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  1. (1 other version)Neuropragmatism: A Neurophilosophical Manifesto.Tibor Solymosi & John Shook - 2013 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 5 (1).
    Over the past three decades, cognitive science has been making a turn towards pragmatism. Here we outline steps towards completing this turn. As a handful of cognitive scientists and philosophers have been arguing more recently, the insights of William James, John Dewey, and George Herbert Mead are not only being re-discovered, they are also proving rather prescient in light of growing research. The new field of neuropragmatism aims to take these insights seriously and further into new directions for both pragmatism (...)
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  • Neuropragmatic Tools for Neurotechnological Culture: Toward a Creatively Democratic Cybernetics of Care.Tibor Solymosi - 2023 - Contemporary Pragmatism 20 (1-2):77-117.
    I address the problem of caring for our body-mind through neuropragmatism, cybernetics, and Larry Hickman’s work on John Dewey and the philosophy of technology. The problems of body-mind health are related to Emma Dowling’s The Care Crisis. I address this crisis by drawing on Jay Schulkin’s conception of viability as the creative tension between stability and precarity. From this, I extend body-mind health to questions of democracy, leading to the proposal of body-mind-world as an elaboration of neuropragmatism’s evolutionary and ecological (...)
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  • Dewey's Pragmatism from an Anthropological Point of View.Loren Goldman - 2012 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 48 (1):1.
    In this article I defend John Dewey's use of the concept of "culture" in light of his anthropological sources and suggest that this cultural turn has much to teach contemporary scholars. Contrary to critics, I argue that Dewey's reconstructive aims are indeed well served by "culture" as a term for the complex set of symbolic and material resources shaping habit. Common misreadings of Dewey could be avoided by a better understanding of this anthropological appropriation; moreover, Dewey's emphasis on culture should (...)
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  • Against representation: A brief introduction to cultural affordances.Tibor Solymosi - 2013 - Human Affairs 23 (4):594-605.
    Cognitive science and its philosophy have been far too long consumed with representation. This concern is indicative of a creeping Cartesianism that many scientists and philosophers wish to evade. However, their naturalism is often insufficiently evolutionary to fully appreciate the lessons of pragmatism. If cognitive neuroscience and pragmatism are to be mutually beneficial, the representational-friendly scientists and the anti-representational pragmatists need an alternative to representation that still accounts for what many find so attractive about representation, namely intentionality. I propose that (...)
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  • (1 other version)Minimal mind.Alexei A. Sharov - 2012 - In Liz Swan, Origins of Mind. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 343--360.
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  • Neuropragmatism, Neuropsychoanalysis, Therapeutic Trends, and the Care Crisis.Tibor Solymosi - 2023 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 15 (2).
    Neuropragmatism offers a non-dualistic conception of experience from which scientific inquiries can provide resources for sociocultural critique. This reconstructive effort addresses what Emma Dowling calls the care crisis without succumbing to what Mike W. Martin calls therapeutic tyranny. This tyranny relies on problematic dualisms, between mind/body, mind/world, and fact/value, that are also found in neuropsychoanalysis. While pragmatism and psychoanalysis more generally share an evolutionary perspective and can overlap in therapeutic approaches, neuropsychoanalysis diverges from this effort in its dual-aspect monism and (...)
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  • Creative Resilience.Tibor Schulkin Solymosi - 2024 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 16 (1).
    We articulate a conception of resilience via allostasis and the free energy principle to augment Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s conception of antifragility. Creative resilience is resilience 3.0, after robustness (1.0) and antifragility (2.0), because creative resilience is the deliberate effort to construct ecological niches toward a more caring and thus more viable world for more people – what Dewey proffered as the moral ideal of creative democracy. Viability is understood as the healthy tension between stability and precarity. Viability is related to (...)
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  • Neuropragmatism on the origins of conscious minding.Tibor Solymosi - 2012 - In Liz Swan, Origins of Mind. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 273--287.
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  • (1 other version)Imitation, Skill Learning, and Conceptual Thought: an embodied, developmental approach.Ellen Fridland - 2012 - In Liz Swan, Origins of Mind. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 203--224.
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  • Josiah Royce: A Neglected Figure and a Valuable Resource in Mining the Pragmatism/Phenomenology Interactions for Current Philosophical Inquiry.Jacquelyn Ann K. Kegley - 2022 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 14 (2).
    In asking to what extent the interaction between pragmatism and phenomenology offers a valuable resource for re-imaging the limits and potentialities of philosophical inquiry, one needs to acknowledge, first, that pragmatist philosophers, beginning with Josiah Royce, actively contributed to the re-elaboration of the issues and strategies of phenomenology in the American context. Secondly, it will be argued that the philosophies of the classical pragmatists, Peirce, Royce, James, and Dewey, contain important resources for creating a new understanding of the human self (...)
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  • Origins of the Qualitative Aspects of Consciousness: Evolutionary Answers to Chalmers' Hard Problem.Jonathan Y. Tsou - 2012 - In Liz Swan, Origins of Mind. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 259--269.
    According to David Chalmers, the hard problem of consciousness consists of explaining how and why qualitative experience arises from physical states. Moreover, Chalmers argues that materialist and reductive explanations of mentality are incapable of addressing the hard problem. In this chapter, I suggest that Chalmers’ hard problem can be usefully distinguished into a ‘how question’ and ‘why question,’ and I argue that evolutionary biology has the resources to address the question of why qualitative experience arises from brain states. From this (...)
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  • A Reconstruction of Freedom in the Age of Neuroscience: A View from Neuropragmatism.Tibor Solymosi - 2011 - Contemporary Pragmatism 8 (1):153-171.
    Pragmatism has resurged explicitly in neopragmatism and implicitly in neurophilosophy. Neopragmatists have focused primarily on ideals, like human freedom, but at the expense of science. Neurophilosophers have focused primarily on scientific facts, but with an eye toward dismissing aspects of our self-conception like free will as illusory. In both cases, these resurgences are impoverished as each neglects what Dewey referred to as the method of intelligence. Neurophilosophical pragmatism - neuropragmatism - aims to overcome the deficiencies of neopragmatism and neurophilosophy by (...)
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  • Radical embodied cognitive neuroscience: Addressing “grand challenges” of the mind sciences.Luis H. Favela - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8:01-10.
    It is becoming ever more accepted that investigations of mind span the brain, body, and environment. To broaden the scope of what is relevant in such investigations is to increase the amount of data scientists must reckon with. Thus, a major challenge facing scientists who study the mind is how to make big data intelligible both within and between fields. One way to face this challenge is to structure the data within a framework and to make it intelligible by means (...)
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  • Reconsidering philosophical questions and neuroscientific answers: Two pillars of inquiry.Mark Tschaepe - 2013 - Human Affairs 23 (4):606-615.
    I propose the next steps in the neuropragmatic approach to philosophy that has been advocated by Solymosi and Shook (2013). My focus is the initial process of inquiry implicit in addressing philosophical questions of cognition and mind by utilizing the tools of neuroscientific research. I combine John Dewey’s pattern of inquiry with Charles Peirce’s three forms of inference in order to outline a methodological schema for neuropragmatic inquiry. My goal is to establish ignorance and guessing as well-defined pillars of methodology (...)
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  • Cooking Up Consciousness.Tibor Solymosi - 2013 - Contemporary Pragmatism 10 (2):173-191.
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  • Concept combination and the origins of complex cognition.Liane Gabora & Kirsty Kitto - 2012 - In Liz Swan, Origins of Mind. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 361--381.
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  • Neuropragmatism, the cybernetic revolution, and feeling at home in the world.Tibor Solymosi - 2025 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 24 (1):171-190.
    In recent work, Mark Johnson has argued that a scientifically updated version of John Dewey’s pragmatism affords human beings the opportunity to feel at home in the world. This feeling at home, however, is not fully problematized, nor explored, nor resolved by Johnson. Rather, Johnson and his collaborators, Don Tucker (2021) and Jay Schulkin (2023), defend this updated pragmatism within the historical development of the sciences of life and mind from the twentieth century to the present day. A central theme (...)
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  • Organic codes and the natural history of mind.Marcello Barbieri - 2012 - In Liz Swan, Origins of Mind. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 21--52.
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  • (1 other version)Evolving consciousness : the very idea!James H. Fetzer - 2012 - In Liz Swan, Origins of Mind. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 225--242.
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  • Passionate reasoning as emotional understanding: pragmatism and using emotions in inquiry.Mara-Daria Cojocaru - 2018 - Philosophia 46 (3):609-624.
    Pragmatists have been eager to employ the method of science in philosophy, which meant, too, that they paid a great deal of attention to the attitudes that regulate the process of scientific or systematic inquiry. At the same time, they, at least in the nonstandard theories of emotion to be found in Charles Sanders Peirce and John Dewey, espoused a cognitivist view of emotion, which resonates with some of the concerns that have been at the forefront of the contemporary philosophy (...)
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  • Peculiarities in Mind; Or, on the Absence of Darwin.Tanya de Villiers-Botha - 2011 - South African Journal of Philosophy 30 (3):282-302.
    A key failing in contemporary philosophy of mind is the lack of attention paid to evolutionary theory in its research projects. Notably, where evolution is incorporated into the study of mind, the work being done is often described as philosophy of cognitive science rather than philosophy of mind. Even then, whereas possible implications of the evolution of human cognition are taken more seriously within the cognitive sciences and the philosophy of cognitive science, its relevance for cognitive science has only been (...)
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  • Therapy and Conflict. Between Pragmatism and Psychoanalysis.Federico Petrolini Lijoi - 2023 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 15 (2).
    The history of the relationship between pragmatism and psychoanalysis is both complex and fragmentary. On the pragmatist side, the engagement with Sigmund Freud’s thought – and with the psychoanalytic tradition more generally – tends to be cursory, nonlinear, and at times slightly adversarial. For instance, William James notoriously rejects the unconscious as a concept and develops a different theory of the subconscious. Similarly, Charles S. Peirce frequently refers to the unconscious dimens...
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  • The mind of the noble ape in three simulations.Tom Barbalet - 2012 - In Liz Swan, Origins of Mind. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 383--397.
    The Noble Ape Simulation offers an account of the mind as something that can be observed, measured, and ultimately simulated through external effects. This version of the applied mind is not created through a single method but through layering three simulations relating to information chemistry, social constraints, and evolving narrative. As examples, additional simulation elements in Noble Ape are presented to offer the simulation methodology of Noble Ape. This chapter, rather than being a theoretical critique, is intended as a project (...)
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  • Why Do The Philosophers Regard Neurophilosophy As Highly Marginal?Serdal Tümkaya - 2017 - Kaygı. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Dergisi (29):99-110.
    Majority of the philosophers regard neurophilosophy as a highly marginal philosophical school of thought and reject it based on either principled reasons or alleged facts about the human brain. Principled objections typically include categorical rejections based on assumptions about the nature of philosophical problems and their solutions. Another objection is based on the extremely complex structure of the nervous systems, the idea that if neurophilosophical hypotheses are correct, it would mean the death of philosophy as a separate discipline and the (...)
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  • The evolution of scenario visualization and the early hominin mind.Robert Arp - 2012 - In Liz Swan, Origins of Mind. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 143--159.
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  • (1 other version)Cybersemiotics : a new foundation for a transdisciplinary theory of consciousness, cognition, meaning and communication.Soren Brier - 2012 - In Liz Swan, Origins of Mind. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 97--126.
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  • Representation in biological systems : teleofunction, etiology, and structural preservation.Michael Nair-Collins - 2012 - In Liz Swan, Origins of Mind. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 161--185.
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  • From the natural brain to the artificial mind.Massimo Negrotti - 2012 - In Liz Swan, Origins of Mind. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 399--409.
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  • Mental organs and the origins of mind.Thomas S. Ray - 2012 - In Liz Swan, Origins of Mind. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 301--326.
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  • Mind or mechanism : which came first?Teed Rockwell - 2012 - In Liz Swan, Origins of Mind. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 243--258.
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  • From Non-minds to Minds: Biosemantics and the Tertium Quid.Crystal L'Hôte - 2012 - In Liz Swan, Origins of Mind. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 85--95.
    I present and evaluate the prospects of the biosemantic program, understood as a philosophical attempt to explain the mind’s origins by appealing to something that non-minded organisms and minded organisms have in common: representational capacity. I develop an analogy with ancient attempts to account for the origins of change, clarify the biosemantic program’s aims and methods, and then distinguish two importantly different forms of objection, a priori and a posteriori. I defend the biosemantic program from a priori objections on the (...)
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  • (1 other version)The emergence of empathy in the context of cross-species mind reading.John Sarnecki - 2012 - In Liz Swan, Origins of Mind. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 129--142.
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  • Mnemo-psychography: The Origin of Mind and the Problem of Biological Memory Storage.Frank Scalambrino - 2012 - In Liz Swan, Origins of Mind. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 327--339.
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  • (1 other version)Introduction : exploring the origins of mindedness in nature.Liz Swan - 2012 - In Origins of Mind. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 1--17.
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  • Introductory: From culture to mind and backwards.Emil Višňovský - 2013 - Human Affairs 23 (4):471-473.
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  • Not so exceptional : away from Chomskian saltationism and towards a naturally gradual account of mindfulness.Andrew M. Winters & Alex Levine - 2012 - In Liz Swan, Origins of Mind. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 289--299.
    It is argued that a chief obstacle to a naturalistic explanation of the origins of mind is human exceptionalism, as exempli fi ed in the seventeenth century by René Descartes and in the twentieth century by Noam Chomsky. As an antidote to human exceptionalism, we turn to the account of aesthetic judgment in Charles Darwin’s Descent of Man , according to which the mental capacities of humans differ from those of lower animals only in degree, and not in kind. Thoroughgoing (...)
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  • The Body Surpassed Towards the World and Perception Surpassed Towards Action: A Comparison between Enactivism and Sartre’s Phenomenology.Federico Zilio - 2020 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 28 (1):73-99.
    Enactivism maintains that the mind is not produced and localized inside the head but is distributed along and through brain-body-environment interactions. This idea of an intrinsic relationship between the agent and the world derives from the classical phenomenological investigations of the body (Merleau-Ponty in particular). This paper discusses similarities and differences between enactivism and Jean-Paul Sartre’s phenomenology, which is not usually considered as a paradigmatic example of the relationship between phenomenological investigations and enactivism (or 4E theories in general). After a (...)
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  • Affording Our Culture: “Smart” Technology and the Prospects for Creative Democracy.Tibor Solymosi - 2018 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 2 (4):46-69.
    John Dewey, as Sidney Hook characterized him, was the philosopher of science and freedom. Dewey, as Larry Hickman has demonstrated, was also a philosopher of technology. And, as most people familiar with Dewey know, he was a philosopher of education and democracy. The complex of technology, science, freedom, education and democracy requires re-examination, not only because of our contemporary cultural political situation but also because of our growing insights into the human condition thanks to the technosciences of life, especially human (...)
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  • Dewey on the Brain: Dopamine, Digital Devices, and Democracy.Tibor Solymosi - 2017 - Contemporary Pragmatism 14 (1):5-34.
    Central to Dewey’s treatment of the nervous system throughout his work is its import for ameliorative action. Dewey’s theory of mentation has its origins in his early thought in which he draws on contemporary physics and biology to incorporate the nascent understanding of the nervous system. This interdisciplinary approach continues through his career. After selectively reviewing Dewey’s remarks about brains and nervous systems, I apply his ameliorative theory of mind and brain to our contemporary situation in which our digital devices (...)
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  • Techno-Telepathy & Silent Subvocal Speech-Recognition Robotics.Virgil W. Brower - 2021 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 10 (1):232-257.
    The primary focus of this project is the silent and subvocal speech-recognition interface unveiled in 2018 as an ambulatory device wearable on the neck that detects a myoelectrical signature by electrodes worn on the surface of the face, throat, and neck. These emerge from an alleged “intending to speak” by the wearer silently-saying-something-to-oneself. This inner voice is believed to occur while one reads in silence or mentally talks to oneself. The artifice does not require spoken sounds, opening the mouth, or (...)
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  • Root-Brains: The Frontiers of Cognition in the Light of John Dewey’s Philosophy of Nature.Roman Madzia - 2017 - Contemporary Pragmatism 14 (1):93-111.
    This article endeavors to interpret certain facets of Dewey’s philosophy in light of an underinvestigated research program in contemporary situated cognition, namely, plant cognition. I argue that Dewey’s views on situated cognition go substantially further than most philosophers of embodied mind are ready to admit. Building on the background of current research in plant cognition, and adding conceptual help of Dewey, I contend that plants can be seen as full-blown cognitive organisms, although they do not have what one would normally (...)
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  • Review of C. Koopman, Pragmatism as Transition. Historicity and Hope in James, Dewey, and Rorty. [REVIEW]Roberto Frega - 2009 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 1 (1):135-141.
    Koopman’s book revolves around the notion of transition, which he proposes is one of the central ideas of the pragmatist tradition but one which had not previously been fully articulated yet nevertheless shapes the pragmatist attitude in philosophy. Transition, according to Koopman, denotes “those temporal structures and historical shapes in virtue of which we get from here to there”. One of the consequences of transitionalism is the understanding of critique and inquiry as historical pro...
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