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  1. Kant on Experiment.Alberto Vanzo - 2012 - In James Maclaurin, Rationis Defensor: Essays in Honour of Colin Cheyne. Springer. pp. 75-96.
    This paper discusses Immanuel Kant’s views on the role of experiments in natural science, focusing on their relationship with hypotheses, laws of nature, and the heuristic principles of scientific enquiry. Kant’s views are contrasted with the philosophy of experiment that was first sketched by Francis Bacon and later developed by Robert Boyle and Robert Hooke. Kant holds that experiments are always designed and carried out in the light of hypotheses. Hypotheses are derived from experience on the basis of a set (...)
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  • Wolff, Baumgarten, and the Technical Idiom of Post-Leibnizian Philosophy of Mind.Patrick R. Leland - 2018 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 21 (1):129-148.
    Philosophers after Leibniz used a technical idiom to classify and explain the nature of mental content. Substantive philosophical claims were formulated in terms of this vocabulary, including claims about the nature of mental representations, concepts, unconscious mental content, and consciousness. Despite its importance, the origin and development of this vocabulary is insufficiently well understood. More specifically, interpreters have failed to recognize the existence of two distinct and influential versions of the post-Leibnizian idiom. These competing formulations used the same technical terms (...)
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  • How Diagrams Can Support Syllogistic Reasoning: An Experimental Study.Yuri Sato & Koji Mineshima - 2015 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 24 (4):409-455.
    This paper explores the question of what makes diagrammatic representations effective for human logical reasoning, focusing on how Euler diagrams support syllogistic reasoning. It is widely held that diagrammatic representations aid intuitive understanding of logical reasoning. In the psychological literature, however, it is still controversial whether and how Euler diagrams can aid untrained people to successfully conduct logical reasoning such as set-theoretic and syllogistic reasoning. To challenge the negative view, we build on the findings of modern diagrammatic logic and introduce (...)
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  • Non-additive degrees of belief.Rolf Haenni - 2009 - In Franz Huber & Christoph Schmidt-Petri, Degrees of belief. London: Springer. pp. 121--159.
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  • Judicieux dans le différend.Jean-François Lyotard - 2017 - Rivista di Estetica 65:7-41.
    Kant describes a conflict among the different theories of knowledge. A productive conflict whose emergence is the origin of a renewal: it awakens the spirit and it leads it to think critically. Philosophy becomes critique, Kant says, when it is not focused on the doctrines and on their demands, but on the relationship between general rules (the “sense”) that coordinates all the faculties – and their particular expression, that is to say the specific cases. Similarly operates the judge, that, in (...)
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  • PHILOSOPHY AS NEGATIVE SCIENCE.Steven James Bartlett - manuscript
    Starting with Kant’s undeveloped proposal of a “negative science,” the author describes how philosophy may be developed and strengthened by means of a systematic approach that seeks to identify and eliminate a widespread but seldom recognized form of systemic and propagating conceptual error. ¶¶¶¶¶ -/- The paper builds upon the author’s book, CRITIQUE OF IMPURE REASON: HORIZONS OF POSSIBILITY AND MEANING (Studies in Theory and Behavior, 2021). ¶¶¶¶¶ -/- The author’s purpose is twofold: first, to enable us to recognize the (...)
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  • Perspektivwechsel: Konstruktion - Antizipation und gestaltende Fähigkeit des Subjekts. Zur Veränderung des Begriffsverständnis zwischen Aufklärung und Moderne.Stahl Jürgen - 2012 - Internet-Zeitschrift des Leibniz-Instituts Für Interdisziplinäre Studien E.V.
    Der Konstruktionsbegriff erfuhr er unter dem Eindruck technischer Fortschritte wie soziokultureller Veränderungen vor allem im 19. Jahrhundert wesentliche Wandlungen. Mit dessen selbstverständlich erscheinender Nutzung ergibt sich die Frage nach seinem Bedeutungsfeld: Ist Konstruieren ein Prozess, der sich auf das Entwerfen, die Präsentation der äußerlichen Gestalt des zu erzeugenden Gegenstandes konzentriert oder sind in ihm wesentlich mehr Aspekte impliziert? Im 17./18. Jahrhundert war Konstruktion verbunden mit dem Maschinenbegriff und vom Anspruch getragen, das geschlossene Ganze der Maschine als Objekt zu erfassen. Im (...)
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  • Система знания — от каталогизации к генетизации. Об историческом контексте формирования аналитически-синтетического метода у Фихте.Stahl Jürgen - 2019 - Esse Studies in Philosphy and Theology 2 (4):65 - 97.
    В развитии своего аналитико-синтетического метода Фихте восходил к диэрезису, методически отраженному со времен Платона. Если Платон несомненно указывает на историческое происхождение диэрезис, то у Фихте нет прямого указания на его концептуальную дифференциацию. Таким образом, в эссе исследуется, какие современные научные и философские проблемы привели к возобновлению и новому формированию диэрезиса. Далее показано, как Фихте развил диэрезис в особый трансцендентально-философский метод и таким образом обозначил решающий поворот в философии. Разнообразные методологические и гносеологические размышления о понимании единства и многообразия явлений природы и (...)
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  • Mind, meaning and metaphor: the philosophy and psychology of metaphor in 19th-century Germany.Brigitte Nerlich & David D. Clarke - 2001 - History of the Human Sciences 14 (2):39-61.
    This article explores a German philosophy of metaphor, which proposed a close link between the body and the mind as the basis for metaphor, debunked the view that metaphor is just a decorative rhetorical device and questioned the distinction between the literal and the figurative. This philosophy of metaphor developed at the intersection between a reflection on language and thought and a reflection on the nature of beauty in aesthetics. Thinkers such as Giambattista Vico, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Jean Paul (...)
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  • Geometry and Measurement in Otto Hölder’s Epistemology.Paola Cantu - 2012 - Philosophia Scientiae 17 (1):131-164.
    L’article a pour but d’analyser la conception de la géométrie et de la mesure présentée dans Intuition et Raisonnement [Hölder 1900], « Les axiomes de la grandeur et la théorie de la mensuration » [Hölder 1901] et La Méthode mathématique [Hölder 1924]. L’article examine les relations entre a) la démarcation introduite par Hölder entre géométrie et arithmétique à partir de la notion de ‘concept donné’, b) sa position philosophique par rapport à l’apriorisme kantien et à l’empirisme et c) le choix (...)
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  • Johann Heinrich Lambert's Scientific Tool Kit, Exemplified by His Measurement of Humidity, 1769–1772.Maarten Bullynck - 2010 - Science in Context 23 (1):65-89.
    ArgumentJohann Heinrich Lambert (1728–1777) developed a very detailed theory of science and experiment. Using Lambert's hygrometric studies, this article provides an introduction to Lambert's theory and its practice. Of special interest is his well-founded theory on the emergence and definition of concepts and his neat eye for heuristics that should ultimately lead to a mathematization of physical phenomena. His use of visualizations in this context is especially remarkable.
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  • The Use of Models in Experimental Philosophy According to Lambert’s Neues Organon.François Duchesneau - 2018 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 44:35-54.
    Cette étude entend établir comment Lambert, dans le Neues Organon, conçoit la mise en forme des apparences sensibles de façon à constituer un savoir mixte conforme au système des vérités rationnelles. Ce savoir, étayé suivant des degrés assignables de probabilité, est susceptible de fonder et de baliser la méthodologie des sciences de la nature. Il s’agit notamment de déterminer comment les apparences sensibles peuvent se prêter à la construction d’hypothèses valides. Dans cette démarche, Lambert accorde un rôle particulier aux modèles (...)
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  • An Overlooked Argument for the Categories: Kant’s Interlude of Justification in the Prolegomena.Adriano Perin - 2018 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 63 (3):878-893.
    The deduction of the categories lies undoubtedly at the very heart of Kant's theoretical philosophy and, for this reason, it is one of items in the philosophical canon that is greatly discussed and least agreed upon. In the modern and contemporary Western philosophical tradition as well as in Kant’s literature, the loci classici for its consideration are the 1781 and 1787 editions of the Critique of pure reason. In this paper, I aim at presenting and discussing an argument that Kant (...)
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  • Os tons harmônicos e o “fundamento das representações”. Breve comentário a uma anotação de Kant sobre uma metáfora musical de Eberhard.Ubirajara Rancan de Azevedo Marques - 2015 - Con-Textos Kantianos 2:48-61.
    Nos Vorarbeiten para o Streitschrift contra Eberhard há uma anotação de Kant manuscrita com uma relativa abundância de vocábulos tomados à música. Estas quatro linhas são precedidas pela indicação um intervalo de páginas de texto não identificado. O presente artigo, revelando a fonte a que Kant indiretamente alude, comenta um “exemplo” musical de Eberhard contra a filosofia crítica, o mesmo que deu azo àquela anotação do filósofo. Após algumas considerações de ordem filológica atinentes ao vocabulário musical empregue por ambos os (...)
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  • Lambert’s Influence on Kant’s Theoretical Philosophy.Adriano Perin - 2016 - Con-Textos Kantianos 3:44-54.
    This paper aims at presenting a reconstruction of the main theses of Lambert’s thought and their role in the establishment of Kant’s theoretical philosophy. In order to do so, the paper is divided into three sections. Initially, a consideration of Lambert’s attempt to assure illusion within the domain of phenomenology and to institute the domain of metaphysical truth is carried out. Secondly, Kant’s first step away from Lambert’s proposal, which is presented in the Inaugural Dissertation’s thesis that the sensible and (...)
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