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  1. Global labor and worksite standards: A strategic ethical analysis of shareholder employee relations resolutions. [REVIEW]Douglas M. McCabe - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 23 (1):101 - 110.
    The purpose of this paper is to analyze from a strategic ethical perspective four selected shareholder resolutions reported by the Social Issues Service of the Investor Responsibility Research Center regarding international labor and workplace standards. Particular attention will be paid to specific employee relations issues at the operating and tactical level of individual multinational firms. The paper concludes with policy recommendations for proxy statements.
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  • De spreiding van betogingen in België.Jozef Smits - 1995 - Res Publica 37 (1):35-52.
    In this article the spread of demonstrations - a political activity that situates itself in the middle on the scale of conventional - unconventional political action - is studied. The rare survey of the effective participation in demonstrations in Belgium shows that it is rather high. An extensive minority of some 20 to 25% ofthe Belgians declares to have participated in a demonstration. These figures modify the image of the passive, indifferent citizen that research of conventional political participation has shown. (...)
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  • (1 other version)Exploring Human-Animal Relationships. The 14th Annual Conference of the International Society for Anthrozoology.Margaret Schneider - 2005 - Society and Animals 13 (4):355-357.
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  • Sakharov: Science, morale et politique.Charles Rhéaume - 2023 - Les Presses de l’Université de Laval.
    Andreï Sakharov a beaucoup misé sur l’appui de ses collègues occidentaux dans le combat qu’il a mené pour la libération de l’URSS. Il était en effet conscient de leur prestance face à un régime soviétique pétri de scientisme. Le boycottage de leurs échanges avec l’Union soviétique se présenterait alors comme la mesure de solidarité ultime pour des scientifiques dont la propension naturelle est la communication internationale. Ce livre se concentre sur ce boycottage en faveur de Sakharov et révèle, en raison (...)
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  • Even stranger still: Moral experience as a significant focus for research ethics consultation.Stuart G. Finder - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (3):22 – 23.
    Few could disagree with the starting premise in, “Strangers at the Benchside: Research Ethics Consultation” (Cho et al. 2008). Over the past 40 years, the efforts for addressing the breadth and dep...
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  • Chimera, spandrel, or adaptation.Ellen Dissanayake - 1995 - Human Nature 6 (2):99-117.
    In every known human society, some kind—usually many kinds—of art is practiced, frequently with much vigor and pleasure, so that one could at least hypothesize that “artifying” or “artification” is a characteristic behavior of our species. Yet human ethologists and sociobiologists have been conspicuously unforthcoming about this observably widespread and valued practice, for a number of stated and unstated reasons. The present essay is a position paper that offers an overview and analysis of conceptual issues and problems inherent in viewing (...)
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  • Book Reviews. [REVIEW][author unknown] - 2006 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 14 (2):271-305.
    Art as Performance By David Davies Blackwell Publishing, 2004. Pp. viii + 278. ISBN 1–4051–1666–8. US $31.95. This tightly organized, original work on the ontology of art argues forcefully, o...
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  • (1 other version)Empirische Studien zu Fragen der Bedarfsgerechtigkeit.Alexander Max Bauer - 2024 - Dissertation, University of Oldenburg
    The role that need plays in dealing with problems of distributive justice is examined in a series of vignette studies. Among other things, it becomes clear that impartial observers make gradual assessments of justice that depend on the extent to which the observed individuals are endowed with a good. If it is known how high their need for that good is, the assessments are made relative to this reference point. In addition, impartial decision-makers make hypothetical distribution decisions that take into (...)
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  • Regionalisation in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS): Vietnam in the GMS Cooperation Program.Tran Thi Le Dung - 2020 - Dissertation, University of New South Wales at Canberra
    In Vietnam, regionalisation in the GMS occurs in different parts at different paces and levels driven by the central government and with the participation of the local governments, private sector and grassroots people in the framework of the GMS Program. So far there has been no major research either in Vietnamese or English that addresses this issue. The thesis seeks to fill this gap by examining the empirical process of regionalisation in three Vietnam’s border towns in the First-Generation GMS Economic (...)
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  • The Ways of Peace: A philosophy of peace as action.J. Gray Cox - 1986 - Paulist Press.
    We can conceive of peace in many different ways, and these differences are related to a variety of assumptions and practices we can adopt in our culture. This book is about those differences. Part I describes the ways in which we usually talk about peace. It argues that our conception is fundamentally obscure. We do not know what peace is and we do not know how to promote it. Part II develops an explanation of how peace has been obscured. It (...)
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  • Need, equity, and accountability – Evidence on third-party distribution decisions from a vignette study.Alexander Max Bauer, Frauke Meyer, Jan Romann, Mark Siebel & Stefan Traub - 2022 - Social Choice and Welfare.
    We report the results of a vignette study with an online sample of the German adult population in which we analyze the interplay between need, equity, and accountability in third-party distribution decisions. We asked participants to divide firewood between two hypothetical persons who either differ in their need for heat or in their productivity in terms of their ability to chop wood. The study systematically varies the persons’ accountability for their neediness as well as for their productivity. We find that (...)
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  • Quine: Before and after the commitment to naturalism.Nathan Daniel Haining Kirkwood - 2020 - Dissertation, University of Glasgow
    There is little in Quine’s philosophy that is more significant and more puzzling than his commitment to naturalism. On the one hand, naturalism seems to play an unparalleled role in explaining the development and unorthodox nature of Quine’s views. On the other hand, however, naturalism is deeply elusive. Not only is there disagreement amongst commentators about how to understand the nature and development of naturalism, but also Quine’s own characterisations of naturalism are often thinly sketched and leave us with few (...)
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