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  1. Distributed Cognition and Memory Research: History and Current Directions.Kourken Michaelian & John Sutton - 2013 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 4 (1):1-24.
    According to the hypotheses of distributed and extended cognition, remembering does not always occur entirely inside the brain but is often distributed across heterogeneous systems combining neural, bodily, social, and technological resources. These ideas have been intensely debated in philosophy, but the philosophical debate has often remained at some distance from relevant empirical research, while empirical memory research, in particular, has been somewhat slow to incorporate distributed/extended ideas. This situation, however, appears to be changing, as we witness an increasing level (...)
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  • Autonoesis and belief in a personal past: an evolutionary theory of episodic memory indices.Stan Klein - 2014 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 5 (3):427-447.
    In this paper I discuss philosophical and psychological treatments of the question "how do we decide that an occurrent mental state is a memory and not, say a thought or imagination?" This issue has proven notoriously difficult to resolve, with most proposed indices, criteria and heuristics failing to achieve consensus. Part of the difficulty, I argue, is that the indices and analytic solutions thus far offered seldom have been situated within a well-specified theory of memory function. As I hope to (...)
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  • The Epistemic Status of Processing Fluency as Source for Judgments of Truth.Rolf Reber & Christian Unkelbach - 2010 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 1 (4):563-581.
    This article combines findings from cognitive psychology on the role of processing fluency in truth judgments with epistemological theory on justification of belief. We first review evidence that repeated exposure to a statement increases the subjective ease with which that statement is processed. This increased processing fluency, in turn, increases the probability that the statement is judged to be true. The basic question discussed here is whether the use of processing fluency as a cue to truth is epistemically justified. In (...)
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  • One hundred years of forgetting: A quantitative description of retention.David C. Rubin & Amy E. Wenzel - 1996 - Psychological Review 103 (4):734-760.
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  • Storytelling as Adaptive Collective Sensemaking.Lucas M. Bietti, Ottilie Tilston & Adrian Bangerter - 2019 - Topics in Cognitive Science 11 (4):710-732.
    Bietti, Tilston and Bangerter take an evolutionary approach towards memory transmission and storytelling, arguing that storytelling plays a central role in the creation and transmission of cultural information. They suggest that storytelling is a vehicle to transmit survival‐related information that helps to avoid the costs involved in the first‐hand acquisition of that information and contributes to the maintenance of social bonds and group‐level cooperation. Furthermore, Bietti et al. argue that, going beyond storytelling’s individualist role of manipulating the audience to enhance (...)
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  • A memory-based model of posttraumatic stress disorder: Evaluating basic assumptions underlying the PTSD diagnosis.David C. Rubin, Dorthe Berntsen & Malene Klindt Bohni - 2008 - Psychological Review 115 (4):985-1011.
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  • Memory metaphors and the real-life/laboratory controversy: Correspondence versus storehouse conceptions of memory.Asher Koriat & Morris Goldsmith - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):167-188.
    The study of memory is witnessing a spirited clash between proponents of traditional laboratory research and those advocating a more naturalistic approach to the study of “real-life” or “everyday” memory. The debate has generally centered on the “what” (content), “where” (context), and “how” (methods) of memory research. In this target article, we argue that the controversy discloses a further, more fundamental breach between two underlying memory metaphors, each having distinct implications for memory theory and assessment: Whereas traditional memory research has (...)
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  • Memory and Belief in the Transmission of Counterintuitive Content.Aiyana K. Willard, Joseph Henrich & Ara Norenzayan - 2016 - Human Nature 27 (3):221-243.
    Cognitive scientists have increasingly turned to cultural transmission to explain the widespread nature of religion. One key hypothesis focuses on memory, proposing that that minimally counterintuitive (MCI) content facilitates the transmission of supernatural beliefs. We propose two caveats to this hypothesis. (1) Memory effects decrease as MCI concepts become commonly used, and (2) people do not believe counterintuitive content readily; therefore additional mechanisms are required to get from memory to belief. In experiments 1–3 (n = 283), we examined the relationship (...)
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  • Cognitive Science and the Naturalness of Religion.Robert N. McCauley & Emma Cohen - 2010 - Philosophy Compass 5 (9):779-792.
    Cognitive approaches to religious phenomena have attracted considerable interdisciplinary attention since their emergence a couple of decades ago. Proponents offer explanatory accounts of the content and transmission of religious thought and behavior in terms of underlying cognition. A central claim is that the cross‐cultural recurrence and historical persistence of religion is attributable to the cognitive naturalness of religious ideas, i.e., attributable to the readiness, the ease, and the speed with which human minds acquire and process popular religious representations. In this (...)
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  • The Repetition‐Break Plot Structure: A Cognitive Influence on Selection in the Marketplace of Ideas.Jeffrey Loewenstein & Chip Heath - 2009 - Cognitive Science 33 (1):1-19.
    Using research into learning from sequences of examples, we generate predictions about what cultural products become widely distributed in the social marketplace of ideas. We investigate what we term the Repetition‐Break plot structure: the use of repetition among obviously similar items to establish a pattern, and then a final contrasting item that breaks with the pattern to generate surprise. Two corpus studies show that this structure arises in about a third of folktales and story jokes. An experiment shows that jokes (...)
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  • 2011 space odyssey: Spatialization as a mechanism to code order allows a close encounter between memory expertise and classic immediate memory studies.Alessandro Guida & Magali Lavielle-Guida - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  • Computational Analyses of Multilevel Discourse Comprehension.Arthur C. Graesser & Danielle S. McNamara - 2011 - Topics in Cognitive Science 3 (2):371-398.
    The proposed multilevel framework of discourse comprehension includes the surface code, the textbase, the situation model, the genre and rhetorical structure, and the pragmatic communication level. We describe these five levels when comprehension succeeds and also when there are communication misalignments and comprehension breakdowns. A computer tool has been developed, called Coh-Metrix, that scales discourse (oral or print) on dozens of measures associated with the first four discourse levels. The measurement of these levels with an automated tool helps researchers track (...)
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  • Idea Habitats: How the Prevalence of Environmental Cues Influences the Success of Ideas.Jonah A. Berger & Chip Heath - 2005 - Cognitive Science 29 (2):195-221.
    We investigate 1 factor that influences the success of ideas or cultural representations by proposing that they have a habitat, that is, a set of environmental cues that encourages people to recall and transmit them. We test 2 hypotheses: (a) fluctuation: the success of an idea will vary over time with fluctuations in its habitat, and (b) competition: ideas with more prevalent habitats will be more successful. Four studies use subject ratings and data from newspapers to provide correlational support for (...)
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  • Language, memory, and concepts of memory: Semantic diversity and scientific psychology.John Sutton - 2007 - In Mengistu Amberber (ed.), The Language of Memory in a Crosslinguistic Perspective. John Benjamins. pp. 41-65.
    There are many different ways to think about what has happened before. I think about my own recent actions, and about what happened to me a long time ago; I can think about times before I lived, and about what will happen after my death. I know many things about the past, and about what has happened because people did things before now, or because some good or bad things happened to me.
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  • Anxiety, Remembering, and Agency: Biocultural Insights for Understanding Sasaks' Responses to Illness.M. Cameron Hay - 2009 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 37 (1):1-31.
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  • Recording thoughts while memorizing music: a case study.Tania Lisboa, Roger Chaffin & Alexander P. Demos - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:92829.
    Musicians generally believe that memory differs from one person to the next. As a result, memorizing strategies that could be useful to almost everyone are not widely taught. We describe how an 18-years old piano student (Grade 7, ABRSM), learned to memorize by recording her thoughts, a technique inspired by studies of how experienced soloists memorize. The student, who had previously ignored suggestions that she play from memory, decided to learn to memorize, selecting Schumann’s “Der Dichter Spricht” for this purpose. (...)
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  • Surprise, Recipes for Surprise, and Social Influence.Jeffrey Loewenstein - 2019 - Topics in Cognitive Science 11 (1):178-193.
    Surprising people can provide an opening for influencing them. Surprises garner attention, are arousing, are memorable, and can prompt shifts in understanding. Less noted is that, as a result, surprises can serve to persuade others by leading them to shifts in attitudes. Furthermore, because stories, pictures, and music can generate surprises and those can be widely shared, surprise can have broad social influence. People also tend to share surprising items with others, as anyone on social media has discovered. This means (...)
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  • Remembering as doing.Ulric Neisser - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):203-204.
    Koriat & Goldsmith are right in their claim that the “ecological” and “traditional” approaches to memory rely on different metaphors. But the underlying ecological metaphor is notcorrespondence(which in any case is not a metaphorical notion): it isaction. Remembering is a kind of doing; like most other forms of action it is purposive, personal, and particular.
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  • A Cultural Evolution Approach to Digital Media.Alberto Acerbi - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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  • Beyond the correspondence metaphor: When accuracy cannot be assessed.Ian R. Newby & Michael Ross - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):205-206.
    Koriat & Goldsmith propose that the correspondence metaphor captures the essence of everyday memory research. We suggest that correspondence is often not at issue because objective assessments of everyday events are frequently lacking. In these cases, other questions arise, such as how individuals evaluate the validity of memories and the significance they attach to those evaluations.
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  • The Verse-Line as a Whole Unit in Working Memory, Ease of Processing, and the Aesthetic Effects of Form.Nigel Fabb - 2014 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 75:29-50.
    Verse is text which is divided into lines. In this paper I explore a psychological account of how verse is processed, and specifically the hypothesis that the text is processed line by line, such that each line is held as a whole sequence in the limited capacity of working memory. I will argue that because the line is processed in this way, certain low-level aesthetic effects are thereby produced, thus giving a partial explanation for why verse is often a highly (...)
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  • The alternative to the storehouse metaphor.Aaron Ben-Ze'ev - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):192-193.
    Koriat and Goldsmith clearly show the need for an alternative to the storehouse metaphor; however, the alternative metaphor they choose – the correspondence metaphor – is problematic. A more suitable one is the capacity metaphor.
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  • Sentence-Level Effects of Literary Genre: Behavioral and Electrophysiological Evidence.Stefan Blohm, Winfried Menninghaus & Matthias Schlesewsky - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  • The edges of words.Wilma Koutstaal - 2001 - Semiotica 2001 (137).
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  • Prescribed journeys through life: Cultural differences in mental time travel between Middle Easterners and Scandinavians.Christina Lundsgaard Ottsen & Dorthe Berntsen - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 37:180-193.
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  • Correspondence conception of memory: A good match is hard to find.Daniel Algom - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):188-189.
    The distinction that Koriat & Goldsmith have drawn between laboratory and naturalistic research is largely valid, but the metaphor they have chosen to characterize the latter may not be optimal. The “correspondence” approach is vulnerable on conceptual grounds and is not applicable to significant portions of empirical research.
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  • Everyday memory and activity.Richard Alterman - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):189-190.
    The target article interprets current psychological research on everyday memory in terms of a correspondence metaphor. This metaphor is based on a reduction of everyday memory to autobiographical and eyewitness memory. This commentary focuses on everyday memory as it functions in activity. Viewed from this perspective, the joining of everyday memory to a correspondence metaphor is problematic. A more natural way to frame the processes of everyday memory is in terms of context, practice, and pragmatics.
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  • Functional memory requires a quite different value metaphor.Norman H. Anderson - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):190-191.
    The function of memory is to allow past experience to subserve present goal-oriented thought and action. The defining characteristic of goal-oriented approach/avoidance is value. Value lies beyond the reproductive conception of memory that is basic to both metaphors discussed in Koriat & Goldsmith's target article. Functional memory requires a quite different metaphor, for which a grounded theory is available.
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  • The relation between reproductive and reconstructive processing of memory content.Harry P. Bahrick - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):191-191.
    Quantitative losses of memory content imply replicative processing; correspondence losses imply reconstructive processing. Research should focus on the relationship between these processes by obtaining accuracy- and quantity-based indicators of memory within the same framework. This approach will also yield information about the effects of task and individual-difference variables on loss and distortion, as well as the time course of each process.
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  • On correspondence, accuracy, and truth.Ian Maynard Begg - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):191-192.
    Koriat & Goldsmith raise important questions about memory, but there is need for caution: first, if we define accuracy by output measures, there is a danger that a perfectly accurate memory can be nearly useless. Second, when we focus on correspondence, there is a danger that syntactic correspondence will be mistaken for historical truth.
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  • Memory, metamemory, and conditional statistics.Robert A. Bjork & Thomas D. Wickens - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):193-194.
    Koriat & Goldsmith's distinction between encoding processes and metamnemonic decision processes is theoretically and practically important, as is their methodology for separating the two. However, their accuracy measure is a conditional statistic, subject to the unfathomable selection effects that have hindered analogous measures in the past. We also find their arguments concerning basic and applied research mostly beside the point.
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  • The correspondence metaphor: Prescriptive or descriptive?Darryl Bruce - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):194-195.
    Koriat & Goldsmith's abstract correspondence metaphor is unlikely to prove useful to memory science. It aims to motivate and inform the investigation of everyday memory, but that movement has prospered without it. The irrelevance of its competitor – the more concrete storehouse metaphor – as a guiding force in memory research presages a similar fate for the correspondence perspective.
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  • What do memories correspond to?Martin A. Conway - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):195-196.
    Neither the storehouse nor the correspondence metaphor is an appropriate conceptual framework for memory research. Instead a meaning-based account of human memory is required. The correspondence metaphor is an advance over previous suggestions but entails an oversimple view of “accuracy.” Freud's account of memory may provide a more fruitful approach to memory and meaning.
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  • The real-life/laboratory controversy as viewed from the cognitive neurobiology of animal learning and memory.Howard Eichenbaum - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):196-197.
    Parallel to Koriat & Goldsmith's accounting of human memory, there are two distinct approaches in animal learning. Behaviorist approaches focus on quantitative aspects of conditioned response probability, whereas cognitive and ethological approaches focus on qualitative aspects of how memory is used in real life. Moreover, in animal research these distinguishable measures of memory are dissociated in experimental amnesia.
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  • Implications of output-bound measures for laboratory and field research in memory.Ronald P. Fisher - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):197-197.
    Everyday memory tasks often require that researchers focus on output-bound measures of memory. As a result, nonmemorial processes (e.g., report option and grain size) may influence recall accuracy. These nonmemorial processes, usually eliminated by laboratory researchers, have the potential to explain some anomalous results and may even be useful to enhance everyday recollection.
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  • Driving and dish-washing: Failure of the correspondence metaphor for memory.Keith S. Karn & Gregory J. Zelinsky - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):198-198.
    Koriat & Goldsmith restrict their definition of memory to “being about some past event,” which causes them to ignore the most common use of memory: everyday visual-motor tasks. New techniques make it possible to study memory in the context of these natural tasks with which memory is so tightly coupled. Memory can be more fully understood in the context of these actions.
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  • The correspondence metaphor of memory: Right, wrong, or useful?Asher Koriat & Morris Goldsmith - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):211-228.
    Our response to the commentators covers four general issues: (1) How useful is our proposed conceptualization of the real-life/laboratory controversy in terms of the contrast between the correspondence and storehouse metaphors? (2) What is the relationship between these two metaphors? (3) What are the unique implications of the correspondence metaphor for memory assessment and theory? (4) What are the nature and role of memory metaphors in memory research? We stress that the correspondence metaphor can be usefully exploited independent of the (...)
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  • The storehouse/correspondence partition in memory research: Promises and perils.Arie W. Kruglanski - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):198-199.
    The novel correspondence metaphor outlined by Koriat & Goldsmith offers important advantages for studying critical issues of memory-accuracy. It also fits well with the current emphasis on the reconstructive nature of memory and on the role of cognitive, metacognitive, and motivational factors in memory performance. These positive features notwithstanding, the storehouse/correspondence framework faces potential perils having to do with its implied linkage to the laboratory/real-life controversy and its proposal of studying correspondence issues in isolation from memory phenomena captured by the (...)
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  • Let's forget the everyday/laboratory controversy.Lia Kvavilashvili & Judi Ellis - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):199-200.
    In contrast to its aims, Koriat & Goldsmith's article vividly demonstrates(1) the complementarity of ecological and traditional approaches and (2) the difficulty of characterising the growing diversity of memory research with a single set of distinctions. Moreover, the contrast between correspondence and storehouse metaphors is important enough to stand alone without reference to an everyday/laboratory controversy, which is neither acute nor necessary.
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  • Correspondence to the past: The essence of the archaeology metaphor.Steen F. Larsen - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):200-201.
    The correspondence view of memory is not a metaphor. However, correspondence is the essential feature of the archaeology metaphor, which harks back to Freud and Neisser. A modern version of this metaphor and some of its implications are briefly described. The archaeology metaphor integrates the idea of stored traces in a nonmechanistic framework.
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  • Accuracy and quantity are poor measures of recall and recognition.Andrew R. Mayes, Rob van Eijk & Patricia L. Gooding - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):201-202.
    The value of accuracy and quantity as memory measures is assessed. It is argued that (1) accuracy does not measure correspondence (monitoring) because it ignores omissions and correct rejections, (2) quantity is confounded with monitoring in recall, and (3) in recognition, if targets and foils are unequal, both measures, even together, still ignore correct rejections.
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  • The phenomenal object of memory and control processes.Giuliana Mazzoni - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):202-203.
    This commentary deals with criteria for assigning truth values to memory contents. A parallel with perception shows how truth values can be assigned by considering subjects' beliefs about the truth state of the memory content. This topic is also relevant to the study of processes of control over retrieval.
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  • False dichotomies and dead metaphors.Timothy P. McNamara - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):203-203.
    Koriat & Goldsmith's thesis is provocative but has three problems: First, quantity and accuracy are not simply related, they are complementary. Second, the storehouse metaphor is not the driving force behind contemporary theories of memory and may not be viable. Third, the taxonomy is incomplete, leaving unclassified several extremely influential methods and measures, such as priming and response latency.
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  • Metacognition, metaphors, and the measurement of human memory.Thomas O. Nelson - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):204-205.
    Investigations of metacognition – and also the application of the storehouse and correspondence metaphors – seem as appropriate for laboratory research as for naturalistic research. In terms of measurement, the only quantitative difference between the “input-bound percent correct” and “output-bound percent correct” is the inclusion versus exclusion (respectively) of omission errors in the denominator of the percentages.
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  • Operationaling “correspondence”.David C. Palmer - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):206-207.
    The research guided by the correspondence metaphor is lauded for its emphasis on functional analysis, but the term “correspondence” itself needs clarification. Of the two terms in the relationship, only one is well defined. It is suggested that behavior at acquisition needs to be analyzed and that molecular principles from the learning laboratory might be useful in doing so.
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  • Amnesia and metamemory demonstrate the importance of both metaphors.Bennett L. Schwartz - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):207-207.
    The correspondence metaphor is useful in developing functional models of memory. However, the storehouse metaphor is still useful in developing structural and process models of memory. Traditional research techniques explore the structure of memory; everyday techniques explore the function of memory. We illustrate this point with two examples: amnesia and metamemory. In each phenomenon, both metaphors are useful.
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  • Classical antecedents for modern metaphors for memory.Jocelyn Penny Small - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):208-208.
    Classical antiquity provides not just the storehouse metaphor, which postdates Plato, but also parts of the correspondence metaphor. In the fifth century B.C., Thucydides (1.22) considered the role of gist and accuracy in writing history, and Aristotle (Poetics1451b, 1460b 8–11) offered an explanation. Finally, the Greek for truth (alêtheia) means “that which is not forgotten.”.
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  • Naturalistic Cognition: A Research Paradigm for Human-Centered Design.Peter Storkerson - 2010 - Journal of Research Practice 6 (2):Article M12.
    Naturalistic thinking and knowing, the tacit, experiential, and intuitive reasoning of everyday interaction, have long been regarded as inferior to formal reason and labeled primitive, fallible, subjective, superstitious, and in some cases ineffable. But, naturalistic thinking is more rational and definable than it appears. It is also relevant to design. Inquiry into the mechanisms of naturalistic thinking and knowledge can bring its resources into focus and enable designers to create better, human-centered designs for use in real-world settings. This article makes (...)
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  • Direct remembering and the correspondence metaphor.K. Geoffrey White - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):208-209.
    The correspondence view is consistent with a theory of direct remembering that assumes continuity between perception and memory. Two implications of direct remembering for correspondence are suggested. It is assumed that forgetting is exponential, and that remembering at one time is independent of factors influencing remembering at another. Elaboration of the correspondence view in the same terms as perception offers a novel approach to the study of memory.
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  • Contexts and functions of retrieval.Eugene Winograd - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):209-210.
    Koriat & Goldsmith provide an excellent analysis of the flexibility of retrieval processes and how they are situationally dependent. I agree with their emphasis on functional considerations and argue that the traditional laboratory experiment motivates the subject to be accurate. However, I disagree with their strong claim that the quantity–accuracy distinction implies an essential discontinuity between traditional and naturalistic approaches to the study of memory.
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