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  1. Global solidarity.Tuğba Sevinç - 2024 - Journal of Global Ethics 20 (3):308-316.
    As we grapple with the far-reaching global issues of climate catastrophe, refugee crisis, economic inequalities, environmental destruction, pandemics, and more, the call for global (international) solidarity has never been more urgent. While these issues have significant local implications and necessitate action at the nation-state level, it is widely recognized that their resolution surpasses the capabilities of individual nations. Instead, they demand global cooperation and solidarity. However, the nature, basis, sources, potentials, and conditions of such global solidarity remain largely unexplored. This (...)
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  • What is Social Organizing?Megan Hyska - forthcoming - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research.
    While scholars of, and participants in, social movements, electoral politics, and organized labor are deeply engaged in contrasting different theories of how political actors should organize, little recent philosophical work has asked what social organizing is. This paper aims to answer this question in a way that can make sense of typical organizing- related claims and debates. It is intuitive that what social organizing does is bring about some kind of collectivity. However, I argue that the varieties of collectivity most (...)
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  • The Normative Demand for Deference in Political Solidarity.Kerri Woods & Joshua Hobbs - 2024 - Global Justice : Theory Practice Rhetoric 14 (1):53-78.
    Allies of those experiencing injustice or oppression face a dilemma: to be neutral in the face of calls to solidarity risks siding with oppressors, yet to speak or act on behalf of others risks compounding the injustice. We identify what we call ‘a normative demand for deference’ (NDD) to those with lived experience as a response to this dilemma. Yet, while the NDD is prevalent, albeit sometimes implicitly so, in contemporary solidarity theory and activist practice, it remains under-theorised. In this (...)
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  • Engaged Solidaristic Research: Developing Methodological and Normative Principles for Political Philosophers.Marie-Pier Lemay - 2023 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 9 (4).
    Reshaping our methodological research tools for adequately capturing injustice and domination has been a central aspiration of feminist philosophy and social epistemology in recent years. There has been an increasingly empirical turn in recent feminist and political theorization, engaging with case studies and the challenges arising from conducting research in solidarity with unequal partners. I argue that these challenges cannot be resolved by merely adopting a norm and stance of deference to those in the struggle for justice. To conduct philosophical (...)
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  • Formen der Solidarität: Eine Begriffssystematik.Julia Masurkewitz-Möller - 2023 - transcript Verlag.
    Solidarität wird in Krisenzeiten sowie bei Ungerechtigkeit und Marginalisierung gefordert. Sie tritt dabei in unterschiedlichen Reichweiten und Akteurskonstellationen auf und basiert auf verschiedenen Motiven und Ausgangslagen. Julia Masurkewitz-Möller nimmt sich dieser Vielfalt an und erarbeitet eine Systematisierung der Solidarität, die Ordnung in den begrifflichen Dschungel des Konzepts bringt. Sie zeigt, dass verschiedene Solidaritätsformen trotz ihrer Unterschiede einen gemeinsamen Kern und eine Beziehung zueinander haben - und damit die Transformationen von Solidaritätsformen möglich machen.
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  • Über Vulnerabilität und Solidarität.Michael Reder - 2023 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 15 (2).
    Vulnerabilität und Solidarität sind in den vergangenen Jahren zu zwei Kernbegriffen der praktischen Philosophie geworden. Sie markieren nicht nur einen neuen thematischen Fokus, sondern auch eine Verschiebung theoretischer Grundannahmen, beispielsweise hinsichtlich des Verständnisses von Normativität oder dem Politischen. Innerhalb des Pragmatismus spielen beide Begriffe, bis auf Rortys Rekurs auf Solidarität, keine zentrale Rolle, obgleich die Grundintuitionen, die beiden Begriffen zugrunde liegen, eng mit dieser Strömung verbunden sind. Der Beitrag will vor dem Hintergrund dieser pragmatistischen Grundannahmen zentrale Argumentationsfiguren der Debatte über (...)
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  • Acting in solidarity with the poor? Some conceptual and practical challenges.Catherine Lu - 2023 - Ethics and Global Politics 16 (2):38-45.
    Monique Deveaux’s Poverty, Solidarity, and Poor-Led Social Movements makes a timely, compelling, and important intervention in the philosophical literature on poverty and global justice, and improves our understanding of the nature and extent of responsibilities of variously situated agents towards the poor. Deveaux’s focus on poor-led social movements emphasizes that effective poverty reduction requires building up the collective capacities of the poor to engage in joint collective action to oppose and dismantle unjust structures. This approach politicizes poverty and provides a (...)
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  • The Value of Unity.Leif Wenar - 2023 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 51 (3):195-233.
    Philosophy &Public Affairs, Volume 51, Issue 3, Page 195-233, Summer 2023.
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  • Universalists, Republicans and Rationalists: Exploring Health Sector Solidarity and Its Boundary through the Comparative Experience of Overseas Taiwanese.Ming-Jui Yeh, Yi-Hua Yang & Yi-Ren Lin - 2023 - Public Health Ethics 16 (1):35-52.
    Through users’ cross-system comparative experience engaging with the health systems in Taiwan and other countries, this article probes into their understandings and value judgments and specifically their reasonings for the ‘solidarity with whom?’ question in the health sector solidarity. With the cross-system comparison approach, the study adopted semi-structured interviews with 30 Taiwanese participants who have studied, lived or worked abroad and engaged with the health system in Canada, the USA or the UK. This approach offers the opportunity for one to (...)
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  • Mutual Aid and a Pluralistic Account of Solidarity.Savannah Pearlman - 2022 - The Philosopher 110 (4).
    While it is largely agreed upon that solidarity is a kind of unity among persons, this agreement is short-lived – for if solidarity involves unity, what kind of unity is this? That is, does solidarity coalesce around shared identity or simply fellow-feeling? Shared action or fate? Or is solidarity merely a matter of commitment to a particular cause to achieve certain ends? Below, I look to examples of Mutual Aid to reject a piece-meal model of solidarity (where solidarity is this (...)
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  • Unjust History and Its New Reproduction—A Reply to My Critics.Alasia Nuti - 2021 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 24 (5):1245-1259.
    Demands calling for reparations for historical injustices—injustices whose original victims and perpetrators are now dead—constitute an important component of contemporary struggles for social and transnational justice. Reparations are only one way in which the unjust past is salient in contemporary politics. In my book, Injustice and the Reproduction of History: Structural Inequalities, Gender and Redress, I put forward a framework to conceptualise the normative significance of the unjust past. In this article, I will engage with the insightful comments and try (...)
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  • What does solidarity do for bioethics?Avery Kolers - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (2):122-128.
    Bioethical work on solidarity has yielded an array of divergent conceptions. But what do these accounts add to normative bioethics? What is solidarity’s distinctive social normative role? Prainsack and Buyx suggest that solidarity be understood as the ‘putty’ of justice. I argue here that the putty metaphor is deeply insightful and—when spelled out in detail—successfully explicates solidarity’s social normative function. Unfortunately, Prainsack and Buyx’s own account cannot play this role. I propose instead that the putty metaphor supports a conception of (...)
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  • Discourse on the idea of sustainability: with policy implications for health and welfare reform.Ming-Jui Yeh - 2020 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 23 (2):155-163.
    Sustainability has become a major goal of domestic and international development. This essay analyzes the transitions of normative ideas embedded in the notion of sustainability by reviewing the discourses in the representative reports and literature from different periods. Three sets of ideas are proposed: inter- and intra-generational equity, stability of public systems, and a sense of solidarity, which confirms the scope of community and functions as a precondition for the previous two ideas. This essay uses the case of a health (...)
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  • Epistemic network injustice.Kai Spiekermann - 2019 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 19 (1):83-101.
    To find out what is in one’s own best interest, it is helpful to ask one’s epistemic peers. However, identifying one’s epistemic peers is not a trivial task. I consider a stylized political setting, an electoral competition of ‘Masses’ and ‘Elites’. To succeed, the Masses need to know which alternative on offer is truly in their interest. To find out, the Masses can pool their privately held information in a pre-election ballot, provided that they can reliably find out with whom (...)
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  • A Solidaristic Approach to Workers’ Compensation Reform in Taiwan.Ming-Jui Yeh - 2019 - Public Health Ethics 12 (3):261-273.
    The workers’ compensation system in Taiwan cannot provide sufficient coverage for all workers. This essay adopts a solidaristic approach to address this issue by analyzing the reasons why workers’ compensation is underdeveloped in Taiwan and what could be done to persuade more key actors to support the reform for a more just policy arrangement. First, through comparison with the healthcare system, it is argued that the lack of solidarity and the perception of relevant similarities could explain the underdevelopment of workers’ (...)
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  • The eclipse of solidarity: Precarious work, agency and collective action.Adrián Herranz - forthcoming - European Journal of Political Theory.
    Precarious work is a growing and alarming phenomenon. This paper analyses two of its distinctive normative features. First, precarity increases the risks workers face, blurring their capacity for prospection and lessening their security in accessing the opportunities associated with their jobs. Second, precarious work challenges workers’ collective action capacity. I will argue that both features threaten workers’ republican freedom. I develop the second point by presenting a conception of solidarity between workers and then showing how precarious work erodes it. On (...)
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  • Social Change, Solidarity, and Mass Agency.Kevin Richardson - 2024 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 105 (2):210-232.
    Critics of social injustice argue that the agent of transformative social change will (or should) be a mass agent; namely, an agent that is large, complex, and geographically dispersed. Traditional theories of collective agency emphasize the presence of shared intentions and common knowledge, but mass agents are too large for such cohesion. To make sense of mass agency, I suggest a new approach. On the solidarity theory of mass agency, a mass agent is composed of (a) organizers who intend to (...)
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  • Active Respect and Critical Solidarity.Roberto Mordacci - 2024 - Critical Horizons 25 (1):2-12.
    This article argues that, to distinguish between “critical” and “uncritical” solidarity, the normative concept of solidarity must be grounded on the principle of respect for persons. I start analyzing the principle of respect for persons from a modified Kantian perspective, arguing that it must be interpreted as a normative relation of power in which each person must recognize the autonomy of the other as a source of power. In this perspective, the principle of respect offers a foundation for an ethical (...)
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  • The Epistemic Requirements of Solidarity.Francesca Pongiglione - 2024 - Critical Horizons 25 (1):26-36.
    The global age has confronted human beings with new and numerous challenges, from global poverty, to labour exploitation, to climate change. Many individuals, aware of such challenges, wish to act in solidarity, and give their contribution to countering them. Acting in solidarity in such contexts can be challenging, however, as which actions are most effective for reaching the desired goal is not obvious. Furthermore, an action that is intended in solidarity at times not only fails to promote the desired objective (...)
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  • Claiming solidarity: A multilevel discursive reconstruction of solidarity.Franziska Ziegler, Stefan Wallaschek, Patrick Kahle, Hannes Schammann, Michael Corsten & Marianne Kneuer - 2022 - European Journal of Social Theory 25 (3):366-385.
    Solidarity is one of the central concepts in social theory and has gained much attention due to the multiple challenges that the EU has been facing the last decade and due to the most recent COVID-19 pandemic. Although the debate on the nature and conditions of solidarity has been revitalized, there remains a large variety in how to conceptualize solidarity. In contrast to other approaches, we do not conceive solidarity as normative concept, but as descriptive–analytical one. Therefore, we provide a (...)
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  • Failing Solidarity: Justified or Excused?Eleonora Milazzo - 2020 - Global Justice : Theory Practice Rhetoric 12 (2):189-218.
    The concept of solidarity has been receiving growing attention from scholars in a wide range of disciplines. While this trend coincides with widespread unsuccessful attempts to achieve solidarity in the real world, the failure of solidarity as such remains a relatively unexplored topic. In the case of the so-called European Union refugee crisis, the fact that EU member states failed to fulfil their commitment to solidarity is now regarded as established wisdom. But as we try to come to terms with (...)
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  • Understanding solidarity in the European Union: an analytical framework.Daniele Saracino - 2024 - Theory and Society 53 (5):1093-1118.
    Solidarity is a key concept in the European Union. However, the concept of solidarity lacks systematic theoretical examination to enable a sufficient understanding of its contextual meaning and to provide an operationalisable benchmark for analysis. To address this research gap, I propose an analytical framework for solidarity in the European Union that features four necessary conditions: particularity, instrumentality, reciprocity, and responsibility. I develop the framework through a transdisciplinary conceptual history approach, substantiated with a thorough document and legal analysis of European (...)
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  • Moral Paradigms of Intergenerational Solidarity in the Coronavirus-Pandemic.Niklas Ellerich-Groppe, Irmgard Steckdaub-Muller, Larissa Pfaller & Mark Schweda - 2024 - Analyse & Kritik 46 (1):85-119.
    Solidarity between generations served as a prominent but controversially discussed normative reference point in public debates about the Coronavirus-pandemic. The aim of this contribution is the empirical reconstruction and ethical evaluation of prominent notions of intergenerational solidarity and their underlying assumptions in the public media discourse on the pandemic in Germany. After a brief introduction to the concept of intergenerational solidarity and the pertinent discourses during the pandemic, we present the results of a comprehensive qualitative content analysis of 149 articles (...)
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  • La solidarietà come funzione sociale1.Carlo Camboni Burelli - 2023 - Rivista di Estetica 82:30-46.
    The article intends to tackle two key questions: what solidarity means and why it is considered a valuable trait for a society to exhibit. In so doing, it aims to bridge the literature gap between solidarity’s nature and its normative value. In this article, an original hypothesis is explored, i.e. that solidarity ought to be understood in functionalist terms, and that we should want it accordingly because solidarity discharges the crucial function of societal cohesion.
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  • The function of solidarity and its normative implications.Carlo Burelli & Francesco Camboni - 2023 - Ethics and Global Politics 16 (3):1-19.
    Many lament that solidarity is declining, implying there is something good about it; but what is solidarity and why should we want it? Here, we defend an original functionalist re-interpretation of solidarity. Political solidarity plays a key functional role in a polity’s persistence through time. Thus, we should want institutions that foster solidarity. This paper is divided into three parts. In the first, we draw on the philosophy of biology to pinpoint what counts as a proper function, in a way (...)
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  • Solidarity as Social Involvement.Roberto Frega - 2021 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 8 (2):179-208.
    This paper reclaims the concept of solidarity for democratic theory. It does this by proposing a theory of solidarity as social involvement that is construed through the integration of three better known conceptions of solidarity that have played an influential role in the political thought of the last two centuries. The paper begins by explaining why solidarity should receive more sustained attention from political theorists with an interest in democracy, and proceeds by presenting two indispensability arguments. Section three outlines the (...)
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  • EU migration, out-of-work benefits and reciprocity: Are member states justified in restricting access to welfare rights?Dimitrios Efthymiou - 2019 - European Journal of Political Theory 20 (3):547-567.
    This article examines whether restrictions on access to welfare rights for EU immigrants are justifiable on grounds of reciprocity. Recently political theorists have supported some robust restricti...
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  • Groups and Solidarity: Bridging a Gap in Contemporary Social Philosophy1.Francesco Hakli Camboni - 2023 - Rivista di Estetica 82:3-15.
    Introduction Groups and solidarity are, separately, widely debated concepts in contemporary social philosophy, yet their interplay remains largely unexplored and undertheorized. In fact, when it comes to investigating one of these concepts, more often than not the other is at best vaguely mentioned as a background assumption, and vice versa. To be fair, this poor attention to the connections between groups and solidarity is not to be addressed to social philosophers only, for it is easily rec...
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  • How Organizations can Develop Solidarity in the Workplace? A Case Study.Marie-Noëlle Albert, Nadia Lazzari Dodeler & Asri Yves Ohin - 2022 - Humanistic Management Journal 7 (2):327-346.
    The concept of community of persons, which focuses on both persons and the whole, helps understand solidarity. The latter is based on the social nature of persons. Community of persons and solidarity seems to be able to move away from the individualist perspective or the individualism-collectivism dichotomy. Using autopraxeography in a pragmatic constructivism epistemological paradigm, this article aims to explore how organizations can develop solidarity in a workplace. The experience presented takes place in a bank. It shows that communities of (...)
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  • Solidarity with Whom? The Boundary Problem and the Ethical Origins of Solidarity of the Health System in Taiwan.Ming-Jui Yeh & Chia-Ming Chen - 2020 - Health Care Analysis 28 (2):176-192.
    Publicly-funded health systems, including those national health services and social or National Health Insurances, are institutionalized solidarity in health. In Europe, solidarity originated from the legacies of labor movements, the Judeo-Christian traditions, and nationalist sentiments in the re-construction Era after the WWII. In middle-to-high income East Asian countries, such as Japan, Taiwan, Korea, the health systems were built on different grounds and do not have such ethical origins of solidarity. As health systems in Europe and East Asia are both facing (...)
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  • What Is Wrong with Solidarity in EU Asylum and Migration Law?Eleni Karageorgiou & Gregor Noll - 2022 - Jus Cogens 4 (2):131-154.
    In this article, we explore why solidarity has not worked according to expectation in EU migration and asylum law and why it is unlikely to work in the future. First, we consider discourses of burden-sharing and solidarity in EU law from the 1990s up to the Lisbon Treaty in 2009 to identify emergent path dependencies. This period saw the introduction of primary law provisions on solidarity, such as Article 80 TFEU, as French and Dutch electorates had rejected a European constitution. (...)
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  • Solidarity and The Politics of Redress: Structural Injustice, History and Counter-Finalities.David Owen - 2021 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 24 (5):1213-1227.
    This paper examines Nuti’s accounts of structural injustice and historical injustice in the light of a political dilemma that confronted Young’s work on structure injustice. The dilemma emerges from a paradox that can be stated simply: justly addressing structural injustice would require that those subject to structural injustice enjoy the kind of privileged position of decision-making power that their being subject to structural injustice denies them. The dilemma thus concerns how to justly address structural injustice. I argue that Nuti’s account (...)
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  • Solidarity is for other people: identifying derelictions of solidarity in responses to COVID-19.Peter West-Oram - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (2):65-68.
    The role and importance of solidarity for effective health provision is the subject of lengthy and heated debate which has been thrown into even sharper relief by the COVID-19 pandemic. In various ways, and by various authorities we have all been asked, even instructed, to engage in solidarity with one another in order to collectively respond to the current crisis. Under normal circumstances, individuals can engage in solidarity with their compatriots in the context of public health provision in a number (...)
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  • Beyond a diachronic indifference? Grounding the normative commitment towards intergenerational justice.Alberto Pirni - 2023 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 26 (1):120-135.
    In this essay, we aim at framing the ‘negative emotion’ of indifference, starting from its diachronic declination, which seems to beneficiate from a form of justification from the moral point of view (§1). In order to prevent indifference as an outcome – together with its intrinsic motivational strength –, we introduce a methodological account to frame the struggle of motivation internal to the single agent, by classifying different forms of ‘reasons to act’ (§2). We will develop a two-move strategy. Firstly, (...)
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  • What's Wrong with Private Schools.Roger Marples - 2018 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 52 (1):19-35.
    The aim of this article is to demonstrate the respects in which private schools are unfair, and why they pose a threat to the well-being of not only those who are excluded on financial grounds, but to democratic equality and social cohesion in general. The shortcomings associated with relying on a form of educational provision that is merely ‘adequate’ are rendered explicit, and the article concludes with a consideration of a variety of measures that might go some way towards nullifying (...)
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  • Solidarity and We-reasoning.Raul Hakli - 2023 - Rivista di Estetica 82:93-104.
    I will study the concept of solidarity by looking at patterns of practical reasoning leading to behaviour that can be taken to exemplify solidarity. By studying which kinds of premisses are necessary for taking the motivation to display solidarity, in contrast to altruistic or moral motivation, I try to find necessary conditions for solidarity. I will argue that practical reasoning leading to solidary behaviour is a form of we-reasoning in which some of the premisses are in first person plural form (...)
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