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Cambridge Handbook of Consciousness

New York: Cambridge University Press (2007)

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  1. Enactive Affectivity, Extended.Giovanna Colombetti - 2017 - Topoi 36 (3):445-455.
    In this paper I advance an enactive view of affectivity that does not imply that affectivity must stop at the boundaries of the organism. I first review the enactive notion of “sense-making”, and argue that it entails that cognition is inherently affective. Then I review the proposal, advanced by Di Paolo, that the enactive approach allows living systems to “extend”. Drawing out the implications of this proposal, I argue that, if enactivism allows living systems to extend, then it must also (...)
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  • Zombie-Like or Superconscious? A Phenomenological and Conceptual Analysis of Consciousness in Elite Sport.Gunnar Breivik - 2013 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 40 (1):85-106.
    According to a view defended by Hubert Dreyfus and others, elite athletes are totally absorbed while they are performing, and they act non-deliberately without any representational or conceptual thinking. By using both conceptual clarification and phenomenological description the article criticizes this view and maintains that various forms of conscious thinking and acting plays an important role before, during and after competitive events. The article describes in phenomenological detail how elite athletes use consciousness in their actions in sport; as planning, attention, (...)
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  • Enactive appraisal.Giovanna Colombetti - 2007 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 6 (4):527-546.
    Emotion theorists tend to separate “arousal” and other bodily events such as “actions” from the evaluative component of emotion known as “appraisal.” This separation, I argue, implies phenomenologically implausible accounts of emotion elicitation and personhood. As an alternative, I attempt a reconceptualization of the notion of appraisal within the so-called “enactive approach.” I argue that appraisal is constituted by arousal and action, and I show how this view relates to an embodied and affective notion of personhood.
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  • The Simulation Theory of Memory and the phenomenology of remembering.Andrea Rivadulla-Duró - 2022 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 1 (4):925-945.
    The Simulation Theory of Memory states that to remember an episode is to simulate it in the imagination (Michaelian, 2016a, b), making memory thus reducible to the act of imagining. This paper examines Simulation Theory’s resources to account for our ability to distinguish episodic memory from free imagination. The theory suggests that we can reliably do so because of the distinctive phenomenology episodic memory comes with (i.e., a feeling of remembering), which other episodic imaginings lack. I will raise two objections (...)
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  • The Development of Consciousness.Claudia Passos-Ferreira - 2017 - Dissertation, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
    The principal aim of the thesis is to develop a developmental account of conscious experience. In this account, the objective is to understand and explain the phenomenal experience of newborns and pre-linguistic infants. The question that guides the investigation concerns the phenomenality of babies' experiences: what is it like to be a baby? There are some crucial philosophical issues that any account of the nature of infant consciousness must face: the ontology of early conscious states; the epistemic status of infants' (...)
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  • Dynamic correlations between heart and brain rhythm during Autogenic meditation.Dae-Keun Kim, Kyung-Mi Lee, Jongwha Kim, Min-Cheol Whang & Seung Wan Kang - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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  • Evidence for Age-Equivalent and Task-Dissociative Metacognition in the Memory Domain.Alexandria C. Zakrzewski, Edie C. Sanders & Jane M. Berry - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Research suggests that metacognitive monitoring ability does not decline with age. For example, judgments-of-learning accuracy is roughly equivalent between younger and older adults. But few studies have asked whether younger and older adults’ metacognitive ability varies across different types of memory processes. The current study tested the relationship between memory and post-decision confidence ratings at the trial level on item and associative memory recognition tests. As predicted, younger and older adults had similarmetacognitive efficiency, when using meta-d’/d’, a measure derived from (...)
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  • I will tell you about Axel hägerström: His ontology and theory of judgment.Enrico Pattaro - 2010 - Ratio Juris 23 (1):123-156.
    In this paper I set out to read Hägerström through his own eyes, adhering to the terminology he uses in his own original work and attempting to make sense of the variance and uniformity alike that one finds in his linguistic usage. The translations we have of Hägerström's works are quite liberal, using the same word in English where the original uses different ones, and, vice versa, using different words in English where the original uses a single one in different (...)
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  • Source unreliability decreases but does not cancel the impact of social information on metacognitive evaluations.Amélie Jacquot, Terry Eskenazi, Edith Sales-Wuillemin, Benoît Montalan, Joëlle Proust, Julie Grèzes & Laurence Conty - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  • How to understand consciousness: The strength of the phenomenological method.Maria Armezzani - 2009 - World Futures 65 (2):101 – 110.
    Analyzing the outline of the endless literature on consciousness, the separation between science and philosophy rather than being overcome, seems to come back in different shapes. According to this point of view, the hard problem seems to be how to study consciousness while avoiding a slip back to the old dualism. This article outlines the advantages of the phenomenological method. This method, more than getting over the mind-body separation, anticipates it through an open gaze, able to bring back the human (...)
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  • Cambridge Handbook of Consciousness.Roger Frie - 2008 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 39 (1):115-120.
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  • The Relationship between Feelings-of-Knowing and Partial Knowledge for General Knowledge Questions.Elisabeth Norman, Oskar Blakstad, Øivind Johnsen, Stig K. Martinsen & Mark C. Price - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:202639.
    Feelings of knowing (FoK) are introspective self-report ratings of the felt likelihood that one will be able to recognize a currently unrecallable memory target. Previous studies have shown that FoKs are influenced by retrieved fragment knowledge related to the target, which is compatible with the accessibility hypothesis that FoK is partly based on currently activated partial knowledge about the memory target. However, previous results have been inconsistent as to whether or not FoKs are influenced by the accuracy of such information. (...)
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  • Inteligența, de la originile naturale la frontierele artificiale - Inteligența Umană vs. Inteligența Artificială.Nicolae Sfetcu - 2024 - Bucharest, Romania: MultiMedia Publishing.
    Istoria paralelă a evoluției inteligenței umane și a inteligenței artificiale este o călătorie fascinantă, evidențiind căile distincte, dar interconectate, ale evoluției biologice și inovației tehnologice. Această istorie poate fi văzută ca o serie de evoluții interconectate, fiecare progres în inteligența umană deschizând calea pentru următorul salt în inteligența artificială. Inteligența umană și inteligența artificială s-au împletit de mult timp, evoluând în traiectorii paralele de-a lungul istoriei. Pe măsură ce oamenii au căutat să înțeleagă și să reproducă inteligența, IA a apărut (...)
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  • Intelligence, from Natural Origins to Artificial Frontiers - Human Intelligence vs. Artificial Intelligence.Nicolae Sfetcu - 2024 - Bucharest, Romania: MultiMedia Publishing.
    The parallel history of the evolution of human intelligence and artificial intelligence is a fascinating journey, highlighting the distinct but interconnected paths of biological evolution and technological innovation. This history can be seen as a series of interconnected developments, each advance in human intelligence paving the way for the next leap in artificial intelligence. Human intelligence and artificial intelligence have long been intertwined, evolving in parallel trajectories throughout history. As humans have sought to understand and reproduce intelligence, AI has emerged (...)
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  • Tim Bayne, Axel Cleeremans, & Patrick Wilken (eds.), The Oxford Companion to Consciousness[REVIEW]Gary Bartlett - 2012 - Philosophical Psychology 25 (3):451 - 455.
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