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  1. Resolving to believe: Kierkegaard's direct doxastic voluntarism.Z. Quanbeck - 2024 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 109 (2):548-574.
    According to a traditional interpretation of Kierkegaard, he endorses a strong form of direct doxastic voluntarism on which we can, by brute force of will, make a “leap of faith” to believe propositions that we ourselves take to be improbable and absurd. Yet most leading Kierkegaard scholars now wholly reject this reading, instead interpreting Kierkegaard as holding that the will can affect what we believe only indirectly. This paper argues that Kierkegaard does in fact endorse a restricted, sophisticated, and plausible (...)
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  • The Role of Imagination in Kierkegaard’s Account of Ethical Transformation.Ryan S. Kemp - 2018 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 100 (2):202-231.
    : In this essay, I argue that Kierkegaard endorses a “grace model” of ethical transformation – that radical normative change is not a function of agent-choice, rational or otherwise. After showing how grace functions in Kierkegaard’s account of religious transformation, I go on to argue that he offers a parallel account in the case of ethical conversion, the latter drawing from a description of transformation detailed in Kierkegaard’s Repetition. There we find an example of ethical transformation that challenges received interpretations (...)
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  • Cicero’s Aspirationalist Radical Skepticism in the Academica.Brian Ribeiro - 2022 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 25 (2):309-326.
    I defend the view that Cicero writes the Academica from the perspective of an aspirationalist radical skeptic. In section 2 I examine the textual evidence regarding the nature of Cicero’s skeptical stance in the Academica. In section 3 I consider the textual evidence from the Academica for attributing aspirationalism to Cicero. Finally, in section 4 I argue that while aspirationalist radical skepticism is open to a number of philosophical objections, none of those objections is decisive.
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  • Neither Irrationalist Nor Apologist: Revisiting Faith and Reason in Kierkegaard.Adam Buben - 2013 - Philosophy Compass 8 (3):318-326.
    One of the most hotly contested debates in Kierkegaard studies concerns his sense of the relationship between faith and reason. Often caricatured as a proponent of irrational fideism, scholarship in recent decades has tried to present a more nuanced account of Kierkegaard’s position. Two likely interpretive options have emerged: supra‐rationalism and anti‐rationalism. On the former view, Kierkegaard believes that while the achievement of faith is beyond the capabilities of reason, there are still ways that reason can aid the maintenance of (...)
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  • Divine hiddenness and the opiate of the people.Travis Dumsday - 2014 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 76 (2):193-207.
    The problem of divine hiddenness has become one of the most prominent arguments for atheism in the current philosophy of religion literature. Schellenberg (Divine hiddenness and human reason 1993), one of the problem’s prominent advocates, holds that the only way to prevent completely the occurrence of nonresistant nonbelief would be for God to have granted all of us a constant awareness of Him (or at least a constant availability of such awareness) from the moment we achieved the age of reason. (...)
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  • Anti-Theism and the Problem of Divine Hiddenness.Travis Dumsday - 2016 - Sophia 55 (2):179-195.
    While most discussions in natural theology focus on the existence and nature of God, recently the axiological implications of theism have been taken up by such authors as Kahane, Kraay and Dragos, Davis, McLean, Penner and Lougheed, and Penner. Rather than asking whether God exists, they ask whether God’s existence would be a good thing or a bad thing. That general question breaks down into more precise sub-questions, with a wide variety of possible positions resulting. Here, I argue that one (...)
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  • Skeptizismus und negative Theologie.Rico Gutschmidt - 2019 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 67 (1):23-41.
    Scepticism and negative theology are best understood not as theoretical positions, but rather as forms of philosophical practice that performatively undermine our knowledge claims or our seeming understanding of God. In particular, I am arguing that both scepticism and negative theology invoke the failure of the attempt to understand the absolute, be it God or the notion of absolute objectivity. However, with reference to L. A. Paul’s notion of epistemically transformative experience, I am arguing that we still understand something about (...)
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  • Sceptics, believers, and historical mistakes.Terence Penelhum - 1986 - Synthese 67 (1):131 - 146.
    Inattention to the historical antecedents of current philosophical views may impoverish our arguments in defense of those views. A case in point, examined here, concerns the difference that can be made for current strategies designed to defend religious belief by carefully reconsidering the position of historical sceptics.
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  • Pascal é um pré-hegeliano?Eliakim Ferreira Oliveira - 2020 - Cadernos Espinosanos 43:463-497.
    A partir de uma leitura comparada da relação entre ceticismo e dogmatismo segundo Pascal e o jovem Hegel, o artigo defende que a interpretação segundo a qual a dialética pascaliana é trágica e não sintética, como a de Hegel, parece ainda mais evidente. Para tanto, o artigo procura mostrar que, em vez de dissolver a oposição entre dogmáticos e céticos, Pascal evidencia a impossibilidade de um polo dar cabo do outro, trabalhando antes a tensão da oposição que a superação dela.
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