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Bolzanos Propositionalismus

New York: W. de Gruyter (1996)

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  1. Bolzano and Kim on grounding and unification.Stefan Roski - 2019 - Synthese 196 (7):2971-2999.
    It is sometimes mentioned that Bernard Bolzano’s work on grounding anticipates many insights of the current debate on metaphysical grounding. The present paper discusses a certain part of Bolzano’s theory of grounding that has thus far not been discussed in the literature. This part does not so much anticipate what are nowadays common assumptions about grounding, but rather goes beyond them. Central to the discussion will be a thesis of Bolzano’s by which he tries to establish a connection between grounding (...)
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  • (2 other versions)Schelers Kritik an der phänomenologischen Auffassung des gegenständlichen Apriori bei Husserl.Wei Zhang - 2011 - Prolegomena 10 (2):265-280.
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  • (2 other versions)Schelerova kritika Husserlova fenomenološkog shvaćanja "objektivnog a priori".Wei Zhang - 2011 - Prolegomena 10 (2):265-280.
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  • From Natural to Artificial: The Transformation of the Concept of Logical Consequence in Bolzano, Carnap, and Tarski.Lassi Saario-Ramsay - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (6):178.
    Our standard model-theoretic definition of logical consequence is originally based on Alfred Tarski’s (1936) semantic definition, which, in turn, is based on Rudolf Carnap’s (1934) similar definition. In recent literature, Tarski’s definition is described as a conceptual analysis of the intuitive ‘everyday’ concept of consequence or as an explication of it, but the use of these terms is loose and largely unaccounted for. I argue that the definition is not an analysis but an explication, in the Carnapian sense: the replacement (...)
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  • Bolzanos Konzeption bloß möglicher Gegenstände.Christian Beyer - 2022 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 99 (3):335-358.
    In Section 1, the author argues that Bolzano does not have a Meinongian view of merely possible objects, not even in the context of his theory of intentionality. In section 2, it is argued that Williamson’s necessitist conception, according to which there is a merely possible golden mountain, was not anticipated by Bolzano. An eternalist reconstruction is rejected as well. The argument takes recourse to Bolzano’s semantics of temporal statements, which also underlies his argument for the eternity of substances and (...)
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  • Judgement and the Epistemic Foundation of Logic.Maria van der Schaar (ed.) - 2012 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    This compelling reevaluation of the relationship between logic and knowledge affirms the key role that the notion of judgement must play in such a review. The commentary repatriates the concept of judgement in the discussion, banished in recent times by the logical positivism of Wittgenstein, Hilbert and Schlick, and the Platonism of Bolzano. The volume commences with the insights of Swedish philosopher Per Martin-Löf, the father of constructive type theory, for whom logic is a demonstrative science in which judgement is (...)
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  • The grounding problem for eternalism.Thorben Petersen - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (7):1819-1852.
    In this paper, I develop an argument against eternalism, which is similar to the widely discussed grounding problem for presentism. It has recently been argued by many that presentism should be rejected on grounds that its sparse ontology is not suited to underwrite the healthy dose of realism we all share about the past. My aim basically is to add a new twist to the debate, by showing that actually eternalists are no better off than their rivals. In particular, I (...)
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  • Bernard Bolzano. Theory of Science. Volumes I–IV. Paul Rusnock and Rolf George, trans. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. ISBN: 978-0-19-968438-0. Pp. 2044. [REVIEW]Jan Sebestik - 2015 - Philosophia Mathematica 23 (3):428-435.
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  • Bolzano et Husserl sur l’intentionnalité.Wolfgang Künne - 2009 - Philosophiques 36 (2):307-354.
    Dans les « Prolégomènes à la logique pure » de ses Recherches logiques , Husserl rend hommage aux deux premiers volumes de la Wissenschaftslehre de 1837 de Bernard Bolzano comme un « ouvrage qui […] surpasse de loin tout ce que la littérature mondiale a à offrir en termes de contributions systématiques à la logique ». Cet article porte sur le jeune Husserl comme lecteur du chef-d’oeuvre de Bolzano, visant ainsi à contribuer à une compréhension adéquate de certains aspects des (...)
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  • Remarks on Bolzano's Conception of Necessary Truth.Paul Rusnock - 2012 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 20 (4):1-21.
    This essay presents a new interpretation of Bolzano's account of necessary truth as set out in ?182 of the Theory of Science. According to this interpretation, Bolzano's conception is closely related to that of Leibniz, with some important differences. In the first place, Bolzano's conception of necessary truth embraces not only what Leibniz called metaphysical or brute necessities but also moral necessities (truths grounded in God's choice of the best among all metaphysical possibilities). Second, in marked contrast to Leibniz, Bolzano (...)
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  • Husserl’s transcendental philosophy and the critique of naturalism.Dermot Moran - 2008 - Continental Philosophy Review 41 (4):401-425.
    Throughout his career, Husserl identifies naturalism as the greatest threat to both the sciences and philosophy. In this paper, I explicate Husserl’s overall diagnosis and critique of naturalism and then examine the specific transcendental aspect of his critique. Husserl agreed with the Neo-Kantians in rejecting naturalism. He has three major critiques of naturalism: First, it (like psychologism and for the same reasons) is ‘countersensical’ in that it denies the very ideal laws that it needs for its own justification. Second, naturalism (...)
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  • Bolzano's externalist semantics of natural kind terms.Sajed Tayebi - 2022 - European Journal of Philosophy 30 (4):1533-1546.
    Through a detailed explication of Bernard Bolzano's semantics of natural kind terms, I elucidate why and to what extent he should be recognized as a remarkable anticipator of semantic externalism. Bolzano deals with kind terms in a brief sub-section of the first volume of his Theory of Science. He divides such terms into two sub-categories, roughly corresponding to organic and inorganic kinds. It is Bolzano's account of inorganic kind terms, such as ‘gold’, that confers on him the status of an (...)
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  • Bolzano sur la structure des propositions et le rôle sémantique des propriétés.Benjamin Schnieder - 2003 - Philosophiques 30 (1):83-103.
    Bernard Bolzano développe une théorie exhaustive et très élaborée des propositions comme entités structurées et composées de concepts. L’une de ses thèses principales consiste à dire que toutes les propositions ont en commun la même structure : « A – a – b ». Cet article examine le rôle que jouent les propriétés eu égard à cette thèse. Lorsque les propriétés figurent dans les théories sémantiques standards, elles sont généralement conçues comme des entités partageables, en d’autres mots, comme des universaux. (...)
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  • Bolzano on the Source of Necessity: A Reply to Rusnock.Mark Textor - 2013 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 21 (2):381 - 392.
    (2013). Bolzano on the Source of Necessity: A Reply to Rusnock. British Journal for the History of Philosophy: Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 381-392. doi: 10.1080/09608788.2012.692661.
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  • Etchemendy and Bolzano on Logical Consequence.Paul Rusnock & Mark Burke - 2010 - History and Philosophy of Logic 31 (1):3-29.
    In a series of publications beginning in the 1980s, John Etchemendy has argued that the standard semantical account of logical consequence, due in its essentials to Alfred Tarski, is fundamentally mistaken. He argues that, while Tarski's definition requires us to classify the terms of a language as logical or non-logical, no such division is guaranteed to deliver the correct extension of our pre-theoretical or intuitive consequence relation. In addition, and perhaps more importantly, Tarski's account is claimed to be incapable of (...)
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  • How to Distinguish Simple Objectless Ideas.Jan Claas - 2022 - History and Philosophy of Logic 44 (4):422-441.
    Bernard Bolzano offers a criterion of individuation for ideas, according to which ideas are distinct if and only if they represent different objects or are composed differently. It fails to individuate ideas that are both simple and fail to represent, in particular syncategorematic ideas and logical constants. However, Bolzano also provides the means to close this gap. He suggests that we can distinguish ideas if they are not substitutable for each other in propositions, which we can, in turn, distinguish in (...)
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  • Bolzano on conceptual and intuitive truth: the point and purpose of the distinction.Mark Textor - 2013 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 43 (1):13-36.
    Bolzano incorporated Kant's distinction between intuitions and concepts into the doctrine of propositions by distinguishing between conceptual (Begriffssätze an sich) and intuitive propositions (Anschauungssätze an sich). An intuitive proposition contains at least one objective intuition, that is, a simple idea that represents exactly one object; a conceptual proposition contains no objective intuition. After Bolzano, philosophers dispensed with the distinction between conceptual and intuitive propositions. So why did Bolzano attach philosophical importance to it? I will argue that, ultimately, the value of (...)
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  • La théorie bolzanienne du fondement et de la conséquence.Armin Tatzel - 2003 - Philosophiques 30 (1):191-217.
    Le but de cet article est de présenter et d’évaluer la théorie de la fondation de Bernard Bolzano, c’est-à-dire sa théorie du concept exprimé et de la relation mise en jeu par « parce que ». Dans la première partie , le concept de fondation est distingué et mis en relation avec trois autres concepts : le concept de raison épistémique, le concept de causalité et le concept de déductibilité . Dans la seconde partie , je reconstruis la théorie bolzanienne (...)
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  • Bolzano and the Analytical Tradition.Sandra Lapointe - 2014 - Philosophy Compass 9 (2):96-111.
    In the course of the last few decades, Bolzano has emerged as an important player in accounts of the history of philosophy. This should be no surprise. Few authors stand at a more central junction in the development of modern thought. Bolzano's contributions to logic and the theory of knowledge alone straddle three of the most important philosophical traditions of the 19th and 20th centuries: the Kantian school, the early phenomenological movement and what has come to be known as analytical (...)
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  • Particularised Attributes.Benjamin Schnieder - 2006 - In Markus Textor (ed.), The Austrian contribution to analytic philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 1--130.
    For philosophers interested in ontological issues, the writings of the important figures of Austrian philosophy in the nineteenth and early twentieth century contain many buried treasures to rediscover. Bernard Bolzano, Franz Brentano, Alexius Meinong, and Edmund Husserl, to name just four grand names of that period, were highly aware of the importance of a feasible ontology for many of the philosophical questions they addressed throughout their works.
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  • (1 other version)Bolzano on the intransparency of content.Stephan Krämer - 2011 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 82 (1):189-208.
    Content, according to Bolzano, is intransparent: our knowledge of certain essential features of the contents of our contentful mental acts is often severely limited. In this paper, I identify various intransparency theses Bolzano is committed to and present and evaluate the defence he offers for his view. I argue that while his intransparency theses may be correct, his defence is unsuccessful. Moreover, I argue that improving on his defence would require substantially modifying his general epistemology of content.
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