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  1. Precision Medicine for Whom? Public Health Outputs from “Genomics England” and “All of Us” to Make Up for Upstream and Downstream Exclusion.Ilaria Galasso - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (3):71-85.
    This paper problematizes the precision medicine approach embraced by the All of Us Research Program (US) and by Genomics England (UK) in terms of benefits distribution, by arguing that current “diversity and inclusion” efforts do not prevent exclusiveness, unless the framing and scope of the projects are revisited in public health terms. Grounded on document analysis and fieldwork interviews, this paper analyzes efforts to address potential patterns of exclusion upstream (from participating in precision medicine research) and downstream (from benefitting from (...)
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  • Epistemic Disobedience, Independent Thought and Decolonial Freedom.Walter D. Mignolo - 2009 - Theory, Culture and Society 26 (7-8):159-181.
    Once upon a time scholars assumed that the knowing subject in the disciplines is transparent, disincorporated from the known and untouched by the geo-political configuration of the world in which people are racially ranked and regions are racially configured. From a detached and neutral point of observation (that Colombian philosopher Santiago Castro-Gómez describes as the hubris of the zero point ), the knowing subject maps the world and its problems, classifies people and projects into what is good for them. Today (...)
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  • Theorizing the Bioeconomy: Biovalue, Biocapital, Bioeconomics or... What?David Tyfield & Kean Birch - 2013 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 38 (3):299-327.
    In the policy discourses of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and European Commission, modern biotechnology and the life sciences are represented as an emerging “bioeconomy” in which the latent value underpinning biological materials and products offers the opportunity for sustainable economic growth. This articulation of modern biotechnology and economic development is an emerging scholarly field producing numerous “bio-concepts.” Over the last decade or so, there have been a number of attempts to theorize this relationship between biotechnologies and their (...)
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  • Coding the Self: The Infopolitics and Biopolitics of Genetic Sciences.Colin Koopman - 2020 - Hastings Center Report 50 (S1):6-14.
    This article compares three models for conceptualizing the political and ethical challenges of contemporary genetics, genomics, and postgenomics. The three analytical approaches are referred to as the state-politics model, the biopolitical model, and the infopolitical model. Each of these models is valuable for different purposes. But comparing these models in terms of their influence in contemporary discussions, the first is by far the dominant approach, the second is gaining in importance, and the third is almost entirely neglected. The widespread neglect (...)
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  • A Tidal Wave of Inevitable Data? Assetization in the Consumer Genomics Testing Industry.Nicole Gross & Susi Geiger - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (3):614-649.
    We bring together recent discussions on data capitalism and biocapitalization by studying value flows in consumer genomics firms—an industry at the intersection between health care and technology realms. Consumer genomics companies market genomic testing services to consumers as a source of fun, altruism, belonging and knowledge. But by maintaining a multisided or platform business model, these firms also engage in digital capitalism, creating financial profit from data brokerage. This is a precarious balance to strike: If these companies’ business models consist (...)
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  • Michel Foucault and the Problematics of Power: Theorizing DTCA and Medicalized Subjectivity.Black Hawk Hancock - 2018 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 43 (4):439-468.
    This article explores Foucault’s two different notions of power: one where the subject is constituted by power–knowledge relations and another that emphasizes how power is a central feature of human action. By drawing out these two conceptualizations of power, Foucault’s work contributes three critical points to the formation of medicalized subjectivities: the issue of medicalization needs to be discussed both in terms of both specific practices and holistically ; we need to think how we as human beings are “disciplined” and (...)
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  • The COVID pandemic and social theory: Social democracy and public health in the crisis.Sylvia Walby - 2021 - European Journal of Social Theory 24 (1):22-43.
    Social theory is developing in response to the coronavirus (COVID) crisis. Fundamental questions about social justice in the relationship of individuals to society are raised by Delanty in his review of political philosophy, including Agamben, Foucault and Žižek. However, the focus on the libertarian critique of authoritarianism is not enough. The social democratic critique of neoliberalism lies at the centre of the contesting responses to the COVID crisis. A social democratic perspective on public health, democracy and state action is contrasted (...)
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  • ‘The Medical’ and ‘Health’ in a Critical Medical Humanities.Sarah Atkinson, Bethan Evans, Angela Woods & Robin Kearns - 2015 - Journal of Medical Humanities 36 (1):71-81.
    As befits an emerging field of enquiry, there is on-going discussion about the scope, role and future of the medical humanities. One relatively recent contribution to this debate proposes a differentiation of the field into two distinct terrains, ‘medical humanities’ and ‘health humanities,’ and calls for a supersession of the former by the latter. In this paper, we revisit the conceptual underpinnings for a distinction between ‘the medical’ and ‘health’ by looking at the history of an analogous debate between ‘medical (...)
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  • The ‘Social Life of Methods’: A Critical Introduction.Mike Savage - 2013 - Theory, Culture and Society 30 (4):3-21.
    This paper explores the distinctive features of the critical agenda associated with the ‘Social Life of Methods’. I argue that although this perspective can be associated with the increasing interest, often associated with scholars in Science and Technology Studies, to reflect on how methods can become objects of inquiry, it also needs to be rooted in the current crisis of positivist methods. I identify the challenge for positivism in terms of the decreasing ability of its procedures to effectively organize increasingly (...)
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  • (1 other version)Ethical doings in naturecultures.María Puig de la Bellacasa - 2010 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 13 (2):151-169.
    What new forms of ethical engagement are emerging in naturecultural worlds? In this paper I explore the example of the practical ethics of the permaculture movement. I put these in dialogue first with new approaches to ethics in biopolitics and naturecultures and second with a reading of feminist care ethics. Across this discussion I focus on the potential of ethos transformations experienced through everyday doings to promote ethical obligations of care. If we are living in a naturecultural world where politics (...)
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  • Care and the self: biotechnology, reproduction, and the good life.Stuart J. Murray - 2007 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 2:6.
    This paper explores a novel philosophy of ethical care in the face of burgeoning biomedical technologies. I respond to a serious challenge facing traditional bioethics with its roots in analytic philosophy. The hallmarks of these traditional approaches are reason and autonomy, founded on a belief in the liberal humanist subject. In recent years, however, there have been mounting challenges to this view of human subjectivity, emerging from poststructuralist critiques, such as Michel Foucault's, but increasingly also as a result of advances (...)
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  • The Cyborg Embryo.Sarah Franklin - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (7-8):167-187.
    It is useful on the occasion of the 21st anniversary of the ‘Cyborg Manifesto’ not only to reconsider its lessons in the context of what is frequently described as the re-engineering of ‘life itself’, but to look at Haraway’s earlier work on embryos. In this article I begin with Haraway’s analysis of embryology in the 1970s to suggest her cyborg embryo was already there, and has, if anything, gained relevance in today’s embryo-strewn society. I argue further, as the title suggests, (...)
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  • An unproblematized truth: Foucault, biopolitics, and the making of a sociological canon.Maurizio Meloni - 2022 - Social Theory and Health:online.
    Foucault’s argument that a major break occurred in the nature of power in the European Eighteenth century—an unprecedented socialization of medicine and concern for the health of bodies and populations, the birth of biopolitics—has become since the 1990s a dominant narrative among sociologists but is rarely if ever scrutinized in its premises. This article problematizes Foucault’s periodization about the politics of health and the way its story has been solidified into an uncritical account. Building on novel historiographic work, it challenges (...)
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  • Enhancement Technologies and the Politics of Life.Diego Compagna & Melike Şahinol - 2022 - NanoEthics 16 (1):15-20.
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  • Nanotechnology, contingency and finitude.Christopher Groves - 2009 - NanoEthics 3 (1):1-16.
    It is argued that the social significance of nanotechnologies should be understood in terms of the politics and ethics of uncertainty. This means that the uncertainties surrounding the present and future development of nanotechnologies should not be interpreted, first and foremost, in terms of concepts of risk. It is argued that risk, as a way of managing uncertain futures, has a particular historical genealogy, and as such implies a specific politics and ethics. It is proposed, instead, that the concepts of (...)
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  • Temporalities of reproduction: practices and concepts from the eighteenth to the early twenty-first century.Bettina Bock von Wülfingen, Christina Brandt, Susanne Lettow & Florence Vienne - 2015 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 37 (1):1-16.
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  • Biopsychosociospiritual Medicine and Other Political Schemes.J. P. Bishop - 2009 - Christian Bioethics 15 (3):254-276.
    In the mid-1970s, the biomedical model of medicine gave way to the biopsychosocial model of medicine; it was billed as a more comprehensive and compassionate model of medicine. After more than a century of disentangling medicine from religion, the medicine and spirituality movement is attempting to bring religion and spirituality back into medicine. It is doing so under a biopsychosociospiritual model. I unpack one model for allowing religion back into medicine called the RCOPE. RCOPE is an instrument designed to categorize (...)
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  • Psychotropic drug use: Between healing and enhancing the mind.Toine Pieters & Stephen Snelders - 2009 - Neuroethics 2 (2):63-73.
    The making and taking of psychotropic drugs, whether on medical prescription or as self-medication, whether marketed by pharmaceutical companies or clamoured for by an anxious population, has been an integral part of the twentieth century. In this modern era of speed, uncertainty, pleasure and anguish the boundaries between healing and enhancing the mind by chemical means have been redefined. Long before Prozac would become a household name for an ‘emotional aspirin’ did consumers embrace the idea and practice of taking psychotropics (...)
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  • Is Nutritional Advocacy Morally Indigestible? A Critical Analysis of the Scientific and Ethical Implications of 'Healthy' Food Choice Discourse in Liberal Societies.Christopher Mayes & Donald B. Thompson - 2014 - Public Health Ethics 7 (2):158-169.
    Medical and non-medical experts increasingly argue that individuals, whether they are diagnosed with a specific chronic disease or condition or not (and whether they are judged at minimal risk of these consequences or not), have an obligation to make ‘healthy’ food choices. We argue that this obligation is neither scientifically nor ethically justified at the level of the individual. Our intent in the article is not simply to argue against moralization of the value of prudential uses of food for nutritional (...)
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  • The nature of Prozac.Mariam Fraser - 2001 - History of the Human Sciences 14 (3):56-84.
    This article addresses the relations between ‘nature’ and ‘culture’ (and those characteristics associated with ‘the natural’ and ‘the cultural’) in the context of the debates about Prozac. Following Marilyn Strathern, I focus specifically on the contested issue of enablement - that is, on what Prozac does or does not enable, and on the relation between enablement and enhancement, normality and pathology. I argue that the implications of the model of the brain that accompanies explanations of Prozac are such that commentators (...)
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  • Culturing Cells, Reproducing and Regulating the Self.Julie Kent, Alex Faulkner, Ingrid Geesink & David Fitzpatrick - 2006 - Body and Society 12 (2):1-23.
    The emergence of a new tissue economy raises issues for the governance of risk and concepts of the body and self. This article explores the development of autologous cell therapies as a form of tissue engineering and considers how and why autologous applications are seen as less risky and more socially and politically acceptable. In a careful analysis of contemporary debates around the need for new international policies to regulate these technologies, we critically assess the discursive strategies employed to support (...)
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  • Between truth and hope: on Parkinson’s disease, neurotransplantation and the production of the ‘self’.Tiago Moreira & Paolo Palladino - 2005 - History of the Human Sciences 18 (3):55-82.
    In this article, we argue that contemporary biomedicine is shaped by two, seemingly incommensurable, organizational logics, the ‘regime of truth’ and the ‘regime of hope’. We articulate their features by drawing on debates sparked by the recent clinical trial of a new approach to the treatment of Parkinson’s Disease. We also argue that the ‘self’ is configured in the very same process whereby these two organizational logics interlock and become mutually dependent, so that the ‘self’ might be said to be (...)
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  • Medical Technologies Past and Present: How History Helps to Understand the Digital Era.Vanessa Rampton, Maria Böhmer & Anita Winkler - 2022 - Journal of Medical Humanities 43 (2):343-364.
    This article explores the relationship between medicine’s history and its digital present through the lens of the physician-patient relationship. Today the rhetoric surrounding the introduction of new technologies into medicine tends to emphasize that technologies are disturbing relationships, and that the doctor-patient bond reflects a more ‘human’ era of medicine that should be preserved. Using historical studies of pre-modern and modern Western European medicine, this article shows that patient-physician relationships have always been shaped by material cultures. We discuss three activities (...)
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  • Manufacturing Life, What Life? Ethical Debates Around Biobanks and Social Robots.Núria Vallès-Peris, Violeta Argudo-Portal & Miquel Domènech - 2022 - NanoEthics 16 (1):21-34.
    In this paper, we explore how the definition of life takes on an essential character in the ethical debates around health technologies, with life thus being manufactured in the tensions and conflicts around the use of such artefacts and devices. We introduce concepts from science and technology studies (STS) to approach bioethics, overcoming the dualistic conception that separates the natural and the technological and questioning the dominant rationality that divides life into dualities. Drawing on two research projects in which we (...)
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  • Global biopolitics and the history of world health.Alison Bashford - 2006 - History of the Human Sciences 19 (1):67-88.
    Many scholars have historicized biopolitics with reference to the emergence of sovereign nations and their colonial extensions over the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. This article begins to conceptualize and trace the history of biopolitics beyond the nation, arguing that the history of world health - the great 20th-century reach of 19th-century health and hygiene - should be understood as a vital politics of population on a newly large field of play. This substantive history of world health and world population (...)
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  • Afterword: complexity, materialism, difference.Rosi Braidotti - 2012 - Angelaki 17 (2):169 - 176.
    Angelaki, Volume 17, Issue 2, Page 169-176, June 2012.
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  • Genetic Research and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians.Emma Kowal, Glenn Pearson, Chris S. Peacock, Sarra E. Jamieson & Jenefer M. Blackwell - 2012 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 9 (4):419-432.
    While human genetic research promises to deliver a range of health benefits to the population, genetic research that takes place in Indigenous communities has proven controversial. Indigenous peoples have raised concerns, including a lack of benefit to their communities, a diversion of attention and resources from non-genetic causes of health disparities and racism in health care, a reinforcement of “victim-blaming” approaches to health inequalities, and possible misuse of blood and tissue samples. Drawing on the international literature, this article reviews the (...)
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  • Translating at Work: Genetically Modified Mouse Models and Molecularization in the Environmental Health Sciences.Sara Shostak - 2007 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 32 (3):315-338.
    This paper examines processes of translation through which molecular genetic technologies and practices are incorporated into environmental health research and regulation. Specifically, it considers how scientists, risk assessors, and regulators have used genetically modified mouse models to translate across scientific disciplines, articulate emergent molecular forms, standards, and practices with the extant? gold standard,? and establish roles for molecular knowledge in risk assessment and regulation. Noting variation both within and between regulatory agencies in responses to data from these models, the article (...)
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  • Vom Mittel der Familienplanung zum differenzierenden Lifestyle-Präparat: Bilder der Pille und ihrer Konsumentin in gynäkologischen Werbeanzeigen seit den 1960er Jahren in der BRD und Frankreich.Lisa Malich - 2012 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 20 (1):1-30.
    Based upon flyers and advertisements for the contraceptive pill from 1961 until 2005, this paper discusses the ways in which the drug and its female users were represented in the marketing of two West European countries, France and the German Federal Republic. As my analysis suggests, national differences are only discernible in the marketing until the end of the 1970s. In West Germany, the pill was depicted from early on as a contraceptive, whereas, due to the restrictive legal situation, in (...)
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  • Queering ‘Successful Ageing’, Dementia and Alzheimer’s Research.Marie-Louise Holm & Morten Hillgaard Bülow - 2016 - Body and Society 22 (3):77-102.
    Contributing to both ageing research and queer-feminist scholarship, this article introduces feminist philosopher Margrit Shildrick’s queer notion of the monstrous to the subject of ageing and the issue of dealing with frailty within ageing research. The monstrous, as a norm-critical notion, takes as its point of departure that we are always already monstrous, meaning that the western ideal of well-ordered, independent, unleaky, rational embodied subjects is impossible to achieve. From this starting point the normalizing and optimizing strategies of ageing research (...)
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  • Biopolitics After Covid. Notes from the Crisis.Maurizio Meloni & Miguel Vatter - 2023 - Theory and Event 26 (2):368-392.
    In this essay we take stock of the shortcomings, successes, and promises of ‘biopolitics' to understand and frame global health crises such as COVID-19. We claim that rather than thinking in terms of a special relationship between Western modernity and biopolitics, it is better to look at a longer and more global histories of populations’ politics of life and health to situate present and future responses to ecological crises. Normatively, we argue for an affirmative biopolitics, that at once de-securitizes our (...)
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  • Liminal Biopolitics: Towards a Political Anthropology of the Umbilical Cord and the Placenta.Pablo Santoro - 2011 - Body and Society 17 (1):73-93.
    One of the most intriguing bio-objects in the emerging field of regenerative medicine is umbilical cord blood. Employed in existing haematological therapies, but also loaded with potentialities for future uses, cord blood has been lately the focus of a regulatory debate which confronts public and private forms of biobanking. This article explores the political and anthropological side of this debate, describing the ways in which different health practices related to the umbilical cord (and to its symbolic sibling, the placenta) have (...)
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  • Is the Functional 'Normal'? Aging, Sexuality and the Bio-marking of Successful Living.Stephen Katz & Barbara L. Marshall - 2004 - History of the Human Sciences 17 (1):53-75.
    This article raises the question of ‘normality’ today and the fracturing of health ideals along new lines of enablement and function. In particular the study asks if ‘functional’ and ‘dysfunctional’ are displacing ‘normal’ and ‘pathological’ as master biopolitical binarisms, and if so, what distinctions can be drawn between them. The discourse of ‘function’ and ‘dysfunction’ is certainly ubiquitous in two areas of research and practice: gerontology and sexology. In the former case ‘functional health’ is linked to successful aging represented by (...)
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  • Narratives of Participation in Autism Genetics Research.Jennifer S. Singh - 2015 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 40 (2):227-249.
    This article provides empirical evidence of the social context and moral reasoning embedded within a parents’ decision to participate in autism genetics research. Based on in-depth interviews of parents who donated their family’s blood and medical information to an autism genetic database, three narratives of participation are analyzed, including the altruistic parent, the obligated parent, and the diagnostic parent. Although parents in this study were not generally concerned with bioethical principles such as autonomy and the issues of informed consent and/or (...)
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  • What do we talk about when we talk about queer death? Theories and definitions.Patricia MacCormack, Marietta Radomska, Nina Lykke, Ida Hillerup-Hansen, Phillip R. Olson & Nicholas Manganas - 2021 - Whatever: A Transdisciplinary Journal of Queer Theories and Studies 4:573-598.
    This is part 1 of 6 of the dossier What Do We Talk about when We Talk about Queer Death?, edited by M. Petricola. The contributions collected in this article sit at the crossroads between thanatology and queer theory and tackle questions such as: how can we define queer death studies as a research field? How can queer death studies problematize and rethink the life-death binary? Which notions and hermeneutic tools could be borrowed from other disciplines in order to better (...)
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  • Speaking bodies – silenced voices: Child protection and the knowledge culture of ‘evidencing’.Zlatana Knezevic - 2020 - Global Studies of Childhood - Online.
    Using the metaphors body and voice and drawing on critical contributions on biopolitics, this article interrogates children’s participation rights in a knowledge culture of ‘evidencing’. With child welfare and protection practice as an empirical example, I analyse written assessment reports from a Swedish child welfare agency, all exemplifying how social workers evidence needs for protection and reasons for removing children from the home. I discuss how ‘evidencing’ equals a knowledge culture of seeing-believing and predicting-believing and the search for visibly damaged (...)
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  • A verisimilitudinarian analysis of the Linda paradox.Gustavo Cevolani, Vincenzo Crupi & Roberto Festa - 2012 - VII Conference of the Spanish Society for Logic, Methodology and Philosphy of Science.
    The Linda paradox is a key topic in current debates on the rationality of human reasoning and its limitations. We present a novel analysis of this paradox, based on the notion of verisimilitude as studied in the philosophy of science. The comparison with an alternative analysis based on probabilistic confirmation suggests how to overcome some problems of our account by introducing an adequately defined notion of verisimilitudinarian confirmation.
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  • (1 other version)Investigating Emerging Biomedical Practices: Zones of Awkward Engagement on Different Scales.Stefan Beck, Jörg Niewöhner & Michalis Kontopodis - 2011 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 36 (5):599-615.
    This special issue of Science, Technology, & Human Values critically explores a new stage in which the life sciences and biomedical practices have entered. This new stage is marked by postgenomic developments and an increased interest of life sciences in the everyday lives of people outside laboratories and clinical settings. Furthermore, particular attention is given to many chronic and degenerative disorders such as cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, or developmental disorders. These developments coincide—or have become entangled—with a new set of interests (...)
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  • (Ir-)Responsibilization, genetics and neuroscience.Thomas Biebricher - 2011 - European Journal of Social Theory 14 (4):469-488.
    The concept of responsibilization that originally emerged out of the context of the so-called Governmentality Studies is now widely used in various social sciences to describe a governing technology particularly attuned to the challenge of neoliberalism, i.e. how to govern free individuals. However, in seemingly paradoxical simultaneity with the hegemeony of neoliberalism that relies heavily on individual choice, freedom and responsibility, two powerful scientific discourses exist that appear to undermine these assumptions vehemently, namely genetics and neuroscience. Starting from a discussion (...)
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  • Unfit for the future? The depoliticization of human perfectibility, from the Enlightenment to transhumanism.Nicolas Le Dévédec - 2018 - European Journal of Social Theory 21 (4):488-507.
    An intellectual and cultural movement advocating a radical enhancement of human performance via technoscientific and biomedical advances, transhumanism has grown in notoriety in recent years. Grouping engineers, philosophers, sociologists, and entrepreneurs, the movement and its ideals of enhanced humans have a strong social resonance, be it doping in sport, the use of smart drugs, or the biomedical battle against aging. This article sheds theoretical and critical light on transhumanism through the lens of human perfectibility. It particularly aims to show how (...)
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  • „Faciamus experimentum in corpore vili“: od kritické analýzy lékařského výzkumu ke konceptu argumentační koprodukce.Anna Durnová - 2011 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 33 (2):323-339.
    Kniha Grégoira Chamayou, Les corps vils: Expérimenter sur les êtres humains aux 18e et 19e siècles vykresluje výzkumné praktiky v lékařství v 18. a 19. století a na pozadí příběhů zacházení s těly trestanců, galejníků nebo prostitutek abstrahuje kategorii „nešlechetného těla": tedy těla, vnímaného danými společenskými poměry jako nehodnotného. Autor knihy představuje pomocí této kategorie postulát kritické analýzy výzkumných praktik, jejichž povaha jde ruku v ruce s vývojem historicko-společenských konvencí. Tato recenzní stať představuje vývoj debaty v aktuálních pracích anglofonní STS, (...)
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  • Eugenic World Building and Disability: The Strange World of Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go.Rosemarie Garland-Thomson - 2017 - Journal of Medical Humanities 38 (2):133-145.
    A crucial challenge for critical disability studies is developing an argument for why disabled people should inhabit our democratic, shared public sphere. The ideological and material separation of citizens into worthy and unworthy based on physiological variations imagined as immutable differences is what I call eugenic world building. It is justified by the idea that social improvement and freedom of choice require eliminating devalued human traits in the interest of reducing human suffering, increasing life quality, and building a more desirable (...)
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  • The Microbial Mother Meets the Independent Organ: Cultural Discourses of Reproductive Microbiomes.Jessica R. Houf - 2017 - Journal of Medical Humanities 40 (3):329-345.
    The human microbiome is changing the way experts and non-experts think about germs and microorganisms. This essay is a gender analysis of contemporary discourses surrounding the human reproductive microbiome, specifically the vaginal microbiota and the penile microbiota. I first historically situate the human reproductive microbiome within the germ theory of disease. Then, I draw on Heather Paxson’s Foucauldian and Latourian concept of microbiopolitics to argue that microbiopolitics is not only about how humans should live with microorganisms; but it also impacts (...)
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  • Refining deliberation in bioethics.Miguel Kottow - 2009 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 12 (4):393-397.
    The multidisciplinary provenance of bioethics leads to a variety of discursive styles and ways of reasoning, making the discipline vulnerable to criticism and unwieldy to the setting of solid theoretical foundations. Applied ethics belongs to a group of disciplines that resort to deliberation rather than formal argumentation, therefore employing both factual and value propositions, as well as emotions, intuitions and other non logical elements. Deliberation is thus enriched to the point where ethical discourse becomes substantial rather than purely analytical. Caution (...)
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  • Solidarity and Distinction in Blood: Contamination, Morality and Variability.Jing Shao & Mary Scoggin - 2009 - Body and Society 15 (2):29-49.
    This is an ethnographic exploration into the meanings of contaminated blood. Intense commercial harvesting of human plasma, a blood component, in rural central China during the 1990s resulted in extensive HIV infection among donors. The lack of viral diversity among these infected donors, as revealed by research in molecular epidemiology, confirms that this epidemic took hold and spread rapidly with deadly efficiency through unsanitary plasmapheresis. The distinction in viral strains between this epidemic and the spread of HIV via other routes (...)
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  • Indeterminacy and More-than-human Bodies: Sites of Experiment for Doing Politics Differently.Claire Waterton - 2017 - Body and Society 23 (3):102-129.
    This article analyses research that has explored the potential of a focus on indeterminate bodies for decision making, policy and politics. Drawing on different ways of conceptualising indeterminacy in scientific and policy domains it describes the Loweswater Care Project, a participatory ‘knowledge collective’ that attempted to avoid converting the complexities of vital cyanobacterial bodies into a purely social or managerial set of questions around water quality. Through a commitment to opening out the nature of ‘things’, participants in this collective honed (...)
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  • 17 Feminist Posthumanities: Redefining and Expanding Humanities’ Foundations.Cecilia Åsberg & Rosi Braidotti - 2024 - In Rosi Braidotti, Hiltraud Casper-Hehne, Marjan Ivković & Daan F. Oostveen, The Edinburgh Companion to the New European Humanities. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 328-348.
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  • (1 other version)Beyond informed choice: Prenatal risk assessment, decision-making and trust.Nete Schwennesen, Mette Nordahl Svendsen & Lene Koch - 2008 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1 (1):11-31.
    In 2004 prenatal risk assessment was implemented as a routine offer to all pregnant women in Denmark. It was argued that primarily the new programme would give all pregnant women an informed choice about whether to undergo prenatal testing. On the basis of ethnographic fieldwork in an ultrasound clinic in Denmark and interviews with pregnant women and their partners, we call into question the assumption underlying the new guidelines that more choice and more objective information is a source of empowerment (...)
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  • N = Many Me’s: Self-Surveillance for Precision Public Health.Hub Zwart & Mira Vegter - 2021 - Biosocieties 16.
    This paper focuses on Precision Public Health (PPH), described in the scientific literature as an effort to broaden the scope of precision medicine by extrap- olating it towards public health. By means of the “All of Us” (AoU) research pro- gram, launched by the National Institutes of Health in the U.S., PPH is being devel- oped based on health data shared through a broad range of digital tools. PPH is an emerging idea to harness the data collected for precision medicine (...)
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