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The land ethic

Environmental Ethics (forthcoming)

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  1. Knowledge, Practical Interests, and Rising Tides.Stephen R. Grimm - 2015 - In David K. Henderson & John Greco (eds.), Epistemic Evaluation: Purposeful Epistemology. Oxford: Oxford University Press UK.
    Defenders of pragmatic encroachment in epistemology (or what I call practicalism) need to address two main problems. First, the view seems to imply, absurdly, that knowledge can come and go quite easily—in particular, that it might come and go along with our variable practical interests. We can call this the stability problem. Second, there seems to be no fully satisfying way of explaining whose practical interests matter. We can call this the “whose stakes?” problem. I argue that both problems can (...)
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  • Hybrids and the Boundaries of Moral Considerability or Revisiting the Idea of Non-Instrumental Value.Magdalena Holy-Luczaj & Vincent Blok - 2019 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (2):223-242.
    The transgressive ontological character of hybrids—entities crossing the ontological binarism of naturalness and artificiality, e.g., biomimetic projects—calls for pondering the question of their ethical status, since metaphysical and moral ideas are often inextricably linked. The example of it is the concept of “moral considerability” and related to it the idea of “intrinsic value” understood as a non-instrumentality of a being. Such an approach excludes hybrids from moral considerations due to their instrumental character. In the paper, we revisit the boundaries of (...)
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  • Artificial Consciousness and Artificial Ethics: Between Realism and Social Relationism.Steve Torrance - 2014 - Philosophy and Technology 27 (1):9-29.
    I compare a ‘realist’ with a ‘social–relational’ perspective on our judgments of the moral status of artificial agents (AAs). I develop a realist position according to which the moral status of a being—particularly in relation to moral patiency attribution—is closely bound up with that being’s ability to experience states of conscious satisfaction or suffering (CSS). For a realist, both moral status and experiential capacity are objective properties of agents. A social relationist denies the existence of any such objective properties in (...)
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  • The artificial view: toward a non-anthropocentric account of moral patiency.Fabio Tollon - 2020 - Ethics and Information Technology 23 (2):147-155.
    In this paper I provide an exposition and critique of the Organic View of Ethical Status, as outlined by Torrance (2008). A key presupposition of this view is that only moral patients can be moral agents. It is claimed that because artificial agents lack sentience, they cannot be proper subjects of moral concern (i.e. moral patients). This account of moral standing in principle excludes machines from participating in our moral universe. I will argue that the Organic View operationalises anthropocentric intuitions (...)
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  • Political Philosophy in the Global South: Harmony in Africa, East Asia, and South America.Thaddeus Metz - 2023 - In Uchenna B. Okeja (ed.), Routledge Handbook of African Political Philosophy. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 369-383.
    Harmony as a basic value is neglected in internationally influential philosophical discussions about rights, power, and other facets of public policy; it is not prominent in articles that appear in widely read journals or in books published by presses with a global reach. Of particular interest, political philosophers and policy makers remain ignorant of the similarities and differences between various harmony-oriented approaches to institutional choice from around the world. In this chapter, I begin to rectify these deficiencies by critically discussing (...)
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  • MacIntyre, Narratives, and Environmental Ethics.Arran E. Gare - 1998 - Environmental Ethics 20 (1):3-21.
    While environmental philosophers have been striving to extend ethics to deal with future generations and nonhuman life forms, very little work has been undertaken to address what is perhaps a more profound deficiency in received ethical doctrines, that they have very little impact on how people live. I explore Alasdair MacIntyre’s work on narratives and traditions and defend a radicalization of his arguments as a direction for making environmental ethics efficacious.
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  • Artificial agents and the expanding ethical circle.Steve Torrance - 2013 - AI and Society 28 (4):399-414.
    I discuss the realizability and the ethical ramifications of Machine Ethics, from a number of different perspectives: I label these the anthropocentric, infocentric, biocentric and ecocentric perspectives. Each of these approaches takes a characteristic view of the position of humanity relative to other aspects of the designed and the natural worlds—or relative to the possibilities of ‘extra-human’ extensions to the ethical community. In the course of the discussion, a number of key issues emerge concerning the relation between technology and ethics, (...)
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  • Environmental Ethics and Science: Resilience as a Moral Boundary.Felipe Bravo Osorio - 2017 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 30 (1):121-134.
    Science has always been tightly associated with environmental ethics in a way traditional ethics has not. However, despite this proximity, science has had a merely informational role, where it must inform ethics but not intervene in ethical judgment. Science is seen as an amoral enterprise, requiring an ethics rather than recommending one. In this paper I try to go against this common view. First, I give a critique of the naturalistic fallacy following the lines of Frankena. Then I go on (...)
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  • Spinoza, Deep Ecology and Education Informed by a (Post)human Sensibility.Lesley Le Grange - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (9):878-887.
    This article explores the influence of Spinozism on the deep ecology movement and on new materialism. It questions the stance of supporters of the DEM because their ecosophies unwittingly anthropomorphise the more-than-human-world. It suggests that instead of humanising the ‘natural’ world, morality should be naturalised, that is, that the object of human expression of ethics should be the more-than-human world. Moreover, the article discusses Deleuze’s Spinozism that informs new materialism and argues that stripping the human of its ontological privilege does (...)
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  • Environmental Philosophy in Asian Traditions of Thought.J. Baird Callicott & James McRae (eds.) - 2014 - SUNY Press.
    Seminal essays on environmental philosophy from Indian, Chinese, and Japanese traditions of thought. Environmental Philosophy in Asian Traditions of Thought provides a welcome sequel to the foundational volume in Asian environmental ethics Nature in Asian Traditions of Thought. That volume, edited by J. Baird Callicott and Roger T. Ames and published in 1989, inaugurated comparative environmental ethics, adding Asian thought on the natural world to the developing field of environmental philosophy. This new book, edited by Callicott and James McRae, includes (...)
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  • A Second Honeymoon: Animal Liberation and Environmental Ethics.Sydney Faught - 2019 - Journal of Animal Ethics 9 (1):39-46.
    In “Animal Liberation and Environmental Ethics: Bad Marriage, Quick Divorce,” Mark Sagoff asserts that “environmentalists cannot be animal liberationists. Animal liberationists cannot be environmentalists”. In this article, I explore and refute this claim. As a result of structuring his argument around the work of Peter Singer and Aldo Leopold, I argue Sagoff too quickly dismisses rights-based approaches to animal liberation. Drawing on Thomas Pogge’s institutional framework for human rights, I present a rights-based foundation upon which animal liberationism and environmentalism can (...)
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  • (1 other version)بوم‌شناسی ژرف‌نگر: جنبشی علیه دوگانۀ انسان/طبیعت و نقد آن.سیده معصومه موسوی - 2019 - پژوهشنامه فلسفه دین 17 (1):211-232.
    هگل از جمله فیلسوفانی است که اخلاق کانت را به صورت‌گرایی متهم کرده و در آثار مختلفش، به ویژه در فلسفۀ حق و پدیدارشناسی روح، تلاش کرده نقد خود را صورت‌بندی کند و از ابعاد مختلف آن را توضیح دهد. مقصود هگل از صورت‌گرایی به عنوان نقدی بر اخلاق کانت آن است که از صورت قانون اخلاقی کانت نمی‌توان ماده‌ای اخلاقی استنتاج کرد. او در نقد خود از مفاهیمی همچون استعلایی بودن مفهوم آزادی، سلب و ایجاب‌های کاذب و یهودیت‌وارگی اخلاق (...)
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  • Making and finding values in nature: From a Humean point of view.Y. S. Lo - 2006 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 49 (2):123 – 147.
    The paper advances a Humean metaethical analysis of "intrinsic value" - a notion fundamental in moral philosophy in general and particularly so in environmental ethics. The analysis reduces an object's moral properties (e.g., its value) to the empirical relations between the object's natural properties and people's psychological dispositions to respond to them. Moral properties turn out to be both objective and subjective, but in ways compatible with, and complementary to, each other. Next, the paper investigates whether the Humean analysis can (...)
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  • The Value of Nonhuman Nature: A Constitutive View.Roman Altshuler - 2014 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 17 (3):469-485.
    A central question of environmental ethics remains one of how best to account for the intuitions generated by the Last Man scenarios; that is, it is a question of how to explain our experience of value in nature and, more importantly, whether that experience is justified. Seeking an alternative to extrinsic views, according to which nonhuman entities possess normative features that obligate us, I turn to constitutive views, which make value or whatever other limits nonhuman nature places on action dependent (...)
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  • Human Rights in an Ecological Era.William Aiken - 1992 - Environmental Values 1 (3):191 - 203.
    After presenting a brief history of the idea of a human right to an adequate environment as it has evolved in the United Nations documents, I assess this approach to our moral responsibility with regard to the environment. I argue that although this rights approach has some substantial weaknesses, these are outweighed by such clear advantages as its action-guiding nature and its political potency.
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  • Wisdom in Theology.Stephen R. Grimm - forthcoming - In William and Frederick Abraham and Aquino (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Epistemology of Theology.
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  • (1 other version)Is There a Place for Animals in the Moral Consideration of Nature.Eric Katz - forthcoming - Environmental Ethics. An Anthology.
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  • (1 other version)Triple-Negation: Watsuji Tetsurō on the Sustainability of Ecosystems, Economies, and International Peace.James McRae - 2014 - In J. Baird Callicott & James McRae (eds.), Environmental Philosophy in Asian Traditions of Thought. SUNY Press. pp. 359-375.
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  • Moral Encounters of the Artificial Kind: Towards a non-anthropocentric account of machine moral agency.Fabio Tollon - 2019 - Dissertation, Stellenbosch University
    The aim of this thesis is to advance a philosophically justifiable account of Artificial Moral Agency (AMA). Concerns about the moral status of Artificial Intelligence (AI) traditionally turn on questions of whether these systems are deserving of moral concern (i.e. if they are moral patients) or whether they can be sources of moral action (i.e. if they are moral agents). On the Organic View of Ethical Status, being a moral patient is a necessary condition for an entity to qualify as (...)
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  • Teaching evolutionary developmental biology: concepts, problems, and controversy.A. C. Love - 2013 - In Kostas Kampourakis (ed.), The Philosophy of Biology: a Companion for Educators. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 323-341.
    Although sciences are often conceptualized in terms of theory confirmation and hypothesis testing, an equally important dimension of scientific reasoning is the structure of problems that guide inquiry. This problem structure is evident in several concepts central to evolutionary developmental biology (Evo-devo)—constraints, modularity, evolvability, and novelty. Because problems play an important role in biological practice, they should be included in biological pedagogy, especially when treating the issue of scientific controversy. A key feature of resolving controversy is synthesizing methodologies from different (...)
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  • Materialism, Ecology, Aesthetics.Rachel Smith - 2011 - Mediations 25 (2).
    Nature writing might seem among the furthest thing possible from questions of Marxist praxis. Rachel Greenwald Smith argues for their connection.
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  • Nietzsche on the Re-naturalization of Humanity in Thus Spoke Zarathustra.Kaitlyn Creasy - 2022 - In Keith Ansell-Pearson & Paul S. Loeb (eds.), Cambridge Critical Guide to Nietzsche's 'Thus Spoke Zarathustra'. Cambridge University Press.
    In this chapter, I contend that Nietzsche’s robust critiques of human exceptionalism and the “humanization of nature [Vermenschlichung der Natur]”, as well as his positive, proto-ecocentric vision of the “naturalization of humanity [Vernatürlichung des Menschen]”, afford contemporary environmental philosophy a novel perspective from which to critique anthropocentric conservation ideologies (according to which nature conservation ought to be motivated by the interests and aims of humanity, especially economic development and prosperity). Importantly, I also argue that Thus Spoke Zarathustra is the work (...)
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  • The atrocity paradigm applied to environmental evils.Kathryn Norlock - 2004 - Ethics and the Environment 9 (1):85-93.
    I am persuaded both by the theory of evil advanced by Claudia Card in The Atrocity Paradigm and by the idea that there are evils done to the environment; however, I argue that the theory of evil she describes has difficulty living up to her claim that it "can make sense of ecological evils the victims of which include trees and even ecosystems" (2002, 16). In this paper, I argue that Card's account of evil does not accommodate the kinds of (...)
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  • Why the Standard Interpretation of Aldo Leopold’s Land Ethic is Mistaken.Mark Bryant Budolfson - 2014 - Environmental Ethics 36 (4):443-453.
    The standard interpretation of Aldo Leopold’s land ethic is that correct land management is whatever tends to preserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the biotic community, of which we humans are merely a small part. From this interpretation, it is a short step to interpreting Leopold as a sort of deep ecologist or radical environmentalist. However, this interpretation is based on a small number of quotations from Leopold taken out of context. Once these quota­tions are put into context, and (...)
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  • Breaching the Dialectic with Situated Knowledges: The Case of Postsocialist Naturecultures.Anne Sauka - 2023 - Polish Journal of Aesthetics 68 (1):35-56.
    The article analyzes the significance of situated knowledges for going beyond dominating conceptual dichotomies that a) establish status quo dialectics, b) proliferate homogenization of the Global Northern experienced materialities, and c) conceal and suppress alternate affectual body-environment experiences and materializations. With the example of postsocialist ontogenealogies, the article analyzes the potential blind spots when failing to consider both sides of a status quo dialectic in their interconnectedness. To conclude, the article suggests the potential of situated knowledges as a vehicle for (...)
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  • What Food is “Good” for You? Toward a Pragmatic Consideration of Multiple Values Domains.Donald B. Thompson & Bryan McDonald - 2013 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 26 (1):137-163.
    What makes a food good, for you? With respect to food, the expression “good for you” usually refers to the effect of the food on the nutritional health of the eater, but it can also pertain more broadly. The expression is often used by a person who is concerned with another person’s well-being, as part of an exhortation. But when framed as a question and addressed to you, as an individual, the question can require a response, calling for accountability beyond (...)
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  • Dirty Hands, Speculative Minds, and Smart Machines.Diane P. Michelfelder - 2011 - Philosophy and Technology 24 (1):55-68.
    In 2003, Peter Singer and others sounded a warning in the pages of the journal Nanotechnology that research into the ethical, social, and legal implications of nanotechnology was increasingly lagging behind research into nanotechnology itself. More recently, Alfred Nordmann and Arie Rip have argued that while the pace of ELSI inquiry has now picked up, the inquiry itself is focused far too much on hypothetical and futuristic scenarios. But might there be advantages for ethicists and philosophers of technology interested in (...)
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  • Biological Explanation.Angela Potochnik - 2013 - In Kostas Kampourakis (ed.), The Philosophy of Biology: a Companion for Educators. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 49-65.
    One of the central aims of science is explanation: scientists seek to uncover why things happen the way they do. This chapter addresses what kinds of explanations are formulated in biology, how explanatory aims influence other features of the field of biology, and the implications of all of this for biology education. Philosophical treatments of scientific explanation have been both complicated and enriched by attention to explanatory strategies in biology. Most basically, whereas traditional philosophy of science based explanation on derivation (...)
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  • Ethics and social science: Which kind of co-operation? [REVIEW]Dieter Birnbacher - 1999 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 2 (4):319-336.
    The relation between ethics and social science is often conceived as complementary, both disciplines cooperating in the solution of concrete moral problems. Against this, the paper argues that not only applied ethics but even certain parts of general ethics have to incorporate sociological and psychological data and theories from the start. Applied ethics depends on social science in order to asses the impact of its own principles on the concrete realities which these principles are to regulate as well as in (...)
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  • Taking a glance at the environment: Prolegomena to an ethics of the environment.Edward Casey - 2001 - Research in Phenomenology 31 (1):1-21.
    It is remarkable how much we can understand about an environmental problem at a mere glance. By means of a glance - at once quick and comprehensive - we can detect that something is going wrong in a given environmental circumstance, and we can even begin to suspect what needs to be done to rectify the situation. In this paper I explore the unsuspected power of the glance in environmental thought and practice, drawing special lessons for an ethics of the (...)
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  • Symbiosis and the Ecological Role of Philosophy.Kent A. Peacock - 1999 - Dialogue 38 (4):699-718.
    RésuméCet article défend une approche à la philosophic et à l'éthique environnementale qui a originalement été avancée par Aldo Leopold. Selon cet auteur, l'éthique peut être comprise, d'un point de vue biologique, comme la forme spécifiquement humaine de la symbiose. La question cruciate de notre époque est de savoir si les humains peuvent coexister avec l'environnement global en un état de symbiose. La philosophie et les sciences humaines en général peuvent contribuer grandement à l'atteinte de ce but, à cause de (...)
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  • A Hybrid Theory of Environmentalism.Steve Matthews - 2002 - Essays in Philosophy 3 (1):22-37.
    The destruction and pollution of the natural environment poses two problems for philosophers. The first is political and pragmatic: which theory of the environment is best equipped to impact policymakers heading as we are toward a series of potential ecocatastrophes? The second is more central: On the environment philosophers tend to fall either side of an irreconcilable divide. Either our moral concerns are grounded directly in nature, or the appeal is made via an anthropocentric set of interests. The lack of (...)
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  • Towards an Ethic of Ecological Resilience.Felipe Bravo-Osorio - 2023 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 26 (3):359-373.
    In this paper I use the concept of ecological resilience as a basis for a moral approach to the environment. Particularly, I propose a reformulation of Leopold'ss moral principle, central to ecocentrism, through the lense of ecological resilience. I will do this by, first, reviewing the main assumptions of ecocentrism and resilience ethics. I will then focus on the concept of resilience and its philosophical description, and I will try to further develop resilience ethics by reformulating the resilience principle and (...)
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  • (1 other version)Anthropocentrism versus Ecocentrism Revisited: Theoretical Confusions and Practical Conclusions.Teea Kortetmäki - 2013 - SATS 14 (1):21-37.
    One of the hardest questions in environmental philosophy is the debate between anthropocentric and ecocentric accounts of value. I argue that a great deal of the disagreement in this debate arises from a) misunderstanding of the concepts used in the debate and b) unfruitful reading of vaguely framed arguments. The conceptual and argumentative analysis of the debate shows that many arguments can be ignored as they either contain conceptual confusion or concern issues that are actually irrelevant to the centrism division. (...)
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  • Is ecology an 'alternative' natural science?Jacqueline Cramer & Wolfgang Daele - 1985 - Synthese 65 (3):347 - 375.
    This article discusses whether ecology represents an alternative type of natural science, that is normatively committed. Central questions are:-how man and human action are integrated into the subject matter of ecology.
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  • Process concepts of text, practice, and no self in Buddhism.Frank J. Hoffman - 2012 - In William Sweet (ed.), Migrating Texts and Traditions. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press. pp. 221-232.
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  • Human/Nature Identity and Environmental Devastation.Joseph Kirby - 2008 - Gnosis 9 (3):1-14.
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  • Asia-Pacific Perspectives on Environmental Ethics.Darryl R. J. Macer - 2008 - UNESCO Bangkok.
    Papers from the Pacific islands, India, Bangladesh and elsewhere illustrate the ethical dilemma of environmental policy, sustainable development and the needs of communities to make a living.
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  • “Nature and human values” at the colorado school of mines.Carl Mitcham & Arthur B. Sacks - 2001 - Science and Engineering Ethics 7 (1):129-136.
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  • The Bible and Ecology.Holmes Rolston - 1996 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 50 (1):16-26.
    The Bible is not a book of science, and therefore not of ecology. It does, however, sketch a vision of human ecology, and contemporary readers encounter claims about how to value nature. The Bible's vision is simultaneously biocentric, anthropocentric, and theocentric. The Hebrews discovered who they were as they discovered where they were, and their scriptures can be a catalyst in our ecological crisis.
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  • (1 other version)بوم‌شناسی ژرف‌نگر: جنبشی علیه دوگانۀ انسان/طبیعت و نقد آن.احمد عبادی & محمد امدادی ماسوله - 2020 - پژوهشنامه فلسفه دین 18 (1):131-154.
    دوگانه‌انگاری انسان/طبیعت دیدگاهی است که با تبیین خاصی از ارتباط میان انسان و طبیعت نقشی تعیین‌کننده و سرنوشت‌ساز در اخلاق زیست‌محیطی یافته است. در این دیدگاه، انسان به عنوان وجه برتر این تقسیم‌بندی حق هر گونه استفاده و رفتار با طبیعت را دارد. در نظر جنبش بوم‌شناسی ژرف‌نگر، به دلیل درهم‌تنیدگیِ انسان و طبیعت نمی‌توان این دو را مجزا از یکدیگر دانست. این نگرش به دلیل نقد تفکر دوگانۀ انسان/طبیعت دارای نکات مفید و سودمندی در باب اخلاق زیست‌محیطی است، که (...)
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  • Del valor intrínseco de la naturaleza.Fernando Arribas Herguedas - 2006 - Isegoría 34:261-275.
    La ética ecológica considera la noción de «valor intrínseco» como un requisito necesario para establecer deberes morales hacia el mundo no humano. En este artículo, sin embargo, se sostiene que las concepciones ecocéntricas del valor intrínseco se traducen generalmente en alguna clase de naturalismo y que el antropocentrismo ético es inevitable. En segundo lugar, se muestra cómo la atribución de valor intrínseco obstaculiza la tarea de jerarquizar deberes ecológicos. Por último, se defiende que las apelaciones al valor intrínseco son traducibles (...)
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  • Mega-Sized Concerns from the Nano-Sized World: The Intersection of Nano- and Environmental Ethics.Peter Attia - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (3):1007-1016.
    As rapid advances in nanotechnology are made, we must set guidelines to balance the interests of both human beneficiaries and the environment by combining nanoethics and environmental ethics. In this paper, I reject Leopoldian holism as a practical environmental ethic with which to gauge nanotechnologies because, as a nonanthropocentric ethic, it does not value the humans who will actually use the ethic. Weak anthropocentrism is suggested as a reasonable alternative to ethics without a substantial human interest, as it treats nonhuman (...)
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  • The Is-Ought Problem, the Open Question Argument, and the new science of morality.Radim Bělohrad - 2011 - Human Affairs 21 (3):262-271.
    The article deals with a recent attack by Sam Harris on two famous arguments that purport to establish a gap between factual and evaluative statements—Hume’s Is-Ought Problem and Moore’s Open Question Argument. I present the arguments, analyze the relationship between them and critically assess Harris’ attempt to refute them. I conclude that Harris’ attempt fails.
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  • Understanding Social Welfare Capitalism, Private Property, and the Government’s Duty to Create a Sustainable Environment.Dennis R. Cooley - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 89 (3):351-369.
    No one would deny that sustainability is necessary for individual, business, and national survival. How this goal is to be accomplished is a matter of great debate. In this article I will show that the United States and other developed countries have a duty to create sustainable cities, even if that is against a notion of private property rights considered as an absolute. Through eminent domain and regulation, developed countries can fulfill their obligations to current and future generations. To do (...)
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  • Light as Environment: Medicine, Health, and Values.David B. Morris - 2002 - Journal of Medical Humanities 23 (1):7-29.
    Light is strangely absent from most accounts of the environment. From photosynthesis to vitamin D, however, light is central to human well-being. Human circadian rhythms are keyed the alternation of dark and light. Erosion of the ozone layer makes skin cancer a growing threat from excess ultraviolet radiation. Light plays a significant role in health and illness. In changing historical circumstances, light continues to evoke and to express significant issues of value.
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  • Literary activism, social justice, and the future of bioregionalism.Joshua A. Dolezal - 2008 - Ethics and the Environment 13 (1):pp. 1-22.
    Whereas the political battle between literary activists and industry over the tenets of bioregionalism in the American West has ignored the question of social justice, effectively silencing a sizeable population—the working poor—by creating an economic situation in which labor must choose between two oppressors, mutual aid as championed by Petr Kropotkin offers more potential for reform than the model of political competition has yielded thus far. If literary activists were to extend Jared Diamond's call to social action in Collapse by (...)
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  • The Nation-State and the Potential for Earthly Dwelling.Julie Kuhlken - 2011 - Philosophy Today 55 (Supplement):255-262.
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  • Environmental Ethics.Roberta L. Millstein - 2013 - In Kostas Kampourakis (ed.), The Philosophy of Biology: a Companion for Educators. Dordrecht: Springer.
    A number of areas of biology raise questions about what is of value in the natural environment and how we ought to behave towards it: conservation biology, environmental science, and ecology, to name a few. Based on my experience teaching students from these and similar majors, I argue that the field of environmental ethics has much to teach these students. They come to me with pent-up questions and a feeling that more is needed to fully engage in their subjects, and (...)
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  • Cats and Conservationists: The Debate Over Who Owns the Outdoors.Joan E. Schaffner - 2021 - Journal of Animal Ethics 11 (1):84-92.
    Cats and Conservationists: The Debate Over Who Owns the Outdoors explores the hotly contested debate surrounding outdoor cats, free-living animals, and humans’ role in nature—a debate grounded in conflicting science, ethics, and public policy goals. The authors attempt to sort out the data and values related to this debate and find common ground. However, in so doing, they create several false equivalencies. More helpful to those working on the ground to address outdoor cats would have been a book that, in (...)
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