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Memory without content? Radical enactivism and (post)causal theories of memory.Kourken Michaelian & André Sant’Anna - 2019 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 1):307-335.details
(2 other versions)Memory.Kourken Michaelian & John Sutton - 2017 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.details
An exploration into enactive forms of forgetting.Marta Caravà - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20 (4):703-722.details
Misplacing memories? An enactive approach to the virtual memory palace.Anco Peeters & Miguel Segundo-Ortin - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 76 (C):102834.details
Enactive memory.Marta Caravà - 2023 - In Lucas Bietti & Pogacar Martin, The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Memory Studies. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 1-8.details
Practices of remembering a movement in the dance studio: evidence for (a radicalized version of) the REC framework in the domain of memory.Carla Carmona - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1-2):3611-3643.details
Thinking with things: An embodied enactive account of mind–technology interaction.Anco Peeters - 2019 - Dissertation, University of Wollongongdetails
Philosophical Investigation Series: Selected Texts on Memory and Imagination / Série Investigação Filosófica: Textos Selecionados sobre Memória e Imaginação.Danilo Fraga Dantas (ed.) - 2024 - Pelotas: UFPEL's Publisher / Editora da UFPEL (2024). Translated by Fabrício Dutra, Susie Kovalczyk, Arthur Silva Fachi, Vitor R. Almeida, Gabriel Zaccaro, Jonathas Kilque Villanova & Marcos Júnior Junges Panciera.details
Remembering without storing: beyond archival models in the science and philosophy of human memory.Ian O'Loughlin - 2014 - Dissertation, details