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  1. Truth-Seeking by Abduction.Ilkka Niiniluoto - 2018 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
    This book examines the philosophical conception of abductive reasoning as developed by Charles S. Peirce, the founder of American pragmatism. It explores the historical and systematic connections of Peirce's original ideas and debates about their interpretations. Abduction is understood in a broad sense which covers the discovery and pursuit of hypotheses and inference to the best explanation. The analysis presents fresh insights into this notion of reasoning, which derives from effects to causes or from surprising observations to explanatory theories. The (...)
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  • Cosmological Realism.David Merritt - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 88 (C):193-208.
    I discuss the relevance of the current predicament in cosmology to the debate over scientific realism. I argue that the existence of two, empirically successful but ontologically inconsistent cosmological theories presents difficulties for the realist position.
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  • Screams for explanation: finetuning and naturalness in the foundations of physics.Sabine Hossenfelder - 2019 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 16):3727-3745.
    We critically analyze the rationale of arguments from finetuning and naturalness in particle physics and cosmology, notably the small values of the mass of the Higgs-boson and the cosmological constant. We identify several new reasons why these arguments are not scientifically relevant. Besides laying out why the necessity to define a probability distribution renders arguments from naturalness internally contradictory, it is also explained why it is conceptually questionable to single out assumptions about dimensionless parameters from among a host of other (...)
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  • MOND and meta-empirical theory assessment.Siska De Baerdemaeker & Richard Dawid - 2022 - Synthese 200 (5):1-28.
    While $$\Lambda $$ Λ CDM has emerged as the standard model of cosmology, a small group of physicists defends modified newtonian dynamics (MOND) as an alternative view on cosmology. Exponents of MOND have employed a broad, at times explicitly philosophical, conceptual perspective in arguing their case. This paper offers reasons why that MONDian defense has been ineffective. First, we argue that the defense is ineffective according to Popperian or Lakatosian views–ostensibly the preferred philosophical views on theory assessment of proponents of (...)
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  • Methodological reflections on the MOND/dark matter debate.Patrick M. Duerr & William J. Wolf - 2023 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 101 (C):1-23.
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  • String theory, Einstein, and the identity of physics: Theory assessment in absence of the empirical.Jeroen van Dongen - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 89:164-176.
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  • General Relativity, MOND, and the problem of unconceived alternatives.Abhishek Kashyap - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 13 (3):1-18.
    Observational discrepancies in galactic rotation curves and cluster dispersion data have been interpreted to imply the existence of dark matter. Numerous efforts at its detection, however, have failed to turn up any positive result. As a dynamical theory is always operative on the assumed mass distribution to predict kinematic observations, some scientists see the discrepancy as telling against General Relativity. Among the many theories that seek to modify gravity, those that are built on Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND), or yield MOND (...)
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  • Integrating dark matter, modified gravity, and the humanities.Niels C. M. Martens, Miguel Ángel Carretero Sahuquillo, Erhard Scholz, Dennis Lehmkuhl & Michael Krämer - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 91 (C):1-5.
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  • A Comment on ‘Cosmology and Convention’ by David Merritt.Man Ho Chan - 2019 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 50 (2):283-296.
    In a recent article Merritt has claimed that current observational data provide “severe tests” falsifying the standard cosmological model. Based on Popper’s idea of conventionalism, he concludes that the introduction of some essential components of the standard cosmological model—including dark matter and dark energy—are a consequence of conventionalist stratagems. In this article, I provide more recent discoveries and discussions showing that the standard cosmological model is not built on any conventionalist stratagem.
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  • Proposal for a Degree of Scientificity in Cosmology.Juliano C. S. Neves - 2020 - Foundations of Science 25 (3):857-878.
    In spite of successful tests, the standard cosmological model, the $$\varLambda$$ CDM model, possesses the most problematic concept: the initial singularity, also known as the big bang. In this paper—by adopting the Kantian difference between to think of an object and to cognize an object—it is proposed a degree of scientificity using fuzzy sets. Thus, the notion of initial singularity will not be conceived of as a scientific issue because it does not belong to the fuzzy set of what is (...)
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  • MOND and Methodology.David Merritt - 2021 - In Parusniková Zuzana & Merritt David, Karl Popper's Science and Philosophy. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. pp. 69-96.
    In Logik der Forschung (1934) and later works, Karl Popper proposed a set of methodological rules for scientists. Among these were requirements that theories should evolve in the direction of increasing content, and that new theories should only be accepted if some of their novel predictions are experimentally confirmed. There are currently two, viable theories of cosmology: the standard cosmological model, and a theory due to Mordehai Milgrom called MOND. Both theories can point to successes and failures, but only MOND (...)
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  • Testing galaxy formation and dark matter with low surface brightness galaxies.Stacy S. McGaugh - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 88 (C):220-236.
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  • The Concept of the Universe in Physical Cosmology.Raúl Fernández-Cobos - 2021 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 52 (4):523-542.
    The concept of the universe is used in physical cosmology differently from the usual meaning of the term, naively considered as the entire reality. Traditionally, thinking about the whole led to logical contradictions. Taking as reference the Kantian antecedent, different contemporary philosophical notions of the universe are analysed in the first part of this paper, including realist and constructivist approaches, as well as a notion of the universe as a physical object. In the second part, the specific notion from the (...)
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  • (1 other version) Between Theory and Experiment: Model Use in Dark Matter Detection.Rami Jreige - manuscript
    There is a complex interplay between the models in dark matter detection experiments that have led to a difficulty in interpreting the results of the experiments and ascertain whether we have detected the particle or not. The aim of this paper is to categorise and explore the different models used in said experiments, by emphasizing the distinctions and dependencies among different types of models used in this field. With a background theory, models are categorised into four distinct types: background theory, (...)
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  • Le concept de particule élémentaire.Patrice Delon - manuscript
    L’espace-vide est définit par Einstein comme substantiel et de densité d’énergie non nulle. Dans les premiers instants de l’univers, c’est cette substance espace-vide qui est apparue conjointement avec la grandeur temps, qui de ce fait doit présenter un lien de nature avec elle. Quel qu’est pu être le processus ayant conduit à la matérialisation des particules élémentaires, celles-ci ont été extraites de cette substance vide et procèdent donc d’une même nature. Ainsi la structure interne d’une particule composée de matière et (...)
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  • Revisiting the Scientific Nature of Multiverse Theories.Man Ho Chan - 2023 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 55 (1):137-151.
    Some scientists or philosophers argue that multiverse theories are unfalsifiable and thus not scientific. However, some advocates of multiverse theories have recently argued that although the multiverse is not observable, multiverse theories are indeed falsifiable in principle. Therefore, they share similar features with a conventional scientific theory. On the other hand, the proposals of an epistemic shift and nonempirical theory assessment have possibly revived the discussions of the scientific nature of multiverse theories. In this article, I revisit the falsifiable arguments (...)
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  • Pragmatism about Truth-Makers.John Capps - 2022 - Contemporary Pragmatism 19 (4):350-370.
    Truth-makers are the dark matter of metaphysics. On the one hand, truth-makers seem obvious and necessary: if there are truths then there must be something that makes these truths true. On the other hand, it’s proven difficult to say exactly what these truth-makers are. Even defenders disagree about what sort of entity truth-makers are or whether all truths have truth-makers. Skeptics have questioned whether truth-makers are actually so obvious and necessary, or even whether they exist at all. Here I offer (...)
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  • (1 other version)Between theory and experiment: model use in dark matter detection.Rami Jreige - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 14 (4):1-25.
    There is a complex interplay between the models in dark matter detection experiments that have led to a difficulty in interpreting the results of the experiments and ascertain whether we have detected the particle or not. The aim of this paper is to categorise and explore the different models used in said experiments, by emphasizing the distinctions and dependencies among different types of models used in this field. With a background theory, models are categorised into four distinct types: background theory, (...)
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  • The Light of the Dark: Dark Matter, Astronomy, and Knowing the Unobservable.Eugene Vaynberg - 2024 - Dissertation, University of Pennsylvania
    Dark matter in astrophysics offers a rare treat for philosophers of science. When they look at the contemporary science of dark matter, they see reports of a widely accepted theoretical posit indispensable to our best theories and models but without an accepted experimental confirmation of its existence. Nearly all astrophysicists and cosmologists believe that dark matter exists and makes up approximately a quarter of the mass-energy content of the universe. However, they seem to know almost nothing about its nature, cannot (...)
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  • An Alternative Approach toward the Origin of the Universe.Pramod Kumar Agrawal - 2021 - Философия И Космология 27:5-21.
    The Big Bang is the most accepted theory of how the Universe was born. However, this theory explains only the development of the Universe, not its origination. This paper develops two main ideas: a) that a strong philosophical approach encourages innovative thinking through the sharing of new scientific enlightenment, and b) the origination of “something” from “nothing” without violating the conservation laws. The second idea underlies our Universal Theory of Origination. The Universe has evolved on cosmological, physical, biological, psychological, and (...)
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  • The scientific demarcation problem: a formal and model-based approach to falsificationism.Attard Jeremy - manuscript
    The problem of demarcating between what is scientific and what is pseudoscientific or merely unscientific - in other words, the problem of defining scientificity - remains open. The modern debate was firstly structured around Karl Popper's falsificationist epistemology from the 1930's, before diversifying a few decades later. His central idea is that what makes something scientific is not so much how adequate it is with data, but rather to what extent it might not have been so. Since the second half (...)
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  • As origens da cosmologia científica: uma reconstrução racional lakatosiana.Danilo Miranda Rodrigues & José Raymundo Novaes Chiappin - 2024 - Revista Brasileira de História da Ciência 17 (1):412-433.
    O artigo se insere em uma tradição existente de estudos de caso sobre a epistemologia de Imre Lakatos. Seu objetivo consiste em descrever uma reconstrução racional da cosmologia científica, cujo estatuto de cientificidade se consolida após a primeira metade do século XX, em uma combinação entre trabalhos teóricos e empíricos. Os critérios lakatosianos não nos permitem classificar a concepção de universo formulada por Albert Einstein como um programa de pesquisa. Podemos classificá-la, todavia, como uma tentativa de programa, que será recuperada (...)
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  • (1 other version)Vers un modèle unitaire de la scientificité.Jeremy Attard - 2024 - Dissertation, University of Mons
    Le présent travail s'inscrit à l'intersection de deux problèmes épistémologiques majeurs. D'une part, le problème de la démarcation scientifique, qui consiste à identifier ce qui distingue intrinsèquement un système (un énoncé, une théorie, ...) scientifique d'un système non scientifique ou pseudo-scientifique. D'autre part, le problème de l'unité épistémologique des sciences, qui consiste à se demander si toutes les disciplines à vocation scientifique peuvent être vues comme des instanciations d'une notion unique de la scientificité. Ces deux problèmes ont soulevé de nombreux (...)
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