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Intentional Analysis and the Noema

Dialectica 38 (2, 3):113-129 (1984)

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  1. Internalism and externalism in transcendental phenomenology.Christian Skirke - 2021 - European Journal of Philosophy 30 (1):182-204.
    European Journal of Philosophy, Volume 30, Issue 1, Page 182-204, March 2022.
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  • The Little Word “as.” On Making Contexts and Aspects Explicit.Konrad Werner - 2020 - Axiomathes 30 (1):69-90.
    The word “as” enables one to make contexts and aspects of things explicit while attributing properties or descriptions to them. For example “John is rational as a mathematician”; “John is irrational as a driver.” This paper examines the idea according to which all propositions containing “as” should be targeted as potential inferences about the subject; as for the examples given—about John. If the inference is valid—the conception in question holds—one can get rid of “as.” I argue against that view by (...)
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  • Sens et non-sens de l’hylétique dans la phénoménologie de Husserl.Aurelien Zincq - 2017 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 9 (1):30-62.
    The purpose of this paper is to stress the constancy of the Husserlian conception of sensible contents. I argue that Husserl, despite some significant changes in his philosophical views between 1901 and 1913, always maintained that sensations have a founding role to play in perceptual experience. The proposed interpretation is build against the idea of a scission in Husserl’s work as regards the status of sensations—an idea which became widespread due to the so-called Fregean readings of phenomenology. Even if the (...)
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  • Intentionality, Constitution and Merleau‐Ponty's Concept of ‘The Flesh’.Dimitris Apostolopoulos - 2017 - European Journal of Philosophy 25 (3):677-699.
    Since Husserl, the task of developing an account of intentionality and constitution has been central to the phenomenological enterprise. Some of Merleau-Ponty's descriptions of ‘the flesh’ suggest that he gives up on this task, or, more strongly, that the flesh is in principle incompatible with intentionality or constitution. I show that these remarks, as in Merleau-Ponty's earlier writings, refer to the classical, early Husserlian interpretations of these concepts, and argue that the concept of the flesh can plausibly be understood to (...)
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  • Edmund Husserl (1859-1938).Denis Fisette (ed.) - 2009 - Montreal: Philosophiques.
    Ce numéro de Philosophiques rend hommage au philosophe d’origine autrichienne Edmund Husserl (1859-1938) à l’occasion de son 150e anniversaire de naissance. Il est consacré à l’oeuvre du jeune Husserl durant la période de Halle (1886-1901) et réunit plusieurs spécialistes des études husserliennes qui jettent un regard neuf sur cette période méconnue dans la philosophie du père de la phénoménologie. Avec un souci de situer Husserl dans le contexte historique auquel appartiennent ses principaux interlocuteurs durant cette période, ces études portent sur (...)
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  • The state of the question in early Heidegger studies.William Blattner - 2024 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 62 (2):127-161.
    This article surveys the state of the literature in English‐language scholarship on Heidegger's early work (1919–29). The survey falls into roughly two halves. The first is devoted to scholarship on Heidegger's intellectual development during the 1920s, focusing on four themes: Heidegger's relationship to Husserl; Heidegger's early phenomenology of religious life; Heidegger's appropriation of Aristotle; and Heidegger's retrieval of Kant's First Critique. The second half focuses on work on the early Heidegger that has arisen out of the reception of his early (...)
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  • Réduction et subjectivation chez Theodor Celms.Denis Seron - 2018 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 10 (2):295-316.
    The work of the Latvian phenomenologist Theodor Celms provides an interesting attempt to reinterpret Husserl’s phenomenological reduction in terms of Natorp’s subjectivation. This paper summarizes in broad outline some salient features of Celms’ theory of subjectivation and discusses some of its similarities and differences with Husserl’s and Natorp’s views. I focus on two more central points. First, Celms proposes to interpret Husserlian reduction as radicalizing or generalizing an operation of thought that is pervasive throughout all forms of cognition. Secondly, he (...)
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  • Subjectivity, nature, existence: Foundational issues for enactive phenomenology.Thomas Netland - 2023 - Dissertation, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
    This thesis explores and discusses foundational issues concerning the relationship between phenomenological philosophy and the enactive approach to cognitive science, with the aim of clarifying, developing, and promoting the project of enactive phenomenology. This project is framed by three general ideas: 1) that the sciences of mind need a phenomenological grounding, 2) that the enactive approach is the currently most promising attempt to provide mind science with such a grounding, and 3) that this attempt involves both a naturalization of phenomenology (...)
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  • Christian Beyer, intentionalität und referenz. Eine sprachanalytische studie zu husserls transzendentaler phänomenologie.Matteo Bianchin - 2003 - Husserl Studies 19 (3):217-224.
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  • Intentionality in Avicenna: a reconstruction based on his notion of ‘consideration’.Mohsen Saber & Majid Tavoosi Yangabadi - 2023 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (6):1241-1253.
    Although Avicenna does not explicitly develop a ‘theory of intentionality', one can reconstruct his account of intentionality through an analysis of his thoughts on the relation between mind, meaning, and thing. We take up this task in this paper through an analysis of Avicenna's theory of the considerations of quiddity. First, we clarify Avicenna's idea of ‘quiddity', and show how it functions as a core of ‘meaning' which remains identical in its different modes of realization. Second, through an examination of (...)
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  • Passives noema und die analytische interpretation.Luis Román Rabanaque - 1993 - Husserl Studies 10 (2):65-80.
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  • The relevance of Husserl today.J. N. Mohanty - 1988 - Husserl Studies 5 (3):219-233.
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  • Commentaire sur l’ouvrage de David W. Smith, Husserl. [REVIEW]Eduard Marbach - 2009 - Philosophiques 36 (2):609-618.
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  • Noemata and their formalization.Wojciech Krysztofiak - 1995 - Synthese 105 (1):53 - 86.
    The presentation of the formal conception of noemata is the main aim of the article. In the first section, three informal approaches to noemata are discussed. The goal of this chapter is specifying main controversies and their sources concerned with different ways of the understanding of noemata. In the second section, basic assumptions determining the proposed way of understanding noemata are presented. The third section is devoted to the formal set-theoretic construction needed for the formal comprehension of noemata. In the (...)
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  • Limits of thought and Husserl's phenomenology.Brian Redekopp - 2011 - Dissertation, Mcgill University
    In this thesis I develop an account of the nature of limits of thought in terms of Husserl's phenomenology. I do this by exploring in terms of Husserl's phenomenology various ways thought-limits are encountered. Chapter One employs Husserl's analyses of meaning and intentionality to clarify the limits of conception and of questioning that emerge in wonder at the existence of the world. Chapter Two undertakes a critique of Husserl's refutation of psychologism in logic in order to clarify limits encountered in (...)
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  • Schèmes perceptuels.Denis Seron - 2011 - Bulletin d'Analyse Phénoménologique.
    SOMMAIRE 1. Deux questions préalables à toute théorie de l?intentionnalité Où est le contenu intentionnel ? L?intentionnalité est-elle nécessairement conceptuelle ? 2. Premiers arguments pour et contre la conceptualisation du noème 3. Quelque part entre le conceptualisme et le Mythe du donné 4. Trois contre-arguments de Searle 5. Réponse aux contre-arguments de Searle 6. Perspectives Contenu perceptuel et signification Significations propres et schèmes perceptuels Les schèmes perceptuels sont intrinsèques Problèmes généraux.
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