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  1. La situation professionnelle : entre invariance et perspective?Paul Olry - 2012 - Revue Phronesis 1 (1):68-84.
    This contribution is an invitation to consider the professional situation in a way that goes beyond a social meaning or a subjective approach. Understood as an intermediate object, the professional situation is studied as a result of tension between invariance and perspective. The data centre on the activity of counselors whose role is to guide farmers confronted with agro-environmental standards. This text brings into question on one hand the attributions qualifying the situation as «professional» and that attest to a form (...)
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  • Human Resource Management and Distress at Work: What Managers Could Learn From the Spirituality of Work in Simone Weil’s Philosophy.Christine Noel-Lemaitre & Séverine Le Loarne-Lemaire - 2012 - Philosophy of Management 11 (2):63-83.
    Workplace spirituality deals with paradoxes. This concept has been taken on board since the late 1980s, but very few human resource managers have realised that workplace spirituality could make an essential contribution to a better understanding of workplace and corporate reality. Increasing numbers of academic papers are being published on this subject but mere remain many grey areas for researchers. The aim of this paper is to use Simone Weil’s philosophy as a reading grid to get an insight into workplace (...)
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  • Critique de la réflexivité (mais est-ce donc possible ?).Yves Couturier - 2013 - Revue Phronesis 2 (1):8-14.
    Résumé. : La réflexivité constitue une thématique à la mode, qui traduit à sa façon une évolution importante dans la façon de penser les pratiques sociales. Mais pour cette même raison, sa conception est encore instable, et les sens et usages dont elle est l’objet sont pour le moins multiples. Pour effectuer un travail de conception sur la notion de réflexivité, il faut d’abord montrer en quoi elle est objet d’une inflation normative la posant comme catégorie logique si attendue qu’une (...)
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  • Towards a new universitary form of professionalization in social work: What are the professionalization levers for which professional figures?Patrick Lechaux - 2023 - Revue Phronesis 12 (1):25.
    L’article porte sur la construction en cours dans le champ de l’intervention sociale d’un nouvel espace épistémique, curriculaire et institutionnel (conjoint universités-écoles sociales). Il cherche à qualifier les marqueurs de cette « forme universitaire de professionnalisation » qui se construit entre prescription ministérielle et pratiques des acteurs. Il présente des ingénieries de professionnalisation au travail qui se réfèrent à des figures de professionnalité faisant débat.
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  • Activité enseignante à l’état naissant et développement du pouvoir d’agir : un prototype clinique.Frédéric Saujat & Christine Félix - 2018 - Revue Phronesis 7 (2):4-14.
    In this contribution we are building on a long-term work conducted within the framework of an intervention-research with Guillemette, a young professor of history- geography working in a “difficult” college. At the time of our first meeting she suffers from not being able to build professional stability needed to consolidate its activity and organizing working conditions and student learning. We show how it is appropriate dialogic device mobilized during the intervention research to make its business development tool. Causing it to (...)
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  • When the Content to Be Taught Is a Norm: Canguilhem-Inspired Contributions to Educational Practices.Xavier Roth - 2018 - Transversal: International Journal for the Historiography of Science 4:64-77.
    It has become customary since Foucault to present Canguilhem as a man whose work is voluntarily restricted to a particular domain of the history of science. Yet the current edition of his Complete Works reveals that Canguilhem has never considered himself a true historian of science. If he traced “the history of the formation, deformation and rectification of scientific concepts”, it is above all to nurture his profession of professor of philosophy with “unknown material”. On the assumption that Canguilhem subordinates (...)
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  • De l’analyse de l’activité aux analyses didactiques : une recherche participative.Fabienne Brière & Laurence Espinassy - 2021 - Revue Phronesis 10 (1):18-36.
    This article focuses on participatory research to understand, support and promote the implementation of skills assessment in Cycle 3 within a strengthened priority education network. The research falls within the theoretical and methodological framework of ergonomic analysis of teachers’ activities in their workplace and is enriched by a didactic analysis aimed at identifying the knowledge in circulation related to the tools implemented in skills assessment. Analysis of the results shows that the evaluation systems and their use(s) are characterized by the (...)
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