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  1. Organizational Ethics, Individual Ethics, and Ethical Intentions in International Decision-Making.B. Elango, Karen Paul, Sumit K. Kundu & Shishir K. Paudel - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 97 (4):543 - 561.
    This study explores the impact of both individual ethics (IE) and organizational ethics (OE) on ethical intention (EI). Ethical intention, or the individual's intention to engage in ethical behavior, is useful as a dependent variable because it relates to behavior which can be an expression of values, but also is influenced by organizational and societal variables. The focus is on EI in international business decision-making, since the international context provides great latitude in making ethical decisions. Results demonstrate that both IE (...)
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  • (2 other versions)Ethical judgment in business: culture and differential perceptions of justice among Italians and Germans.Yvonne Stedham & Rafik I. Beekun - 2013 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 22 (2):189-201.
    This study focuses on the cultural context of ethical decision making by considering the relationship between power distance and ethical judgment. Specifically, we propose that this relationship exists because of the influence of peers on ethical judgment and perceptions of justice. Considering the importance of peers in stage three of Kohlberg's model of moral development, we argue that peers are the basis for social comparisons, social cues and social identification and, hence, are critical to an individual's beliefs about justice. Using (...)
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  • Bribe Payments and State Ownership: The Impact of State Ownership on Bribery Propensity and Intensity.Jingtao Yi, Liang Chen, Shuang Meng, Sali Li & Noman Shaheer - 2023 - Business and Society 62 (5):1103-1135.
    This study examines the degree of state ownership on corporate bribery. Integrating the theories of state ownership and corporate corruption, we propose that state ownership influences bribery propensity and bribery intensity in different ways; it lowers a firm’s tendency to pay bribes but increases the relative amount of bribery payment. Building on the control rights/bargaining hypotheses, we demonstrate that state ownership shields firms from bribery demands by reducing administrative hurdles that include bureaucratic requirements of obtaining licenses or settling taxes in (...)
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  • Corporate Reputation’s Invisible Hand: Bribery, Rational Choice, and Market Penalties.Vijay S. Sampath, Naomi A. Gardberg & Noushi Rahman - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 151 (3):743-760.
    Drawing upon rational choice and investor attention theories, we examine how accusations of corporate bribery and subsequent investigations shape market reactions. Using event study methodology to measure loss in firm value for public firms facing bribery investigations from 1978 to 2010, we found that total market penalties amounted to $60.61 billion. We ran moderated multiple regression analysis to examine further the degree to which the unique characteristics of bribery explain variations in market penalties. Companies committing bribery in less corrupt host (...)
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  • State-Owned Enterprises as Bribe Payers: The Role of Institutional Environment.Liang Chen, Sali Li, Jingtao Yi & Noman Shaheer - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (1):221-238.
    Our paper draws attention to a neglected channel of corruption—the bribe payments by state-owned enterprises. This is an important phenomenon as bribe payments by SOEs fruitlessly waste national resources, compromising public welfare and national prosperity. Using a large dataset of 30,249 firms from 50 countries, we show that, in general, SOEs are less likely to pay bribes for achieving organizational objectives owing to their political connectivity. However, in deteriorated institutional environments, SOEs may be subjected to potential managerial rent-seeking behaviors, which (...)
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  • Does Economic Rationalization Decrease or Increase Accounting Professionals’ Occupational Values?Girts Racko - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 158 (3):763-777.
    Following corporate accounting scandals there has been an increasing concern with understanding the factors that undermine the occupational values of accounting professionals, which emphasize self-transcendence in the pursuit of public good and openness to change in the pursuit of autonomy and creativity. Prior studies have demonstrated that these values are undermined in economically rationalized organizational environments. Our study advances this research by examining how accounting professionals’ occupational values are influenced by the economic rationalization of countries where they are employed. While (...)
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  • Bribery in International Business Transactions.Christopher Baughn, Nancy L. Bodie, Mark A. Buchanan & Michael B. Bixby - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 92 (1):15-32.
    Globalization leads to cross-border business transactions between societies with very different norms and regulations regarding bribery. Bribery in international business transactions can be seen as a function of not only the demand for such bribes in different countries, but the supply, or willingness to provide bribes by multinational firms and their representatives. This study addresses the propensity of firms from 30 different countries to engage in international bribery. The study incorporates both domestic (economic development, culture, and domestic corruption in the (...)
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  • The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act: The Failure of the Self-Regulatory Model of Corporate Governance in the Global Business Environment.Miriam F. Weismann - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (4):615-661.
    The American regulatory model of corporate governance rests on the theory of self-regulation as␣the most effective and efficient means to achieve corporate self-restraint in the marketplace. However, that model fails to achieve regular compliance with baseline ethical and legal behaviors as evidenced by a century of repeated corporate debacles, the most recent being Enron, WorldCom, and Refco. Seemingly impervious to its domestic failure, Congress imprinted the same self-regulation paradigm on legislation restraining global business behavior, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. This (...)
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  • Corporation as a Crucial Ally Against Corruption.Reyes Calderón, José Luis Álvarez-Arce & Silvia Mayoral - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (S1):319-332.
    Manuscript type Empirical. Research question/issue This paper aims to contribute to an improved theoretical and empirical understanding of the role that corporation has to play in anticorruption efforts. Research findings/insights Using cross-country data from three databases (Bribe Payers Index, Corruption Perceptions Index, and Doing Business) we found that pro-bribery Investment Climate conditions in host countries are not related to the payments of bribes by multinational companies when these corporations operate abroad. Theoretical/academic implications After describing the conceptual and policy framework that (...)
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  • Fluidity of Regulation-CSR Nexus: The Multinational Corporate Corruption Example. [REVIEW]Onyeka Osuji - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 103 (1):31-57.
    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a relatively undeveloped concept despite its increasing importance to corporations. One difficulty is the possible inexactness of CSR. Another is the apparent reluctance by regulatory authorities and policy makers to intervene in the area. This is largely a result of inhibitions created by traditional approaches to company law with emphasis on shareholder protection and financial disclosure. The consequence is the stultification of independent development of CSR by tying social issues to financial performance. This attitude might (...)
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  • Corporate Social Responsibility in Liquid Times: The Case of Romania.Georgiana Grigore, Mike Molesworth, Andreea Vontea, Abdullah Hasan Basnawi, Ogeday Celep & Sylvian Patrick Jesudoss - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 174 (4):763-782.
    Existing scholarly work on corporate social responsibility frequently emphasizes either normative/ethical claims about social progress or instrumental/strategic claims about corporate effectiveness, yet less often acknowledges the moral conditions of those undertaking CSR within a specific cultural context. In this paper, we draw attention to the social conditions in which CSR takes place and the related ethics of the subjects that must enact it. Our approach is to document the lived experiences of practitioners in Romania, a post-communist society. Drawing from fifty-three (...)
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  • A Four-Country Study of the Associations Between Bribery and Unethical Actions.Richard A. Bernardi, Michael B. Witek & Michael R. Melton - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 84 (3):389-403.
    The purpose of this research is to extend prior research testing the premise that small deviations from ethical behavior lead to even larger deviations from ethical behavior. This study examines the association between a person’s willingness to bribe a police officer to avoid being issued a speeding ticket with their views on inappropriate behavior of corporate executives. Our sample of 528 participants comes from Colombia (90), Ecuador (70), South Africa (131) and the United States (237). As part of our data (...)
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  • Stock Market Reaction to Corporate Crime: Evidence from South Korea.Chanhoo Song & Seung Hun Han - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 143 (2):323-351.
    This paper examines the impact of corporate crime on the stock market in South Korea. Specifically, we examine the effect of crime type, industry type, business group affiliation, and corporate governance on the relationship between corporate crime announcement and stock market reaction. We find negative reactions to stock prices around the announcements of corporate crimes but no significant difference in reactions between announcements of individual and organizational crimes. Individual white-collar crimes have a stronger negative impact on stock prices than do (...)
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  • An Empirical Investigation on Firms' Proactive and Passive Motivation for Bribery in China.Xiaoyu Zhou, Yi Han & Rui Wang - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 118 (3):461-472.
    This research investigates firms’ bribery motivations in China. Based on resource dependence theory and anomie theory, we identify resource conditions as firms’ proactive motivation to bribe and firms’ perceived institutional environment as their passive motivation to bribe. We use the data from 2002 World Business Environment Survey, collected by the World Bank, to investigate firms’ bribery in the world’s largest emerging market, China. We employ a multi-level logistic model to test our hypotheses. The results show that unsatisfactory general and task (...)
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  • Cultural Values and International Differences in Business Ethics.Bert Scholtens & Lammertjan Dam - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 75 (3):273-284.
    We analyze ethical policies of firms in industrialized countries and try to find out whether culture is a factor that plays a significant role in explaining country differences. We look into the firm’s human rights policy, its governance of bribery and corruption, and the comprehensiveness, implementation and communication of its codes of ethics. We use a dataset on ethical policies of almost 2,700 firms in 24 countries. We find that there are significant differences among ethical policies of firms headquartered in (...)
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  • Teaching Ethics to Undergraduate Business Students in Australia: Comparison of Integrated and Stand-alone Approaches.Elizabeth Prior Jonson, Linda Mary McGuire & Deirdre O’Neill - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 132 (2):477-491.
    There are questions about how ethics is best taught to undergraduate business students. There has been a proliferation in the number of stand-alone ethics courses for undergraduate students but research on the effectiveness of integrated versus stand-alone mode of delivery is inconclusive. Christensen et al. :347–368, 2007), in a comprehensive review of ethics, corporate social responsibility and sustainability education, investigated how ethics education has changed over the last 20 years, including the issue of integration of these topics into the core (...)
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  • (2 other versions)Ethical judgment in business: culture and differential perceptions of justice among Italians and Germans.Yvonne Stedham & Rafik I. Beekun - 2013 - Business Ethics 22 (2):189-201.
    This study focuses on the cultural context of ethical decision making by considering the relationship between power distance and ethical judgment. Specifically, we propose that this relationship exists because of the influence of peers on ethical judgment and perceptions of justice. Considering the importance of peers in stage three of Kohlberg's model of moral development, we argue that peers are the basis for social comparisons, social cues and social identification and, hence, are critical to an individual's beliefs about justice. Using (...)
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  • Determinants of Bribery in Asian Firms: Evidence from the World Business Environment Survey.Xun Wu - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (1):75-88.
    While it is widely believed that bribery is ubiquitous among Asian firms, few studies have offered systematic evidence of such activities, and the dynamics of bribery in Asian firms have not been well understood. The research reported here used World Business Environment Survey data to examine some distinct characteristics of bribery in Asian firms and to empirically test 10 hypotheses on determinants of bribery. We find that firm characteristics such as firm size, growth rate, and corporate governance are important determinants (...)
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  • Drivers of Socially Responsible Investing: A Case Study of Four Nordic Countries. [REVIEW]Bert Scholtens & Riikka Sievänen - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 115 (3):605-616.
    In this study, we try to establish what determines the substantial differences in the Nordic countries’ size and composition of socially responsible investing (SRI). We investigate if these differences between Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden can be associated with key characteristics in economics, finance, culture, and institutions. We find that in particular economic openness, the size of the pension industry, and cultural values of masculinity (femininity) and uncertainty avoidance can be associated with the differences in SRI in the four countries. (...)
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  • Moral Reactions to Bribery are Fundamentally Different for Managers Witnessing and Managers Committing Such Acts: Tests of Cognitive-Emotional Explanations of Bribery.Ekta Sharma & Richard P. Bagozzi - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 177 (1):95-124.
    We investigate how paying a bribe or refusing a bribe differs between observing others doing this or committing such acts oneself. Study 1 examines how and when observing others paying a bribe or refusing a bribe leads to actions opposing bribery or supporting anti-bribery. The how question is answered by showing that positive and negative emotions mediate such responses; the when question is answered by demonstrating that empathy and the social self-concept constitute personal conditions for regulating such effects. Study 2 (...)
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  • Bribery in MNEs: The Dynamics of Corruption Culture Distance and Organizational Distance to Core Values.Vijay S. Sampath & Noushi Rahman - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (3):817-835.
    We examine how corporate bribery is impacted by cultural distance between multinational enterprises home and host countries, and organizational distance to core values between MNE entry modes and MNE headquarters. Tension between external and internal legitimacy helps to explain why cultural and organizational distances will affect MNE bribery. The empirical analysis used data from cross-border transactions by MNEs that were sanctioned by US regulatory officials between 1978 and 2011. We find statistical support for all hypotheses capturing main and moderating effects (...)
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  • Relationship-Oriented Cultures, Corruption, and International Marketing Success.Jennifer D. Chandler & John L. Graham - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 92 (2):251-267.
    This study explores the general problems associated with marketing across international markets and focuses specifically on the role of corruption in deterring international marketing success. The authors do this by introducing a broader conceptualization of corruption. The dimensions of corruption and their importance in explaining the exporters’ successes in international markets are developed empirically. Partial Least Squares formative indicators are used in a comprehensive model including consumer resources (wealth and information resources), physical distance (kilometers and time zones), and cultural distance (...)
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  • How Do Power and Status Differ in Predicting Unethical Decisions? A Cross-National Comparison of China and Canada.Yongmei Liu, Sixuan Chen, Chris Bell & Justin Tan - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 167 (4):745-760.
    This study examines the varying roles of power, status, and national culture in unethical decision-making. Most research on unethical behavior in organizations is grounded in Western societies; empirical comparative studies of the antecedents of unethical behavior across nations are rare. The authors conduct this comparative study using scenario studies with four conditions in both China and Canada. The results demonstrate that power is positively related to unethical decision-making in both countries. Status has a positive effect on unethical decision-making and facilitates (...)
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  • “Corporate Efforts to Tackle Corruption: An Impossible Task?” The Contribution of Thomas Dunfee.Mark S. Schwartz - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (4):823-832.
    Thomas W. Dunfee, in addition to his many other contributions to business ethics literature, has generated a stream of research that attempts to tackle the issue of corruption. Dunfee's research on corruption includes three primary contributions: the introduction of "Integrative Social Contract Theory" which provides a normative theoretical framework by which to judge the morality of global business activity including corruption; the "C2 Principles", which outline specific content and implementation measures that corporations can voluntarily adopt to combat corruption; and a (...)
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  • The FCPA and the OECD Convention: Some Lessons from the U.S. Experience.Masako N. Darrough - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 93 (2):255-276.
    Although corruption is ubiquitous, attitudes toward it differ among countries. Until the 1997 OECD Convention, the U.S. had been one of the only two countries with an explicit extraterritorial anti-bribery law, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) of 1977. The FCPA employs a two-pronged approach to control the supply side of corruption: (1) anti-bribery provisions; and (2) accounting (books and record and internal controls) provisions. I offer evidence, albeit indirect, to show that the FCPA had limited success. The OECD Convention (...)
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  • Values Versus Regulations: How Culture Plays Its Role.Runtian Jing & John L. Graham - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 80 (4):791-806.
    This study examines the impact of culture on regulation and corruption. Our empirical results suggest that cultural values have significant effects on countries’ regulatory policies, levels of corruption, and economic development. Contrary to the conclusions drawn by others, this study shows no significant relationship between the regulatory policies of countries and their perceived levels of corruption. Thus, evidence of the “public choice view” toward entry regulation derived in related studies seems to be at least attenuated.
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  • Cultural Discrepancy and National Corruption: Investigating the Difference between Cultural Values and Practices and Its Relationship to Corrupt Behavior.Katja Gelbrich, Yvonne Stedham & Daniel Gäthke - 2016 - Business Ethics Quarterly 26 (2):201-225.
    ABSTRACT:The relationship between culture and corruption has been the focus of various studies, producing inconsistent results. We suggest that these inconsistencies might be due to the conceptualization and measurement of culture. Drawing on the possible value/fact dichotomy discussed in ethical philosophy, we introduce the construct of cultural discrepancy—the difference between cultural values and practices —as a predictor of pervasive and arbitrary corruption. Examining the relationship between the discrepancies observed in the GLOBE cultural dimensions and the Corruption Perception Index shows that (...)
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  • Does East Meet West in Business Ethics: An Introduction to the Special Issue. [REVIEW]Gabriel D. Donleavy, Kit-Chun Joanna Lam & Simon S. M. Ho - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 79 (1-2):1 - 8.
    This article introduces and summarizes selected papers from the first World Business Ethics Forum held in Hong Kong and Macau in November 2006, co-hosted by the Hong Kong Baptist University and by the University of Macau. Business Ethics in the East remain distinct from those in the West, but the distinctions are becoming less pronounced and the ethical traffic flows both ways.
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  • Government Intervention, Perceived Benefit, and Bribery of Firms in Transitional China.Yongqiang Gao - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 104 (2):175-184.
    This article examines whether (1) government intervention causes bribery (or corruption) as rent-seeking theory suggested; (2) a firm’s perceived benefit partially mediates the relationship between government intervention and its bribing behavior, as rational choice/behavior theory suggested; and (3) other firms’ bribing behavior moderates the relationship between government intervention and a firm’s perceived benefit. Our study shows that government intervention causes bribery/corruption indeed, but it exerts its effect on bribery/corruption through the firm’s perceived benefit. In other words, a firm’s perceived benefit (...)
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  • International Bribery: Does a Written Code of Ethics Make a Difference in Perceptions of Business Professionals. [REVIEW]Joseph A. McKinney & Carlos W. Moore - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 79 (1-2):103 - 111.
    This article analyzes the attitudes of United States business professionals toward the issue of international bribery, and in particular, whether or not having a written code of ethics has an effect on these attitudes. A vignette relating to international bribery from a widely used survey instrument was employed in a nationwide survey of business professionals to gather information on ethical attitudes of respondents. Data were also collected on gender of respondents, whether or not respondents were self-employed, whether or not the (...)
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  • Motives and Likelihood of Bribery: An Experimental Study of Managers in Taiwan.Wann-Yih Wu & Chu-Hsin Huang - 2013 - Ethics and Behavior 23 (4):278-298.
    Many studies of bribery acknowledge the important role of bribe-givers, but their true motives remain unclear. We propose that the likelihood of bribery depends on the willingness of an organization to affiliate with local parties or to be successful in a host country, or to have power over local parties. We further argue that different opportunities, either pervasive or arbitrary, facilitate different types of motives that affect the likelihood of bribery. In addition, we investigate the effect of perceived fairness on (...)
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