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  1. Response to Open Peer Commentaries on “Disclosing Individual Genetic Results to Research Participants”: Defining Clinical Utility And Revisiting the Role of Relationships.Vardit Ravitsky & Benjamin S. Wilfond - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (6):W10-W12.
    Investigators and institutional review boards should integrate plans about the appropriate disclosure of individual genetic results when designing research studies. The ethical principles of beneficence, respect, reciprocity, and justice provide justification for routinely offering certain results to research participants. We propose a result-evaluation approach that assesses the expected information and the context of the study in order to decide whether results should be offered. According to this approach, the analytic validity and the clinical utility of a specific result determine whether (...)
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  • Incidental Findings in Low‐Resource Settings.Haley K. Sullivan & Benjamin E. Berkman - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (3):20-28.
    Much new global genetic research employs whole genome sequencing, which provides researchers with large amounts of data. The quantity of data has led to the generation and discovery of more incidental or secondary findings and to vigorous theoretical discussions about the ethical obligations that follow from these incidental findings. After a decade of debate in the genetic research community, there is a growing consensus that researchers should, at the very least, offer to return incidental findings that provide high‐impact, medically relevant (...)
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  • Disclosure of individual research results in clinico-genomic trials: challenges, classification and criteria for decision-making.Regine Kollek & Imme Petersen - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (5):271-275.
    While an ethical obligation to report findings of clinical research to trial participants is increasingly recognised, the academic debate is often vague about what kinds of data should be fed back and how such a process should be organised. In this article, we present a classification of different actors, processes and data involved in the feedback of research results pertaining to an individual. In a second step, we reflect on circumstances requiring further ethical consideration. In regard to a concrete research (...)
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  • Consulting communities on feedback of genetic findings in international health research: sharing sickle cell disease and carrier information in coastal Kenya. [REVIEW]Vicki Marsh, Francis Kombe, Raymond Fitzpatrick, Thomas N. Williams, Michael Parker & Sassy Molyneux - 2013 - BMC Medical Ethics 14 (1):41.
    International health research in malaria-endemic settings may include screening for sickle cell disease, given the relationship between this important genetic condition and resistance to malaria, generating questions about whether and how findings should be disclosed. The literature on disclosing genetic findings in the context of research highlights the role of community consultation in understanding and balancing ethically important issues from participants’ perspectives, including social forms of benefit and harm, and the influence of access to care. To inform research practice locally, (...)
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  • The kindness of strangers: The donative contract between subjects and researchers and the non-obligation to return individual results of genetic research.Michelle N. Meyer - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (11):44 – 46.
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  • A review of ethical frameworks for the disclosure of individual research results in population-based genetic and genomic research. [REVIEW]Isabelle Budin-Ljøsne - 2012 - Research Ethics 8 (1):25-42.
    Individual research results from population-based genetic and genomic research are traditionally not disclosed to research participants. Current practices of non-disclosure are, however, being challenged by an increasing number of scientists, ethicists and policy-makers who make arguments in favour of disclosing at least individual results of potential health or lifestyle significance to research participants. Simultaneously, research participants are expressing greater interest in accessing their results. This article first provides an overview of main arguments for and against the disclosure of individual research (...)
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  • Return of Research Results: General Principles and International Perspectives.Emmanuelle Lévesque, Yann Joly & Jacques Simard - 2011 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 39 (4):583-592.
    Five years ago, an article co-written by some of us presented an emerging trend to disclose some individual genetic results to research participants within the international research community. At the time, ethical norms and scholarly publications on the return of results often did not distinguish between the return of research results in general and the return of unexpected results. Both technologies and research practices have evolved significantly. Today whole genome and exome sequencing are increasingly affordable and frequently used in genetic (...)
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  • When research seems like clinical care: a qualitative study of the communication of individual cancer genetic research results.Fiona A. Miller, Mita Giacomini, Catherine Ahern, Jason S. Robert & Sonya de Laat - 2008 - BMC Medical Ethics 9 (1):4.
    Research ethicists have recently declared a new ethical imperative: that researchers should communicate the results of research to participants. For some analysts, the obligation is restricted to the communication of the general findings or conclusions of the study. However, other analysts extend the obligation to the disclosure of individual research results, especially where these results are perceived to have clinical relevance. Several scholars have advanced cogent critiques of the putative obligation to disclose individual research results. They question whether ethical goals (...)
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  • The Law of Incidental Findings in Human Subjects Research: Establishing Researchers' Duties.Susan M. Wolf, Jordan Paradise & Charlisse Caga-Anan - 2008 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 36 (2):361-383.
    Technology has outpaced the capacity of researchers performing research on human participants to interpret all data generated and handle those data responsibly. This poses a critical challenge to existing rules governing human subjects research. The technologies used in research to generate images, scans, and data can now produce so much information that there is significant potential for incidental findings, findings generated in the course of research but beyond the aims of the study. Neuroimaging scans may visualize the entire brain and (...)
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  • Public Expectations for Return of Results—Time to Stop Being Paternalistic?Conrad Fernandez - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (11):46-48.
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