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  1. Sense of self-determination and the suicidal experience. A phenomenological approach.Jann E. Schlimme - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (2):211-223.
    In this paper phenomenological descriptions of the experiential structures of suicidality and of self-determined behaviour are given; an understanding of the possible scopes and forms of lived self-determination in suicidal mental life is offered. Two possible limits of lived self-determination are described: suicide is always experienced as minimally self-determined, because it is the last active and effective behaviour, even in blackest despair; suicide can never be experienced as fully self-determined, even if valued as the authentic thing to do, because no (...)
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  • Medicine, symbolization and the 'real' body: Lacan's understanding of medical science.Hub Zwart - 1998 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 1 (2):107-117.
    Throughout the 20th century, philosophers have criticized the scientific understanding of the human body. Instead of presenting the body as a meaningful unity or Gestalt, it is regarded as a complex mechanism and described in quasi-mechanistic terms. In a phenomenological approach, a more intimate experience of the body is presented. This approach, however, is questioned by Jacques Lacan. According to Lacan, three basic possibilities of experiencing the body are to be distinguished: the symbolical (or scientific) body, the imaginary (or ideal) (...)
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  • Grounding rights and a method of reflective equilibrium.Kai Nielsen - 1982 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 25 (3):277 – 306.
    A method of reflective equilibrium is adumbrated and then used to test the adequacy of moral conceptions appealing to fundamental human rights against Nietzschean conceptions of morality which would reject such an appeal. There is an attempt here both to articulate and critically probe a distinctive moral methodology (the method of reflective equilibrium) and to examine skeptical challenges to a foundationalism which would ground morality in fundamental rights claims. I attempt a partial testing of such a moral methodology by examining (...)
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  • Is the institutionalization and legalization of assistance to suicide dangerous? A critical analysis of counterarguments.Dagmar Fenner - 2007 - Ethik in der Medizin 19 (3):200-214.
    Der Beitrag befasst sich mit den Chancen und Risiken einer allfälligen gesetzlichen Legalisierung der Suizidbeihilfe. Die Argumente, die gegen eine solche Legalisierung sprechen, werden zu drei thematischen Gruppen zusammengefasst und erörtert: „Slippery-Slope“-Argumente, Argumente vom „moralischen Druck“, und die Furcht vor einer „Entsolidarisierung der Gesellschaft“ sowie die „Gefährdung des Arzt-Patient-Verhältnisses“. Diese Gegenargumente erweisen sich als nicht zwingend, sofern Kriterien und Richtlinien für eine legitime Form der Suizidbeihilfe entwickelt und staatlich kontrolliert werden könnten.
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  • Nietzsche’s Practices of Illusion.Astrid Deuber-Mankowsky - 2017 - Critical Horizons 18 (4):307-332.
    This essay examines the complex topic of illusion and art in Nietzsche’s philosophy. It focuses on two topics in particular: Nietzsche’s practice of self-transformation; and the question of how to differentiate through the analysis of style those practices that are deluded from those that are transformative.
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  • Three Naive Questions: Addressed to the Modern Educational Optimism.Predrag Krstić - 2015 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 35 (2):129-144.
    This paper aims to question anew the popular and supposedly self-evident affirmation of education, in its modern incarnation as in its historical notion. The “naive” questions suggest that we have recently taken for granted that education ought to be for the masses, that it ought to be upbringing, and that it is better than ignorance. Drawing on the tradition that calls such an understanding of education into question, the author shows that the hidden costs of disregarding such reflection end up, (...)
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  • Selbstwiderspruch und Synthese. "Der Zauberberg" Thomas Manns als Suche nach deutscher Identität.Dariusz Pakalski - 2014 - Studia Z Historii Filozofii 5 (2):123-134.
    The article is an attempt to treat Thomas Mann’s The Magic Mountain as a novel about Germany. According to its author the spiritual condition of Germany personified by Hans Castorp was established during the history through the collision of the elements of Western and Eastern cultures. The first protest against the West was raised by Martin Luter in his critique that led to the internalization of German life. As a consequence, the culture of the nation was dominated by music. This (...)
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  • Realität und Wirklichkeit. Zur Ontologie geteilter Welten.Tom Poljansek - 2022 - Transcript Verlag.
    Dass wir alle in einer gemeinsamen Wirklichkeit leben, setzen wir meist unhinterfragt voraus. Sehen Andere die Welt dann doch einmal anders, mag es uns scheinen, als sähen sie diese einfach nicht so, wie sie wirklich ist. Schwerer fällt uns anzuerkennen, dass andere zuweilen in ganz anderen Wirklichkeiten unterwegs sind als wir selbst. - Tom Poljansek zeigt, wie sich die Vorstellung einer Pluralität menschlicher Wirklichkeiten mit der Annahme einer wahrnehmungsunabhängigen Realität vereinbaren lässt, ohne sich in einen Relativismus der vielen Wirklichkeiten zu (...)
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  • (1 other version)Technicity of the body as part of the socio-technical system: The contributions of Mauss and Bourdieu.Ernst Wolff - 2010 - Theoria 76 (2):167-187.
    The aim of this article is to contribute to a philosophy of technics by proposing an answer to the following question: what is the nature of the human body as an element of technical systems? The argument focuses on an examination of the phenomenon of bodily technics. This examination is guided by the conviction that Pierre Bourdieu's social theory can be read as contributing significantly to an answer to the above question. However, since Bourdieu's project is not directly aimed at (...)
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  • (1 other version)Technicity of the Body as Part of the Socio-technical System: the Contributions of Mauss and Bourdieu.Ernst Wolff - 2010 - Theoria 76 (4):333-354.
    The aim of this article is to contribute to a philosophy of technics by proposing an answer to the following question: what is the nature of the human body as an element of technical systems? The argument focuses on an examination of the phenomenon of bodily technics. This examination is guided by the conviction that Pierre Bourdieu's social theory can be read as contributing significantly to an answer to the above question. However, since Bourdieu's project is not directly aimed at (...)
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  • Anticipation and the artificial: aesthetics, ethics, and synthetic life. [REVIEW]Mihai Nadin - 2010 - AI and Society 25 (1):103-118.
    If complexity is a necessary but not sufficient premise for the existence and expression of the living, anticipation is the distinguishing characteristic of what is alive. Anticipation is at work even at levels of existence where we cannot refer to intelligence. The prospect of artificially generating aesthetic artifacts and ethical constructs of relevance to a world in which the natural and the artificial are coexistent cannot be subsumed as yet another product of scientific and technological advancement. Beyond the artificial, the (...)
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  • Manfred Oehmichen, H.-J. Kaatsch, Hartmut Rosenau (Hrsg) (2003) Praktische Ethik in der Medizin. Schmidt-Römhild, Lübeck, Eur 70.00. [REVIEW]Harald G. Kratochvila - 2005 - Ethik in der Medizin 17 (4):342-343.
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