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  1. Critique as a technique of self: a Butlerian analysis of Judith Butler's prefaces.Tom Boland - 2007 - History of the Human Sciences 20 (3):105-122.
    This article considers `critique' as performative, being on the one hand a reiterative performance, that enacts the `critic' through the act of critique, and on the other hand reflecting the constitution of the subject. While this approach takes on the conceptual framework of Judith Butler's work, it differs by refusing critique — or its correlates; parody, subversion or similar — any special status. Like any other performance critique is taken here as a cultural practice, as a Foucauldian `technique of self', (...)
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  • Bearing the lightning of possible storms: Foucault’s experimental social criticism. [REVIEW]Zach VanderVeen - 2010 - Continental Philosophy Review 43 (4):467-484.
    This paper argues that Michel Foucault explicitly rejected the model of critique by which he is often understood—by both his defenders and detractors. Rather than justifying norms that could be said to represent “the people;” judging institutions, norms, and practices accordingly; and creating programs for others to enact, he theorized and practiced an experimental social criticism in which specific intellectuals help people work through “intolerable” situations by multiplying the ways they can think about and act upon them. As Foucault’s work (...)
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  • Reparative critique, care, and the normativity of foucauldian genealogy.Bonnie Sheehey - 2020 - Angelaki 25 (5):67-82.
    The normative status of Michel Foucault’s critical method of genealogy has been the topic of much debate in secondary scholarship. Against the criticisms forwarded by Nancy Fraser and Jürgen Haberm...
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  • Kant-Bibliographie 2003.Margit Ruffing - 2005 - Kant Studien 96 (4):468-501.
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  • Michel Foucault’s Techniques of the Self and the Christian Politics of Obedience.Alexandre Macmillan - 2011 - Theory, Culture and Society 28 (4):3-25.
    Foucault repeatedly argued that his work on techniques of the self were not a denial of his previous work on 18th- and 19th-century Europe, but a different way to make our present intelligible. Although Foucault explicitly associated modern techniques of the self with the Christian model, he never considered Christian techniques of the self in a comprehensive manner. The recent publication of his last two lectures at the Collège de France in 1983 and 1984 seems to fill this gap. Christian (...)
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  • Freiheit und Institution. Für eine anti-anarchistische Foucault-Lektüre.Karsten Schubert - 2020 - Zeitschrift Für Politische Theorie 10 (1):103-124.
    Wie können Freiheit und Widerstand innerhalb von Foucaults Theorie der Macht und Subjektivierung konzipiert werden? Diese zentrale Frage der Interpretation von Foucaults vielschichtigem Werk wurde breit diskutiert und dennoch nicht befriedigend beantwortet. Dass bis heute kaum Klarheit über den Status von Freiheit in Foucaults Werk erreicht werden konnte, liegt auch daran, dass die gängigen Interpretationen die verschiedenen Freiheitsbegriffe, die in Foucaults Werk zu finden sind, vermischen. Der Artikel bringt deshalb Ordnung in diese unübersichtliche Lage, indem er die verschiedenen Freiheitsbegriffe und (...)
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  • What Is Critique?Sverre Raffnsøe - unknown
    Since the Enlightenment critique has played an overarching role in how western society understands itself and its basic institutions. However, opinions differ widely concerning the understanding and evaluation of critique. To understand such differences and clarify a viable understanding of critique, the article turns to Kant’s critical philosophy, inaugurating the “age of criticism”. While generalizing and making critique unavoidable, Kant coins an unambiguously positive understanding of critique as an affirmative, immanent activity. Not only does this positive conception prevail in the (...)
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  • What is Critique? Critical Turns in the Age of Criticism.Sverre Raffnsøe - 2017 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 18 (1):28-60.
    Since the Enlightenment, critique has played an overarching role in how Western society understands itself and its basic institutions. However, opinions differ widely concerning the understanding and evaluation of critique. To understand such differences and clarify a viable understanding of critique, the article turns to Kant’s critical philosophy, inaugurating the “age of criticism”. While generalizing and making critique unavoidable, Kant coins an unambiguously positive understanding of critique as an affirmative, immanent activity. Not only does this positive conception prevail in the (...)
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