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Deconstruction and Pragmatism

New York: Routledge (1996)

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  1. Deconstructing martial arts.Paul Bowman - 2019 - Cardiff University Press.
    Deconstructing Martial Arts analyses familiar issues and debates that arise in scholarly, practitioner and popular cultural discussions and treatments of martial arts and argues that martial arts are dynamic and variable constructs whose meanings and values regularly shift, mutate and transform, depending on the context. It argues that deconstructing martial arts is an invaluable approach to both the scholarly study of martial arts in culture and society and also to wider understandings of what and why martial arts are. Placing martial (...)
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  • Normative engagement across difference: Pragmatism, dialogic inclusion, and social practices.Clayton Chin - 2017 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 44 (3):302-325.
    This article addresses the problem of inter-normative engagement, of constructing dialogical interaction across substantive normative difference. Focusing on how this affects democratic and pluralistic contexts, it argues that a social-practice-based approach to normativity and reasoning offers unique resources to understand and frame such encounters. It specifically draws on pragmatism and the work of Richard Rorty to reframe normativity, authority, identity, and reason, linking these understandings to recent trends to deliberative political inclusivism in democratic theory. The upshot is that framing inter-normative (...)
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  • Engaging the Present: The Use of Reading Rorty.Clayton Chin - 2014 - Contemporary Pragmatism 11 (2):55-77.
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  • ‘This is My Truth, Tell Me Yours’. Deconstructive pragmatism as a philosophy for education.Gert Biesta - 2010 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 42 (7):710-727.
    One way to characterise pragmatism is to see it as a philosophy that placed communication at the heart of philosophical, educational and political thinking. Whereas the shift from consciousness to communication can be seen as a major innovation in modern philosophy, it is not without problems. This article highlights some of these problems and suggests a way ‘forward’ by staging a discussion between pragmatism and deconstruction. Although there are striking similarities between pragmatism and deconstruction, it is argued that pragmatism and (...)
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  • Tarp asmeninio dialogo ir socialinio polilogo: skirtingos socialumo sampratos.Rūta Bagdanavičiūtė - 2017 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 92:45-53.
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  • Pragmatism, realism and hermeneutics.Patrick Baert - 2003 - Foundations of Science 8 (1):89-106.
    This paper explores themethodological consequences of AmericanPragmatism for the social sciences. It alsocriticises some rival perspectives onmethodology of social research, in particularfalsificationist, realist and someanti-naturalist views. It is argued thatAmerican Pragmatism shows striking affinitieswith the genealogical method of history and thereflexive turn in cultural anthropology. It isalso argued that Pragmatism forces us to thinkdifferently about the relationship betweentheory and empirical research.
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  • Nothing Outside the Text: Derrida and Brandom on Language and World.Stephen S. Bush - 2009 - Contemporary Pragmatism 6 (2):45-69.
    The terms deconstruction and différence are central to both Jacques Derrida's work and to poststructuralism generally. These terms attempt to provide an alternative to metaphysical construals of linguistic meaning. I compare Derrida's discussion of linguistic meaning and reference with the contemporary pragmatist, Robert Brandom, arguing that Brandom has important similarities to Derrida. However, whereas Derrida remains committed to metaphysics even as he tries to contest it, Brandom, to his credit, more thoroughly rejects metaphysics.
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  • Laclau or Mouffe? Splitting the difference.Mark Anthony Wenman - 2003 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 29 (5):581-606.
    The majority of those who comment upon the theories of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe - both supporters and critics - treat the work of the two authors as a coherent unity. I see acute differences that demarcate the ideas of Laclau and Mouffe: differences that impede any straightforward delimitation of the authorial identity `Laclau and Mouffe'. The purpose of this paper is to bring to the fore the incommensurate political differences that separate the work of the two authors, and (...)
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  • El humanismo es una violencia propia de bestias. Filosofando a martillazos, a partir de Levinas y Derrida, la medida de lo humano y lo humano como medida.Julia Urabayen & Jorge León - 2016 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 33 (1):253-284.
    La reflexión levinasiana surge como una crítica a la filosofía tradicional que, al estar basada en la presencia y la identidad, conduce a la exclusión del otro. Frente a un pensar onto-lógico, el lituano propone que la ipseidad del ser humano sea constituida por la alteridad, y lo sea éticamente, porque el sujeto es sujeto-a, es decir, responsabilidad. En un intento por llevar aún más allá la obligada atención a la otredad del otro, Derrida desarrollará una crítica radical a la (...)
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  • The Public Has to Define Itself.Carsten Ljunggren - 2003 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 22 (5):351-370.
    In the article texts by John Dewey, JürgenHabermas and Richard Rorty are discussed in thelight of different meanings of the Public. Thisis done by discussing foundational andnon-foundational claims on a philosophy ofpragmatism and democracy, and by looking atdifferent meanings of intersubjectivity. Onecrucial difference I am pointing at, is thatwhile Dewey's intersubjectivity is stemmingfrom philosophical arguments as well aspolitical, Habermas's intersubjectivity isrestricted to the level of (an almostscientific) philosophical abstractargumentation without any concrete language ofpolitics. When it comes to Rorty I stress (...)
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  • Pragmatism and Feminist Theory.Véronique Mottier - 2004 - European Journal of Social Theory 7 (3):323-335.
    Although pragmatism and feminism share a number of key features, pragmatist philosophy has had little influence on feminist thought. This article explores the reasons for this failed rendezvous. Focusing particularly on Rorty’s neo-pragmatism, it is argued that neo-pragmatism’s lack of an adequate political theory, particularly regarding key issues in current feminist theory such as the conceptualization of the relations between the public and private spheres and the understanding of subjectivity, is a particularly important factor here. Earlier versions of pragmatist thought, (...)
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  • The theory of hegemony: Laclau’s path not taken.Andro Kitus - 2020 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 46 (10):1225-1243.
    The article revisits the theory of hegemony of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe and shows how a normative injunction, which according to Laclau is not compatible with the hegemonic logic, is not only possible but a necessary condition for hegemony to function. The article claims that the path to demonstrate this involves rethinking the relationship between the theory of hegemony and Derridean deconstruction. Following criticisms that the theory of hegemony overlooks the aporetic nature of Derridean undecidability that it nevertheless relies (...)
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  • Whose Reason, Whose Law, Whose Public? “The Political” and “Hegemonic Sovereignty” in Carl Schmitt.Funda Günsoy - 2016 - Synthesis Philosophica 31 (1):169-180.
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  • Jacques Derrida on the secular as theologico-political.Andrea Cassatella - 2016 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 42 (10):1059-1081.
    The article explores Jacques Derrida’s view of the secular as the field of the socio-political. It focuses on his argument as to why religion and politics cannot be strictly separated as in the classical modern paradigm. By engaging Derrida’s later writings, this article shows that the secular domain cannot be purified of all faith and is best thought of as theologico-political, where ‘theologico-political’ indicates the interrelatedness and distinction between the theological and the political. The article’s central claim is that by (...)
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  • Richard Rorty.Bjørn Ramberg - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Richard Rorty (1931–2007) developed a distinctive and controversial brand of pragmatism that expressed itself along two main axes. One is negative—a critical diagnosis of what Rorty takes to be defining projects of modern philosophy. The other is positive—an attempt to show what intellectual culture might look like, once we free ourselves from the governing metaphors of mind and knowledge in which the traditional problems of epistemology and metaphysics (and indeed, in Rorty's view, the self-conception of modern philosophy) are rooted. The (...)
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  • Spectres of new media technologies: the hope for democracy in the postcolonial public sphere.Ma Diosa Labiste - unknown
    This study is an intervention in postcolonial theorising through a critique of technologies of representation. It examines the effects of technologically-mediated representation in a postcolonial condition that the Philippines has exemplified. New media technologies are mechanisms of representations that embody the logic of spectrality presented in Jacques Derrida’s later work. Spectrality, which brings doubts, ephemerality, and instability to dominant discourses and modes of representation, provides a chance for change.Spectres are effects of technologically-mediated representation that articulate the infinite demand for justice (...)
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