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  1. Gendering violence: Masculinity and power in men's accounts of domestic violence.Debra Umberson & Kristin L. Anderson - 2001 - Gender and Society 15 (3):358-380.
    This article examines the construction of gender within men's accounts of domestic violence. Analyses of in-depth interviews conducted with 33 domestically violent heterosexual men indicate that these batterers used diverse strategies to present themselves as nonviolent, capable, and rational men. Respondents performed gender by contrasting effectual male violence with ineffectual female violence, by claiming that female partners were responsible for the violence in their relationships and by constructing men as victims of a biased criminal justice system. This study suggests that (...)
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  • Feel-bad moments: Unpacking the complexity of class, gender and whiteness when studying ‘up’.Lena Sohl - 2018 - European Journal of Women's Studies 25 (4):470-483.
    Intimacy, shared experiences and evening out the power relations between researcher and the participants play an important role in feminist methodology. However, as highlighted in previous research on studying ‘up’, such methods might not be appropriate when studying privileged groups. Therefore, studying privileged women challenges fundamental assumptions in feminist methodology. When researching privileged women, the assumption that the researcher is almost always in a superior position within the research process becomes more complicated. The article seeks to contribute to the feminist (...)
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  • 'Back to the rough ground!' : Wittgenstein, essentialism, and feminist methods.Cressida Jane Heyes - unknown
    This dissertation seeks to fill two lacunae in contemporary feminist discussions of essentialism: first, a lack of critical analysis of the term "essentialism" and its cognates, and second, a paucity of feminist work that aims to develop anti-essentialist methods rather than merely presenting anti-essentialist critiques of existing feminist theories. I propose a typology of feminist essentialisms, distinguishing metaphysical, biological, linguistic, and methodological variants. I argue that methodological essentialism---understood as the practice of making false generalisations about women based on the experiences (...)
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  • No less a man: Reconstructing identity after prostate cancer.Barbara G. Bokhour, Lorrie L. Powel & Jack A. Clark - 2007 - Communications 4 (1):99-109.
    Few diagnoses present as great a challenge to one's life as cancer. Many men each year are confronted with a diagnosis of early stage prostate cancer and find themselves making decisions about treatment in the face of side effects that present often devastating effects, including problems controlling one's urine and an inability to perform sexually. In this paper, we explore the narratives of men who, having chosen and undergone treatment for early stage prostate cancer, are living with the consequences. Faced (...)
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  • Negotiating independent motherhood: Working-class african american women talk about marriage and motherhood.Theresa Deussen & Linda M. Blum - 1996 - Gender and Society 10 (2):199-211.
    The authors examine the experiences and ideals of African American working-class mothers through 20 intensive interviews. They focus on the women's negotiations with racialized norms of motherhood, represented in the assumptions that legal marriage and an exclusively bonded dyadic relationship with one's children are requisite to good mothering. The authors find, as did earlier phenomenological studies, that the mothers draw from distinct ideals of community-based independence to resist each of these assumptions and carve out alternative scripts based on nonmarital relationships (...)
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  • Ethnicity and expertise: Racial-ethnic knowledge in sociological research.Marjorie L. Devault - 1995 - Gender and Society 9 (5):612-631.
    Analysis of an interview conducted by a white researcher with an African American nutritionist points to the significance of racial-ethnic dynamics in the conduct of qualitative research. Interviewers who follow the standard methodological rule—to let findings “emerge” from their data—may fail to hear the significance of race-ethnicity in the accounts of informants. Close analysis suggests that talk will sometimes reveal racial-ethnic dynamics even when these are not explicit topics and that active attention to such structured inequalities produces a more robust (...)
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  • Contradictions of feminist methodology.Sherry Gorelick - 1991 - Gender and Society 5 (4):459-477.
    Many feminists have aruged that researchers must “give voice” to hitherto silenced women by adopting “the view from below.” Critically reviewing the literature on feminist methodology, the author argues that this perspective, while absolutely essential, is not sufficient. Confining research to induction-based methods ignores the limits to such research: Ideologies of oppression are often internalized, while the underlying structures of oppression are hidden. Marxist approaches may help reveal hidden determinants of oppression, but they risk exacerbating inequalities between researcher and researched. (...)
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  • The language of ‘experience’ in nursing research.David Allen & Kristin Cloyes - 2005 - Nursing Inquiry 12 (2):98-105.
    The language of ‘experience’ in nursing research This paper is an analysis of how the signifier ‘experience’ is used in nursing research. We identify a set of issues we believe accompany the use of experience but are rarely addressed. These issues are embedded in a spectrum that includes ontological commitments, visions of the person/self and its relation to ‘society’, understandings of research methodology and the politics of nursing. We argue that a poststructuralist understanding of the language of experience in research (...)
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  • The importance of researcher's gender in the in-depth interview:: Evidence from two case studies of male nurses.E. Joel Heikes & Christine L. Williams - 1993 - Gender and Society 7 (2):280-291.
    Sociologists who use in-depth interview methods have become sensitized to the ways that race-ethnicity and class can form barriers to rapport with respondents, but the question of gender has been largely unexamined. This article compares data from two independently conducted in-depth interview studies of male nurses: one by a female researcher and one by a male researcher. Observed differences in how the men in the samples framed their responses to questions in the two studies are discussed. It is argued that (...)
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  • Lesbians and doctors: Experiences of solidarity and domination in health care settings.Patricia E. Stevens - 1996 - Gender and Society 10 (1):24-41.
    A multiracial, socioeconomically diverse sample of 45 lesbians describe power relations in both satisfactory and problematic health care encounters with physicians. Whether doctors act in solidarity or dominate them is pivotal to lesbians' health care experiences. Solidarity means compassionate competence, empowering information exchange, and negotiated action. Domination takes form in the withholding of information, doomsaying, defensive dismissals, sexist comments, body sculpting, reproductive regulation, and bodily transgression.
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  • The Importance of Boundary Objects in Transcultural Interviewing.Vivian Anette Lagesen - 2010 - European Journal of Women's Studies 17 (2):125-142.
    This article combines the idea of the active interview with insights from science studies and suggests that some concepts from science studies, like boundary objects and trading zones, should be utilized to understand and facilitate the production and analysis of data in a transcultural interview. This is illustrated by examples from interviews that the author conducted with women computer science students and faculty in a university in Malaysia. The article argues that the understanding of, as well as the performance of (...)
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