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  1. Objectivity in Science: New Perspectives From Science and Technology Studies.Flavia Padovani, Alan Richardson & Jonathan Y. Tsou (eds.) - 2015 - Cham: Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science, vol. 310. Springer.
    This highly multidisciplinary collection discusses an increasingly important topic among scholars in science and technology studies: objectivity in science. It features eleven essays on scientific objectivity from a variety of perspectives, including philosophy of science, history of science, and feminist philosophy. Topics addressed in the book include the nature and value of scientific objectivity, the history of objectivity, and objectivity in scientific journals and communities. Taken individually, the essays supply new methodological tools for theorizing what is valuable in the pursuit (...)
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  • How Peter McLaren and Donna Houston, and Other "Green" Marxists Contribute to the Globalization of the West's Industrial Culture.Chet A. Bowers - 2005 - Educational Studies 37 (2):185-195.
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  • Catastrophic Populations and the Fear of the Future: Malthus and the Genealogy of Liberal Economy.Ute Tellmann - 2013 - Theory, Culture and Society 30 (2):135-155.
    This article argues that Foucault’s account of the intersection between population, liberal economy, and biopolitics needs to be reconstructed in light of Malthus’ Essay on the Principle of Population. Taking Malthus into account brings to the fore how deeply the question of population is tied to a colonial hierarchy that differentiates between dangerous ‘savage’ and economic ‘civilized’ life. ‘Savage life’ is depicted as a catastrophic form of life, which uses resources in a non-economic way due to its forgetfulness of the (...)
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  • Contra el evangelio del desarrollo o por qué volver a leer a Ivan Illich.Andoni Alonso Puelles - 2022 - Arbor 198 (805):a653.
    La historia del desarrollo está estrechamente ligada a la de la necesidad en el mundo contemporáneo. La crítica a esta articulación ha ganado fuerza en los últimos años, pero quizás la más profunda se encuentre en Ivan Illich y su epílogo a la sociedad postindustrial. La propuesta de Illich, diseminada a lo largo de toda su obra, implica tomar el concepto de necesidad desde un punto de vista humanístico o filosófico: ni la economía ni la psicología pueden agotar el significado (...)
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  • The politics of knowledge in inclusive development and innovation.David Ludwig, Birgit Boogaard, Phil Macnaghten & Cees Leeuwis (eds.) - 2021 - Routledge.
    This book develops an integrated perspective on the practices and politics of making knowledge work in inclusive development and innovation. While debates about development and innovation commonly appeal to the authority of academic researchers, many current approaches emphasize the plurality of actors with relevant expertise for addressing livelihood challenges. Adopting an action-oriented and reflexive approach, this volume explores the variety of ways in which knowledge works, paying particular attention to dilemmas and controversies. The six parts of the book address the (...)
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  • PATHWAYS TO SUSTAINABILITY: THEATRE IN THE SERVICE OF DEVELOPMENT.Chinyere Lilian Okam - 2008 - Zaria Journal o F L Iberal A Rts (ZAJOLA) 2 (2).
    Since the middle of the 20“ century, various governments, organizations and stakeholders have suggested ways of realizing a desirable change, which is an index of development. The quest for this pursuit had led to the evolution of concepts and theories examples of which are; modernization, dependency, sustainable, participatory, and post development among others. The reality of this pursuit still proves to be unresolved for many developing nations as a result of the constraints of some of these theories especially those that (...)
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  • Cosmolocalism: Understanding the Transitional Dynamics towards Post-Capitalism.Alexandros Schismenos, Vasilis Niaros & Lucas Lemos - 2020 - Triple-C 18 (2):670-684.
    Over the last decades, the proliferation of ICTs and capitalist markets has created a new social-historical reality for communication, production and societal organisation, while social inequality has deepened. In this context, alternative forms of organisation based on the commons have emerged, challenging the core values of capitalism. Within this new form of egalitarian and transnational collaborative networks, a new concept of social coexistence has been proposed: cosmolocalism. This article presents the genealogy of cosmolocalism and compares it to previous conceptual universalist (...)
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  • (1 other version)Not so Distant, Not so Strange: the Personal and the Political in Participatory Research.Giles Mohan - 1999 - Ethics, Place and Environment 2 (1):41-54.
    This paper examines the political and ethical problems which arise in the course of undertaking participatory research in developing countries. It argues that, rather than supplanting relationships of power within the knowledge creating process, most participatory research actually strengthens them. Instead a more complete form of dialogic research is required, which will involve struggles within our academies as well as in those other organisations in which our research is situated.
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  • Biodiversity and modern crop varieties: Sharpening the debate. [REVIEW]Robert Tripp - 1996 - Agriculture and Human Values 13 (4):48-63.
    Debates about the relationship between agricultural technology and the conservation of crop genetic diversity are often hampered by unclear vocabulary and imprecise data. Various interpretations of the terms “modern variety,” “local variety,” “hybrid,” and “green revolution” are first explored, and then evidence is examined regarding the effect of modern varieties on intra- and intercrop diversity, risk, input use, and farmer decision-making. The objective is to urge a more reasoned debate about the future of plant genetic resources.
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  • The application of liberation pedagogy : have members of rural development committees in southern Ethiopia become critically aware of their poverty after participating in consciousness-raising education?Lori-Ann Gilman - unknown
    Liberation and critical theories of education believe in the political nature of all types of education. 'The school' in the third world is 'oppressive' because it creates and perpetuates 'western-style' class hierarchies. As such, nothing good will be secured at the marginalized groups without a drastic shift in their socioeconomic and political condition. Consciousness-raising non-formal adult education is 'liberation education' aimed specifically for the disenfranchised rural poor. It helps them develop skills to discover the oppressive elements in their lives, become (...)
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  • (1 other version)Not so distant, not so strange: The personal and the political in participatory research.Giles Mohan - 1999 - Philosophy and Geography 2 (1):41 – 54.
    This paper examines the political and ethical problems which arise in the course of undertaking participatory research in developing countries. It argues that, rather than supplanting relationships of power within the knowledge creating process, most participatory research actually strengthens them. Instead a more complete form of dialogic research is required, which will involve struggles within our academies as well as in those other organisations in which our research is situated.
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  • Global ethics: dimensions and prospects.Nigel Dower - 2014 - Journal of Global Ethics 10 (1):8-15.
    Global ethics is an emerging discipline which has not yet reached maturity. The main tasks before it to gain maturity are: first, to achieve a greater integration of various domains of enquiry all of which are concerned with global normative issues. At a general level this includes integrating global ethics with cosmopolitanism, global justice and human right discourse. At the level of areas of concern, there needs to be greater integration of various areas such as development, trade, environment and climate (...)
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  • The `Other' Postmodern Tourism: Culture, Travel and the New Middle Classes.Ian Munt - 1994 - Theory, Culture and Society 11 (3):101-123.
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  • Morality without Ethics.Zygmunt Bauman - 1994 - Theory, Culture and Society 11 (4):1-34.
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  • What is Degrowth? From an Activist Slogan to a Social Movement.Federico Demaria, François Schneider, Filka Sekulova & Joan Martinez-Alier - 2013 - Environmental Values 22 (2):191-215.
    Degrowth is the literal translation of ‘décroissance’, a French word meaning reduction. Launched by activists in 2001 as a challenge to growth, it became a missile word that sparks a contentious debate on the diagnosis and prognosis of our society. ‘Degrowth’ became an interpretative frame for a new (and old) social movement where numerous streams of critical ideas and political actions converge. It is an attempt to re-politicise debates about desired socio-environmental futures and an example of an activist-led science now (...)
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  • Development Ethics and the 'Climate Migrants'.Jay Drydyk - 2013 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 16 (1):43-55.
    Many of the ethical problems that are posed by development can be illuminated by clarifying some of the differences between development that is worthwhile and ethically undesirable ?maldevelopment?. So it is with development projects that displace communities that physically stand in their way: typically the ?oustees? are victimized and disempowered, in some cases by projects that are also indefensible in other ways. Can this help us to clarify what is owed to people who are displaced by climate change, the ?climate (...)
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  • Post-Development and its Discontents.Trevor Parfitt - 2011 - Journal of Critical Realism 10 (4):442-464.
    In the 1980s and 1990s the predominant metatheories in development analysis were cast into doubt by their apparent failure in practice. One response to this impasse in development theory was to turn to postmodern ideas to explain their failure. In particular many analysts utilized Foucauldian discourse theory to critique development as a discourse of power. Such analysis gave rise to a post-development school of thought that condemned development as harmful to people in the Global South and advocated its abandonment. This (...)
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  • Biotechnology is not compatible with sustainable agriculture.Martha L. Crouch - 1995 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 8 (2):98-111.
    Biotechnology increases commercialization of food production, which competes with food for home use. Most people in the world grow their own food, and are more secure without the mediation of the market. To the extent that biotechnology enhances market competitiveness, world food security will decrease. This instability will result in a greater gap between rich and poor, increasing poverty of women and children, less ability and incentive to protect the environment, and greater need for militarization to maintain order. Therefore, biotechnology (...)
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  • TRAIL-ing TWAIL: Arguments and Blind Spots in Third World Approaches to International Law.John D. Haskell - 2014 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 27 (2):383-414.
    Beginning in the early 1990s, Third World Approaches to International Law scholarship (TWAIL) destabilized the mainstream narrative within international law that its doctrines were constituted by the historic search for order between formally equal state sovereigns. Instead, TWAIL scholars argued that the key constitutive dynamic of the discipline was the colonial experience, which continues to hold powerful sway over the legal architecture of global regulation whereby international law functions to perpetuate inequality and oppression. At the same time, however, TWAIL scholarship (...)
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  • Correction to: Counter-reporting sustainability from the bottom up: the case of the construction company WeBuild and dam-related conflicts.Antonio Bontempi, Daniela Del Bene & Louisa Jane Di Felice - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 182 (1):33-33.
    Controversies around large-scale development projects offer many cases and insights which may be analyzed through the lenses of corporate social (_ir_)responsibility (CS_I_R) and business ethics studies. In this paper, we confront the CSR narratives and strategies of _WeBuild_ (formerly known as _Salini Impregilo_), an Italian transnational construction company. Starting from the Global Atlas of Environmental Justice (EJAtlas), we collect evidence from NGOs, environmental justice organizations, journalists, scholars, and community leaders on socio-environmental injustices and controversies surrounding 38 large hydropower schemes built (...)
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  • Five Arguments for Increasing Public Participation in Making Science Policy.Franz Foltz - 1999 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 19 (2):117-127.
    In this article, the author, after describing the technocratic nature of the current science policy process, presents five arguments for changing it into a more participatory one. All five arguments draw on different sectors of the STS endeavor—both high and low church—to show why increased public involvement would benefit science. The first argues that the degree of potential harm from science-based technology demands greater accountability. The second draws on the adage that the buyer should have some say on the product. (...)
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  • Articles.C. A. Bowers & Bruce Romanish - 2003 - Educational Studies 34 (1):11-37.
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  • Two Influential Theories of Ignorance and Philosophy's Interests in Ignoring Them.Sandra Harding - 2006 - Hypatia 21 (3):20-36.
    Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud provided powerful accounts of systematic interested ignorance. Fifty years ago, Anglo-American philosophies of science stigmatized Marx's and Freud's analyses as models of irrationality. They remain disvalued today, at a time when virtually all other humanities and social science disciplines have returned to extract valuable insights from them. Here the argument is that there are reasons distinctive to philosophy why such theories were especially disvalued then and why they remain so today. However, there are even better (...)
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  • (1 other version)Development Ethics: Distance, Difference, Plausibility.Stuart Corbridge - 1998 - Ethics, Place and Environment 1 (1):35-53.
    This paper defends some aspects of the intentionalist and internationalist worldviews of (an expanded) mainstream development studies against certain moral claims emanating from the New Right and a diverse post-Left. I contend that citizens and states in the advanced industrial world have a responsibility to attend to the claims of distant strangers. Although it is difficult to specify in determinate ways how this responsibility should be discharged—save for attending to basic human needs and rights—the responsibility itself derives from the interlinking (...)
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  • Total enframing: Global South and techno-developmental orthodoxy.Siby K. George - 2017 - AI and Society 32 (2):191-199.
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  • Africa Humiliated? Misrecognition in Development Aid.Franziska Dübgen - 2012 - Res Publica 18 (1):65-77.
    Critiques of development aid from its recipient’s sometimes draw our attention to the perception of paternalism on the part of ‘development industry’ actors. Even within participatory project designs, critical voices recount experiences of clear power divides and informal hierarchies determining the content and form of ‘cooperation’. While neoliberal as well as neo-Marxist scholars base their critiques on a distributive scheme of global justice, post-development theory emphasizes respect and recognition as the central aspect of justice Indeed, post-development theorists continue to complain (...)
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  • A Conceptual Exploration of Participation. Section III: Utilitarian Perspectives and Conclusion.Ruth Thomas, Katherine Whybrow & Cassandra Scharber - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (8):801-817.
    This is the third section of an article (each published in subsequent regular issues of EPAT) that explores the concept of participation. Section I: Introduction and Early Perspectives grounds our exploration of participation and explores definitions and early perspectives of participation we have identified as ‘historically original’ and ‘philosophical’. Section II: Participation as Engagement in Experience—An Aesthetics Perspective is a continuation of our conceptual exploration of participation that digs into the world of aesthetics. Finally, Section III: The Utilitarian Perspective and (...)
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  • Overpopulation and the Lifeboat Metaphor: A Critique from an African Worldview.Beatrice Okyere-Manu - 2016 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 30 (3):279-289.
    This article is a contribution to overpopulation discourse in environmental ethics. It is based on the hypothesis that, even though the idea and reasoning behind Garret Hardin’s lifeboat metaphor are crucial within the current environmental crisis, from an African perspective, the metaphor raises a number of questions. The article argues that the lifeboat metaphor poses an ethical challenge to most communities particularly in Africa because it runs contrary to their political and cultural worldview. I advance two central claims in the (...)
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  • Policing empowerment: the making of capable subjects.Mikkel Risbjerg Nielsen & Peter Triantafillou - 2001 - History of the Human Sciences 14 (2):63-86.
    This article analyses the attempts to promote economic and social development in the Third World through techniques of empowerment and participation. Based on Michel Foucault’s analytics of government - notably the notion of self-technologies - we analyse two empowerment projects for women. We argue, first, that empowerment projects seek to constitute beneficiaries as active and responsible individuals with the ability to take charge of their own lives. Thus, empowerment should be viewed not as a transfer of power to individuals who (...)
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  • Challenging the populist perspective: Rural people's knowledge, agricultural research, and extension practice. [REVIEW]John Thompson & Ian Scoones - 1994 - Agriculture and Human Values 11 (2-3):58-76.
    Recent trends in agricultural science have emphasized the need to make local people active participants in the research and development process. Working under the populist banner “Farmer First”, the focus has been on bridging gaps between development professionals and local people, pointing to the inadequate understanding of insiders' knowledge, practices, and processes by outsiders.The purpose of this paper is to expose the paradox of the prevailing populist conception of power and knowledge, and to challenge the simple notion that social processes (...)
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  • Cross-cultural knowledge development : the case of collaboraitve planning in Egypt.Zeinab Noureddine Tag-Eldeen - 2012 - Dissertation, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
    Planning has lent legitimacy to the development of society through the application of different theories and practices. With its embodied concepts and values, planning influences the direction of change that a society may achieve. Given the great role that planning plays in shaping societies over long periods of time, in situations where it is planning knowledge that is subject to travel between nations, consideration of the context specificity is particularity essential. This thesis deals with the complex process of transferring collaborative (...)
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  • Foreign aid and discourses of National Social Responsibility: evidence from South Korea.Juliette Schwak - 2021 - Journal of Global Ethics 17 (3):302-322.
    This article analyses a recent discourse of responsibility that accompanies states’ foreign aid provision. States adopt this discourse of National Social Responsibility to show their complian...
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  • Resisting the Veil of Privilege: Building Bridge Identities as an Ethico-Politics of Global Feminisms.Ann Ferguson - 1998 - Hypatia 13 (3):95 - 113.
    Northern researchers and service providers espousing modernist theories of development in order to understand and aid countries and peoples of the South ignore their own non-universal starting points of knowledge and their own vested interests. Universal ethics are rejected in favor of situated ethics, while a modified empowerment development model for aiding women in the South based on poststructuralism requires building a bridge identity politics to promote participatory democracy and challenge Northern power knowledges.
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  • Convivial software: An end-user perspective on free and open source software. [REVIEW]Carl Mitcham - 2009 - Ethics and Information Technology 11 (4):299-310.
    The free and open source software (Foss) movement deserves to be placed in an historico-ethical perspective that emphasizes the end user. Such an emphasis is able to enhance and support the Foss movement by arguing the ways it is heir to a tradition of professional ethical idealism and potentially related to important issues in the history of science, technology, and society relations. The focus on software from an end-user’s perspective also leads to the concept of program conviviality. From a non-technical (...)
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  • Global–Local Amazon Politics.AndrÈa Zhouri - 2004 - Theory, Culture and Society 21 (2):69-89.
    The Amazon rainforest is one of the most important topics of transnational activism. Based on the assumption that the consumption of timber in the Northern hemisphere is largely responsible for deforestation, campaigners have focused on the global timber trade. From a strategy of boycotting tropical timber in the 1980s, environmentalists shifted their approach to one influenced by a discourse on ‘sustainable development’ in the 1990s. Believing that they could persuade loggers to use less predatory practices, the mainstream NGOs developed a (...)
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  • Sustainability Transitions and the Nature of Technology.Erik Paredis - 2011 - Foundations of Science 16 (2-3):195-225.
    For more than 20 years, sustainable development has been advocated as a way of tackling growing global environmental and social problems. The sustainable development discourse has always had a strong technological component and the literature boasts an enormous amount of debate on which technologies should be developed and employed and how this can most efficiently be done. The mainstream discourse in sustainable development argues for an eco-efficiency approach in which a technology push strategy boosts efficiency levels by a factor 10 (...)
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  • Drugs-as-a-Disease.Daniel Weimer - 2003 - Janus Head 6 (2):260-281.
    This essay examines President Nixon's drug policy during the early 1970s, specifically the government's reaction to heroin use by American soldiers in Vietnam. The official response, discursively (through the employment of the drugs-as-a-disease metaphor) and on the policy level illustrated how of issues of national- and self-identity othering, and modernity intersected in the formulation and implementation of what is now termed the Drug War. Heroin using soldiers and domestic addicts, labeled as carriers of a contagious, foreign, and antimodem, dangerous disease, (...)
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  • Cowboys, Indians and deforestation: Ethical and environmental issues associated with pastures research in Amazonia. [REVIEW]William M. Loker - 1996 - Agriculture and Human Values 13 (1):52-58.
    Agricultural development is an activity with many ethical problems. Nowhere are these problems more evident than in tropical forest regions, like the Amazon. This paper examines ethical issues associated with a particularly controversial activity in the region: pastures research. The paper discusses three general critiques of Amazonian agricultural development: ecological, social equity and cultural survival. A particular pastures research project is then examined. The paper concludes that pastures research can be an ethically sound activity when carried out in a manner (...)
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  • (1 other version)Remembering Chet Bowers.John Lupinacci - 2017 - Educational Studies 53 (6):673-678.
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  • “Un”trepreneurship.Maria Smit & Marius Pretorius - 2020 - African Journal of Business Ethics 14 (1):62-81.
    The current theoretical framing of entrepreneurship includes a number of diverse phenomena under the same conceptual umbrella, yet the terms are often conflated and used interchangeably. Based on the assumption that anything included under this conceptual umbrella contributes to economic development and job creation, entrepreneurship has become appropriated as a development tool in the Global South where poverty and unemployment are rife. This study introduces the term entrepreneurship as a development apparatus and defines it as the implementation of entrepreneurship support (...)
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  • “Science and Democracy:” Replayed or Redesigned?Sandra Harding - 2005 - Social Epistemology 19 (1):5 – 18.
    Mid-Twentieth Century declarations characterizing science as a 'Little democracy' and as autonomous from society continue to shape the arguments of scientists' and critics of science studies, including Meera Nanda's arguments. Yet such an image of science has long lost whatever empirical support it ever posessed. This article shares Nanda's concern to envision sciences which support social justice projects, but not the particular criticisms she makes of Feminist, post-colonial, and post-kuhnian science studies.
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  • McEducation marginalized: Multiverse of learning-living in grassroots commons.Madhu Suri Prakash & Dana Stuchul - 2004 - Educational Studies 36 (1).
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  • From the global village to the pluriverse? 'Other' ethics for cross-cultural qualitative research.Patricia M. Martin & Corrine Glesne - 2002 - Ethics, Place and Environment 5 (3):205 – 221.
    This article, which stems from separate research projects pursued by each author in Oaxaca, Mexico, explores conducting fieldwork through the lenses of community autonomy , and hospitality . Engaging with these concepts made us question how the process of research can contradict cultural ethics that operate within fieldwork locations, as well as consider how such concepts may inform a more ethical set of inquiry practices. Such a set of alternative ethics can provide, furthermore, means for negotiating situations marked by interculturality, (...)
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  • La cooperación en la transformación pacífica de los conflictos: hacia la justicia y el amor como caminos del reconocimiento.Sonia París Albert & Irene Comins Mingol - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 16:259.
    La filosofía para hacer las paces de Martínez Guzmán aborda las competencias y las capacidades que los seres humanos tenemos para la transformación de los conflictos por medios pacíficos. Desde esta concepción de la condición humana, la defensa de un más que necesario cambio en la noción de la política local y global y la propuesta del giro epistemológico, Martínez Guzmán indaga la relación entre conflicto y cooperación como dos caras de una misma moneda, y pone el énfasis en la (...)
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  • Science, Technology, and Public Policy in Africa: A Framework for Action.Judi Wangalwa Wakhungu - 2001 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 21 (4):246-252.
    Underdevelopment in Africa continues to be one of the most perplexing issues of this century. Conventional development policies have failed throughout the continent, and lack of scientific and technological capabilities is considered among the primary causes of the prevailing crisis. Attempts to address underdevelopment have been conducted in terms of what is scientifically and technically feasible in industrialized countries instead of what is socioeconomically and culturally desirable in Africa. Undue reliance on foreign scientific and technological expertise hinders local innovation and (...)
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  • Negotiating Values in Modern India: A Theoretical Exploration.Renu Vinod - 2016 - Journal of Human Values 22 (1):57-66.
    This article explores the influence of modernity in India, within the larger framework of state-led modernity and its impact on identity and locality. The discourse on modernity has retained the common thread of transience and reflexivity as two constitutive features, both of which are taken up to explain the uncertain and provisional influence of modernity on the Indian society and identity, and the radical engagement of social movements with modernity. The article studies the complex functioning of modernity in India by (...)
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  • Participatory research and the race to save the planet: Questions, critique, and lessons from the field. [REVIEW]Dianne E. Rocheleau - 1994 - Agriculture and Human Values 11 (2-3):4-25.
    Participation has been widely touted as “the answer” to a number of problems facing sustainable development programs. It is not enough, however, to involve rural people as workers and informants in research and planning endeavors defined by outsiders. A truly collaborative approach will depend upon our ability to broaden our definitions of research and participation, to accommodate a wide spectrum of land users and local knowledge, and to expand our repertoire of research methods. This paper presents a critique of facile (...)
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  • An inquiry into the roots of the modern concept of development.Philipp H. Lepenies - 2008 - Contributions to the History of Concepts 4 (2):202-225.
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  • Counter-reporting sustainability from the bottom up: the case of the construction company WeBuild and dam-related conflicts.Antonio Bontempi, Daniela Del Bene & Louisa Jane Di Felice - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 182 (1):7-32.
    Controversies around large-scale development projects offer many cases and insights which may be analyzed through the lenses of corporate social (_ir_)responsibility (CS_I_R) and business ethics studies. In this paper, we confront the CSR narratives and strategies of _WeBuild_ (formerly known as _Salini Impregilo_), an Italian transnational construction company. Starting from the Global Atlas of Environmental Justice (EJAtlas), we collect evidence from NGOs, environmental justice organizations, journalists, scholars, and community leaders on socio-environmental injustices and controversies surrounding 38 large hydropower schemes built (...)
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  • Why cannot the term development just be dropped altogether? Some reflections on the concept of maturation as alternative to development discourse.Ernst M. Conradie - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (4):1-11.
    This contribution is aimed at some provocation by questioning the basic assumptions of current development discourse. It asks for conceptual clarification and differentiation on the meaning of various process terms. It needs to be recognised that the word development remains a metaphor than can indeed be extended but can also become over-extended and ossified. The concept of development is then contrasted with the process of maturation. It is argued that the concept of maturation is, better able to indicate the final (...)
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