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Two-stage dynamic signal detection: A theory of choice, decision time, and confidence.Timothy J. Pleskac & Jerome R. Busemeyer - 2010 - Psychological Review 117 (3):864-901.details
Executive control of visual attention in dual-task situations.Gordon D. Logan & Robert D. Gordon - 2001 - Psychological Review 108 (2):393-434.details
Connectionist and diffusion models of reaction time.Roger Ratcliff, Trisha Van Zandt & Gail McKoon - 1999 - Psychological Review 106 (2):261-300.details
A Neural Theory of Visual Attention: Bridging Cognition and Neurophysiology.Claus Bundesen, Thomas Habekost & Søren Kyllingsbæk - 2005 - Psychological Review 112 (2):291-328.details
How to Explain Behavior?Gerd Gigerenzer - 2020 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (4):1363-1381.details
Instance‐based learning in dynamic decision making.Cleotilde Gonzalez, Javier F. Lerch & Christian Lebiere - 2003 - Cognitive Science 27 (4):591-635.details
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Multialternative decision by sampling: A model of decision making constrained by process data.Takao Noguchi & Neil Stewart - 2018 - Psychological Review 125 (4):512-544.details
Exemplar effects in categorization and multiple-cue judgment.Peter Juslin, Henrik Olsson & Anna-Carin Olsson - 2003 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 132 (1):133.details
Absolute Identification by Relative Judgment.Neil Stewart, Gordon D. A. Brown & Nick Chater - 2005 - Psychological Review 112 (4):881-911.details
The CODE theory of visual attention: An integration of space-based and object-based attention.Gordon D. Logan - 1996 - Psychological Review 103 (4):603-649.details
The overlap model: A model of letter position coding.Pablo Gomez, Roger Ratcliff & Manuel Perea - 2008 - Psychological Review 115 (3):577-600.details
Logical-rule models of classification response times: A synthesis of mental-architecture, random-walk, and decision-bound approaches.Mario Fific, Daniel R. Little & Robert M. Nosofsky - 2010 - Psychological Review 117 (2):309-348.details
On the ability to inhibit thought and action: General and special theories of an act of control.Gordon D. Logan, Trisha Van Zandt, Frederick Verbruggen & Eric-Jan Wagenmakers - 2014 - Psychological Review 121 (1):66-95.details
Modeling individual differences in working memory performance: a source activation account.Larry Z. Daily, Marsha C. Lovett & Lynne M. Reder - 2001 - Cognitive Science 25 (3):315-353.details
A dual-stage two-phase model of selective attention.Ronald Hübner, Marco Steinhauser & Carola Lehle - 2010 - Psychological Review 117 (3):759-784.details
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A neurobiological theory of automaticity in perceptual categorization.F. Gregory Ashby, John M. Ennis & Brian J. Spiering - 2007 - Psychological Review 114 (3):632-656.details
Outlines of a multiple trace theory of temporal preparation.Sander A. Los, Wouter Kruijne & Martijn Meeter - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.details
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Conceptual complexity and the bias/variance tradeoff.Erica Briscoe & Jacob Feldman - 2011 - Cognition 118 (1):2-16.details
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Eye movements reveal memory processes during similarity- and rule-based decision making.Agnes Scholz, Bettina von Helversen & Jörg Rieskamp - 2015 - Cognition 136 (C):228-246.details
The acquisition of Boolean concepts.Geoffrey P. Goodwin & Philip N. Johnson-Laird - 2013 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 17 (3):128-133.details
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An integrated model of choices and response times in absolute identification.Scott D. Brown, A. A. J. Marley, Christopher Donkin & Andrew Heathcote - 2008 - Psychological Review 115 (2):396-425.details
RACE/A: An Architectural Account of the Interactions Between Learning, Task Control, and Retrieval Dynamics.Leendert van Maanen, Hedderik van Rijn & Niels Taatgen - 2012 - Cognitive Science 36 (1):62-101.details
Race-Specific Perceptual Discrimination Improvement Following Short Individuation Training With Faces.Rankin W. McGugin, James W. Tanaka, Sophie Lebrecht, Michael J. Tarr & Isabel Gauthier - 2011 - Cognitive Science 35 (2):330-347.details
A Conceptual and Psychometric Framework for Distinguishing Categories and Dimensions.Paul De Boeck, Mark Wilson & G. Scott Acton - 2005 - Psychological Review 112 (1):129-158.details
Conceptual illusions.Geoffrey P. Goodwin & P. N. Johnson-Laird - 2010 - Cognition 114 (2):253-265.details
A dynamic approach to recognition memory.Gregory E. Cox & Richard M. Shiffrin - 2017 - Psychological Review 124 (6):795-860.details
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A Computational Model of Context‐Dependent Encodings During Category Learning.Paulo F. Carvalho & Robert L. Goldstone - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (4).details
The nature of Garner interference: The role of uncertainty, information, and variation in the breakdown in selective attention.Lior Niv, Rani Moran & Daniel Algom - 2022 - Cognition 218 (C):104950.details
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Feature-sampling and random-walk models of individual-stimulus recognition.Koen Lamberts, Noellie Brockdorff & Evan Heit - 2003 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 132 (3):351.details
Can semi-supervised learning explain incorrect beliefs about categories?Charles W. Kalish, Timothy T. Rogers, Jonathan Lang & Xiaojin Zhu - 2011 - Cognition 120 (1):106-118.details
Time-varying boundaries for diffusion models of decision making and response time.Shunan Zhang, Michael D. Lee, Joachim Vandekerckhove, Gunter Maris & Eric-Jan Wagenmakers - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:112331.details
Human Semi-Supervised Learning.Bryan R. Gibson, Timothy T. Rogers & Xiaojin Zhu - 2013 - Topics in Cognitive Science 5 (1):132-172.details
Are strategy shifts caused by data-driven processes or by voluntary processes?Hilde Haider, Peter A. Frensch & Daniel Joram - 2005 - Consciousness and Cognition 14 (3):495-519.details
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Thinking as a production system.Marsha C. Lovett & John R. Anderson - 2005 - In K. Holyoak & B. Morrison, The Cambridge handbook of thinking and reasoning. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. pp. 401--429.details
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