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The Argument from Underconsideration and Relative Realism.Moti Mizrahi - 2013 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 27 (4):393-407.details
The Pessimistic Induction: A Bad Argument Gone Too Far.Moti Mizrahi - 2013 - Synthese 190 (15):3209-3226.details
(2 other versions)Humes old and new: Four fashionable falsehoods, and one unfashionable truth.Peter Millican - 2007 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 81 (1):163-199.details
Causes of causes.Alex Broadbent - 2012 - Philosophical Studies 158 (3):457-476.details
Inductions, Red Herrings, and the Best Explanation for the Mixed Record of Science.P. D. Magnus - 2010 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 61 (4):803-819.details
Miracles, pessimism and scientific realism.John Worrall - unknowndetails
What is scientific progress?Alexander Bird - 2007 - Noûs 41 (1):64–89.details
How to be a Historically Motivated Anti-Realist: The Problem of Misleading Evidence.Greg Frost-Arnold - 2019 - Philosophy of Science 86 (5):906-917.details
Should Scientific Realists Embrace Theoretical Conservatism?Finnur Dellsén - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A:30-38.details
Scenes from a Marriage: On the Confrontation Model of History and Philosophy of Science.Raphael Scholl - 2018 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 12 (2):212-238.details
Induction, Reliability and Predicates of Type Grue.Luiz Helvécio Marques Segundo - 2015 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 19 (1):33-47.details
Evolution and Epistemic Justification.Michael Vlerick & Alex Broadbent - 2015 - Dialectica 69 (2):185-203.details
Reversing the counterfactual analysis of causation.Alex Broadbent - 2007 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 15 (2):169 – 189.details
Should scientific realists be platonists?Jacob Busch & Joe Morrison - 2016 - Synthese 193 (2):435-449.details
Epidemiological evidence in proof of specific causation.Alex Broadbent - 2011 - Legal Theory 17 (4):237-278.details
Self-Representationalism and the Neo-Russellian Ignorance Hypothesis: A Hybrid Account of Phenomenal Consciousness.Tom McClelland - 2012 - Dissertation, Sussexdetails
Underdetermination as a Path to Structural Realism.Katherine Brading & Alexander Skiles - 2012 - In Elaine Landry & Dean Rickles (eds.), Structural Realism: Structure, Object, and Causality. Springer.details
Can Robots Do Epidemiology? Machine Learning, Causal Inference, and Predicting the Outcomes of Public Health Interventions.Alex Broadbent & Thomas Grote - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (1):1-22.details
Miracles and Models: Why reports of the death of Structural Realism may be exaggerated.John Worrall - 2007 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 61:125-154.details
Reliabilism and the Abductive Defence of Scientific Realism.Valeriano Iranzo - 2008 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 39 (1):115-120.details
On Some Limitations of Humean Disagreement: Miraculous Testimony and Contrary Religions.Paul Dicken - 2011 - Sophia 50 (3):345-355.details
In memoriam: Peter Lipton.Tim Lewens - 2008 - Philosophy of Science 75 (2):133-139.details
(1 other version)A Surfeit of Naturalism.Tim Lewens - 2012 - Metaphilosophy 43 (1-2):46-57.details