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  1. On seeing human: A three-factor theory of anthropomorphism.Nicholas Epley, Adam Waytz & John T. Cacioppo - 2007 - Psychological Review 114 (4):864-886.
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  • A Reflection and Evaluation Model of Comparative Thinking.Keith Markman & Matthew McMullen - 2003 - Personality and Social Psychology Review 7 (3):244-267.
    This article reviews research on counterfactual, social, and temporal comparisons and proposes a Reflection and Evaluation Model (REM) as an organizing framework. At the heart of the model is the assertion that 2 psychologically distinct modes of mental simulation operate during comparative thinking: reflection, an experiential (“as if”) mode of thinking characterized by vividly simulating that information about the comparison standard is true of, or part of, the self; and evaluation, an evaluative mode of thinking characterized by the use of (...)
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  • The envious mind.Maria Miceli & Cristiano Castelfranchi - 2007 - Cognition and Emotion 21 (3):449-479.
    This work provides an analysis of the basic cognitive components of envy. In particular, the roles played by the envious party's social comparison with, and ill will against, the better off are emphasised. The ill will component is characterised by the envier's ultimate goal or wish that the envied suffer some harm, and is distinguished from resentment and sense of injustice, which have often been considered part of envy. The reprehensible nature of envy is discussed, and traced back to the (...)
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  • What's in and what's out in branding? A novel articulation effect for brand names.Sascha Topolinski, Michael Zürn & Iris K. Schneider - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  • The effects of source trustworthiness and inference type on human belief revision.Ann G. Wolf, Susann Rieger & Markus Knauff - 2012 - Thinking and Reasoning 18 (4):417-440.
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  • Evaluative conditioning in social psychology: Facts and speculations.Eva Walther, Benjamin Nagengast & Claudia Trasselli - 2005 - Cognition and Emotion 19 (2):175-196.
    The aim of the present paper is to examine the contribution of evaluative conditioning (EC) to attitude formation theory in social psychology. This aim is pursued on two fronts. First, evaluative conditioning is analysed for its relevance to social psychological research. We show that conditioned attitudes can be acquired through simple co‐occurrences of a neutral and a valenced stimulus. Moreover, we argue that conditioned attitudes are not confined to direct contact with a valenced stimulus, but can be formed and dynamically (...)
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  • Learning of predictive relations between events depends on attention, not on awareness.Ruud Custers & Henk Aarts - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (2):368-378.
    It is generally assumed that storing predictive relations between two events in memory as bi-directional associations does not require conscious awareness of this relation, whereas the formation of unidirectional associations that capture the direction of the relation does. This study reports a set of experiments demonstrating that unidirectional associations can be formed even when awareness of the relation is actively prevented, if attention is “tuned” to process predictive relations. When participants engaged in predicting targets based on cues in an unrelated (...)
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  • Peers and Performance: How In-Group and Out-Group Comparisons Moderate Stereotype Threat Effects.Keith Markman & Ronald Elizaga - 2008 - Current Psychology 27:290-300.
    The present study examined how exposure to the performance of in-group and out-group members can both exacerbate and minimize the negative effects of stereotype threat. Female participants learned that they would be taking a math test that was either diagnostic or nondiagnostic of their math ability. Prior to taking the test, participants interacted with either an in-group peer (a female college student) or an out-group peer (a male college student) who had just taken the test and learned that the student (...)
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  • Perspective taking reduces intergroup bias in visual representations of faces.Ryan J. Hutchings, Austin J. Simpson, Jeffrey W. Sherman & Andrew R. Todd - 2021 - Cognition 214 (C):104808.
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  • Transformational Leadership, Transactional Contingent Reward, and Organizational Identification: The Mediating Effect of Perceived Innovation and Goal Culture Orientations.Athena Xenikou - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
    Purpose - The aim of this research was to investigate the effect of transformational leadership and transactional contingent reward as complementary, but distinct, forms of leadership on facets of organizational identification via the perception of innovation and goal organizational values. Design/methodology/approach – Three studies were carried out implementing either a measurement of mediation or experimental-causal-chain design to test for the hypothesized effects. Findings - The measurement of mediation study showed that transformational leadership had a positive direct and indirect effect, via (...)
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  • Regret, Consistency, and Choice: An Opportunity X Mitigation Framework.Keith Markman & Denise Beike - 2012 - In Bertram Gawronski, Cognitive Consistency: A Fundamental Principle in Social Cognition. Guilford Press. pp. 305-325.
    Over time, research programs focusing on the processes that underlie dissonance and regret diverged to the point that the present literature only occasionally draws explicit connections between regret and consistency seeking processes. One of our aims in this chapter is to reestablish the connection between regret and consistency within the context of a theory that examines two independent factors that critically interact to enhance or diminish regret. The first of these is opportunity, which includes both perceptions of past opportunities to (...)
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  • The differential similarity of positive and negative information – an affect-induced processing outcome?Hans Alves, Alex Koch & Christian Unkelbach - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (6):1224-1238.
    People judge positive information to be more alike than negative information. This good-bad asymmetry in similarity was argued to constitute a true property of the information ecology (Alves, H., Koch, A., & Unkelbach, C. (2017). Why good is more alike than bad: Processing implications. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 21, 69–79). Alternatively, the asymmetry may constitute a processing outcome itself, namely an influence of phasic affect on information processing. Because no research has yet tested whether phasic affect influences perceived similarity among (...)
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  • Imagining What Could Have Happened: Types and Vividness of Counterfactual Thoughts and the Relationship With Post-traumatic Stress Reactions.Ines Blix, Alf Børre Kanten, Marianne Skogbrott Birkeland & Siri Thoresen - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  • Sequential Effects in Essay Ratings: Evidence of Assimilation Effects Using Cross-Classified Models.Zhao Haiyan, Andersson Björn, Guo Boliang & Xin Tao - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  • Irreducibility of sensory experiences: Dual representations lead to dual context biases.Yanmei Zheng, Alan D. J. Cooke & Chris Janiszewski - 2024 - Cognition 247 (C):105761.
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  • The Dark Side of Status at Work: Perceived Status Importance, Envy, and Interpersonal Deviance.Niki A. den Nieuwenboer, Jennifer J. Kish-Gephart, Linda K. Treviño, Ann C. Peng & Iris Reychav - 2023 - Business Ethics Quarterly 33 (2):261-295.
    Organizations differ in the extent to which they emphasize the importance of status, yet most extant research on the role of status at work has utilized a limited view of status as merely a matter of a person’s status rank. In contrast, we examine people’s perceptions of the extent to which having status matters in their work context and explore the behavioral implications of such perceptions. We offer a new construct, perceived status importance, defined as employees’ subjective assessment of the (...)
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  • When egocentrism breeds distinctness--Comparison processes in social prediction: Comment on Karniol (2003).Thomas Mussweiler - 2003 - Psychological Review 110 (3):581-584.
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  • You never compare alone: How social consensus and comparative context affect self-evaluation.Philip Broemer & Adam Grabowski - 2014 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 45 (2):156-166.
    Three studies address the role of social consensus on evaluative standards in different comparative contexts. Previous research has documented that self-categorisation at the individual or group level changes social comparison effects in terms of assimilation and contrast. With regard to self-ratings of physical attractiveness, the present studies show that people who focus on group membership can benefit from including outstanding others in their reference group, whereas people who focus on their individual attributes run the risk of self-devaluation. It is argued (...)
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  • Satisfying Individual Desires or Moral Standards? Preferential Treatment and Group Members’ Self-Worth, Affect, and Behavior.Stefan Thau, Christian Tröster, Karl Aquino, Madan Pillutla & David De Cremer - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 113 (1):133-145.
    We investigate how social comparison processes in leader treatment quality impact group members’ self-worth, affect, and behavior. Evidences from the field and the laboratory suggest that employees who are treated kinder and more considerate than their fellow group members experience more self-worth and positive affect. Moreover, the greater positive self-implications of preferentially treated group members motivate them more strongly to comply with norms and to engage in tasks that benefit the group. These findings suggest that leaders face an ethical trade-off (...)
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  • A mindset of competition versus cooperation moderates the impact of social comparison on self-evaluation.Lucie Colpaert, Dominique Muller, Marie-Pierre Fayant & Fabrizio Butera - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  • Affective Consequences of Social Comparisons by Women With Breast Cancer: An Experiment.Katja Corcoran, Gayannee Kedia, Rifeta Illemann & Helga Innerhofer - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  • How Reliably Can We Measure a Child’s True IQ? Socio-Economic Status Can Explain Most of the Inter-Ethnic Differences in General Non-verbal Abilities.Dacian Dolean & Alexandra Cãlugãr - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  • A direct test of the similarity assumption — Focusing on differences as compared with similarities decreases automatic imitation.Oliver Genschow, Emiel Cracco, Pieter Verbeke, Mareike Westfal & Jan Crusius - 2021 - Cognition 215 (C):104824.
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  • The Role of Comparisons in Judgments of Loneliness.Andrew J. Arnold, Heather Barry Kappes, Eric Klinenberg & Piotr Winkielman - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Loneliness—perceived social isolation—is defined as a discrepancy between existing social relationships and desired quality of relationships. Whereas most research has focused on existing relationships, we consider the standards against which people compare them. Participants who made downward social or temporal comparisons that depicted their contact with others as better reported less loneliness than participants who made upward comparisons that depicted their contact with others as worse. Extending these causal results, in a survey of British adults, upward social comparisons predicted current (...)
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  • Temporal Self-Extension: Implications for Temporal Comparison and Autobiographical Memory.Philip Broemer & Adam Grabowski - 2015 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 46 (2):246-261.
    Research on temporal comparison has shown that people dissociate themselves from their past to attain a positive self view. Social comparison research has demonstrated that the distinctness of contextually activated information determines whether a recalled self exerts assimilation or contrast effects on the current self. However, hardly any study addressed individual differences. Also, very little is known about whether the ease or difficulty to date past events and experiences influences current self-judgments. We present a new scale capturing the degree of (...)
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  • Is power–space a continuum? Distance effect during power judgments.Tianjiao Jiang & Lei Zhu - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 37:8-15.
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  • That certain something! Focusing on similarities reduces judgmental uncertainty.Ann-Christin Posten & Thomas Mussweiler - 2017 - Cognition 165 (C):121-125.
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  • Your Co-author Received 150 Citations: Pride, but Not Envy, Mediates the Effect of System-Generated Achievement Messages on Motivation.Sonja Utz & Nicole L. Muscanell - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  • The Under— and Overestimation Effects in Comparative Judgments — Assimilation and Contrast Mechanisms.Agnieszka de Zavala & Marzena Cypryańska - 2008 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 39 (4):217-225.
    The Under— and Overestimation Effects in Comparative Judgments — Assimilation and Contrast Mechanisms The aim of the studies presented in this paper was to propose a new explanation of under— and overestimation effects in comparative judgments. The fundamental assumption of this new interpretation is that in comparative judgments the target is contrasted with the comparison standard when the compared objects seem generally dissimilar and assimilated to the standard when the objects seem generally similar. In a series of three studies students (...)
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  • Observing others stay or switch – How social prediction errors are integrated into reward reversal learning.Niklas Ihssen, Thomas Mussweiler & David E. J. Linden - 2016 - Cognition 153 (C):19-32.
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  • Lift Me Up by Looking Down: Social Comparison Effects of Narratives.Stefan Krause & Silvana Weber - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Stories are a powerful means to change recipients’ views on themselves by being transported into the story world and by identifying with story characters. Previous studies showed that recipients temporarily change in line with a story and its characters (assimilation). Conversely, assimilation might be less likely when recipients are less identified with story protagonists or less transported into a story by comparing themselves with a story character. This may lead to changes, which are opposite to a story and its characters (...)
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  • Change in Evaluation Mode Can Cause a Cheerleader Effect.Claude Messner, Mattia Carnelli & Patrick Stefan Höhener - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The cheerleader effect describes the phenomenon whereby faces are perceived as being more attractive when flanked by other faces than when they are perceived in isolation. At least four theories predict the cheerleader effect. Two visual memory processes could cause a cheerleader effect. First, visual information will sometimes be averaged in the visual memory: the averaging of faces could increase the perceived attractiveness of all the faces flanked by other faces. Second, information will often be combined into a higher-order concept. (...)
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  • The mirror effect: Self-awareness alone increases suicide thought accessibility.Leila Selimbegović & Armand Chatard - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (3):756-764.
    According to objective self-awareness theory, when individuals are in a state of self-awareness, they tend to compare themselves to their standards. Self-to-standard comparison often yields unfavorable results and can be assimilated to a failure, activating an escape motivation. Building on recent research on the link between failure and suicide thought accessibility, the present experiment tested the hypothesis that mirror exposure alone provokes an increase in suicide thought accessibility. Participants were exposed to their mirror reflection while completing a lexical decision task (...)
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  • Manifestations and Consequences of Negative Information’s Great Diversity.Hans Alves - unknown
    In the present dissertation, I propose a general, robust, and objective characteristic of the information environment, according to which negative information is more diverse than positive information. I present an explanatory framework for this phenomenon based on the non-extremity of positive qualities. Specifically, most attribute dimensions host one “positive” range which is surrounded by two distinct “negative” ranges, resulting in a greater diversity of negative compared to positive attributes, stimuli, and information in general. Chapter 1 of my dissertation reviews evidence (...)
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