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  1. Self-control: Beyond commitment.Howard Rachlin - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):109-121.
    Self-control, so important in the theory and practice of psychology, has usually been understood introspectively. This target article adopts a behavioral view of the self (as an abstract class of behavioral actions) and of self-control (as an abstract behavioral pattern dominating a particular act) according to which the development of self-control is a molar/molecular conflict in the development of behavioral patterns. This subsumes the more typical view of self-control as a now/later conflict in which an act of self-control is a (...)
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  • A Better Kind of Continuity.Louise Barrett - 2015 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 53 (S1):28-49.
    Discussions of what minds are and what they do is a contentious issue. This is particularly so when considering non‐human animals, for here the questions become: do they have minds at all? And if so, what kinds of minds are they? Alternatives to Cartesian or computational models of mind open up a whole new space of possibility for how we should conceive of animal minds, while also highlighting how Skinner's pragmatist‐inspired radical behaviourism has much more to offer than most researchers (...)
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  • Metacognitive Control of Categorial Neurobehavioral Decision Systems.Gordon R. Foxall - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  • Altruism and selfishness.Howard Rachlin - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (2):239-250.
    Many situations in human life present choices between (a) narrowly preferred particular alternatives and (b) narrowly less preferred (or aversive) particular alternatives that nevertheless form part of highly preferred abstract behavioral patterns. Such alternatives characterize problems of self-control. For example, at any given moment, a person may accept alcoholic drinks yet also prefer being sober to being drunk over the next few days. Other situations present choices between (a) alternatives beneficial to an individual and (b) alternatives that are less beneficial (...)
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  • Consciousness outside the head.F. Tonneau - 2004 - Behavior and Philosophy 32 (1):97-123.
    Brain-centered theories of consciousness seem to face insuperable difficulties. While some philosophers now doubt that the hard problem of consciousness will ever be solved, others call for radically new approaches to conscious experience. In this article I resurrect a largely forgotten approach to consciousness known as neorealism. According to neorealism, consciousness is merely a part, or cross-section, of the environment. Neorealism implies that all conscious experiences, veridical or otherwise, exist outside of the brain and are wholly independent of being perceived (...)
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  • Teleological behaviorism and the intentional scheme.Hugh Lacey - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):134-135.
    Teleological behaviorism, unlike Skinnerian behaviorism, recognizes that are needed to account adequately for human behavior, but it rejects the essential role in behavioral explanations of the subjective perspective of the agent. I argue that teleological behaviorism fails because of this rejection.
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  • Um Exame de Objeções a Ryle sobre o Funcionamento dos Termos Psicológicos Intencionais.Filipe Lazzeri & Jorge Oliveira-Castro - 2010 - Abstracta 6 (1):42-64.
    This paper briefly presents an account, partially based upon Ryle’s approach, of the functions of intentional psychological terms as they are used in ordinary language. According to this account, intentional psychological terms describe known patterns of behavior that are determined by selective mechanisms of causation. That is, these terms describe relations between certain responses, selected on the basis of the consequences they produce in the environment, and contexts of their occurrence, to which they become associated. Intentional psychological terms do not (...)
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  • Toward a better understanding of prosocial behavior: The role of evolution and directed attention.Stephen Kaplan & Raymond De Young - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (2):263-264.
    Rachlin's thought-provoking analysis could be strengthened by greater openness to evolutionary interpretation and the use of the directed attention concept as a component of self-control. His contribution to the understanding of prosocial behavior would also benefit from abandoning the traditional (and excessively restrictive) definition of altruism.
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  • Transcendence, guilt, and self-control.Roy F. Baumeister - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):122-123.
    Transcendence, defined as the capacity to perceive the immediate stimulus environment in relation to long-range or abstract concerns, is a key aspect of self-control, and indeed self-regulation often breaks down because attention becomes focused exclusively on the immediate stimuli (i.e., transcendence fails). Factors that restrict attention to the here and now will weaken self-control, whereas factors that promote transcendence will enhance it. Guilt may be one example of the latter.
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  • On the Organism-Environment Distinction in Psychology.Daniel K. Palmer - 2004 - Behavior and Philosophy 32 (2):317 - 347.
    Most psychology begins with a distinction between organism and environment, where the two are implicitly (and sometimes explicitly) conceptualized as flipsides of a skin-severed space. This paper examines that conceptualization. Dewey and Bentley's (1949) account of firm naming is used to show that psychologists have, in general, (1) employed the skin as a morphological criterion for distinguishing organisms from backgrounds, and (2) equated background with environment. This two-step procedure, which in this article is named the morphological conception of organism, is (...)
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  • When is a pattern a pattern?Marc N. Branch - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):123-124.
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  • The future is uncertain: Eat dessert first.Edmund Fantino - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):125-126.
    There may be evolutionary as well as economic reasons why organisms generally act impulsively. I discuss this possibility and suggest some follow-up experiments that may clarify the exciting empirical and theoretical contributions made by the experiments discussed in the target article.
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  • Self-control as habit.Max Hocutt - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):129-130.
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  • (1 other version)Observações sobre o Behaviorismo Teleológico: Parte I.F. Lazzeri - 2013 - Acta Comportamentalia 21 (2).
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  • (1 other version)Observações sobre o Behaviorismo Teleológico: Parte II.F. Lazzeri - 2013 - Acta Comportamentalia 21 (3).
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  • Can teleological behaviorism account for the effects of instructions on self-control without invoking cognition?Kristi Lemm, Yuichi Shoda & Walter Mischel - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):135-135.
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  • Form, function, and self-control.A. W. Logue - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):136-136.
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  • Conceptualizing Self-Control.Alfred Mele - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):136-137.
    A pair of arguments suggests that self-control is not properly conceptualized on the pattern/act/preference model Rachlin proposes. The first concerns the irrational following of personal rules. The second concerns scenarios in which behavioral patterns an agent deems good come into conflict.
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  • Patterns yes, agency no.William M. Baum - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):122-122.
    Contrary to his own perspective, Rachlin introduces a ghostly inner cost to explain the persistence of behavioral patterns and agency to explain their origins. Both inconsistencies can be set straight by taking account of history and a context larger than the pattern itself. Persistence is explained by stimulus control, if one assumes that defection from a pattern has stimulus properties and is punished. The origins of patterns are understood as an outcome of selection in the larger context of cultural or (...)
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  • Does behaviorism explain self-control?Robert Eisenberger - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):125-125.
    Rachlin's hyperbolic-discounting model captures basic features of the subtlety of human impulsiveness and self-control and has received convincing experimental support. His distinction between self-control patterns and impulsive acts expands his earlier work to a greater range of self-control behaviors. Possible mechanisms that may weaken or strengthen patterns of self-control are considered.
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  • Internal commitment and efficient habit formation.Robert H. Frank - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):127-127.
    Rachlin's attack on the internal commitment model rests on the demonstrably false claim that self-punishment does not exist. He is correct that habits are an effective device for solving self-control problems, but his additional claim that they are the only such device makes it hard to explain how good habits develop in the first place. Someone with a self-control problem would always choose the spuriously attractive reward, which, over time, would create bad habits.
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  • Overcoming addiction through abstract patterns.Jesus Mosterin - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):137-138.
    You cannot overcome addiction or impulsiveness through abstract patterns alone. They show you the way to go, but do not fuel the effort. Some further variable is needed in the equation, some internal force or motivational mechanism, whatever its nature. Overlooking this leads to a neo-Socratic exaggeration of the role of cognition in selfcontrol.
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  • Thinking is a difficult habit to break.Geir Overskeid - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):138-139.
    Self-control is in the eye of the beholder. However, we speak of if a person has come to think conscious thoughts that change the motivational value of stimuli in the outside world. It is claimed that conscious thinking, and not habits bordering on compulsion, is behind self-control.
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  • Choice between long- and short-term interests: Beyond self-control.Leonard Green & Joel Myerson - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):127-128.
    In the real world, there are choices between large, delayed, punctate rewards and small, more immediate rewards as well as choices between patterns and acts. A common element in these situations is the choice between long- and short-term interests. Key issues for future research appear to be how acts are restructured into larger patterns of behavior, and whether, as Rachlin implies, pattern perception is the cause of pattern generation.
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  • The extended psychological present.Philip N. Hineline - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):128-129.
    Portraying psychological process as extended over time in multiply overlapping scales is a conceptual advance that can be understood as analogous to our understanding of spatial relationships. There may be a residual contradiction, however, when Rachlin invokes in ways that seem to imply earlier conceptions. The roles of superimposed or conditionally related stimuli also remain to be addressed.
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  • My behavior made me do it: The uncaused cause of teleological behaviorism.Jordan Hughes & Patricia S. Churchland - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):130-131.
    Toward a neurobiologically grounded approach to explaining self-control we discuss the case of a patient with a bilateral lesion in frontal ventromedial cortex. Patients with such lesions display a marked deficit in social decision making. Compared with an account that examines the causal antecedents of self-control, Rachlin's behaviorist approach seems lacking in explanatory strength.
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  • Conceptual problems in the act-versus-pattern analysis of self-control.Suresh Kanekar - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):132-133.
    The primary argument against Rachlin's act-versus-pattern analysis of self-control is that it is wrong to think of a temptation as a solitary act while the alternative is conceived of as an element of a pattern. Either both are solitary acts or both are members of patterns, however different the patterns may be in their complexity and abstractness.
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  • Patterns, acts, and self-control: Rachlin's theory.Robert Kane - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):131-132.
    Regarding Rachlin's behavioral act/pattern theory of self-control, it is argued that some cases of self-control involve pattern/ pattern conflicts rather than merely act/pattern conflicts and that some patterns must be viewed as internal representational states of mind (plans) rather than merely as patterns of actual overt behavior.
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  • The future of an illusion: Self and its control.Peter R. Killeen - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):133-134.
    Rachlin introduces a new theory before exhausting its predecessor. His earlier model of future-discounting may be developed by integrating over the duration of extended rewards and punishers. The difference in value of an event within a pattern over the event in isolation derives from the deprivation provided by the pattern; yet the pattern attracts because acute rewards are more potent than incremental deprivations.
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  • Why self-control is both difficult and difficult to explicate.David Premack & Ann James Premack - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):140-141.
    The present intractability of and near intractability of make self-control a difficult topic.
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  • Teleological behaviorism and internal control of behavior.Albert Silverstein - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):142-143.
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  • Alternatives to radical behaviorism.Terry L. Smith - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):143-144.
    Operant psychologists are looking for alternatives to radical behaviorism. Rachlin offers teleological behaviorism, but it may pose as many difficulties as radical behaviorism. There is, however, a less drastic way to defend Rachlin's thesis of It portrays operant principles as relating distal efficient causes to behavioral effects.
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  • Acerca da taxonomia do mental para contextos que requerem neutralidade.Filipe Lazzeri - 2013 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 16 (3):365-392.
    Ordinary psychological predicates, and the phenomena we report to by means of them, can be grouped together into different categories. For instance, it is usual to group together phenomena such as belief and expectancy in a category of ‘propositional attitudes’, whereas sensations, like pain and itch, in a distinct one. Which taxonomy of the mental would be plausible to be adopted in contexts such as those of introductory books to the philosophy of mind, i.e., when we need to set out (...)
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  • O que é Behaviorismo sobre a mente?Filipe Lazzeri - 2019 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 23 (2):249-277.
    It is common to find depictions of behaviorist approaches to the mind as approaches according to which mental events are “dispositions for behavior.” Moreover, it is sometimes said that for these approaches the dispositions are for publicly observable behaviors, or even “purely physical movements,” thereby excluding from being constitutive of mental events any internal bodily happening, besides any movement not taken as “purely physical.” In this paper I aim to pinpoint problems in such widespread depictions of behaviorism about the mind, (...)
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  • Termos psicológicos disposicionais.Filipe Lazzeri & Jorge M. Oliveira-Castro - 2010 - Princípios 17 (28):155-183.
    Este artigo tem como objetivo principal apresentar uma reconstruçáo lógico-conceitual e avaliaçáo de três argumentos de Skinner para a tese de que os termos psicológicos comuns sáo, em geral, inadmissíveis em análise do comportamento (a tese da inadmissibilidade). Começamos fazendo uma revisáo da abordagem de tais termos sustentada por Skinner, particularmente sua abordagem das categoriais de termos psicológicos disposicionais. Muito dela é aqui aceito, mas adotamos, como hipótese de trabalho, um desacordo com a premissa de Skinner de que eles sejam (...)
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  • The behavior of self-control.Joseph J. Plaud - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):139-140.
    Rachlin's view of self-control as a sequence or chain of behaviors is contrasted with traditional behavioral analyses of self-control which emphasize a simplistic interpretation of the hyperbolic function relating small-sooner (SS) and larger-later (LL) reinforcers to specific behaviors. The validity of Rachlin's teleological analysis is examined in relation to the acquisition and steady-state performance of self-control behaviors. Central to an analysis of self-control is the functional difference between behavior under the control of SS and LL reinforcers, because SS-reinforced behavior is (...)
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  • Pattern proliferation in teleological behaviorism.Bruce N. Waller - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):145-146.
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  • The cost of an interrupted response pattern.Thomas R. Zentall - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):147-148.
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  • Self-control observed.Howard Rachlin - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):148-159.
    Complex cases of self-control involve processes such as guilt-avoidance, inhibition, self-punishment, conscious thought, free will, and imagination. Such processes, conceived as internal mediating mechanisms, serve the function in psychological theory of avoiding teleological causation. Acceptance of the scientific legitimacy of teleological behaviorism would obviate the need for internal mediation, redefine the above processes in terms of temporally extended patterns of overt behavior, and clarify their relation to selfcontrol.
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  • Self-control: Acts of free will.James A. Schirillo - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):141-141.
    Rachlin overlooks that free will determines when and in what direction acts that appear impulsive will occur. Because behavioral patterns continuously evolve, animals are not guaranteed when they will, or how to, maximize larger-later reinforcements. An animal therefore uses self-control to emit free acts to vary behavioral patterns to optimize larger-later rewards.
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  • Distinguishing between acts and patterns.Eliot Shimoff - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):142-142.
    The costliness of disrupting a pattern may not be a useful criterion for distinguishing between acts and patterns; there are instances in which omitted components of patterns are hard to detect (e.g., typographical errors), or in which distortions are easily introduced (e.g., slurred words in a trite phrase). Are there behavioral criteria for distinguishing between acts and patterns?
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  • The role of discounting in global social issues.Craig Summers - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):144-144.
    The willingness to trade off large but ill-defined future consequences for immediate work characterizes social problems such as environmental sustainability. This commentary argues that important applications of behavioral models of self-control are being overlooked in the experimental literature. Tying the experimental literature to longterm health, environmental, and other risks makes the experimental work more germane, and raises new research questions for experimental modeling.
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  • Further choices for molar theory.François Tonneau - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):145-145.
    The target article extends molar behaviorism in two positive ways: beyond average aggregates and beyond restricted laws of Although a molar framework based on purely overt events shows promise for advancing behavior theory, Rachlin's specific form of teleological behaviorism is in need of clarification.
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  • Commitment: Beyond Rachlin's control?N. E. Wetherick - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):146-147.
    Rachlin's view of self-control is rejected on the grounds that his arguments do not establish the possibility of abstract, external, stimulus patterns and that his experiments, although they show that pigeons and human beings do sometimes choose postponed rather than immediate gratification, do not challenge the commonly held view that internal factors are involved in the former choice.
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  • What Müller's Law of Specific Nerve Energies Says about the Mind.Howard Rachlin - 2005 - Behavior and Philosophy 33:41 - 54.
    Johannes Müller's law of specific nerve energies (LOSNE) states that the mind has access not to objects in the world but only to our nerves. This law implies that the contents of the mind have no qualities in common with environmental objects but serve only as arbitrary signs or markers of those objects. The present article traces the implications of LOSNE for non-physical theories of mind and for modern neural identity theory (that mental events are identical with their neurological representations) (...)
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  • Dançarino Nietzscheano imitador obediente.Eraci Gonçalves de Oliveira - 2013 - Encontro Nacional Anpof: Arte, Ciências Humanas, Educação E Religião.
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  • Intentional Behaviorism Revisited.Gordon R. Foxall - 2008 - Behavior and Philosophy 36:113 - 155.
    The central fact in the delineation of radical behaviorism is its conceptual avoidance of propositional content. This eschewal of the intentional stance sets it apart not only from cognitivism but from other non-behaviorisms. Indeed, the defining characteristic of radical behaviorism is not that it avoids mediating processes per se but that it sets out to account for behavior without recourse to propositional attitudes. Based, rather, on the contextual stance, it provides definitions of contingency-shaped, rule-governed verbal and private behaviors which are (...)
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  • Intentional Explanations and Radical Behaviorism: A Reply to Lacey.Sam Leigland - 1998 - Behavior and Philosophy 26 (1/2):45 - 61.
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