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A commentary on the Aristotelian Athenaion politeia

New York: Oxford University Press (1981)

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  1. Autoctonia, filiação legítima e cidadania no Íon de Eurípides.Delfim Ferreira Leão - 2011 - Humanitas 63:105-122.
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  • Gender, Class and Ideology: The Social Function of Virgin Sacrifice in Euripides' Children of Herakles.David Kawalko Roselli - 2007 - Classical Antiquity 26 (1):81-169.
    This paper explores how gender can operate as a disguise for class in an examination of the self-sacrifice of the Maiden in Euripides' Children of Herakles. In Part I, I discuss the role of human sacrifice in terms of its radical potential to transform society and the role of class struggle in Athens. In Part II, I argue that the representation of women was intimately connected with the social and political life of the polis. In a discussion of iconography, the (...)
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  • Framing the Gift: The Politics of the Siphnian Treasury at Delphi.Richard T. Neer - 2001 - Classical Antiquity 20 (2):273-344.
    Thêsauroi, or treasure-houses, are small, temple-like structures, found typically in the sanctuaries of Delphi and Olympia. They were built by Greek city-states to house the dedications of their citizens. But a thêsauros is not just a storeroom: it is also a frame for costly votives, a way of diverting elite display in the interest of the city. When placed on view in a treasure-house, the individual dedication is re-contextualized: although it still reflects well on its dedicant, it also glorifies the (...)
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  • From Ponêêros to Pharmakos: Theater, Social Drama, and Revolution in Athens, 428-404 BCE.David Rosenbloom - 2002 - Classical Antiquity 21 (2):283-346.
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  • A Phenomenology of Democracy.Paul J. Kosmin - 2015 - Classical Antiquity 34 (1):121-162.
    This article has two objectives. First, and in particular, it seeks to reinterpret the ostracism procedure of early democratic Athens. Since Aristotle, this has been understood as a rational, political weapon of collective defense, intended to expel from Athens a disproportionately powerful individual. In this article, by putting emphasis on themateriality, gestures, and location of ostraka-casting, I propose instead that the institution can more fruitfully be understood as a ritual enactment of civic unity. Second, and more generally, I hope to (...)
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  • Commentary on Mitsis.Gisela Striker - 1988 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 4 (1):323-354.
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  • Reviewing generic innovation in the Lacedaimonion Politeia.Noreen Humble - 2021 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 31.
    This paper examines the generic structure and underpinnings of Xenophon's Lacedaimonion Politeia. The Lac. has frequently been regarded as a praise or defence of Sparta yet its rhetoric and narrative structure bear little resemblance to contemporary practices for composing encomia or defense speeches. Although this does not preclude an encomiastic or defensive purpose, an examination of the type of rhetoric Xenophon employs and the narrative patterns and structures in the work reveal different generic affiliations, showing that the Lac., like many (...)
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  • Phreatto – Ein Gerichtsverfahren zwischen Land und Meer für Athener mit ‚Vorstrafe‘.Tino Shahin - 2019 - Klio 101 (1):57-76.
    Zusammenfassung Demosthenes, Aristoteles und Pausanias berichten von dem Dikasterion in Phreatto, zu dem ein außer Landes gegangener Athener auf einem Boot heranfährt, dieses unmittelbar an der Küste festmacht und sich dann in einem Prozess verteidigt. Er betritt zu keinem Zeitpunkt athenischen Boden, sondern bleibt auf dem Boot und vernimmt dort das Urteil, ob er vorsätzlich getötet hat oder nicht. Diese Verhandlungsform zwischen Land und Meer kann – so aufwendig und eigentümlich sie auch anmutet – durchaus historisch sein, ist aber nur (...)
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  • Nomothesia in classical athens: What sources should we believe?Mirko Canevaro - 2013 - Classical Quarterly 63 (1):139-160.
    In the fifth centuryb.c.e.the Athenians did not make any distinction between laws and decrees. The Assembly passed both kinds of measures in the same way, and both general enactments and short-term provisions held the same legal status. At the end of the fifth century, however, the Athenians decided to make a distinction between the two kinds of measures and created the rule that no decree would be superior to a law. The Assembly continued to pass decrees in the same way, (...)
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  • A Lesson in Patriotism: Lycurgus' Against Leocrates, the Ideology of the Ephebeia, and Athenian Social Memory.Bernd Steinbock - 2011 - Classical Antiquity 30 (2):279-317.
    This paper seeks to contextualize Lycurgus' use of the historical example of King Codrus' self-sacrifice within Athenian social memory and public discourse. In doing so, it offers a solution to the puzzle of Lycurgus' calling Codrus one of the ἐπώνυμοι τῆς χώρας . I make the case that Codrus was one of the forty-two eponymous age-set heroes who played an important role in the Athenian military and socio-political system. I contend that devotion to the city's gods and heroes and knowledge (...)
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  • Before Turannoi Were Tyrants: Rethinking a Chapter of Early Greek History.Greg Anderson - 2005 - Classical Antiquity 24 (2):173-222.
    According to classical and postclassical sources, the early Greek turannoi were, by definition, illegitimate rulers who overturned existing political arrangements and installed rogue monarchic regimes in their place. And on this one fundamental point at least, modern observers of archaic turannides seem to have little quarrel with their ancient informants. To this day, it remains axiomatic that Cypselus, Peisistratus, and the rest were autocrats who gained power by usurpation. Whatever their individual accomplishments, they were still, in a word, "tyrants." Relying (...)
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  • On trial with lonely Medea.Delfim F. Leão - 2017 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 21:167-198.
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  • (1 other version)“I Was Following Orders”: An Ancient Greek Archetype of Modern War Crime Legislation.Janek Kucharski - 2018 - The European Legacy 23 (1-2):60-76.
    This article discusses Lysias’ Against Eratosthenes as an ancient Athenian instance of the superior orders plea, a line of defence made notorious during the Nuremberg trials, which in turn became the cornerstone of modern war crime legislation. Whereas the pre-Nuremberg jurisdiction largely embraced the principle of superior responsibility, whereby a subordinate executing criminal orders was not to be held liable for them, the trials of the Nazi war criminals brought about a complete reversal of this doctrine. While remaining faithful to (...)
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  • Law, Politics, and the Question of Relevance in the Case On the Crown.M. Gagarin - 2012 - Classical Antiquity 31 (2):293-314.
    This paper seeks to give a more precise grounding to the question of relevance in Athenian forensic argument with a specific focus on the speeches delivered by Aeschines and Demosthenes in the case On the Crown. I argue that in Athenian litigation relevance can be determined quite precisely by the specific terms of the accusation, and that the litigants are well aware of this standard and take care to make their arguments relevant or to justify them if they may appear (...)
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  • The Athenian Treasury at Delphi and the Material of Politics.Richard Neer - 2004 - Classical Antiquity 23 (1):63-93.
    This study makes a pair with the author's “Framing the Gift: The Politics of the Siphnian Treasury at Delphi,” Classical Antiquity 20 : 273–336. Like that essay, it argues that the function of a treasury is to provide a civic frame for ostentatious dedications by wealthy citizens: in effect, to “nationalize” votives. In this sense, the Athenian Treasury is a material trace, or fossil, of city politics in the 480s. The article tracks this function through the monument's iconography; its use (...)
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  • Debt Cancellation in the Classical and Hellenistic Poleis: Between Demagogy and Crisis Management.Lucia Cecchet - 2018 - The European Legacy 23 (1-2):127-148.
    This article discusses the way the ancient Greeks dealt with public and private debts, focusing on one specific aspect: debt cancellation. On the one hand, ancient Greeks were aware of the risks entailed in debt relief as a tool for fuelling civic strife: sources describe it as a demagogic or even criminal action often in association with the political agenda of tyrants. On the other hand, however, Greeks knew well also the benefic effects of debt cancellation in coping with financial (...)
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  • Private and Public: Links Between Symposion and Syssition in Fifth-Century Athens.Ann Steiner - 2002 - Classical Antiquity 21 (2):347-390.
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  • Stability and Violence in Classical Greek Democracies and Oligarchies.Matthew Simonton - 2017 - Classical Antiquity 36 (1):52-103.
    Existing attempts to understand the relationship between violence and stability within Classical Athens are undermined by their failure to compare democracies with oligarchies. The exclusionary policies of oligarchies created a fragile political equilibrium that required considerable regulation if oligarchic regimes were to survive. By contrast, the inclusiveness of democracies largely defused the danger that disputes would lead to regime collapse. Citizens of democracies faced fewer incentives to police their behavior, resulting in higher levels of public disorder and violence; this violence, (...)
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  • Shouts, Murmurs and Votes: Acclamation and Aggregation in Ancient Greece.Melissa Schwartzberg - 2010 - Journal of Political Philosophy 18 (4):448-468.
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  • Constitution and Fundamental Law: The Lesson of Classical Athens.John David Lewis - 2011 - Social Philosophy and Policy 28 (1):25-49.
    The question of what constitutions should do is deeply connected to what constitutions are. In the American founding conception, a constitution was a fundamental law, hierarchically superior to the decisions of the legislature, and intended to act as a restraint on legislative action. Despite the massive gulf between the ancient Greeks and the Americans, classical Athens offers an important lesson about how the failure to recognize fundamental laws can lead to catastrophic consequences. The evidence suggests that the Athenians understood the (...)
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  • Tacitus, annals 1.1.1 and Aristotle.Matthew Leigh - 2013 - Classical Quarterly 63 (1):452-454.
    The first sentence of the Annals reads urbem Romam a principio reges habuere. Commentators observe the echo of Sallust, Catiline 6.1 urbem Romam, sicuti ego accepi, condidere atque habuere initio Troiani, and of Claudius, ILS 212 quondam reges hanc tenuere urbem. In a stimulating recent contribution David Levene also compares the first sentence of Justinus' Epitome of the Histories of Pompeius Trogus: principio rerum gentium nationumque imperium penes reges erat. A fourth potential model may now be taken into consideration: Ἀθηναῖοι (...)
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  • Investidura de Tales como sophos em Atenas?Delfim F. Leao - 2010 - Humanitas 62:23-32.
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  • Democratic Ideology and The Poetics of Rape in Menandrian Comedy.Susan Lape - 2001 - Classical Antiquity 20 (1):79-119.
    Many of Menander's comedies are structured according to a rape plot pattern in which a young Athenian citizen usually rapes and impregnates a female citizen prior to the opening of the play. In most cases, the rape leads to a happy ending: the marriage of the rapist and victim. This casual treatment of rape is striking because in all other respects Menander's plays are not only scrupulously faithful to Athenian law, they also use Athenian legal and social norms as their (...)
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  • (1 other version)The “Rough Stones” of Aegina: Pindar, Pausanias, and the Topography of Aeginetan Justice.Leslie Kurke - 2017 - Classical Antiquity 36 (2):236-287.
    This paper considers Pindar's diverse appropriations of elements of the sacred topography of Aegina for different purposes in epinikia composed for Aeginetan victors. It focuses on poems likely performed in the vicinity of the Aiakeion for their different mobilizations of a monument that we know from Pausanias stood beside the Aiakeion—the tomb of Phokos, an earth mound topped with the “rough stone” that killed him. The more speculative final part of the paper suggests that it may also be possible to (...)
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  • Solon's "Theôria" and the End of the City.James Ker - 2000 - Classical Antiquity 19 (2):304-329.
    How are we to understand Solon's departure from Athens "for the sake of theôria" immediately after the introduction of his laws ? Previous accounts have taken theôria to mean "sightseeing," but the goal of Solon's departure-to avoid explaining or changing the laws-is guaranteed by certain religious features of theôria: the theôros plays the role of civic guardian and must not add to or subtract from an oracle he conveys to the city, and during the theôria the city itself must remain (...)
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  • Time Is Running. Ancient Greek Chronography and the Ancient Near East.Angelika Kellner - 2021 - Journal of Ancient History 9 (1):19-52.
    The article explores the question whether there was a possible dialogue between ancient Greek and Mesopotamian chronography. This is an interesting albeit challenging subject due to the fragmentary preservation of the Greek texts. The idea that cuneiform tablets might have influenced the development of the genre in Greece lingers in the background without having been the subject of detailed discussion. Notably the Neo-Assyrian limmu list has been suggested as a possible blueprint for the Athenian archon list. In order to examine (...)
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  • The Great Dionysia and the End of the Peloponnesian War.Johanna Hanink - 2014 - Classical Antiquity 33 (2):319-346.
    Scholars have disagreed about whether the Great Dionysia was celebrated in 404 BCE, despite the grim circumstances in Athens on the eve of the city's surrender to Sparta. This article reconsiders the problem and reviews the positive documentary evidence for the festival's celebration. The evidence indicates that the festival was indeed held, which speaks to the centrality of the Great Dionysia to Athenian civic life. The article then re-examines the conditions in Athens in the spring of 404, the practical consequences (...)
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  • Exile, Ostracism and the Athenian Democracy.Sara Forsdyke - 2000 - Classical Antiquity 19 (2):232-263.
    This paper addresses the question of the role of ostracism in democratic Athens. I argue that the frequent expulsion of aristocrats by rival aristocrats in the predemocratic polis is the key to understanding the function of ostracism in the democratic polis. I show that aristocratic "politics of exile" was a fundamental political problem in the archaic polis and that democratic political power, symbolized by the institution of ostracism, was the polis' solution to the problem. In the archaic polis, the expulsion (...)
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  • Grammateis (secretaries) and legal procedure in ancient Athens.Dionysios Filias - 2020 - Journal of Ancient History 8 (2):187-207.
    The advent of writing in the Greek polis administration resulted in the appointment of officials responsible for document management. These were known as grammateis (secretaries). The need for records connected to judicial proceedings led to the involvement of secretaries in the polis legal procedure. Although there remains little evidence of this, in Athens secretarial support was certainly connected with almost every use of writing in a judicial context. Secretaries appear to have received suits, published notifications of trials and recorded fines, (...)
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  • Some Notes on the Athenian Gymnasiarch.Bram Fauconnier - 2022 - Klio 104 (1):135-158.
    Summary This paper investigates the Athenian gymnasiarchy, an office that remains badly understood. Originally a festival liturgy, the gymnasiarchy was transformed into a magistracy at the end of the fourth century BC. This paper first examines the reasons for the shift and argues that it was connected to broader political currents in late Classical Athens. Secondly, it sheds new light on the nature of the office in the Hellenistic period. Whereas earlier scholars assumed that the Athenian gymnasiarch was a minor (...)
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  • Recovering Rhapsodes.Sheramy Bundrick - 2015 - Classical Antiquity 34 (1):1-32.
    This paper discusses an Athenian calyx krater whose style, shape, and inscription allow attribution to the Pantoxena Painter, a member of the Polygnotan workshop. I argue that the unusual scene on the obverse—with a wreathed, draped youth mounting a bema before Nikai and judges—provides the only known image of a rhapsode from the second half of the fifth century BC and joins the very small group of scenes that depict this contest at all. Given the similarity to images of kitharodes (...)
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  • Atenea versus Afrodita: las mujeres y la ciudadanía.Sin Autor - 2008 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 13:153-174.
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  • Classical democracy: a model for the modern world?K. R. Moore - unknown
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  • (1 other version)Sócrates e as leis: democracia e metafí­sica.Celso Martins Azar Filho - 2004 - Princípios 11 (15):29-63.
    Normal 0 21 false false false PT-BR X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Le concept de loi socratique a depuis toujours été l´objet decontroverses, principalement en raison des tentatives pour expliquerson attitude lors de son jugement, son emprisonnementet son exécution. Toute la difficulté de concilier entreeux les différents textes sur la philosophie et la vie de Socrate,naturellement ressort à propos des circonstances de sa condamnationet de sa mort. Si, dans l´état actuel de notre documentation,il paraît impossible d´apporter une solution définitive,néanmoins une possibilité d´en (...)
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