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  1. Shame as a Culture-Specific Emotion Concept.Dolichan Kollareth, Jose-Miguel Fernandez-Dols & James A. Russell - 2018 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 18 (3-4):274-292.
    On the assumption that shame is a universal emotion, cross-cultural research on shame relies on translations assumed to be equivalent in meaning. Our studies here questioned that assumption. In three studies (Ns, 108, 120, 117),shamewas compared to its translations in Spanish (vergüenza) and in Malayalam (nanakedu). American English speakers usedshamefor the emotional reaction to moral failures and its use correlated positively withguilt, whereasvergüenzaandnanakeduwere used less for moral stories and their use correlated less with the guilt words. In comparison with Spanish (...)
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  • Emotion terms, category structure, and the problem of translation: The case of shame and vergüenza.Alejandra Hurtado de Mendoza, José Miguel Fernández-Dols, W. Gerrod Parrott & Pilar Carrera - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (4):661-680.
    We conducted three studies aimed at showing that one-to-one translations between emotion terms might be comparing independent or barely overlapping categories of emotional experience. In Study 1 we found that the speakers' most accessible features of two supposedly equivalent emotions terms (shame and vergüenza) were very different. In Study 2, American and Spanish speakers' typicality ratings of 25 out of 29 constitutive features of “shame” or “vergüenza” were significantly different. In Study 3, these important differences in the content and internal (...)
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  • Developing the moral person: The concepts of human, godmanhood, and feelings in some Russian articulations of morality.Jarrett Zigon - 2009 - Anthropology of Consciousness 20 (1):1-26.
    Based on ethnographic research done in Moscow, Russia, this article describes how some Muscovites articulate their moral consciousness, that is, the ways in which persons articulate to themselves and others how they conceptualize morality. While it may be possible, and indeed is often the case, that these concepts influence how people act and help guide individuals toward moral behavior, what is more important for our purposes is that these concepts provide a way for persons to give meaning, both for themselves (...)
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