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  1. The ethics of algorithms: mapping the debate.Brent Mittelstadt, Patrick Allo, Mariarosaria Taddeo, Sandra Wachter & Luciano Floridi - 2016 - Big Data and Society 3 (2):2053951716679679.
    In information societies, operations, decisions and choices previously left to humans are increasingly delegated to algorithms, which may advise, if not decide, about how data should be interpreted and what actions should be taken as a result. More and more often, algorithms mediate social processes, business transactions, governmental decisions, and how we perceive, understand, and interact among ourselves and with the environment. Gaps between the design and operation of algorithms and our understanding of their ethical implications can have severe consequences (...)
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  • Ethical Implications and Accountability of Algorithms.Kirsten Martin - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (4):835-850.
    Algorithms silently structure our lives. Algorithms can determine whether someone is hired, promoted, offered a loan, or provided housing as well as determine which political ads and news articles consumers see. Yet, the responsibility for algorithms in these important decisions is not clear. This article identifies whether developers have a responsibility for their algorithms later in use, what those firms are responsible for, and the normative grounding for that responsibility. I conceptualize algorithms as value-laden, rather than neutral, in that algorithms (...)
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  • Governing Algorithms: Myth, Mess, and Methods.Malte Ziewitz - 2016 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 41 (1):3-16.
    Algorithms have developed into somewhat of a modern myth. On the one hand, they have been depicted as powerful entities that rule, sort, govern, shape, or otherwise control our lives. On the other hand, their alleged obscurity and inscrutability make it difficult to understand what exactly is at stake. What sustains their image as powerful yet inscrutable entities? And how to think about the politics and governance of something that is so difficult to grasp? This editorial essay provides a critical (...)
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  • Fairness in Machine Learning: Against False Positive Rate Equality as a Measure of Fairness.Robert Long - 2021 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 19 (1):49-78.
    As machine learning informs increasingly consequential decisions, different metrics have been proposed for measuring algorithmic bias or unfairness. Two popular “fairness measures” are calibration and equality of false positive rate. Each measure seems intuitively important, but notably, it is usually impossible to satisfy both measures. For this reason, a large literature in machine learning speaks of a “fairness tradeoff” between these two measures. This framing assumes that both measures are, in fact, capturing something important. To date, philosophers have seldom examined (...)
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  • Algorithmic paranoia: the temporal governmentality of predictive policing.Bonnie Sheehey - 2019 - Ethics and Information Technology 21 (1):49-58.
    In light of the recent emergence of predictive techniques in law enforcement to forecast crimes before they occur, this paper examines the temporal operation of power exercised by predictive policing algorithms. I argue that predictive policing exercises power through a paranoid style that constitutes a form of temporal governmentality. Temporality is especially pertinent to understanding what is ethically at stake in predictive policing as it is continuous with a historical racialized practice of organizing, managing, controlling, and stealing time. After first (...)
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  • Transparency as design publicity: explaining and justifying inscrutable algorithms.Michele Loi, Andrea Ferrario & Eleonora Viganò - 2020 - Ethics and Information Technology 23 (3):253-263.
    In this paper we argue that transparency of machine learning algorithms, just as explanation, can be defined at different levels of abstraction. We criticize recent attempts to identify the explanation of black box algorithms with making their decisions (post-hoc) interpretable, focusing our discussion on counterfactual explanations. These approaches to explanation simplify the real nature of the black boxes and risk misleading the public about the normative features of a model. We propose a new form of algorithmic transparency, that consists in (...)
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  • Bearing Account-able Witness to the Ethical Algorithmic System.Daniel Neyland - 2016 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 41 (1):50-76.
    This paper explores how accountability might make otherwise obscure and inaccessible algorithms available for governance. The potential import and difficulty of accountability is made clear in the compelling narrative reproduced across recent popular and academic reports. Through this narrative we are told that algorithms trap us and control our lives, undermine our privacy, have power and an independent agential impact, at the same time as being inaccessible, reducing our opportunities for critical engagement. The paper suggests that STS sensibilities can provide (...)
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  • Value Sensitive Design for autonomous weapon systems – a primer.Christine Boshuijzen-van Burken - 2023 - Ethics and Information Technology 25 (1):1-14.
    Value Sensitive Design (VSD) is a design methodology developed by Batya Friedman and Peter Kahn (2003) that brings in moral deliberations in an early stage of a design process. It assumes that neither technology itself is value neutral, nor shifts the value-ladennes to the sole usage of technology. This paper adds to emerging literature onVSD for autonomous weapons systems development and discusses extant literature on values in autonomous systems development in general and in autonomous weapons development in particular. I identify (...)
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  • A not quite random walk: Experimenting with the ethnomethods of the algorithm.Malte Ziewitz - 2017 - Big Data and Society 4 (2).
    Algorithms have become a widespread trope for making sense of social life. Science, finance, journalism, warfare, and policing—there is hardly anything these days that has not been specified as “algorithmic.” Yet, although the trope has brought together a variety of audiences, it is not quite clear what kind of work it does. Often portrayed as powerful yet inscrutable entities, algorithms maintain an air of mystery that makes them both interesting and difficult to understand. This article takes on this problem and (...)
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  • What is morally at stake when using algorithms to make medical diagnoses? Expanding the discussion beyond risks and harms.Bas de Boer & Olya Kudina - 2021 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 42 (5):245-266.
    In this paper, we examine the qualitative moral impact of machine learning-based clinical decision support systems in the process of medical diagnosis. To date, discussions about machine learning in this context have focused on problems that can be measured and assessed quantitatively, such as by estimating the extent of potential harm or calculating incurred risks. We maintain that such discussions neglect the qualitative moral impact of these technologies. Drawing on the philosophical approaches of technomoral change and technological mediation theory, which (...)
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  • Beyond mystery: Putting algorithmic accountability in context.Andrea Ballestero, Baki Cakici & Elizabeth Reddy - 2019 - Big Data and Society 6 (1).
    Critical algorithm scholarship has demonstrated the difficulties of attributing accountability for the actions and effects of algorithmic systems. In this commentary, we argue that we cannot stop at denouncing the lack of accountability for algorithms and their effects but must engage the broader systems and distributed agencies that algorithmic systems exist within; including standards, regulations, technologies, and social relations. To this end, we explore accountability in “the Generated Detective,” an algorithmically generated comic. Taking up the mantle of detectives ourselves, we (...)
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  • How should we theorize algorithms? Five ideal types in analyzing algorithmic normativities.Lotta Björklund Larsen & Francis Lee - 2019 - Big Data and Society 6 (2).
    The power of algorithms has become a familiar topic in society, media, and the social sciences. It is increasingly common to argue that, for instance, algorithms automate inequality, that they are biased black boxes that reproduce racism, or that they control our money and information. Implicit in many of these discussions is that algorithms are permeated with normativities, and that these normativities shape society. The aim of this editorial is double: First, it contributes to a more nuanced discussion about algorithms (...)
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  • The Epistemology of Non-distributive Profiles.Patrick Allo - 2020 - Philosophy and Technology 33 (3):379-409.
    The distinction between distributive and non-distributive profiles figures prominently in current evaluations of the ethical and epistemological risks that are associated with automated profiling practices. The diagnosis that non-distributive profiles may coincidentally situate an individual in the wrong category is often perceived as the central shortcoming of such profiles. According to this diagnosis, most risks can be retraced to the use of non-universal generalisations and various other statistical associations. This article develops a top-down analysis of non-distributive profiles in which this (...)
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  • Deny, dismiss and downplay: developers’ attitudes towards risk and their role in risk creation in the field of healthcare-AI.Shaul A. Duke - 2022 - Ethics and Information Technology 24 (1).
    Developers are often the engine behind the creation and implementation of new technologies, including in the artificial intelligence surge that is currently underway. In many cases these new technologies introduce significant risk to affected stakeholders; risks that can be reduced and mitigated by such a dominant party. This is fully recognized by texts that analyze risks in the current AI transformation, which suggest voluntary adoption of ethical standards and imposing ethical standards via regulation and oversight as tools to compel developers (...)
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  • Governing algorithmic decisions: The role of decision importance and governance on perceived legitimacy of algorithmic decisions.Kirsten Martin & Ari Waldman - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (1).
    The algorithmic accountability literature to date has primarily focused on procedural tools to govern automated decision-making systems. That prescriptive literature elides a fundamentally empirical question: whether and under what circumstances, if any, is the use of algorithmic systems to make public policy decisions perceived as legitimate? The present study begins to answer this question. Using factorial vignette survey methodology, we explore the relative importance of the type of decision, the procedural governance, the input data used, and outcome errors on perceptions (...)
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  • Occluded algorithms.Adam Burke - 2019 - Big Data and Society 6 (2).
    Two definitions of algorithm, their uses, and their implied models of computing in society, are reviewed. The first, termed the structural programming definition, aligns more with usage in computer science, and as the name suggests, the intellectual project of structured programming. The second, termed the systemic definition, is more informal and emerges from ethnographic observations of discussions of software in both professional and everyday settings. Specific examples of locating algorithms within modern codebases are shared, as well as code directly impacting (...)
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  • A values-based approach to designing military autonomous systems.Christine Boshuijzen-van Burken, Shannon Spruit, Tom Geijsen & Lotte Fillerup - 2024 - Ethics and Information Technology 26 (3):1-14.
    Our research is a value sensitive based approach to designing autonomous systems in a military context. Value sensitive design is an iterative process of conceptual, empirical and technical considerations. We enhance value sensitive design with Participatory Value Evaluation. This allows us to mine values of a large unorganized stakeholder group relevant to our context of research, namely Australian citizens. We found that value prioritizations differ depending on the context of use and that no one value fits all autonomous systems. General (...)
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  • Politicizing Algorithms by Other Means: Toward Inquiries for Affective Dissensions.Florian Jaton & Dominique Vinck - 2023 - Perspectives on Science 31 (1):84-118.
    In this paper, we build upon Bruno Latour’s political writings to address the current impasse regarding algorithms in public life. We assert that the increasing difficulties at governing algorithms—be they qualified as “machine learning,” “big data,” or “artificial intelligence”—can be related to their current ontological thinness: deriving from constricted views on theoretical practices, algorithms’ standard definition as problem-solving computerized methods provides poor grips for affective dissensions. We then emphasize on the role historical and ethnographic studies of algorithms can potentially play (...)
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  • Mapping the Ethicality of Algorithmic Pricing: A Review of Dynamic and Personalized Pricing. [REVIEW]Peter Seele, Claus Dierksmeier, Reto Hofstetter & Mario D. Schultz - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 170 (4):697-719.
    Firms increasingly deploy algorithmic pricing approaches to determine what to charge for their goods and services. Algorithmic pricing can discriminate prices both dynamically over time and personally depending on individual consumer information. Although legal, the ethicality of such approaches needs to be examined as often they trigger moral concerns and sometimes outrage. In this research paper, we provide an overview and discussion of the ethical challenges germane to algorithmic pricing. As a basis for our discussion, we perform a systematic interpretative (...)
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  • The ethical consequences of “going dark”.Richard A. Spinello - 2020 - Business Ethics: A European Review 30 (1):116-126.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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  • Modeling for fairness: A Rawlsian approach.Sven Diekmann & Sjoerd D. Zwart - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 46 (C):46-53.
    In this paper we introduce the overlapping design consensus for the construction of models in design and the related value judgments. The overlapping design consensus is inspired by Rawls’ overlapping consensus. The overlapping design consensus is a well-informed, mutual agreement among all stakeholders based on fairness. Fairness is respected if all stakeholders’ interests are given due and equal attention. For reaching such fair agreement, we apply Rawls’ original position and reflective equilibrium to modeling. We argue that by striving for the (...)
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  • Negative performance feedback from algorithms or humans? effect of medical researchers’ algorithm aversion on scientific misconduct.Ganli Liao, Feiwen Wang, Wenhui Zhu & Qichao Zhang - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-20.
    Institutions are increasingly employing algorithms to provide performance feedback to individuals by tracking productivity, conducting performance appraisals, and developing improvement plans, compared to traditional human managers. However, this shift has provoked considerable debate over the effectiveness and fairness of algorithmic feedback. This study investigates the effects of negative performance feedback (NPF) on the attitudes, cognition and behavior of medical researchers, comparing NPF from algorithms versus humans. Two scenario-based experimental studies were conducted with a total sample of 660 medical researchers (algorithm (...)
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  • Ethics, Finance, and Automation: A Preliminary Survey of Problems in High Frequency Trading. [REVIEW]Michael Davis, Andrew Kumiega & Ben Vliet - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (3):851-874.
    All of finance is now automated, most notably high frequency trading. This paper examines the ethical implications of this fact. As automation is an interdisciplinary endeavor, we argue that the interfaces between the respective disciplines can lead to conflicting ethical perspectives; we also argue that existing disciplinary standards do not pay enough attention to the ethical problems automation generates. Conflicting perspectives undermine the protection those who rely on trading should have. Ethics in finance can be expanded to include organizational and (...)
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  • Ethics, Finance, and Automation: A Preliminary Survey of Problems in High Frequency Trading. [REVIEW]Michael Davis, Andrew Kumiega & Ben Van Vliet - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (3):851-874.
    All of finance is now automated, most notably high frequency trading. This paper examines the ethical implications of this fact. As automation is an interdisciplinary endeavor, we argue that the interfaces between the respective disciplines can lead to conflicting ethical perspectives; we also argue that existing disciplinary standards do not pay enough attention to the ethical problems automation generates. Conflicting perspectives undermine the protection those who rely on trading should have. Ethics in finance can be expanded to include organizational and (...)
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  • Elicitation of situated values: need for tools to help stakeholders and designers to reflect and communicate. [REVIEW]Alina Pommeranz, Christian Detweiler, Pascal Wiggers & Catholijn Jonker - 2012 - Ethics and Information Technology 14 (4):285-303.
    Explicitly considering human values in the design process of socio-technical systems has become a responsibility of designers. It is, however, challenging to design for values because (1) relevant values must be identified and communicated between all stakeholders and designers and (2) stakeholders’ values differ and trade-offs must be made. We focus on the first aspect, which requires elicitation of stakeholders’ situated values , i.e. values relevant to a specific real life context. Available techniques to elicit knowledge and requirements from stakeholders (...)
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