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  1. Dividing Attention Between Tasks: Testing Whether Explicit Payoff Functions Elicit Optimal Dual-Task Performance.George D. Farmer, Christian P. Janssen, Anh T. Nguyen & Duncan P. Brumby - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (3):820-849.
    We test people's ability to optimize performance across two concurrent tasks. Participants performed a number entry task while controlling a randomly moving cursor with a joystick. Participants received explicit feedback on their performance on these tasks in the form of a single combined score. This payoff function was varied between conditions to change the value of one task relative to the other. We found that participants adapted their strategy for interleaving the two tasks, by varying how long they spent on (...)
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  • An integrated model of cognitive control in task switching.Erik M. Altmann & Wayne D. Gray - 2008 - Psychological Review 115 (3):602-639.
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  • Young and Older Adults' Gender Stereotype in Multitasking.Tilo Strobach & Alesia Woszidlo - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  • Logic and Social Cognition: The Facts Matter, and So Do Computational Models.Rineke Verbrugge - 2009 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 38 (6):649-680.
    This article takes off from Johan van Benthem’s ruminations on the interface between logic and cognitive science in his position paper “Logic and reasoning: Do the facts matter?”. When trying to answer Van Benthem’s question whether logic can be fruitfully combined with psychological experiments, this article focuses on a specific domain of reasoning, namely higher-order social cognition, including attributions such as “Bob knows that Alice knows that he wrote a novel under pseudonym”. For intelligent interaction, it is important that the (...)
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  • Identifying Optimum Performance Trade-Offs Using a Cognitively Bounded Rational Analysis Model of Discretionary Task Interleaving.Christian P. Janssen, Duncan P. Brumby, John Dowell, Nick Chater & Andrew Howes - 2011 - Topics in Cognitive Science 3 (1):123-139.
    We report the results of a dual-task study in which participants performed a tracking and typing task under various experimental conditions. An objective payoff function was used to provide explicit feedback on how participants should trade off performance between the tasks. Results show that participants’ dual-task interleaving strategy was sensitive to changes in the difficulty of the tracking task and resulted in differences in overall task performance. To test the hypothesis that people select strategies that maximize payoff, a Cognitively Bounded (...)
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  • The Past, Present, and Future of Cognitive Architectures.Niels Taatgen & John R. Anderson - 2010 - Topics in Cognitive Science 2 (4):693-704.
    Cognitive architectures are theories of cognition that try to capture the essential representations and mechanisms that underlie cognition. Research in cognitive architectures has gradually moved from a focus on the functional capabilities of architectures to the ability to model the details of human behavior, and, more recently, brain activity. Although there are many different architectures, they share many identical or similar mechanisms, permitting possible future convergence. In judging the quality of a particular cognitive model, it is pertinent to not just (...)
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  • Strategic Adaptation to Performance Objectives in a Dual-Task Setting.Christian P. Janssen & Duncan P. Brumby - 2010 - Cognitive Science 34 (8):1548-1560.
    How do people interleave attention when multitasking? One dominant account is that the completion of a subtask serves as a cue to switch tasks. But what happens if switching solely at subtask boundaries led to poor performance? We report a study in which participants manually dialed a UK-style telephone number while driving a simulated vehicle. If the driver were to exclusively return his or her attention to driving after completing a subtask (i.e., using the single break in the xxxxx-xxxxxx representational (...)
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  • Capturing Dynamic Performance in a Cognitive Model: Estimating ACT‐R Memory Parameters With the Linear Ballistic Accumulator.Maarten Velde, Florian Sense, Jelmer P. Borst, Leendert Maanen & Hedderik Rijn - 2022 - Topics in Cognitive Science 14 (4):889-903.
    The parameters governing our behavior are in constant flux, and capturing these dynamics in cognitive models remains a challenge. We demonstrate how a mapping between ACT‐R's model of declarative memory and the linear ballistic accumulator enables efficient estimation of memory parameters from data. The resulting estimates provide a cognitively meaningful explanation for observed differences in behavior over time and between individuals.
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  • Restoration of Attention by Rest in a Multitasking World: Theory, Methodology, and Empirical Evidence.Frank Schumann, Michael B. Steinborn, Jens Kürten, Liyu Cao, Barbara Friederike Händel & Lynn Huestegge - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In this work, we evaluate the status of both theory and empirical evidence in the field of experimental rest-break research based on a framework that combines mental-chronometry and psychometric-measurement theory. To this end, we provide a taxonomy of rest breaks according to which empirical studies can be classified. Then, we evaluate the theorizing in both the basic and applied fields of research and explain how popular concepts relate to each other in contemporary theoretical debates. Here, we highlight differences between all (...)
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  • The Influence of Activation Level on Belief Bias in Relational Reasoning.Adrian P. Banks - 2013 - Cognitive Science 37 (3):544-577.
    A novel explanation of belief bias in relational reasoning is presented based on the role of working memory and retrieval in deductive reasoning, and the influence of prior knowledge on this process. It is proposed that belief bias is caused by the believability of a conclusion in working memory which influences its activation level, determining its likelihood of retrieval and therefore its effect on the reasoning process. This theory explores two main influences of belief on the activation levels of these (...)
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  • RACE/A: An Architectural Account of the Interactions Between Learning, Task Control, and Retrieval Dynamics.Leendert van Maanen, Hedderik van Rijn & Niels Taatgen - 2012 - Cognitive Science 36 (1):62-101.
    This article discusses how sequential sampling models can be integrated in a cognitive architecture. The new theory Retrieval by Accumulating Evidence in an Architecture (RACE/A) combines the level of detail typically provided by sequential sampling models with the level of task complexity typically provided by cognitive architectures. We will use RACE/A to model data from two variants of a picture–word interference task in a psychological refractory period design. These models will demonstrate how RACE/A enables interactions between sequential sampling and long-term (...)
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  • Capturing Dynamic Performance in a Cognitive Model: Estimating ACT‐R Memory Parameters With the Linear Ballistic Accumulator.Maarten van der Velde, Florian Sense, Jelmer P. Borst, Leendert van Maanen & Hedderik van Rijn - 2022 - Topics in Cognitive Science 14 (4):889-903.
    The parameters governing our behavior are in constant flux. Accurately capturing these dynamics in cognitive models poses a challenge to modelers. Here, we demonstrate a mapping of ACT-R's declarative memory onto the linear ballistic accumulator (LBA), a mathematical model describing a competition between evidence accumulation processes. We show that this mapping provides a method for inferring individual ACT-R parameters without requiring the modeler to build and fit an entire ACT-R model. Existing parameter estimation methods for the LBA can be used, (...)
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  • How Does Rumination Impact Cognition? A First Mechanistic Model.Marieke K. Vugt & Maarten Velde - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 10 (1):175-191.
    Rumination is a process of uncontrolled, narrowly focused negative thinking that is often self-referential, and that is a hallmark of depression. Despite its importance, little is known about its cognitive mechanisms. Rumination can be thought of as a specific, constrained form of mind-wandering. Here, we introduce a cognitive model of rumination that we developed on the basis of our existing model of mind-wandering. The rumination model implements the hypothesis that rumination is caused by maladaptive habits of thought. These habits of (...)
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  • Queuing network modeling of the psychological refractory period (PRP).Changxu Wu & Yili Liu - 2008 - Psychological Review 115 (4):913-954.
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  • Efficient multitasking: parallel versus serial processing of multiple tasks.Rico Fischer & Franziska Plessow - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  • How Does Rumination Impact Cognition? A First Mechanistic Model.Marieke K. van Vugt & Maarten van der Velde - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 10 (1):175-191.
    Van Vugt, van der Velde, and collaborators show how cognitive architectures can implement verbal theories of psychiatric problems. They show how one theory of depressive rumination can be implemented in the ACT‐R cognitive architecture by changing the contents of its simulated memory. These manipulations of memory habits lead the model to show impairments in a sustained attention task‐‐a plausible impairment given that people who suffer from depression have concentration complaints.
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  • The wandering self: Tracking distracting self-generated thought in a cognitively demanding context.Stefan Huijser, Marieke K. van Vugt & Niels A. Taatgen - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 58:170-185.
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  • Control of automated behavior: insights from the discrete sequence production task.Elger L. Abrahamse, Marit F. L. Ruitenberg, Elian de Kleine & Willem B. Verwey - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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  • Cognitive costs of decision-making strategies: A resource demand decomposition analysis with a cognitive architecture.Hanna B. Fechner, Lael J. Schooler & Thorsten Pachur - 2018 - Cognition 170 (C):102-122.
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  • Toward a Unified View of Cognitive Control.Dario D. Salvucci & Niels A. Taatgen - 2011 - Topics in Cognitive Science 3 (2):227-230.
    Allen Newell (1973) once observed that psychology researchers were playing “twenty questions with nature,” carving up human cognition into hundreds of individual phenomena but shying away from the difficult task of integrating these phenomena with unifying theories. We argue that research on cognitive control has followed a similar path, and that the best approach toward unifying theories of cognitive control is that proposed by Newell, namely developing theories in computational cognitive architectures. Threaded cognition, a recent theory developed within the ACT-R (...)
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  • On doing multi-act arithmetic: A multitrait-multimethod approach of performance dimensions in integrated multitasking.Frank Schumann, Michael B. Steinborn, Hagen C. Flehmig, Jens Kürten, Robert Langner & Lynn Huestegge - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Here we present a systematic plan to the experimental study of test–retest reliability in the multitasking domain, adopting the multitrait-multimethod approach to evaluate the psychometric properties of performance in Düker-type speeded multiple-act mental arithmetic. These form of tasks capacitate the experimental analysis of integrated multi-step processing by combining multiple mental operations in flexible ways in the service of the overarching goal of completing the task. A particular focus was on scoring methodology, particularly measures of response speed variability. To this end, (...)
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  • Set as an Instance of a Real-World Visual-Cognitive Task.Enkhbold Nyamsuren & Niels A. Taatgen - 2013 - Cognitive Science 37 (1):146-175.
    Complex problem solving is often an integration of perceptual processing and deliberate planning. But what balances these two processes, and how do novices differ from experts? We investigate the interplay between these two in the game of SET. This article investigates how people combine bottom-up visual processes and top-down planning to succeed in this game. Using combinatorial and mixed-effect regression analysis of eye-movement protocols and a cognitive model of a human player, we show that SET players deploy both bottom-up and (...)
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  • Pushing the Bounds of Bounded Optimality and Rationality.Sebastian Musslick & Javier Masís - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (4):e13259.
    All forms of cognition, whether natural or artificial, are subject to constraints of their computing architecture. This assumption forms the tenet of virtually all general theories of cognition, including those deriving from bounded optimality and bounded rationality. In this letter, we highlight an unresolved puzzle related to this premise: what are these constraints, and why are cognitive architectures subject to cognitive constraints in the first place? First, we lay out some pieces along the puzzle edge, such as computational tradeoffs inherent (...)
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  • Processes Versus Representations: Cognitive Control as Emergent, Yet Componential.Eddy J. Davelaar - 2011 - Topics in Cognitive Science 3 (2):247-252.
    In this commentary, I focus on the difference between processes and representations and how this distinction relates to the question of what is controlled. Despite some views that task switching is a prototypical control process, the analysis concludes that task switching depends on the task goal representation and that control processes are there to prevent goal representations from disintegrating. Over time, these processes become obsolete, leaving behind a representation that automatically controls task performance. The distinction between processes and representations relates (...)
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  • Integration and Reuse in Cognitive Skill Acquisition.Dario D. Salvucci - 2013 - Cognitive Science 37 (5):829-860.
    Previous accounts of cognitive skill acquisition have demonstrated how procedural knowledge can be obtained and transformed over time into skilled task performance. This article focuses on a complementary aspect of skill acquisition, namely the integration and reuse of previously known component skills. The article posits that, in addition to mechanisms that proceduralize knowledge into more efficient forms, skill acquisition requires tight integration of newly acquired knowledge and previously learned knowledge. Skill acquisition also benefits from reuse of existing knowledge across disparate (...)
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  • Multitasking behavior and its related constructs: Executive functions, working memory capacity, relational integration, and divided attention.Samsad Afrin Himi, Markus Bühner, Matthias Schwaighofer, Anna Klapetek & Sven Hilbert - 2019 - Cognition 189 (C):275-298.
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  • Strategies, tactics, and errors in dynamic decision making in an Asian sample.C. Dominik Güss, Ma Teresa Tuason & Llyod V. Orduña - 2015 - Journal of Dynamic Decision Making 1 (1).
    The current study had three goals: to investigate strategies, tactics, and errors as predictors of success and failure under uncertainty following the dynamic decision making and complex problem solving framework; to use observation and to examine its reliability and potential as a data collection method when using microworlds; and to investigate the applicability and validity of a microworld developed in the West, to an Asian sample. One hundred three participants in the Philippines took the role of fire chief in the (...)
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  • Combinations of Simple Mechanisms Explain Diverse Strategies in the Freehand Writing of Memorized Sentences.Peter C.-H. Cheng & Erlijn van Genuchten - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (4):1070-1109.
    Individual differences in the strategies that control sequential behavior were investigated in an experiment in which participants memorized sentences and then wrote them by hand, in a non‐cursive style. Thirty‐two participants each wrote eight sentences, which had hierarchical structures with five levels. The dataset included over 31,000 letters. Despite the deliberately constrained nature of the task and stimuli, 23 patterns of behavior were identified from the durations of pauses that occurred before the inscription of letters at four chunk levels, spanning (...)
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  • Modeling Triple-Tasking without Customized Cognitive Control.Jelmer P. Borst, Niels A. Taatgen & Hedderik Van Rijn - 2009 - In N. A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn (eds.), Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.
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