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The Experience of Childhood and the Learning Society: Allowing the Child to be Philosophical and Philosophy to be Childish.Thomas Storme & Joris Vlieghe - 2011 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 45 (2):183-198.details
Biopolitical utopianism in educational theory.Tyson Lewis - 2007 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 39 (7):683–702.details
Ethics review, neoliberal governmentality and the activation of moral subjects.Fiona James - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (5):548-558.details
European Citizens under Construction: The Bologna process analysed from a governmentality perspective.Andreas Fejes - 2008 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 40 (4):515-530.details
The ‘subject of ethics’ and educational research OR Ethics or politics? Yes please!Jesse Bazzul - 2017 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 49 (10).details
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Education in the Age of Biocapitalism: Optimizing educational life for a flat world.Gregory N. Bourassa - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (5):532-536.details
The Promissory Future(s) of Education: Rethinking scientific literacy in the era of biocapitalism.Clayton Pierce - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (7):721-745.details
The Researcher and the Studier: On Stress, Tiredness and Homelessness in the University.Naomi Hodgson - 2016 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 50 (1):37-48.details
Rethinking the Learning Society: Giorgio Agamben on Studying, Stupidity, and Impotence.Tyson E. Lewis - 2011 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 30 (6):585-599.details
The Eclipse of Imagination Within Educational ‘Official’ Framework and Why It Should be Returned to Educational Discourse: A Deweyan Perspective.Vasco D’Agnese - 2016 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 36 (4):443-462.details
It’s a Profane Life: Giorgio Agamben on the freedom of im-potentiality in education.Tyson Edward Lewis - 2014 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 46 (4):334-347.details
The new spirit of capitalism in European Liberal Arts programs.Jakob Claus, Thomas Meckel & Farina Pätz - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (11):1011-1019.details
Critiquing the Educational Present: The (limited) usefulness to educational research of the Foucauldian approach to governmentality.Roy Goddard - 2010 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 42 (3):345-360.details
Equitable relief as a relay between juridical and biopower: the case of school desegregation.Gordon Hull - 2016 - Continental Philosophy Review 50 (2):225-248.details
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Politics Under Erasure: A post-Foucauldian Reconsideration of Neoliberalism in Higher Education.Harvey Shapiro - 2019 - Philosophy of Education 75:524-537.details
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Jacques Rancière's Aesthetic Regime and Democratic Education.Tyson E. Lewis - 2013 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 47 (2):49-70.details