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  1. The Conversational Self.Daniela Dover - 2022 - Mind 131 (521):193-230.
    This paper explores a distinctive form of social interaction—interpersonal inquiry—in which two or more people attempt to understand one another by engaging in conversation. Like many modes of inquiry into human beings, interpersonal inquiry partly shapes its own objects. How we conduct it thus affects who we become. I present an ethical ideal of conversation to which, I argue, at least some of our interpersonal inquiry ought to aspire. I then consider how this ideal might influence philosophical conceptions of the (...)
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  • Race, Power, and COVID-19: A Call for Advocacy within Bioethics.Zamina Mithani, Jane Cooper & J. Wesley Boyd - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (2):11-18.
    Events in 2020 have sparked a reimagination of how both individuals and institutions should consider race, power, health, and marginalization in society. In a response to these developments, we exa...
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  • Julia Kristeva: Psychoanalysis and Modernity.Sara Beardsworth - 2004 - State University of New York Press.
    A comprehensive examination of Kristeva's work from the seventies to the nineties.
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  • For a postcolonial sociology.Julian Go - 2013 - Theory and Society 42 (1):25-55.
    Postcolonial theory has enjoyed wide influence in the humanities but it has left sociology comparatively unscathed. Does this mean that postcolonial theory is not relevant to sociology? Focusing upon social theory and historical sociology in particular, this article considers if and how postcolonial theory in the humanities might be imported into North American sociology. It argues that postcolonial theory offers a substantial critique of sociology because it alerts us to sociology’s tendency to analytically bifurcate social relations. The article also suggests (...)
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  • Beyond the Stalemate of Economics versus Ethics: Corporate Social Responsibility and the Discourse of the Organizational Self.Michaela Driver - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 66 (4):337-356.
    The purpose of this paper is to advance research on CSR beyond the stalemate of economic versus ethical models by providing an alternative perspective integrating existing views and allowing for more shared dialog and research in the field. It is suggested that we move beyond making a normative case for ethical models and practices of CSR by moving beyond the question of how to manage organizational self-interest toward the question of how accurate current conceptions of the organizational self seem to (...)
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  • Standpoint theory, situated knowledge and the situated imagination.Nira Yuval-Davis & Marcel Stoetzler - 2002 - Feminist Theory 3 (3):315-333.
    The aim of the article is to further assess and develop feminist standpoint theory by introducing the notion of the `situated imagination' as constituting an important part of this theory as well as that of `situated knowledge'. The article argues that the faculty of the imagination constructs as well as transforms, challenges and supersedes both existing knowledge and social reality. However, like knowledge, it is crucial to theorize the imagination as situated, that is, as shaped and conditioned (although not determined) (...)
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  • Pleasure principle and perfect happiness: morality in Jacques Lacan and Zhuangzi.Quan Wang - 2018 - Asian Philosophy 28 (3):259-276.
    ABSTRACTJacques Lacan studied Chinese classics and received much inspiration from Zhuangzi. This paper concentrates on the comparative study of morality in those two thinkers from three connecting levels, namely, nature as the source of ethical codes, reason as the means to arrive at the ethical state, and pleasure as the ultimate purpose of morality. The investigation into the topic is enlightening for posthuman morality. Zhuangzi’s idea of the poetics of oneness inspires the Lacanian concept of the Real and ushers us (...)
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  • Semiotics of Identity: Politics and Education.Tomasz Szkudlarek - 2011 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 30 (2):113-125.
    In this text I concentrate on semiotic aspects of the theory of political identity in the work of Ernesto Laclau, and especially on the connection between metaphors, metonymies, catachreses and synecdoches. Those tropes are of ontological status, and therefore they are of key importance in understanding the discursive “production” of identity in political and educational practices. I use the conceptions of both Laclau and Eco to elucidate the operation of this structure, and illustrate it with an example of the emergence (...)
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  • Testing times: Questions concerning assessment for school improvement.Nick Peim & Kevin J. Flint - 2009 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 41 (3):342-361.
    Contemporary education now appears to be dominated by the continual drive for improvement measured against the assessment of what students have learned. It is our contention that a foundational relation with assessment organises contemporary education. Here we draw on a 'way of thinking' that is deconstructive in its intent. Such thinking makes clear the vicious circularity of the argument for improvement, wherein assessment valorised in discourses of improvement provides not only a rationalisation for improvement via assessment, but also the very (...)
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  • A posthumanist reading of knowledge in Zhuangzi and Jacques Lacan.Quan Wang - 2019 - Asian Philosophy 29 (1):65-78.
    ABSTRACTThis article proposes a posthumanist reading of knowledge in Zhuangzi and Jacques Lacan from four interconnected aspects. First, knowledge is inseparable from practice, as is exemplified in Lacan’s original rewriting of Zhuangzi’s ‘agreement between name and actuality’ as the dialectic relationship between Other and other. Then, knowledge leads us to explore the mysterious knowledge behind the surface, which resists linguistic expression and defies human agency. Furthermore, the importance of the mysterious knowledge compels us to figure out the accesses to reach (...)
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  • Laclau or Mouffe? Splitting the difference.Mark Anthony Wenman - 2003 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 29 (5):581-606.
    The majority of those who comment upon the theories of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe - both supporters and critics - treat the work of the two authors as a coherent unity. I see acute differences that demarcate the ideas of Laclau and Mouffe: differences that impede any straightforward delimitation of the authorial identity `Laclau and Mouffe'. The purpose of this paper is to bring to the fore the incommensurate political differences that separate the work of the two authors, and (...)
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  • Education, Schooling, Derrida’s Marx and Democracy: Some Fundamental Questions.Nick Peim - 2012 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 32 (2):171-187.
    Beginning with a reconsideration of what the school is and has been, this paper explores the idea of the school to come. Emphasizing the governmental role of education in modernity, I offer a line of thinking that calls into question the assumption of both the school and education as possible conduits for either democracy or social justice. Drawing on Derrida’s spectral ontology I argue that any automatic correlation of education with democracy is misguided: especially within redemptive discourses that seek to (...)
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  • Empty signifiers, education and politics.Tomasz Szkudlarek - 2007 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 26 (3):237-252.
    The paper assumes that education is part of the process of discursive construction of society. The theoretical framework on which this argument is based includes Ernesto Laclau’s theory of the “ontological impossibility and political necessity of society”, and the role discourse and empty signifiers play in the establishment of political identities. Laclau’s theory is supplemented here by ideas of Derrida, Lacan, Žižek and Marx, and by other traits in contemporary semiotics that relate to the notion of “the void” in semantic (...)
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  • Psychoanalytic feminism.Emily Zakin - forthcoming - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • The Style of the Speaking Subject: Irigaray's Empirical Studies of Language Production.Marjorie Hass - 2000 - Hypatia 15 (1):64-89.
    I argue that Irigaray's linguistic research is not merely supplementary to her theoretical writing, but, in its depiction of sexed linguistic “styles,” illuminates Irigaray's call for a new syntax. I show the effect of this research on her analysis of the unconscious meaning of interrogative expressions. 1 address the question of Irigaray's standing as a social scientist and argue that attention to her method reveals her positive program in this domain.
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  • Criticism as self-analysis.Clive Barnett - 2022 - History of the Human Sciences 35 (2):219-228.
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  • Ethics and Selfh ood: Alterity and the Phenomenology of Obligation.James R. Mensch - 2003 - State University of New York Press.
    Argues that a coherent theory of ethics requires an account of selfhood.
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  • Teachers and Teaching: Subjectivity, performativity and the body.M. J. Vick & Carissa Martinez - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (2):178-192.
    It has become almost commonplace to recognise that teaching is an embodied practice. Most analyses of teaching as embodied practice focus on the embodied nature of the teacher as subject. Here, we use Butler's concept of performativity to analyse the reiterated acts that are intelligible as—performatively constitute—teaching, rather of the teacher as subject. We suggest that this simultaneously helps explain the persistence of teaching as a narrow repertoire of actions recognisable as ‘teaching’, and the policing of conformity to teaching thus (...)
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  • Transforming Sacrifice: Irigaray and the Politics of Sexual Difference.Anne Caldwell - 2002 - Hypatia 17 (4):16-38.
    This essay examines Irigaray's analysis of politics and the political implications of her critique of sacrificial orders that repress difference/matter. I suggest that her descriptions of a fluid “feminine” can be read as an alternative symbolic not dependent on repression. This idea is politically promising in opening a possibility for justice and a nonantagonistic intersubjectivity. I conclude by assessing Irigaray's concrete proposals for sexuate rights and a civil identity for women.
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  • Feminist perspectives on the body.Kathleen Lennon - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Emergence of Mind From Brain: The Biological Roots of the Hermeneutic Circle.Roland Fischer - 1987 - Diogenes 35 (138):1-25.
    Brain functions are stochastic processes without intentionality whereas mind emerges from brain functions as a Hegelian “change from quantity”, that is, on the order of 1012 profusely interconnected neurons, “into a new quality”: the collective phenomenon of the brain's self-experience. This self-referential and self-observing quality we have in mind is capable of (recursively) observing its self-observations, i.e., interpreting change that is meaningful in relation to itself. The notion of self-interpretation embodies the idea of a “hermeneutic circle”, that is, (in interpretation (...)
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  • Feminism, Aestheticism and the Limits of Law.Anne Barron - 2000 - Feminist Legal Studies 8 (3):275-317.
    This article seeks to identify and address the normative void that resides at the heart of postmodernist-feminist theory, and to propose a philosophical framework – beyond postmodernism, but incorporating its central insights – for thinking through the normative questions with which feminists are inevitably confronted in their engagements with positive law. Two varieties of postmodernist-feminism are identified and critically analysed: the ‘corporeal feminism’ of Elizabeth Grosz and Judith Butler, which seeks to ground feminist critical practice in the irruptive capacities of (...)
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  • Bridging the Social and the Symbolic: Toward a Feminist Politics of Sexual Difference.Emily Zakin - 2000 - Hypatia 15 (3):19-44.
    By clarifying the psychoanalytic notion of sexual difference, I argue that the symbolic dimension of psychical life cannot be discarded in developing political accounts of identity formation and the status of women in the public sphere. I discuss various bridges between social reality and symbolic structure, bridges such as body, language, law, and family. I conclude that feminist attention must be redirected to the unconscious since the political cannot be localized in, or segregated to, the sphere of social reality; sexual (...)
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  • Algorithmic Personalization as a Mode of Individuation.Celia Lury - 2019 - Theory, Culture and Society 36 (2):17-37.
    Recognizing that many of the modern categories with which we think about people and their activities were put in place through the use of numbers, we ask how numbering practices compose contemporary sociality. Focusing on particular forms of algorithmic personalization, we describe a pathway of a-typical individuation in which repeated and recursive tracking is used to create partial orders in which individuals are always more and less than one. Algorithmic personalization describes a mode of numbering that involves forms of de- (...)
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  • An Immodest Proposal: Foucault, Hysterization, and the “Second Rape”.Laura Hengehold - 1994 - Hypatia 9 (3):88-107.
    This article places Foucault's 1977 suggestions regarding the reform of French rape law in the context of ongoing feminist debates as to whether rape should be considered a sex crime or a species of assault. When viewed as a disciplinary matrix with both physical and discursive effects, rape and the rape trial clearly contribute to the “hysterization” of women by cultivating complainants' confessions in order to demonstrate their supposed lack of self-knowledge.
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  • Sarangadeva’s Philosophy of Music: An Aesthetic Perspective.Anish Chakravarty - 2017 - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research 6 (6(1)):42-53.
    This paper aims at an analytical explanation of the distinctive nature of music, as it has been formulated in perhaps one of the world's very first works on the subject, namely the ‘Sangeet Ratnakar’ of Pandit Sarangadeva, a 13th century musicologist of India. He, in the first chapter of the work defines music ('sangeet' in Sanskrit and Hindi) as a composite of singing or 'Gita', instrumental music or 'vadan' and dancing or ‘nrittam’. In addition, he also holds singing to be (...)
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  • Momentary Return of the Cosmic Unconscious: The Nature of Zen/Chan Enlightenment.Ming Dong Gu - 2015 - Asian Philosophy 25 (4):402-417.
    Zen/Chan, which used to be a Far Eastern philosophy-cum-religion, has evolved into a global cultural phenomenon. Despite the many views expressed by numerous thinkers in the world, the consensus on Chan and Chan enlightenment remains an agnostic Oriental mysticism. By exploring Chan and enlightenment from a combined perspective of history, philosophy, psychology, religion and linguistics, this article proposes a hitherto unexpressed view. Chan enlightenment is a prenatal physico-psychological existence, which grows out of a fetal subject’s perception of the womb. Although (...)
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  • The Digital Phenotyping Project: A Psychoanalytical and Network Theory Perspective.Rémy Potier - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    A new method of observation is currently emerging in psychiatry, based on data collection and behavioral profiling of smartphone users. Numerical phenotyping is a paradigmatic example. This behavioral investigation method uses computerized measurement tools in order to collect characteristics of different psychiatric disorders. First, it is necessary to contextualize the emergence of these new methods and to question their promises and expectations. The international mental health research framework invites us to reflect on methodological issues and to draw conclusions from certain (...)
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  • A posthumanist reading of loss in Zhuangzi and Jacques Lacan: the missing tally and the lack.Quan Wang - 2019 - Asian Philosophy 29 (4):363-376.
    This article argues for a posthumanist reading of loss in Zhuangzi and Jacques Lacan. Language separates human beings from the primordial oneness and channels them into the procrustean bed of cultu...
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  • An Unnerving Otherness: English Nationalism and Rusedski's Smile.Jack Black, Robert J. Lake & Thomas Fletcher - 2021 - Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society 26 (4):452-472.
    In view of scholarly work that has explored the socio-psycho significance of national performativity, the body and the “other,” this article critically analyses newspaper representations of the Canadian-born British tennis player Greg Rusedski. Drawing on Lacanian interpretations of the body, it illustrates how Rusedski’s media framing centered on a particular feature of his body—his “smile.” In doing so, we detail how Rusedski’s “post-imperial” Otherness—conceived as a form of “extimacy” (extimité)—complicated any clear delineation between “us” and “them,” positing instead a dialectical (...)
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  • The Memory of the Flesh: The Family Body in Somatic Psychology.Katharine Young - 2002 - Body and Society 8 (3):25-47.
    Family traditions take a somatic turn in a therapeutic practice that focuses on how bodies are passed down in families, not as assemblages of biological traits enjoined on the bodies of children by parents but as intentional fabrications devised by children out of the bodies of parents. Somatic psychology holds that parents offer children models of how to be embodied in the form of bodily attitudes. The body shapes I imitate and resist at every stage of life arise out of (...)
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  • World and/or sign: Toward a semiotic phenomenology of the modern life-world.Briankle G. Chang - 1987 - Human Studies 10 (3-4):311 - 331.
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  • A Short Study on Spinoza's View of Religion.İbrahim Okan Akkın - 2018 - In Roman Dorczak, Christian Ruggiero, Regina-Lenart Gansiniec & M. Ali Icbay, Research and Development on Social Sciences. Jagiellonian University. pp. 225-232.
    It is a matter of philosophical debate whether Jonathan Israel’s assessment of Spinoza’s notion of ‘state religion’ can be interpreted as an atheistic and Marxist reading of Spinoza. Contrary to the widely accepted view, Spinoza has a peculiar understanding of religion; and thus, his views cannot, simply, be equated with atheism. By relying on this fact, in this article, I am going to shed light on the issue and try to show to what extent Israel’s interpretation goes beyond what Spinoza (...)
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  • Cognitive and Identitarian Aspects in Jean Rhys’ Fiction.Cristina-Georgiana Voicu - 2014 - Symposion: Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences 1 (2):157-163.
    From Gnỗthi seautόn (‘Know Thyself’) to cognitive theories of the self there has been a long time, but the paradigm has almost remained the same. This article proposes a reconsideration of their rediscovery filtered through Jean Rhys’ post-colonial sensitivity. Between the ‘core self’ and its iridescent, exotic edges, broadly speaking, the thoroughly analyzed facets of cultural identity interpose.
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  • Crime as the Limit of Culture.Sergio Tonkonoff - 2014 - Human Studies 37 (4):529-544.
    In this article culture is understood as the ensemble of systems of classification, assessment, and interaction that establishes a basic community of values in a given social field. We will argue that this is made possible through the institution of fundamental prohibitions understood as mythical points of closure that set the last frontiers of that community by designating what crime is. Exploring these theses, we will see that criminal transgression may be thought of as the actualization of a rigorous otherness. (...)
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  • Representation of Violence from Imaginary to Symbolic: Identity Formation in John Banville's "The Book of Evidence".Oğuzhan Ayrım - 2023 - Bitig Journal of Faculty of Letters 3 (6):14-27.
    This article proposes to read John Banville’s The Book of Evidence, a crime story narrated from the protagonist’s first-person gaze, from a Lacanian perspective by referring to his mirror stage theory. As an extension of testimonial literature, the novel is deemed to be a narrative of introspective self-examination, thus introducing a creation of “the self” paralleling the text. The protagonist’s mnemonic narrative is accompanied by the idea of an alternative world of not only self-expression but also self-depiction and presentation, as (...)
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  • Reading Irigaray, Dancing.Eluned Summers-Bremner - 2000 - Hypatia 15 (1):90-124.
    My essay incorporates Irigaray's notion of the sensible transcendental, a dynamic attempt to reconstitute the body/mind dualism which founds Western thought, into a reading of the practice of European concert dance. I contend that Irigaray's efforts toward articulating a language of the body as active agent have much to offer analyses of dance practice, and develop this claim through a reading which reflects philosophically on the changing nature of my own dance activity.
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  • The epistemological foundations of psychoanalysis: A deconstructionist view of the controversy.Donald L. Carveth - 1987 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 17 (1):97-115.
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  • Unidentified Pleasures: Gender Identity and its Failure.Myra J. Hird - 2002 - Body and Society 8 (2):39-54.
    Feminist philosophical analyses have recently returned to psychoanalytic theory's insights into the origins of gender. Freud's exegesis on social development holds gender to be a matter of identification, as opposed to an ontological condition of being. This article considers Judith Butler's use of psychoanalytic theory to argue that homosexuality both precedes and conditions the formation of heterosexual gender identification. While convinced the processes of identification do involve loss and are grieved in some way, I am less convinced that the precedence (...)
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  • Feminism, Postmodernism, and Psychological Research.Lisa Cosgrove - 2003 - Hypatia 18 (3):85-112.
    Drawing primarily from the work of Julia Kristeva and Judith Butler, the author suggests that a postmodern approach to identity can be used to challenge the essentialism that pervades both feminist empiricism and standpoint theory, and thus move feminist psychology in a more emancipatory direction. A major premise of this paper is that an engagement with postmodernism redirects our attention to symbolic constructions of femininity and to the sociopolitical grounding of experience.
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  • Disability: An Embodied Reality (or Space) of Dasein.Josephine A. Seguna - 2014 - Human Studies 37 (1):31-56.
    The ‘body’ has remained the pivotal and essential mechanism for analysis within disability scholarship. Yet while historically conceptualized as an individual’s fundamental feature, the ‘disabled identity’ has been more recently explained as a function of ‘normalcy’ through social, cultural political, and legal discriminations against difference and deviancy. Disability studies’ established tradition of consultation with philosophical endeavour remains apparently unwilling to exploit or utilize Martin Heidegger’s understanding of ‘Being’ and interpretation of Dasein as a possible framework for unravelling the complexities of (...)
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  • The social history of art in the Age of Deconstruction.K. Moxey - 1992 - History of the Human Sciences 5 (1):37-46.
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  • AS SOMBRAS CEGAS DE NARCISO (um estudo psicossocial sobre o imaginário coletivo).Roberto Thomas Arruda (ed.) - 2020 - Terra à Vista.
    No presente trabalho, vamos abordar algumas das questões essenciais sobre o imaginário coletivo e suas relações com a realidade e a verdade. Devemos encarar esse assunto em uma estrutura conceptual, seguida pela análise factual correspondente às realidades comportamentais demonstráveis. Adotaremos não apenas a metodologia, mas principalmente os princípios e proposições da filosofia analítica, que com certeza serão evidentes ao longo do estudo e podem ser identificados pelos recursos descritos por Perez[1] : Rabossi (1975) defende a ideia de que a filosofia (...)
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  • Die blinden Schatten von Narcissus.Roberto Arruda (ed.) - 2023 - Sao Paulo: Terra à Vista.
    Diese Arbeit wird wesentliche Fragen über das kollektive Imaginär und seine Beziehungen zur Realität und Wahrheit ansprechen. Zunächst sollten wir dieses Thema in einem konzeptionellen Rahmen ansprechen, gefolgt von der entsprechenden Tatsachenanalyse demonstrierbarer Verhaltensrealitäten. Wir werden nicht nur die Methodik, sondern vor allem die Prinzipien und Sätze der analytischen Philosophie annehmen. Die vorliegende Arbeit beruht analytischer Reflexion. Wir werden so umfassend und tief wie möglich spekulieren und die Ergebnisse unserer Gedanken ausdrücken. Trotz des multidisziplinären Charakters des Themas und der methodischen (...)
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  • Protest as an act of love.Martin Bekker - 2021 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 15 (1).
    In a world filled with “ambient violence”, public protest is a vital signal of shared discontent. The essential compulsion at the heart of protest, however, is conventionally not recognised for what it is: solidarity with those suffering injustices. Amid authorities’ often-fierce efforts to curtail gatherings of people whose experiences of injustice propel them into the streets, a sharp rise in public protests has been perceived since the early 2000s. Thousands of column inches dedicated to reporting on protests are rivalled in (...)
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  • Perlis on strong and weak self-reference--a mirror reversal.Damjan Bojadziev - 2000 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 7 (5):60-66.
    The kind of self-reference which Perlis characterizes as strong, as opposed to formal self-reference which he characterizes as weak, is actually already present in standard forms of formal self-reference. Even if formal self-reference is weak because it is delegated, there is no specific delegation of reference for self-referential sentences, and their ‘self’ part is strong enough. In particular, the structure of self-reference in Godel's sentence, with its application of a self-referential process to itself, provides a model of Perlis’ characterization of (...)
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  • The public, the private and the intimate in doctor–patient communication: Admission interviews at an outpatient mental health care service.Juan Eduardo Bonnin - 2013 - Discourse Studies 15 (6):687-711.
    This article analyzes doctor–patient communication at admission interviews in an outpatient mental health care service at a public hospital in Buenos Aires, Argentina. These interviews are the first contact between professionals and patients, and they result in the admission or rejection of the latter into the medical institution. In particular, we observe how context, understood as a sociocognitive and scalar concept, is reshaped with gaze direction and agenda-setting through interaction, resulting in three hierarchical spaces which can be represented as degrees (...)
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  • The compositor of the farce of dustiny : Lacan reading, and being read by, Joyce.Geoff Boucher - 2011 - Analysis (Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis) 16:99-118.
    "We have learnt to see Joyce as Lacan's own symptom," writes Jean-Michel Rabate, "and as the sinthome par excellence" (2006, 26). This duality of Joyce as an unreadable text permeated with enjoyment and at the same time as an enigma that Lacan wants to decipher supplies the key to an understanding of Seminar XXIII. Lacan's addition to the triad of the Real, the Symbolic and the Imaginary of a fourth term, the Sigma (or sinthome) firms up his late shift from (...)
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  • Neither ātman Nor anattā: Tapering Our Conception of Selfhood.Roman Briggs - unknown
    I provide critical discussion of conception of and talk of psychic integration which I take to be both excessive and deficient; these viciously extreme positions are championed by the Apostle Paul and St. Augustine, and by Jacques Lacan and María Lugones, respectively. I suggest that we must negotiate a Buddhist-inspired understanding located between these extremes in endorsing any acceptable conception of the self, generally speaking—a conception which, contra the strong antirealist about selves, allows for the continued use of selfhood in (...)
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  • Psychoanalysis Beyond the End of Metaphysics: Thinking Towards the Post-Relational.Robin S. Brown - 2016 - New York: Routledge.
    _Psychoanalysis Beyond the End of Metaphysics_ offers a new paradigm approach which advocates reengaging the importance of metaphysics in psychoanalytic theorizing. The emergence of the relational trend has witnessed a revitalizing influx of new ideas, reflecting a fundamental commitment to the principle of dialogue. However, the transition towards a more pluralistic discourse remains a work in progress, and those schools of thought not directly associated with the relational shift continue to play only a marginal role. In this book, Robin S. (...)
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