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Pragmatist Aesthetics: Living Beauty, Rethinking Art

Cambridge, USA: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers (1992)

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  1. Practicas estéticas e identidades sociales: prosaica II.Katya Mandoki - 2006 - México: Siglo XXI.
    Desde una perspectiva matricial de la cultura, la autora aborda el estudio de las identidades sociales en su dimensión estética. La presentación dramatúrgica de la persona propuesta por Goffman adquiere un perfil más concreto al enfocar a las identidades a partir de sus procesos de gestación y proyección, pues nunca brotan en el vacío sino a través de matrices que ineludiblemente las conforman. Mandoki explora identidades colectivas religiosas como la cristiana, la musulmana y la judía, así como prácticas familiares, escolares, (...)
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  • Toward an Aesthetics of Creative Practice.Aaron Stoller - 2017 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 4 (1):45-56.
    This paper is an argument for drawing creative practice to the center of philosophical aesthetics. Such an approach would engage philosophical problems that originate from artistic practices. It would also give aesthetics a role in the cultivation of creative practices, both inside and outside of traditional artistic fields. As such aesthetics would begin to engage questions that are pertinent to creativity and the enhancement of artful living.
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  • Ugliness Is in the Gut of the Beholder.Ryan P. Doran - 2022 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 9 (5):88-146.
    I offer the first sustained defence of the claim that ugliness is constituted by the disposition to disgust. I advance three main lines of argument in support of this thesis. First, ugliness and disgustingness tend to lie in the same kinds of things and properties (the argument from ostensions). Second, the thesis is better placed than all existing accounts to accommodate the following facts: ugliness is narrowly and systematically distributed in a heterogenous set of things, ugliness is sometimes enjoyed, and (...)
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  • The Idea of Knowledge and its Evolution in Modern Discourse.Dimitry Mentuz - 2019 - Ottawa: Accent Graphics Communications & Publishing.
    This study conducts an epistemological and contextual discourse analysis of the idea of knowledge in the philosophy of the 20th century. The main key stones of this work are as follows: the identification of the essential characteristics indicating the ontological genesis of the existing crisis of epistemological and ethical foundations; consideration of the main distinctive features of knowledge interpretation in epistemology and contextualism as a possible knowledge production instrument; study of the possibility of restoring an integral picture of the world (...)
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  • Contemporary Kitsch: the Death of Pseudo-Art and the Birth of Everyday Cheesiness (A Postcolonial Inquiry).Max Ryynänen - 2018 - Terra Aestheticae: Journal of Russian Society for Aesthetics 1 (1):70-86.
    The discourse on kitsch has changed tone. The concept, which in the early 20th century referred more to pretentious pseudo-art than to cute everyday objects, was attacked between the World Wars by theorists of modernity (e.g. Greenberg on Repin). The late 20th century scholars gazed at it with critical curiosity (Eco, Kulka, Calinescu). What we now have is a profound interest in and acceptance of cute mass-produced objects. It has become marginal to use the concept to criticize pseudo-art. Scholars who (...)
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  • Empathy, engagement, entrainment: the interaction dynamics of aesthetic experience.Ingar Brinck - 2018 - Cognitive Processing 2 (19):201-213.
    A recent version of the view that aesthetic experience is based in empathy as inner imitation explains aesthetic experience as the automatic simulation of actions, emotions, and bodily sensations depicted in an artwork by motor neurons in the brain. Criticizing the simulation theory for committing to an erroneous concept of empathy and failing to distinguish regular from aesthetic experiences of art, I advance an alternative, dynamic approach and claim that aesthetic experience is enacted and skillful, based in the recognition of (...)
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  • Introduction – Bodily Performance: On Aura and Reproducibility.Bryan S. Turner - 2005 - Body and Society 11 (4):1-17.
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  • Dimensions of aesthetic encounters: perception, interpretation, and the signs of art.Robert E. Innis - 2022 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
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  • Pragmatists on the Everyday Aesthetic Experience.Alexander Kremer - 2020 - Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 9 (2):66-74.
    Although the first ‘pragmatist aesthetics’ was devised by John Dewey in his Art as Experience, Richard Shusterman has been the only scholar to use the notion of “pragmatist aesthetics” in his Pragmatist Aesthetics. In this paper, I show that Dewey already refuses the gap between the practices of the ‘artworld’ and that of everyday life. In Art as Experience, he criticizes the ‘museum conception’ of art to argue that some aesthetic experiences in our daily life have the same essential structure (...)
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  • What Makes Things Banal.Lukáš Makky - 2020 - Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 9 (2):94-104.
    In this paper, I investigate the origins of banality and the reasons why some phenomena appear banal to us. I discuss the issue by analysing three interrelated areas of aesthetic investigation: artworks, everyday objects, and banal things. By identifying the source of banality, my goal is to understand what makes banal things different from other kinds of things. I consider the following questions: 1) when, why, and how does an object become banal?; 2) what happens when something becomes banal?; 3) (...)
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  • Dewey on art as evocative communication.Scott R. Stroud - 2007 - Education and Culture 23 (2):pp. 6-26.
    In his work on aesthetics, John Dewey provocatively (and enigmatically) called art the "most universal and freest form of communication," and tied his reading of aesthetic experience to such an employment. I will explore how art, a seemingly obscure and indirect means of communication, can be used as the most effective and moving means of communication in certain circumstances. Dewey's theory of art will be shown to hold that art can be purposively employed to communicatively evoke a certain experience through (...)
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  • The emergence of value: human norms in a natural world.Lawrence Cahoone - 2023 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    Argues that truth, moral right, political right, and aesthetic value may be understood as arising out of a naturalist account of humanity, if naturalism is rightly conceived.
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  • Groundless beauty: feminism and the aesthetics of uncertainty.Janet Wolff - 2006 - Feminist Theory 7 (2):143-158.
    The ‘return to beauty’ raises a number of questions for feminism. This paper begins by suggesting that there is no real reason for a feminist distrust either of beauty or of the discourses of beauty. The more difficult question is how to comprehend the bases of aesthetic judgement more generally, given feminist and other critiques of aesthetics and art criticism. The paper proposes looking at the cognate ‘value’ fields of ethics and political philosophy, in order to develop an approach to (...)
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  • Re-imagining learning through art as experience: An aesthetic approach to education for life.Elizabeth M. Grierson - 2017 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 49 (13):1246-1256.
    This paper investigates what it may mean to re-imagine learning through aesthetic experience with reference to John Dewey’s Art as Experience. The discussion asks what learning might look like when aesthetic experience takes centre stage in the learning process. It investigates what Dewey meant by art as experience and aesthetic experience. Working with Dewey as a philosopher of reconstruction of experience, the discussion examines responses to poetic writings and communication in learning situations. In seeking to discover what poetic writing does (...)
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  • But Is It really Art? The Classification of Images as “Art”/“Not Art” and Correlation with Appraisal and Viewer Interpersonal Differences.Matthew Pelowski, Gernot Gerger, Yasmine Chetouani, Patrick S. Markey & Helmut Leder - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  • Pragmatism, artificial intelligence, and posthuman bioethics: Shusterman, Rorty, Foucault. [REVIEW]Jerold J. Abrams - 2004 - Human Studies 27 (3):241-258.
    Michel Foucault's early works criticize the development of modern democratic institutions as creating a surveillance society, which functions to control bodies by making them feel watched and monitored full time. His later works attempt to recover private space by exploring subversive techniques of the body and language. Following Foucault, pragmatists like Richard Shusterman and Richard Rorty have also developed very rich approaches to this project, extending it deeper into the literary and somatic dimensions of self-stylizing. Yet, for a debate centered (...)
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  • Transcending the opposition between consciousness aesthetics and somaesthetics.Chunshi Yang - 2009 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 4 (4):616-630.
    Modern aesthetics in its early phase was “consciousness aesthetics” which upheld spirit but obviated body, hence offered demonstration for the priority of refined art as well as elite culture. In its later period, modern aesthetics converted into “somaesthetics” which, at the same time when it affirmed the identity of consciousness and body, laid particular stress on body, hence offered basis for the reasonableness of popular art as well as mass culture. Thus consciousness aesthetics and somaesthetics have their respective reasonableness and (...)
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  • Affective Proprioception.Jonathan Cole & Barbara Montero - 2007 - Janus Head 9 (2):299-317.
    Proprioception has been considered, within neuroscience, in the context of the control of movement. Here we discuss a possible second role for this 'sixth sense', pleasure in and of movement,homologous with the recently described affective touch. We speculate on its evolution and place in human society and suggest that pleasure in movement may depend not on feedback but also on harmony between intention and action. Examples come from expert movers, dancers and sportsmen, and from those without proprioception due to neurological (...)
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  • How to become an iconic social thinker: The intellectual pursuits of Malinowski and Foucault.Dominik Bartmanski - 2012 - European Journal of Social Theory 15 (4):427-453.
    The present article develops a new approach to intellectual history and sociology of knowledge. Its point of departure is to investigate the conditions under which social thinkers assume the iconic reputation. What does it take to become ‘a founding father’ of a humanistic discipline? How do social thinkers achieve the status of a trans-disciplinary star? Why some intellectuals attract tremendous attention and ‘go down in history’ despite personal and professional failures, while others enjoy only limited recognition or simply sink into (...)
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  • Art in Corporate Governance: a Deweyan Perspective on Board Experience.Donald Nordberg - 2021 - Philosophy of Management 20 (3):337-353.
    Corporate governance sits at the intersection of many disciplines, among them law, business, management, finance, and accounting. The point of departure for large portions of this literature concerns the ugliness of greed, ambition, misdemeanors, and malfeasance of corporations, their directors, and those actors who hold shares in them. This essay takes a rather different starting point. Drawing upon insights from a distant field, it uses the discussion of aesthetics in Dewey’s treatise on art to ask what motivates directors to act (...)
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  • What Is Philosophy of Music Education and Do We Really Need It?Elvira Panaiotidi - 2002 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 21 (3):229-252.
    The article deals with the problem of the disciplinary identification of thephilosophy of music education. It explores alternative approaches to thephilosophy of music education and its relation to musical pedagogy. On thebasis of this analysis an account of the philosophy of music education as aphilosophical discipline is suggested and its specific function identified.
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  • Somaesthetics and yoga.Jiyun Bae - 2020 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 47 (2):217-231.
    This study delves into the philosophy, aesthetics, and educational components of somaesthetics to highlight the art of living by practicing body awareness. Specifically, this study focuses on ‘educ...
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  • Heideggerjevski izvori estetike vsakdanjosti.Cristian Hainic - 2015 - Filozofski Vestnik 36 (1).
    Izhajajoč iz hermenevtične fenomenologije Martina Heideggerja, ki pretresa ontološki status umetniških del in se osredotoča na njihov značaj »stvari«, da bi destruirala tradicionalni pomen umetnosti, trdim, da za estetiko vsakdanjosti lahko rečemo, da pripada postheidegerjevski nalogi ponovnega premisleka umetnosti in temeljev estetike. Privzemanje hermenevtičnega pristopa k umetnosti ima za estetiko dvojno posledico: na eni strani širi njen doseg, s tem ko jo razširi onstran območja lepe/visoke umetnosti k vsakdanjim predmetom in izkustvom, in, na drugi strani, meče novo luč na pomen (...)
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  • The journey from language to experience: Frank Ankersmit's lost "historical" cause.Peter P. Icke - unknown
    My purpose in the researching and the writing of this thesis has been to investigate, and to try to explain, Frank Ankersmit's curious shift from his well expressed and firmly held narrativist position of "Narrative Logic", to an arguably contradictory, yet passionately held counter belief in the plausibility of a form of direct historical experience - an authentic unmediated relationship with the past. I am, accordingly, presenting here what I believe to be the most adequate explanatory account of/for Ankersmit's intellectual (...)
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  • Review Article: Somaesthetics and the Critique of Cartesian Dualism: Body Consciousness: A Philosophy of Mindfulness and Somaesthetics by Richard Shusterman Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008, pp. 256, ISBN 978—0—521—67587—1 paperback, $24.99 Reviewed by Bryan S. Turner, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore. [REVIEW]Bryan S. Turner - 2008 - Body and Society 14 (3):129-133.
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  • Exploring aesthetics in design : implications for human–computer interaction.Mads Nygaard Folkmann - 2018 - Human Technology 14 (1):6-26.
    In this article, I enter into a discussion of how aesthetics can be conceptualized in the context of design and related to the field of human–computer interaction (HCI). I contest the current trend in design aesthetics that primarily focuses on beauty, pleasure, and the creation of emotional appeal by means of the sensual and visual elements of the design. Conversely, I advocate for a series of concepts related to aesthetics, such as reflectivity, representation, and epistemology, as these point aesthetics beyond (...)
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  • Artworks as diagrams : Diagrammatic reasoning and the epistemic potential of art.Leticia Vitral - unknown
    This thesis is concerned with establishing a bridge between matters of aesthetics and epistemology, by investigating the mechanisms through which artworks allow agents to derive knowledge through the former’s manipulation. It is proposed that, in order to understand the epistemic potential of artworks, we need to approach them as diagrams, in the sense developed by Charles Peirce. The background upon which the arguments are developed are mainly those of American Pragmatism – with a special emphasis on primary literature from Charles (...)
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