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Political power and social classes

London,: NLB; Sheed and Ward (1973)

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  1. Language and critique: some anticipations of critical discourse studies in Marx.Bob Jessop & Ngai-Ling Sum - 2018 - Critical Discourse Studies 15 (4):325-337.
    ABSTRACTWe examine Marx's critiques of language, politics, and capitalist political economy and show how these anticipated critical discourse and argumentation analysis and ‘cultural political economy’. Marx studied philology and rhetoric at university and applied their lessons critically. We illustrate this from three texts. The German Ideology critically explores language as practical consciousness, the division of manual and mental labor, the state, hegemony, intellectuals, and specific ideologies. The Eighteenth Brumaire studies the semantics and pragmatics of political language and how it represents (...)
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  • The concept of social structure.Peter Manicas - 1980 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 10 (2):65–82.
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  • Roberto Esposito's deontological communal contract.Greg Bird - 2013 - Angelaki 18 (3):33-48.
    This article underlines and draws attention to critical insights Esposito makes regarding the prospects of rethinking community in a globalized world. Alongside Agamben and Nancy, Esposito challenges the property prejudice found in mainstream models of community. In identity politics, collective identity is converted into a form of communal property. Borders, sovereign territories, and exclusive rights are fiercely defended in the name of communal property. Esposito responds to this problem by developing what I call a “deontological communal contract” where being and (...)
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  • Reading Marx again.David Neilson - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (10):1069-1072.
    Over time, the quantitative difference grows between what Marx wrote and what those coming after Marx have written. However, rather than a process in which those following have built constructively...
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  • Beyond marxist state theory: State autonomy in democratic societies.Samuel DeCanio - 2000 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 14 (2-3):215-236.
    Recent theories of the state often draw attention to states’ autonomy from social preferences. This paper suggests that the phenomenon of public ignorance is the primary mechanism responsible for state autonomy in democratic polities. Such theorists as Skocpol and Poulantzus, who do not take account of public ignorance, either underestimate the state's autonomy or stress causal mechanisms that are necessary but not sufficient conditions for its autonomy. Gram‐sci's concept of ideological hegemony is promising, even though it is far too insistent (...)
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  • Social Position and Social Status: An Institutional and Relational Sociological Conception.Zoltán Farkas - 2022 - Human Studies 45 (3):417-445.
    In this article, I discuss the concepts of social position and social status, the types of social position, as well as the determinedness of social statuses by the given positions in a new approach. In the first, introductory part of the article, I emphasize that the institutional sociological conception of social position in my approach is relatively closest to the structuralist position conception. In the second part, I introduce two different concepts, labelled social position and social status, and briefly review (...)
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  • Feyerabend's discourse against method: A marxist critique.J. Curthoys & W. Suchting - 1977 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 20 (1-4):243 – 371.
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  • Corporate political power and US foreign policy, 1981–2002: the role of the policy-planning network.Philip Luther-Davies, Kasia Julia Doniec, Joseph P. Lavallee, Lawrence P. King & G. William Domhoff - 2022 - Theory and Society 51 (4):629-652.
    Recent empirical work has offered strong support for ‘biased pluralism’ and ‘economic elite’ accounts of political power in the United States, according a central role to ‘business interest groups’ as a mechanism through which corporate influence is exerted. Here, we propose an additional channel of influence for corporate interests: the ‘policy-planning network,’ consisting of corporate-dominated foundations, think tanks, and elite policy-discussion groups. To evaluate this assertion, we consider one key policy-discussion group, the Council on Foreign Relations. We first briefly review (...)
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  • The ‘Two Marxisms’ Revisited: Humanism, Structuralism and Realism in Marxist Social Theory.Sean Creaven - 2015 - Journal of Critical Realism 14 (1):7-53.
    The ontological and analytical status of Marxian social theory has been a matter of fierce controversy since Marx’s death, both within and without Marxist circles. A particular source of contention has been over whether Marxism should be construed as an objective science of the capitalist mode of production or as an ethico-philosophical critique of bourgeois society. This is paralleled by the dispute over whether Marxism ought to be considered a humanism or a structuralism. This article addresses both sides of this (...)
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  • Marxism after Polanyi.Michael Burawoy - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    This text was originally published in Michelle Williams and Vishwas Satgar, Marxisms in the 21st. Century, Johannesburg, South Africa, Wits University Press, 2013, p. 34-52. We would like to thank Michael Burawoy for allowing us to publish it on RHUTHMOS. What should we do with Marxism ? For most the answer is simple. Bury it ! Mainstream social science has long since bid farewell to Marxism. Talcott Parsons (1967 : 135) dismissed Marxism as a theory whose significance was entirely (...) (...)
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  • Grounded theory: A constructive critique.Derek Layder - 1982 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 12 (1):103–122.
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  • Women's movements and state policy reform aimed at domestic violence against women:: A comparison of the consequences of movement mobilization in the U.s. And india.Diane Mitsch Bush - 1992 - Gender and Society 6 (4):587-608.
    This article compares the social movement mobilization that led to reforms in police and judicial handling of battering in the United States to the movement ideology, organization, and tactics that resulted in analogous policy reform in the processing of dowry burnings and beatings in India. Using field notes and secondary sources from both countries, the article examines how both movements redefined violence against women in families as a public issue, then looks at how movement demands affected policy reform in each (...)
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  • The nature and limits of critical theory in education.Trevor Maddock - 1999 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 31 (1):43–61.
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  • Marxist Theory and Strategy: Getting Somewhere Better.Leo Panitch & Sam Gindin - 2015 - Historical Materialism 23 (2):3-22.
    The first three sections of this lecture address the need for better historical-materialist theorisations of capitalist competition, capitalist classes and capitalist states, and in particular the institutional dimensions of these – which is fundamental for understanding why and how capitalism has survived into the twenty-first century. The fourth section addresses historical materialism’s under-theorisation of the institutional dimensions of working-class formation, and how this figures in explaining why, despite the expectations of the founders of historical materialism, the working classes have not, (...)
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  • Reconsidering Real-Actual-Empirical Stratification: Can Bourdieu’s Habitus be Introduced into a Realist Social Ontology?Vefa Saygin Öğütle - 2013 - Journal of Critical Realism 12 (4):479-506.
    In the last couple of years there have been some attempts to introduce Pierre Bourdieu’s concepts into the critical realist conception of social science. But these attempts either limit themselves to the constitution of a philosophical connection between Bourdieu and critical realism or confine Bourdieu’s theoretical contributions to analyses of human agency, whereas Bourdieu’s habitus can provide a deepening of the critical realist conception of what the ‘social’ is. We can establish a socio-ontological connection between the concept of habitus and (...)
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  • Political Competition and Two Modes of Taxing Private Homeownership: A Bourdieusian Analysis of the Contemporary Chinese State.Yueran Zhang - 2020 - Theory and Society 49 (4):669-707.
    In 2011, two Chinese municipalities, Chongqing and Shanghai, enacted a property tax on rich homeowners. However, the two municipal governments sharply diverged in their designs of the tax and the justifying frames used. Whereas Chongqing explicitly framed the tax as a redistributive measure targeting the economic elite, Shanghai framed it as an ad hoc technical intervention in the housing market that would antagonize no one. This article explains how the only two Chinese cities that introduced this unconventional tax ended up (...)
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  • A Double Reading of Gramsci: Beyond the Logic of Contingency.Adam David Morton - 2005 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 8 (4):439-453.
    Abstract In criticising the Italian idealist philosopher Benedetto Croce ? described by Eric Hobsbawm as the first ?post?Marxist? ? Antonio Gramsci elaborated a distinct theory of history. For Gramsci, philosophers such as Croce developed a subjective account of history based on the progression of philosophical thought rather than problems posed by historical development. This essay develops a ?double reading? of Gramsci. First, it presents an overview of a dominant post?Marxist reading of Gramsci?s approach to historical materialism, which constructs a closed (...)
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  • The anatomy of knowledge: Althusser's epistemology and its consequences.D. Atkinson - 1984 - Philosophical Papers 13 (2):1-18.
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  • Labor-related civil society actors in China: a Gramscian analysis.Elaine Sio-Ieng Hui - 2020 - Theory and Society 49 (1):49-74.
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  • Social Formation.Wolfgang Küttler - 2011 - Historical Materialism 19 (4):229-237.
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  • Political Corruption in the Age of Transnational Capitalism.Peter Bratsis - 2014 - Historical Materialism 22 (1):105-128.
    The emergence of the ever-growing anti-corruption movement from the early ’90s onwards has proven itself to be of considerable importance in how we understand and explain global inequalities as well as in redefining corruption as a lack of transparency. This paper examines the timing and content of this international anti-corruption movement. It argues that, following the collapse of the Soviet Union and the deepening of an increasingly transnational capitalism, anti-corruption discourse has arisen as a new version of the ‘white man’s (...)
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  • Rearticulating Contemporary Populism.Michael Bray - 2015 - Historical Materialism 23 (3):27-64.
    Oriented, descriptively, by recent liberal definitions of populism, this essay pursues a historical-materialist definition that grounds populist antagonisms in class struggles as ‘crystallised’ in the capitalist state. A critical assessment of Laclau’s early equation of populism and socialism inaugurates the reading of Poulantzas’s relational account of class and state as a nascent framework for a theory of populism, centred on the state and its ideological crystallisation of individualisation, the mental/manual-labour division and the ‘people-nation’. This framework is then expanded to articulate (...)
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  • Everyday Life and the State, Peter Bratsis, Boulder: Paradigm Publishers, 2006.Elmar Flatschart - 2012 - Historical Materialism 20 (3):201-212.
    The present review essay discusses Peter Bratsis’s work Everyday Life and the State. It is argued that Bratsis produces a sound contribution to the on-going debate on state theory, which has its particular strengths in the innovative treatment of the public-private divide and an elaborate critique of fetishistic and ideological relations in the field of the political. In this, Bratsis builds on a broad range of structuralist, poststructuralist and dialectical positions. Deficiencies of his work are likewise to be found in (...)
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  • State, class, and technology in tobacco production.Gary P. Green - 1989 - Agriculture and Human Values 6 (4):54-61.
    Recent debates over the persistence of family farms have focused on the importance of “naturalistic” obstacles to the capitalist development of agriculture. According to these arguments, the existence of these barriers in some realms of agricultural production precludes the development of wage labor. I argue, however, that in many instances these obstacles are based primarily on political factors. To demonstrate this thesis I illustrate how the tobacco program until recently has proved to be an obstacle to consolidation and structural change (...)
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  • Ideology and discourse in the public sphere: A critical discourse analysis of public debates at a Brazilian public university.Luís Moretto Neto & Erik Persson - 2018 - Discourse and Communication 12 (3):278-306.
    Since 2013, several social actors of the Federal University of Santa Catarina community have formed a public sphere in order to deliberate and decide on the University Hospital’s affiliation to the Brazilian Hospital Services Company, a public company set up in accordance with a private law which has been created by the Brazilian federal government in order to set up a management body for public university hospitals. Underpinned by critical discourse analysis, our purpose is to analyze the embedded ideologies in (...)
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  • Neither an Instrument nor a Fortress.Panagiotis Sotiris - 2014 - Historical Materialism 22 (2):135-157.
    Peter Thomas has written an important book that brings forward the full importance of Gramsci’s strategic concepts and the pertinence they have for current theoretical and political debates. Based upon this interpretation of Gramsci, this text attempts a critical reading of the contradictory stance of the Althusserian School towards his work. Using Althusser’s own ambivalence towards Gramsci as a starting-point, the main aim of this article is to reconstruct Poulantzas’s direct and indirect dialogue with Gramsci. Despite Poulantzas’s reservations and criticisms (...)
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  • Political Articulation: Parties and the Constitution of Cleavages in the United States, India, and Turkey.Cedric De Leon, Manali Desai & Cihan Tuğal - 2009 - Sociological Theory 27 (3):193 - 219.
    Political parties do not merely reflect social divisions, they actively construct them. While this point has been alluded to in the literature, surprisingly little attempt has been made to systematically elaborate the relationship between parties and the social, which tend to be treated as separate domains contained by the disciplinary division of labor between political science and sociology. This article demonstrates the constructive role of parties in forging critical social blocs in three separate cases, India, Turkey, and the United States, (...)
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  • Marx, discourse theory and political analysis: negotiating an ambiguous legacy.David Howarth - 2018 - Critical Discourse Studies 15 (4):377-389.
    ABSTRACTThis article argues that ‘post-Marxist’ or ‘poststructuralist discourse theory’ represents a complex deconstruction of the Marxist tradition of social and political theory. Focussing on three ontological positions in Marx’s texts – the ontologies of human alienation, praxis, and production – the article shows how this approach repeats and transforms the rich tradition of Marxist thinking so as to elaborate a novel approach to social and political analysis. This claim is built around the idea that discourse is best conceptualized as an (...)
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  • Narrative and Legitimacy: U.S. Congressional Debates about the Nonprofit Sector.Ronald N. Jacobs & Sarah Sobieraj - 2007 - Sociological Theory 25 (1):1-25.
    This article develops a theory about the narrative foundations of public policy. Politicians draw on specific types of narratives in order to connect the policies they are proposing, the needs of the public, and their own needs for legitimacy. In particular, politicians are drawn to policy narratives in which they themselves occupy the central and heroic character position, and where they are able to protect the scope of their jurisdictional authority. We demonstrate how this works through a historical analysis of (...)
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  • Neoliberalism's Prologue: Keynesianism, myths of class compromises and the restoration of class power.George Baca - forthcoming - Anthropological Theory 15.
    Many anthropologists interpret neoliberalism as a radical break from and dangerous rupture in post-war societies that featured Keynesian economic policies and welfare provision. The allure of a mythic welfare state has boosted John Maynard Keynes’s popularity to many who embrace certain facets of socialism. Many critical social scientists have embraced Keynesianism in ways that overlook how the US used Keynesian policies to reengineer and redeploy state power. Keynes’s liberal synthesis inspired managers in the US Treasury Department to understand depression-era problems (...)
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  • Discursive Marxism: how Marx treats the economy and what discourse studies contribute to it.Jens Maesse - 2018 - Critical Discourse Studies 15 (4):364-376.
    ABSTRACTThis contribution seeks to develop some reflections on Marx as an analyst of the economy. I argue for a discursive Marxism that makes the integration of Foucauldian ideas into a Marxian framework possible. Three distinctive but interrelated questions will be addressed. First, what is specific about a Marxian understanding of the economy, especially compared to certain tendencies in economic sociology and political economy? Second, how is a Marxian understanding of the economy reflected by current Marxist studies and how have these (...)
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  • From Choice to Necessity: Putting Politics in Command.Dimitrios Tzanakopoulos - 2012 - Law and Critique 23 (3):271-281.
    This paper attempts to explore the effects of the political developments that followed the financial crisis of 2008, particularly after the uprisings of 2011, on the field of philosophy and more specifically on philosophical practice. Philosophical practice concerns not only methodology and forms of argumentation but also and mainly the dispositive of the philosopher him/herself, that is the place he/she occupies and from which h/she speaks. Drawing from Gramsci’s and Althusser’s reading of Machiavelli an argument is developed according to which (...)
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