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  1. Relevance theory explains the selection task.D. Sperber - 1995 - Cognition 57 (1):31-95.
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  • Distinguishing the reflective, algorithmic, and autonomous minds: Is it time for a tri-process theory.Keith E. Stanovich - 2009 - In Jonathan St B. T. Evans & Keith Frankish, In Two Minds: Dual Processes and Beyond. Oxford University Press. pp. 55--88.
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  • The Paradox of Moral Focus.Liane Young & Jonathan Phillips - 2011 - Cognition 119 (2):166-178.
    When we evaluate moral agents, we consider many factors, including whether the agent acted freely, or under duress or coercion. In turn, moral evaluations have been shown to influence our (non-moral) evaluations of these same factors. For example, when we judge an agent to have acted immorally, we are subsequently more likely to judge the agent to have acted freely, not under force. Here, we investigate the cognitive signatures of this effect in interpersonal situations, in which one agent (“forcer”) forces (...)
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  • Naive causality: a mental model theory of causal meaning and reasoning.Eugenia Goldvarg & P. N. Johnson-Laird - 2001 - Cognitive Science 25 (4):565-610.
    This paper outlines a theory and computer implementation of causal meanings and reasoning. The meanings depend on possibilities, and there are four weak causal relations: A causes B, A prevents B, A allows B, and A allows not‐B, and two stronger relations of cause and prevention. Thus, A causes B corresponds to three possibilities: A and B, not‐A and B, and not‐A and not‐B, with the temporal constraint that B does not precede A; and the stronger relation conveys only the (...)
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  • Solving probabilistic and statistical problems: a matter of information structure and question form.Vittorio Girotto & Michel Gonzalez - 2001 - Cognition 78 (3):247-276.
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  • What do you think I think you think?: Strategic reasoning in matrix games.Trey Hedden & Jun Zhang - 2002 - Cognition 85 (1):1-36.
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  • Mental models and the tractability of everyday reasoning.Mike Oaksford - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (2):360-361.
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  • Reasoning From Inconsistency to Consistency.P. N. Johnson-Laird, Vittorio Girotto & Paolo Legrenzi - 2004 - Psychological Review 111 (3):640-661.
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  • Hempel's paradox and Wason's selection task: Logical and psychological puzzles of confirmation.Raymond S. Nickerson - 1996 - Thinking and Reasoning 2 (1):1 – 31.
    Hempel's paradox of the ravens has to do with the question of what constitutes confirmation from a logical point of view; Wason 's selection task has been used extensively to investigate how people go about attempting to confirm or disconfirm conditional claims. This paper presents an argument that the paradox is resolved, and that people's typical performance in the selection task can be explained, by consideration of what constitutes an effective strategy for seeking evidence of the tenability of universal or (...)
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  • Mental models and probabilistic thinking.Philip N. Johnson-Laird - 1994 - Cognition 50 (1-3):189-209.
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  • Hypothesis testing in Wason's selection task: social exchange cheating detection or task understanding.N. Liberman - 1996 - Cognition 58 (1):127-156.
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  • Everyday reasoning and logical inference.Jon Barwise - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (2):337-338.
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  • Uncertainty and the difficulty of thinking through disjunctions.Eldar Shafir - 1994 - Cognition 50 (1-3):403-430.
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  • Focusing in Wason's selection task: Content and instruction effects.Roberta E. Love & Claudius M. Kessler - 1995 - Thinking and Reasoning 1 (2):153 – 182.
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  • The task-specific nature of domain-general reasoning.Valerie A. Thompson - 2000 - Cognition 76 (3):209-268.
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  • Probability and choice in the selection task.David W. Green, David E. Over & Robin A. Pyne - 1997 - Thinking and Reasoning 3 (3):209-235.
    Two experiments using a realistic version of the selection task examined the relationship between participants' probability estimates of finding a counter example and their selections. Experiment 1 used everyday categories in the context of a scenario to determine whether or not the number of instances in a category affected the estimated probability of a counter-example. Experiment 2 modified the scenario in order to alter participants' estimates of finding a specific counter-example. Unlike Kirby 1994a, but consistent with his proposals, both studies (...)
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  • The cognitive processes in informal reasoning.Victoria F. Shaw - 1996 - Thinking and Reasoning 2 (1):51 – 80.
    Two experiments investigated the factors that people consider when evaluating informal arguments in newspaper and magazine editorials. Experiment 1 showed that subjects were more likely to object to the truth of the premises and the conclusions of an argument than to the strength of the link between them. Experiment 1 also revealed two manipulations that helped subjects object to the link between premises and conclusions: rating how well the premises support the conclusions and rating the believability of the premises and (...)
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  • Probabilistic factors in deontic reasoning.K. I. Manktelow, E. J. Sutherland & D. E. Over - 1995 - Thinking and Reasoning 1 (3):201 – 219.
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  • The locus of facilitation in the abstract selection task.David W. Green & Rodney Larking - 1995 - Thinking and Reasoning 1 (2):183 – 199.
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  • Violations of coherence in subjective probability: A representational and assessment processes account.David R. Mandel - 2008 - Cognition 106 (1):130-156.
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  • Moral dilemmas in females: children are more utilitarian than adults.Monica Bucciarelli - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:149174.
    Influential theories on moral judgments propose that they rely either on emotions or on innate moral principles. In contrast, the mental model theory postulates that moral judgments rely on reasoning, either intuition or deliberation. The theory allows for the possibility that intuitions lead to utilitarian judgments. This paper reports two experiments involving fifth-grade children, adolescents, and adults; the results revealed that children reason intuitively to resolve moral dilemmas in which action and inaction lead to different outcomes. In particular, the results (...)
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  • Reasoning and choice in the Monty Hall Dilemma (MHD): implications for improving Bayesian reasoning.Elisabet Tubau, David Aguilar-Lleyda & Eric D. Johnson - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:133474.
    The Monty Hall Dilemma (MHD) is a two-step decision problem involving counterintuitive conditional probabilities. The first choice is made among three equally probable options, whereas the second choice takes place after the elimination of one of the non-selected options which does not hide the prize. Differing from most Bayesian problems, statistical information in the MHD has to be inferred, either by learning outcome probabilities or by reasoning from the presented sequence of events. This often leads to suboptimal decisions and erroneous (...)
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  • The logical content of theories of deduction.Wilfrid Hodges - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (2):353-354.
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  • Précis of Deduction.Philip N. Johnson-Laird & Ruth M. J. Byrne - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (2):323-333.
    How do people make deductions? The orthodox view in psychology is that they use formal rules of inference like those of a “natural deduction” system.Deductionargues that their logical competence depends, not on formal rules, but on mental models. They construct models of the situation described by the premises, using their linguistic knowledge and their general knowledge. They try to formulate a conclusion based on these models that maintains semantic information, that expresses it parsimoniously, and that makes explicit something not directly (...)
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  • Model theory of deduction: a unified computational approach.Bruno G. Bara, Monica Bucciarelli & Vincenzo Lombardo - 2001 - Cognitive Science 25 (6):839-901.
    One of the most debated questions in psychology and cognitive science is the nature and the functioning of the mental processes involved in deductive reasoning. However, all existing theories refer to a specific deductive domain, like syllogistic, propositional or relational reasoning.Our goal is to unify the main types of deductive reasoning into a single set of basic procedures. In particular, we bring together the microtheories developed from a mental models perspective in a single theory, for which we provide a formal (...)
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  • The effect of premise order in conditional reasoning: a test of the mental model theory.Vittorio Girotto, Alberto Mazzocco & Alessandra Tasso - 1997 - Cognition 63 (1):1-28.
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  • Looking for Arguments.Hugo Mercier - 2012 - Argumentation 26 (3):305-324.
    Abstract How do people find arguments while engaged in a discussion? Following an analogy with visual search, a mechanism that performs this task is described. It is a metarepresentational device that examines representations in a mostly serial manner until it finds a good enough argument supporting one’s position. It is argued that the mechanism described in dual process theories as ‘system 2’, or analytic reasoning fulfills these requirements. This provides support for the hypothesis that reasoning serves an argumentative function. Content (...)
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  • Mental models or formal rules?Philip N. Johnson-Laird & Ruth M. J. Byrne - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (2):368-380.
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  • Deduction and degrees of belief.David Over - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (2):361-362.
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  • Mental models cannot exclude mental logic and make little sense without it.Martin D. S. Braine - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (2):338-339.
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  • On rules, models and understanding.Jonathan St B. T. Evans - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (2):345-346.
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  • Deductive reasoning: What are taken to be the premises and how are they interpreted?Samuel Fillenbaum - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (2):348-349.
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  • Intuitions about the epistemic virtues of majority voting.Hugo Mercier, Martin Dockendorff, Yoshimasa Majima, Anne-Sophie Hacquin & Melissa Schwartzberg - forthcoming - Thinking and Reasoning:1-19.
    The Condorcet Jury Theorem, along with empirical results, establishes the accuracy of majority voting in a broad range of conditions. Here we investigate whether naïve participants (in the U.S. and...
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  • Background beliefs and evidence interpretation.Aidan Feeney, Jonathan StB. T. Evans & John Clibbens - 2000 - Thinking and Reasoning 6 (2):97-124.
    In this paper we argue that it is often adaptive to use one's background beliefs when interpreting information that, from a normative point of view, is incomplete. In both of the experiments reported here participants were presented with an item possessing two features and were asked to judge, in the light of some evidence concerning the features, to which of two categories it was more likely that the item belonged. It was found that when participants received evidence relevant to just (...)
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  • Deduction by children and animals: Does it follow the Johnson-Laird & Byrne model?Hank Davis - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (2):344-344.
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  • On modes of explanation.Rachel Joffe Falmagne - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (2):346-347.
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  • The argument for mental models is unsound.James H. Fetzer - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (2):347-348.
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  • A number of questions about a question of number.Alan Garnham - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (2):350-351.
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  • Mental models: Rationality, representation and process.D. W. Green - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (2):352-353.
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  • Mental models, more or less.Thad A. Polk - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (2):362-363.
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  • Models, rules and expertise.Rosemary J. Stevenson - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (2):366-366.
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  • Mental-model theory and rationality.Pascal Engel - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (2):345-345.
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  • Enactivism and the New Teleology: Reconciling the Warring Camps.Ralph D. Ellis - 2014 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies (2):173-198.
    Enactivism has the potential to provide a sense of teleology in purpose-directed action, but without violating the principles of efficient causation. Action can be distinguished from mere reaction by virtue of the fact that some systems are self-organizing. Self-organization in the brain is reflected in neural plasticity, and also in the primacy of motivational processes that initiate the release of neurotransmitters necessary for mental and conscious functions, and which guide selective attention processes. But in order to flesh out the enactivist (...)
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  • Phenomenology-Friendly Neuroscience: The Return To Merleau-Ponty As Psychologist.Ralph D. Ellis - 2006 - Human Studies 29 (1):33-55.
    This paper reports on the Kuhnian revolution now occurring in neuropsychology that is finally supportive of and friendly to phenomenology — the "enactive" approach to the mind-body relation, grounded in the notion of self-organization, which is consistent with Husserl and Merleau-Ponty on virtually every point. According to the enactive approach, human minds understand the world by virtue of the ways our bodies can act relative to it, or the ways we can imagine acting. This requires that action be distinguished from (...)
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  • Integrating Neuroscience and Phenomenology in the Study of Consciousness.Ralph D. Ellis - 1999 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 30 (1):18-47.
    Phenomenology and physiology become commensurable through a self-organizational physiology and an "enactive" view of consciousness. Self-organizing processes appropriate and replace their own needed substrata, rather than merely being caused by interacting components. Biochemists apply this notion to the living/nonliving distinction. An enactive approach sees consciousness as actively executed by an agent rather than passively reacting to stimuli. Perception does not result from mere stimulation of brain areas by sensory impulses; unless motivated organismic purposes first anticipate and "look for" emotionally relevant.stimuli, (...)
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  • Mental models and tableau logic.Avery D. Andrews - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (2):334-334.
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  • Deduction as an example of thinking.Jonathan Baron - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (2):336-337.
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  • Nonsentential representation and nonformality.Keith Stenning & Jon Oberlander - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (2):365-366.
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  • Situation theory and mental models.Alice G. B. ter Meulen - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (2):358-359.
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  • Getting down to cases.Kent Bach - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (2):334-336.
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