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  1. Robots and us: towards an economics of the ‘Good Life’.C. W. M. Naastepad & Jesse M. Mulder - 2018 - Review of Social Economy:1-33.
    (Expected) adverse effects of the ‘ICT Revolution’ on work and opportunities for individuals to use and develop their capacities give a new impetus to the debate on the societal implications of technology and raise questions regarding the ‘responsibility’ of research and innovation (RRI) and the possibility of achieving ‘inclusive and sustainable society’. However, missing in this debate is an examination of a possible conflict between the quest for ‘inclusive and sustainable society’ and conventional economic principles guiding capital allocation (including the (...)
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  • Adam Smith’s Bourgeois Virtues in Competition.Thomas Wells & Johan Graafland - 2012 - Business Ethics Quarterly 22 (2):319-350.
    Whether or not capitalism is compatible with ethics is a long standing dispute. We take up an approach to virtue ethics inspired by Adam Smith and consider how market competition influences the virtues most associated with modern commercial society. Up to a point, competition nurtures and supports such virtues as prudence, temperance, civility, industriousness and honesty. But there are also various mechanisms by which competition can have deleterious effects on the institutions and incentives necessary for sustaining even these most commercially (...)
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  • After The Family Wage.Nancy Fraser - 1994 - Political Theory 22 (4):591-618.
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  • Spiritual Work, Memory Work: Revival and Recollection at Salem Camp Meeting.Bradd Shore - 2008 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 36 (1):98-119.
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  • “Equality Theory” as a Counterbalance to Equity Theory in Human Resource Management.David A. Morand & Kimberly K. Merriman - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 111 (1):133-144.
    This conceptual paper revisits the concept of equality as a base of distributive justice and contends that it is underspecified, both theoretically and in terms of its ethical and pragmatic application to human resource management (HRM) within organizations. Prior organizational literature focuses primarily upon distributive equality of remunerative outcomes within small groups and implicitly employs an equity-based conception of inputs to define equality. In contrast, through exposition of the philosophical roots of equality principles, we reconceptualize inputs as de facto equal (...)
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  • Flourishing on facebook: virtue friendship & new social media.Shannon Vallor - 2012 - Ethics and Information Technology 14 (3):185-199.
    The widespread and growing use of new social media, especially social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, invites sustained ethical reflection on emerging forms of online friendship. Social scientists and psychologists are gathering a wealth of empirical data on these trends, yet philosophical analysis of their ethical implications remains comparatively impoverished. In particular, there have been few attempts to explore how traditional ethical theories might be brought to bear upon these developments, or what insights they might offer, if any. (...)
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  • Temporal control at work: Qualitative time and temporal injustice in the workplace.Chi Kwok - 2021 - Journal of Social Philosophy 53 (2):221-238.
    Journal of Social Philosophy, Volume 53, Issue 2, Page 221-238, Summer 2022.
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  • Unlimited Paid Time Off Policies: Unlocking the Best and Unleashing the Beast.Jessica de Bloom, Christine J. Syrek, Jana Kühnel & Tim Vahle-Hinz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Unlimited paid time off policies are currently fashionable and widely discussed by HR professionals around the globe. While on the one hand, paid time off is considered a key benefit by employees and unlimited paid time off policies are seen as a major perk which may help in recruiting and retaining talented employees, on the other hand, early adopters reported that employees took less time off than previously, presumably leading to higher burnout rates. In this conceptual review, we discuss the (...)
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  • Dependence and precarity in the platform economy.Juliet B. Schor, William Attwood-Charles, Mehmet Cansoy, Isak Ladegaard & Robert Wengronowitz - 2020 - Theory and Society 49 (5-6):833-861.
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  • Going green is good for you: Why we need to change the way we think about pro-environmental behavior.Michael Prinzing - 2020 - Ethics, Policy and Environment (1):1-18.
    Awareness and concern about climate change are widespread. But rates of pro-environmental behaviour are low. This is partly due to the way in which pro-environmental behaviour is framed—as a sacrifice or burden that individuals bear for the planet and future generations. This framing elicits well-known cognitive biases, discouraging what we should be encouraging. We should abandon the self-sacrifice framing, and instead frame pro-environmental behaviour as intrinsically desirable. There is a large body of evidence that, around the world, people who are (...)
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  • A Normative Meaning of Meaningful Work.Christopher Michaelson - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 170 (3):413-428.
    Research on meaningful work has not embraced a shared definition of what it is, in part because many researchers and laypersons agree that it means different things to different people. However, subjective and social accounts of meaningful work have limited practical value to help people pursue it and to help scholars study it. The account of meaningful work advanced in this paper is inherently normative. It recognizes the relevance of subjective experience and social agreement to appraisals of meaningfulness but considers (...)
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  • On the value of economic growth.Julie L. Rose - 2020 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 19 (2):128-153.
    Must a society aim indefinitely for continued economic growth? Proponents of economic growth advance three central challenges to the idea that a society, having attained high levels of income and wealth, may justly cease to pursue further economic growth: if environmentally sustainable and the gains fairly distributed, first, continued economic growth could make everyone within a society and globally, and especially the worst off, progressively better off; second, the pursuit of economic growth spurs ongoing innovation, which enhances people’s opportunities and (...)
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  • Compassion Versus Competitiveness: An Industrial Relations Perspective on the Impact of Globalization on the Standards of Employee Relations Ethics in the United States.Charles Cambridge - 2001 - Ethics and Behavior 11 (1):87-103.
    This article reviews the globalization process and how it impacts the standards of employee relations ethics in the United States. John Dunlop's industrial relations systems framework is employed to assess how the globalization process has altered the ideology that binds the industrial relations system together and the body of rules created to govern behavior in the workplace and work community. I discuss how globalization has altered the context of industrial relations systems around the world and analyze the consequences of the (...)
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  • Can Competition Ever be Fair? Challenging the Standard Prejudice.Christian Arnsperger & Philippe Villé - 2004 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 7 (4):433-451.
    In this paper, we challenge the usual argument which says that competition is a fair mechanism because it ranks individuals according to their relative preferences between effort and leisure. This argument, we claim, is very insufficient as a justification of fairness in competition, and we show that it does not stand up to scrutiny once various dynamic aspects of competition are taken into account. Once the sequential unfolding of competition is taken into account, competition turns out to be unfair even (...)
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  • Contest time: time, territory, and representation in the postmodern electoral crisis.Andrew J. Perrin, Robin E. Wagner-Pacifici, Lindsay Hirschfeld & Susan Wilker - 2006 - Theory and Society 35 (3):351-391.
    Prior generations’ electoral crises (e.g., gerrymandering) have dealt mainly with political maneuverings around geographical shifts. We analyze four recent (1998–2003) American electoral crises: the Clinton impeachment controversy, the 2000 Florida presidential election, the Texas legislators’ flight to Oklahoma and New Mexico, and the California gubernatorial recall. We show that in each case temporal manipulation was at least as important as geographical. We highlight emergent electoral practices surrounding the manipulation of time, which we dub “temporal gerrymandering.” We suggest a theory of (...)
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  • Criticizing and reforming segregated facilities for persons with disabilities.Adrienne Asch, Jeffrey Blustein & David T. Wasserman - 2008 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 5 (2-3):157-168.
    In this paper, we critically appraise institutions for people with disabilities, from residential facilities to outpatient clinics to social organizations. While recognizing that a just and inclusive society would reject virtually all segregated institutional arrangements, we argue that in contemporary American society, some people with disabilities may have needs that at this time can best be met by institutional arrangements. We propose ways of reforming institutions to make them less isolating, coercive, and stigmatizing, and to provide forms of social support (...)
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  • The Hassle of Housework: Digitalisation and the Commodification of Domestic Labour.Ursula Huws - 2019 - Feminist Review 123 (1):8-23.
    This article revisits materialist second-wave feminist debates about domestic labour in the context of digitalisation. Using a differentiated typology of labour, it looks at how the tasks involved in housework have undergone dramatic changes through commodification, decommodification and recommodification without fundamentally altering the gender division of labour in social reproduction, drawing on recent research on the use of online platforms to deliver social reproductive labour via the market in a context in which reproductive labour sits at the centre of an (...)
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  • Chance, Merit, and Economic Inequality: Rethinking Distributive Justice and the Principle of Desert.Joseph de la Torre Dwyer - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This book develops a novel approach to distributive justice by building a theory based on a concept of desert. As a work of applied political theory, it presents a simple but powerful theoretical argument and a detailed proposal to eliminate unmerited inequality, poverty, and economic immobility, speaking to the underlying moral principles of both progressives who already support egalitarian measures and also conservatives who have previously rejected egalitarianism on the grounds of individual freedom, personal responsibility, hard work, or economic efficiency. (...)
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  • Fast Times in Hallowed Halls: Making Time for Activism in a Culture of Speed.Kamilla Petrick - 2015 - Studies in Social Justice 9 (1):70-85.
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  • Gender Constructions and the Possibility of a Generous Economic Actor.Iulie Aslaksen - 2002 - Hypatia 17 (2):118-132.
    In this paper I discuss various approaches to human motivation, considering how the image of economic actors as motivated by narrow self-interest and greed may be changed to one of self-interest combined with generosity and social responsibility. I draw inspiration from feminist economics as well as from psychological, anthropological and mythological material. As an example, I consider the role of self-interest and generosity as motivating forces for ethical investment.
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  • The Ethical Backlash of Corporate Branding.Guido Palazzo & Kunal Basu - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 73 (4):333-346.
    Past decades have witnessed the growing success of branding as a corporate activity as well as a rise in anti-brand activism. While appearing to be contradictory, both trends have emerged from common sources – the transition from industrial to post-industrial society, and the advent of globalization – the examination of which might lead to a socially grounded understanding of why brand success in the future is likely to demand more than superior product performance, placing increasing demand on corporations with regard (...)
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  • Moral Dilemmas, Moral Strategies, and the Transformation of Gender: Lessons from Two Generations of Work and Family Change.Kathleen Gerson - 2002 - Gender and Society 16 (1):8-28.
    Modern societies have reconciled the dilemma between self-interest and caring for others by dividing women and men into different moral categories. Women have been expected to seek personal development by caring for others, while men care for others by sharing the rewards of their independent work achievements. Changes in work and family life have undermined this framework but have failed to offer a clear avenue for creating new resolutions. Instead, contradictory social changes have produced new moral dilemmas. Women must now (...)
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  • Confucian Ethics and Labor Rights.Tae Wan Kim - 2014 - Business Ethics Quarterly 24 (4):565-594.
    ABSTRACT:In this article I inquire into Confucian ethics from a non-ideal stance investigating the complex interaction between Confucian ideals and the reality of the modern workplace. I contend that even Confucian workers who regularly engage in social rites at the workplace have an internal, Confucian reason to appreciate the value of rights at the workplace. I explain, from a Confucian non-ideal perspective, why I disagree with the presumptuous idea that labor (or workplace) rights are necessarily incompatible with Confucian ideals and (...)
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  • Does Indebtedness Influence Health? A Preliminary Inquiry.Melissa B. Jacoby - 2002 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 30 (4):560-571.
    In recent years, consumer debt and the bankruptcy filing rate have received substantial public and media attention in the United States. That attention pales in comparison with widespread concerns and media reporting about health. Yet, both sets of discussions may be relevant to individuals and families facing a combination of health problems and financial problems. In a recent study, nearly half of the sample of individual bankruptcy filers reported they also were dealing with illness, injury, or substantial medical debt.Whether somethmg (...)
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  • Spirituality and Performance in Organizations: A Literature Review.Fahri Karakas - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 94 (1):89-106.
    The purpose of this article is to review spirituality at work literature and to explore how spirituality improves employees' performances and organizational effectiveness. The article reviews about 140 articles on workplace spirituality to review their findings on how spirituality supports organizational performance. Three different perspectives are introduced on how spirituality benefits employees and supports organizational performance based on the extant literature: (a) Spirituality enhances employee well-being and quality of life; (b) Spirituality provides employees a sense of purpose and meaning at (...)
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  • Can Competition Ever Be Fair? Challenging the Standard Prejudice.Christian Arnsperger & Philippe De Villé - 2004 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 7 (4):433 - 451.
    In this paper, we challenge the usual argument which says that competition is a fair mechanism because it ranks individuals according to their relative preferences between effort and leisure. This argument, we claim, is very insufficient as a justification of fairness in competition, and we show that it does not stand up to scrutiny once various dynamic aspects of competition are taken into account. Once the sequential unfolding of competition is taken into account, competition turns out to be unfair even (...)
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  • Global Bioethics.Andrew Jameton - 1994 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 3 (3):449.
    At the September 1992 Birth of Bioethics conference observing the 30th anniversary of the Seattle kidney dialysis program, Warren Reich discussed the “bilocated” birth of the term bioethics. He showed that the term bioethics was coined in Michigan by Van Rensselaer Potter and that the term was also apparently conceived of independently at about the same time in 1970–1971 in Washington, D.C., by Andre Hellegers and Sargent Shriver. Potter's work, like many similar works in the early 1970s, was concerned with (...)
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  • Post-Fordist Work: A Man's World?: Gender and Working Overtime in the Netherlands.Siegwart Lindenberg, Suzan Lewis, Arie Glebbeek & Patricia Van Echtelt - 2009 - Gender and Society 23 (2):188-214.
    There is debate about whether the post-Fordist or high-performance work organization can overcome the disadvantages women encounter in traditional gendered organizations. Some authors argue that substituting a performance logic for control by the clock offers opportunities for combining work and family life in a more natural way. Critics respond that these organizational reforms do not address the nonresponsibility of firms for caring duties at a more fundamental level. The authors address this debate through an analysis of overtime work, using data (...)
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  • Cultural constructions of family schemas: The case of women finance executives.Mary Blair-loy - 2001 - Gender and Society 15 (5):687-709.
    This article uses interview data to examine changes over time in the cultural constructions of executive women's family responsibilities. The author delineates two gendered cultural structures: the family devotion schema and the work devotion schema. Respondents are caught in the conflict between each schema's competing vision of a worthwhile life. Older respondents are more likely to accept the devotion schema's definition of an irreconcilable conflict between work and family, prompting many to avoid marriage or childbearing. In contrast, many members of (...)
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  • Is there Really a Second Shift, and if so, who does it? A Time-Diary Investigation.Lyn Craig - 2007 - Feminist Review 86 (1):149-170.
    This paper draws on data from the most recent Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Time Use Survey (TUS) (over 4,000 randomly selected households) to tease out the dimensions of the ‘second shift’. Predictions that as women entered the paid workforce men would contribute more to household labour have largely failed to eventuate. This underpins the view that women are working a second shift because they are shouldering a dual burden of paid and unpaid work. However, time use research seems to (...)
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  • The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Dialogical Ethics and Market Information. [REVIEW]Dennis A. Kopf, David Boje & Ivonne M. Torres - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 94 (S2):285 - 297.
    We apply dialogism to ethical thought to form a theory of Dialogical Ethics (DE). Specifically, DE is defined as the interplay between four historic ethical traditions: Formal (Kantian) Ethics, Content-Sense (Utilitarian) Ethics, Answerability Ethics, and Value/Virtue (Story) Ethics. On a broader level, DE can be understood as the interplay between the ethical ideas of society. We then use DE to analyze a number of problems in business including sweatshop labor and environmental degradation. To counteract these injustices, we propose two recommendations: (...)
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  • Refusing to believe it: Considerations on public speaking instruction in a post‐Machiavellian moment.William D. Fusfield - 1997 - Social Epistemology 11 (3 & 4):253 – 314.
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  • Work Ethic and Ethical Work: Distortions in the American Dream. [REVIEW]Gayle Porter - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 96 (4):535 - 550.
    Economic progress in the United States has been attributed to the successful combination of two social structures — capitalism as an economic system and democracy as a political system. At the heart of this interaction is a particular work ethic in which hard work is considered the path to both immediate and future rewards. This article examines the evolution of work ethic in the United States, as well as the returns experienced through various adaptations in the country's history. From this (...)
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  • A Kenotic Struggle for Dignity.Jonathan Malesic - 2016 - Journal of Religious Ethics 44 (3):403-424.
    Although Booker T. Washington stands outside the theological canon, his writings offer a pragmatic theology that connects the desire for dignity to a kenotic Christology through an ethic of unceasing work. While Washington's project to improve the lives of African Americans in the Jim Crow–era South was severely compromised by political circumstances, problems within his theology of work made his project especially susceptible to those circumstances. The tragedy of Washington's theology stems from his making dignity contingent upon work being recognized (...)
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  • Workaholism in Korea: Prevalence and Socio-Demographic Differences.Sudol Kang - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This study has two objectives – to provide a Korean form of the workaholism analysis questionnaire, and to analyze workaholic tendencies in South Korea by using a nationally representative data. Using 4,242 samples (2,497 men and 1,745 women), exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted to develop a Korean form (K-WAQ). The four-factor structure of K-WAQ in this study seemed to adequately represent the underlying dimensions of work addiction in Korea. The study also analyzed the prevalence of workaholism among Koreans (...)
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  • France’s 35-Hour Week: Attack on Business? Win-Win Reform? Or Betrayal of Disadvantaged Workers?Anders Hayden - 2006 - Politics and Society 34 (4):503-542.
    France’s 35-hour workweek is one of the boldest progressive reforms in recent years. Drawing on existing survey and economic data, supplemented by interviews with French informants, this article examines the 35-hour week’s evolution and impacts. Although commonly dismissed as economically uncompetitive, the policy package succeeded in avoiding significant labor-cost increases for business. Most 35-hour employees cite quality-of-life improvements despite the fact that wage moderation, greater variability in schedules, and intensification of work negatively impacted some—mostly lower-paid and less-skilled—workers. Taking into account (...)
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  • Recent advances in the economics of individual subjective well-being.Alois Stutzer & Bruno Frey - 2010 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 77 (2):679-714.
    Over the last decades, empirical research on subjective well-being in the social sciences has provided a major new stimulation of the discourse on individual happiness. Recently this research has also been linked to economics where reported subjective well-being is often taken as a proxy measure for individual welfare. In our review, we intend to provide an evaluation of where the economic research on happiness stands and of three directions it might develop. First, it offers new ways for testing the basic (...)
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  • The Intellectual Assembly Line is Already Here.Willem H. Vanderburg - 2004 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 24 (4):331-341.
    The universal attempt to link computers by means of business process reengineering, enterprise integration, and the management of technology is creating large systems that structure and control the flows of information within institutions. Human work associated with these systems must be reorganized in the image of these technologies. The transformation of office work now parallels that of factory work as a result of the intellectual assembly line: Each so-called knowledge worker adds and transforms information in a manner almost entirely prescribed (...)
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  • The rat race and working time regulation.Malte Jauch - 2020 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 19 (3):293-314.
    To what extent, if at all, should a just society adopt public policies that regulate and limit the amount of time people work? Attempts to answer this question face a dilemma: Either, we can adopt a laissez-faire view, according to which governments must refrain from imposing working time policies on the labour market. But this view generates a situation in which many citizens experience deep regret about the balance between work and leisure in their lives. Or, we can endorse an (...)
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  • Fairness to Idleness is There A Right Not to Work?Andrew Levine - 1995 - Economics and Philosophy 11 (2):255.
    It is universally agreed that involuntary unemployment is an evil for unemployed individuals, who lose both income and the non-pecuniary benefits of paid employment, and for society, which loses the productive labor that the unemployed are unable to expend. It is nearly as widely agreed that there is at least a prima-facie case for alleviating this evil – for reasons of justice and/or benevolence and/or social order. Finally, there is little doubt that the evils of involuntary unemployment cannot be adequately (...)
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  • Does the Individualist Consume More? The Interplay of Ethics and Beliefs that Governs Consumerism Across Cultures.Monle Lee, Anurag Pant & Abbas Ali - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 93 (4):567-581.
    Individualism leading to more consumerism seems to be a bit of truism nowadays in the media. The USA is particularly indicted for being too individualistic and consumerist. Past research has mostly indicated a positive relationship between the two. However, past research has not suggested a negative association between individualism and consumerism. This paper offers support for such a negative relationship by showing that an individual’s ethical values can temper the consumerist nature of individualists. Data were collected in the USA and (...)
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  • Temporal Autonomy in a Laboring Society.Rutger Claassen - 2012 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 55 (5):543-562.
    Abstract The aim of this paper is to discuss which stance towards the allocation of labor and leisure would be defensible from the perspective of modern liberal political theory. There is a long tradition in philosophy defending an ideal of leisure, but this tradition has been rightly criticized for being too perfectionist. A liberal perspective seems more attractive in not dictating how much time people spend in labor or leisure, but leaving this choice to individuals. The question is whether this (...)
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  • Reflexivity and the Whole Foods Market consumer: the lived experience of shopping for change. [REVIEW]Josée Johnston & Michelle Szabo - 2011 - Agriculture and Human Values 28 (3):303-319.
    There has been widespread academic and popular debate about the transformative potential of consumption choices, particularly food shopping. While popular food media is optimistic about “shopping for change,” food scholars are more critical, drawing attention to fetishist approaches to “local” or “organic,” and suggesting the need for reflexive engagement with food politics. We argue that reflexivity is central to understanding the potential and limitations of consumer-focused food politics, but argue that this concept is often relatively unspecified. The first objective of (...)
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  • Maximizing Human Potential: Capabilities Theory and the Professional Work Environment.Christopher P. Vogt - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 58 (1-3):111-123.
    . Human capabilities theory has emerged as an important framework for measuring whether various social systems promote human flourishing. The premise of this theory is that human beings share some nearly universal capabilities; what makes a human life fulfilling is the opportunity to exercise these capabilities. This essay proposes that the use of human capabilities theory can be expanded to assess whether a company has organized the work environment in such a way that allows workers to develop a variety of (...)
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  • Agrifood systems for competent, ordinary people. Presidential address: Joint Meetings of the Agricultural, Food and Human Values Society and the Association for the Study of Food and Society, Madison, Wisconsin, June 5–8, 1997. [REVIEW]G. W. Stevenson - 1998 - Agriculture and Human Values 15 (3):199-207.
    Focusing on the notion of competencies, the address explores important dimensions of human infrastructure for negotiating alternative agrifood systems. The analytical competencies emphasized are those of making connections and evaluating contradictions. Farm structure and food system connections with human health and consumer culture are chosen as examples. Examined in the context of social change strategies, relational competencies focus on new forms of food citizenship involving alternative organizational relationships between farmers, retailers, and customers. Ethical competencies are framed in relationship to the (...)
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  • Responding to Globalization and Urban Conflict: Human Rights City Initiatives.Jackie Smith - 2018 - Studies in Social Justice 11 (2):347-368.
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  • Henry David Thoreau's Anti‐Work Spirituality and a New Theological Ethic of Work.Jonathan Malesic - 2017 - Journal of Religious Ethics 45 (2):309-329.
    Although Henry David Thoreau stands outside the Christian canon, his outlook on the relations among spirituality, ecology, and economy highlights how Christian theologians can develop a theological work ethic in our era of economic and ecological precarity. He can furthermore help theologians counter the pro-work bias in much Christian thought. In Walden, Thoreau shows that the best work is an ascetic practice that reveals and reaps the abundance of nature and connects the person to the immanent divine and thereby glimpsing (...)
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  • The End of the Utopias of Labor: Metaphors of the Machine in the Post-Fordist Era.Anson Rabinbach - 1998 - Thesis Eleven 53 (1):29-44.
    Are we rapidly approaching the end of the work-centered society? This article contends that at the century's end we may witness the disappearance of the great productivist utopias of the 1920s and 1930s. The crisis of productivist systems and ideologies may be far more significant than the more narrowly defined crisis of communism, or of `Fordism', that many critics have identified. Shifts in the forms of metaphor and the technology of work are taking place which call into question traditional notions (...)
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  • The long term: Capitalism and culture in the new millennium. [REVIEW]M. G. Piety - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 51 (2):103-118.
    One of the most significant developments in the latter part of the 20th century and the first part of this new millennium has been the triumph of short-term over long-term thinking. We are increasingly a culture that looks neither to the past nor to the future, but only to the next “quarter,” or to the next Delphic pronouncement by Alan Greenspan. This cultural construction of time has given rise to social, political and personal problems of unprecedented magnitude. The short-term focus (...)
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