about their consequences for achieving out goals. Our goals give us reason to endorse consequentialism as a standard of decision making. Alternative standards invariably lead to consequences that are less good in this sense. Yet some people knowingly follow decision rules that violate consequentialism. For example, they prefer harmful omissions to less harmful acts, they favor the status quo over alternatives they would otherwise judge to be (...)
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  • Moral errors.Clark Glymour - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (1):17-18.
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  • Euthanasia and physicians' moral duties.Gary Seay - 2005 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 30 (5):517 – 533.
    Opponents of euthanasia sometimes argue that it is incompatible with the purpose of medicine, since physicians have an unconditional duty never to intentionally cause death. But it is not clear how such a duty could ever actually be unconditional, if due consideration is given to the moral weight of countervailing duties equally fundamental to medicine. Whether physicians' moral duties are understood as correlative with patients' moral rights or construed noncorrelatively, a doctor's obligation to abstain from intentional killing cannot be more (...)
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  • Can life be evaluated? The jewish halachic approach vs. the quality of life approach in medical ethics: A critical view.Raphael Cohen-Almagor & Merav Shmueli - 2000 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 21 (2):117-137.
    In recent years there has been an increase in the number of requests formercy killings by patients and their relatives. Under certain conditions,the patient may prefer death to a life devoid of quality. In contrast to thosewho uphold this quality of life approach, those who hold the sanctity oflife approach claim that life has intrinsic value and must be preservedregardless of its quality. This essay describes these two approaches,examines their flaws, and offers a golden path between the two extremepositions.We discuss (...)
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  • Actions, inactions and the temporal dimension.Karl Halvor Teigen - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (1):30-31.
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  • The notion of “killing”. Causality, intention, and motivation in active and passive euthanasia.Thomas Fuchs - 1998 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 1 (3):245-253.
    As a new approach to the still unsettled problem of a morally significant difference between active and passive euthanasia, the meanings of the notion of killing are distinguished on the levels of causality, intention, and motivation. This distinction allows a thorough analysis and refutation of arguments for the equality of killing and letting die which are often put forward in the euthanasia debate. Moreover, an investigation into the structure of the physician's action on those three levels yields substantial differences between (...)
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  • (1 other version)Terminale Sedierung, Sterbehilfe und kausale Rollen.Dieter Birnbacher - 2004 - Ethik in der Medizin 16 (4):358-368.
    ZusammenfassungWährend die terminale Sedierung neueren niederländischen Erhebungen zufolge bereits in mehr als 5% aller Sterbefälle zur Leidensminderung am Lebensende angewandt wird, sind viele der durch dieses Verfahren aufgeworfenen begrifflichen und ethischen Fragen weiterhin offen. Kontrovers ist insbesondere die begriffliche Einordnung der Kombination von terminaler Sedierung und Behandlungsabbruch sowie die Frage nach den dafür einschlägigen ethischen Kriterien. Ausgehend von einer Analyse von drei Szenarien mit unterschiedlicher kausaler Rollenverteilung argumentiere ich dafür, den Standardfall der Kombination von terminaler Sedierung und Behandlungsabbruch unter die (...)
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  • Humans' use of animals: On the horns of a moral dilemma.Brian Everill - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (4):756-756.
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  • The pervasiveness of species bias.Peter Singer - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (4):759-761.
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  • Normative, descriptive and prescriptive responses.Jonathan Baron - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (1):32-42.
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  • Sanctity of life : exploring its significance in modern medicine and bioethics.Fabián Andrés Ballesteros Gallego - unknown
    This thesis explores the concept of "Sanctity of Life" from the perspective of what "life," in particular human life, means today. With the rapid advances in science and modern medical practice, the concept of life has undergone many changes, shaking the foundations of what before made us view life as sacred. Modern thought has brought new forms of understanding to the concept of life.
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  • End-of-life decisions and moral psychology: Killing, letting die, intention and foresight. [REVIEW]Charles Douglas - 2009 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 6 (3):337-347.
    In contemplating any life and death moral dilemma, one is often struck by the possible importance of two distinctions; the distinction between killing and “letting die”, and the distinction between an intentional killing and an action aimed at some other outcome that causes death as a foreseen but unintended “side-effect”. Many feel intuitively that these distinctions are morally significant, but attempts to explain why this might be so have been unconvincing. In this paper, I explore the problem from an explicitly (...)
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  • Baby K: Medical Futility and the Free Exercise of Religion.Stephen G. Post - 1995 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 23 (1):20-26.
    Pediatricians provided expert testimony that, in the case of Baby K, provision of ventilator support goes beyond accepted standards of care for anencephalic infants and so is medically futile. This argument, however reasonable, does not persuade those who believe in the absolute value of even a fraction of human life. In Baby K, court records indicate that Ms. H, Baby K's mother, persistently adheres to the sanctity-of-life principle on religious grounds.While I think that quality-of-life considerations have a role in medical (...)
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  • Does consequentialism pay?Adam Morton - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (1):24-24.
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  • On begging the question when naturalizing norms.Leonard D. Katz - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (1):21-22.
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  • Consequentialism in haste.Roger A. McCain - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (1):23-24.
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  • A “should” too many.Paul M. Pietroski - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (1):26-27.
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  • Goals, values and benefits.Frederic Schick - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (1):29-29.
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  • Departing from consequentialism versus departing from decision theory.Frank Jackson - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (1):21-21.
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