- Evolutionary ethics: A phoenix arisen.Michael Ruse - 1986 - Zygon 21 (1):95-112.details
Chance Variation: Darwin on Orchids.John Beatty - 2006 - Philosophy of Science 73 (5):629-641.details
Darwin’s Conversion: The Beagle Voyage and its Aftermath.Frank J. Sulloway - 1982 - Journal of the History of Biology 15 (3):325-396.details
Darwin and his finches: The evolution of a legend.Frank J. Sulloway - 1982 - Journal of the History of Biology 15 (1):1-53.details
The Darwinian Revolution Revisited.Sandra Herbert - 2005 - Journal of the History of Biology 38 (1):51 - 66.details
What’s wrong with the modern evolutionary synthesis? A critical reply to Welch.Koen B. Tanghe, Alexis De Tiège, Lieven Pauwels, Stefaan Blancke & Johan Braeckman - 2018 - Biology and Philosophy 33 (3-4):23.details
The biological sciences can act as a ground for ethics.Michael Ruse - 2009 - In Francisco José Ayala & Robert Arp, Contemporary debates in philosophy of biology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 297–315.details
Evolutionary Ethics and the Search for Predecessors: Kant, Hume, and All the Way Back to Aristotle?Michael Ruse - 1990 - Social Philosophy and Policy 8 (1):59.details
Population genetics.Roberta L. Millstein & Robert A. Skipper - 2007 - In David L. Hull & Michael Ruse, The Cambridge Companion to the Philosophy of Biology. New York: Cambridge University Press.details
How Did Darwin Arrive at His Theory? The Secondary Literature to 1982.David R. Oldroyd - 1984 - History of Science 22 (4):325-374.details
(1 other version)The creationists.Ronald L. Numbers - 1987 - Zygon 22 (2):133-164.details
Functionalism and structuralism as philosophical stances: van Fraassen meets the philosophy of biology.Sandy C. Boucher - 2015 - Biology and Philosophy 30 (3):383-403.details
The Darwinian tension.Hajo Greif - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 53:53-61.details
(1 other version)Making room for faith in an age of science: A response to David Wisdo.Michael Ruse - 2011 - Zygon 46 (3):655-672.details
The rebirth of rational morphology.David Resnik - 1994 - Acta Biotheoretica 42 (1):1-14.details
How evolutionary theory faces the reality.Matti Sintonen - 1991 - Synthese 89 (1):163 - 183.details
The Current Status of the Philosophy of Biology.Peter Takacs & Michael Ruse - 2013 - Science & Education 22 (1):5-48.details
“It Ain’t Over ‘til it’s Over”: Rethinking the Darwinian Revolution.Vassiliki Betty Smocovitis - 2005 - Journal of the History of Biology 38 (1):33-49.details
From belief to unbelief-and halfway back.Michael Ruse - 1994 - Zygon 29 (1):25-35.details
How to Put Questions to Nature.Matti Sintonen - 1990 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 27:267-284.details
My Journey in the World of Religion-and-Science.Michael Ruse - 2007 - Zygon 42 (3):577-582.details
In Search of Explanations: from Why-questions to Shakespearean Questions.Matti Sintonen - 1993 - Philosophica 51 (1):55-81.details
Why Aren’t More Philosophers Interested in Freud? Re-Evaluating Philosophical Arguments against Psychoanalysis.Michael T. Michael - 2019 - Philosophia 47 (4):959-976.details
(1 other version)Science, biases, and the threat of global pessimism.K. Brad Wray - 2001 - Proceedings of the Philosophy of Science Association 2001 (3):S467-.details
Science and values: My debt to Ernan McMullin.Michael Ruse - 2012 - Zygon 47 (4):666-685.details
The Scientific Self: Reclaiming Its Place in the History of Research Ethics.Herman Paul - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (5):1379-1392.details
Gaps in the argument: A discussion of certain aspects of cosmology.Michael Ruse - 2010 - Zygon 45 (1):221-227.details
A Historical Taxonomy of Origin of Species Problems and Its Relevance to the Historiography of Evolutionary Thought.Koen B. Tanghe - 2017 - Journal of the History of Biology 50 (4):927-987.details
The Evolution of the Moral Sentiments and the Metaphysics of Morals.Fritz Allhoff - 2009 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 12 (1):97-114.details
Genesis revisited: Can we do better than God?Michael Ruse - 1984 - Zygon 19 (3):297-316.details
Repairing the reticulated model of scientific rationality.David Resnik - 1994 - Erkenntnis 40 (3):343 - 355.details
Booknotes.R. M. - 1995 - Biology and Philosophy 10 (2):249-254.details
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David N. Reznick’s The “Origin” Then and Now: An Interpretive Guide to the “Origin of Species”: A Précis.Michael Ruse - 2013 - Science & Education 22 (9):2295-2316.details
Darwinian Struggles: But is There Progress?Michael Ruse - 2009 - History of Science 47 (4):407-430.details
Darwinism Then and Now: The Divide Over Form and Function.Michael Ruse - 2010 - Science & Education 19 (4-5):367-389.details
Religion, Misallodoxy and the Teaching of Evolution: The Influence of Michael Matthews.Michael Ruse - 2015 - Science & Education 24 (7-8):815-820.details
La recepción de los textos de Darwin y Wallace en la Linnean Society : una crónica del silencio.José Luis González Recio - 2010 - Endoxa 24:61.details
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Evolutionary Biology and Cultural Values: Is It Irremediably Corrupt?Michael Ruse - 1994 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume 20 (sup1):43-68.details
Darwin's Psychological Theorizing: Triangulating on Habit.Daniel Rochowiak - 1988 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 19 (2):215.details
Making a Theist out of Darwin: Asa Gray’s Post-Darwinian Natural Theology.T. Russell Hunter - 2012 - Science & Education 21 (7):959-975.details
Charles Darwin's theory of evolution: A review of our present understanding. [REVIEW]David R. Oldroyd - 1986 - Biology and Philosophy 1 (2):133-168.details