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Engineering the Human Soul: Analyzing Psychological Expertise.Nikolas Rose - 1992 - Science in Context 5 (2):351-369.details
Buying local organic food: a pathway to transformative learning. [REVIEW]Sarah Kerton & A. John Sinclair - 2010 - Agriculture and Human Values 27 (4):401-413.details
Evolution or Progress? A (Critical) Defence of Habermas's Theory of Social Development.Graeme Kirkpatrick - 2002 - Thesis Eleven 72 (1):91-112.details
Justification and Application: The Revival of the Rawls–Habermas Debate.Jørgen Pedersen - 2012 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 42 (3):399-432.details
The Traditionality of Statutes.Martin Krygier - 1988 - Ratio Juris 1 (1):20-39.details
Remarks on the concept of critique in Habermasian thought.Simon Susen - 2010 - Journal of Global Ethics 6 (2):103-126.details
Does deliberative democracy need deliberative democrats? Revisiting Habermas’ defence of discourse ethics.Nick O'Donovan - 2013 - Contemporary Political Theory 12 (2):123-144.details
A procedural approach to ethical critique in CDA.Norman Fairclough & Isabela Fairclough - 2018 - Critical Discourse Studies 15 (2):169-185.details
Deliberative democracy and the problem of tacit knowledge.Jonathan Benson - 2019 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 18 (1):76-97.details
On the need for real dialogue: What's wrong with monological contractualism?Soo Jin Kim - 2019 - European Journal of Philosophy 27 (4):939-956.details
Unconscious reasons: Habermas, Foucault, and psychoanalysis.A. Özgür Gürsoy - 2018 - Continental Philosophy Review 52 (1):35-50.details
On making a big deal. Consensus and disagreement in the newspaper coverage of UN climate summits.Ville Kumpu - 2016 - Critical Discourse Studies 13 (2):143-157.details
Political Ambivalence as Praxis: The Limits of Consensus in Habermas's Theory of the Public Sphere.Jordan McKenzie - 2018 - Critical Horizons 19 (1):35-48.details
Engaging Ethically: A Discourse Ethics Perspective on Social Shareholder Engagement.Jennifer Goodman & Daniel Arenas - 2015 - Business Ethics Quarterly 25 (2):163-189.details
Rationality and deliberative democracy: A constructive critique of John Dryzek's democratic theory.Adrian Blau - 2011 - Contemporary Political Theory 10 (1):37-57.details
Type and Spontaneity: Beyond Alfred Schutz’s Theory of the Social World.Jan Straßheim - 2016 - Human Studies 39 (4):493-512.details
The Politics of Autonomy and the Challenge of Deliberation: Castoriadis Contra Habermas.Andreas Kalyvas - 2001 - Thesis Eleven 64 (1):1-19.details
The Importance of Jean Piaget.Christina E. Erneling - 2014 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 44 (4):522-535.details
The Hermeneutic Challenge of Genetic Engineering: Habermas and the Transhumanists.Andrew Edgar - 2009 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 12 (2):157-167.details
Disciplining relativism and truth.Philip Clayton - 1989 - Zygon 24 (3):315-334.details
On the art of being wrong: An essay on the dialectic of errors.Sverre Wide - 2009 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 43 (4):573-588.details
Alienations, cleavages, reclassifications.Alejandro Bialakowsky - 2020 - Constellations 27 (2):285-299.details
Trauma as counter-revolutionary colonisation: Narratives from (post)revolutionary Egypt.Vivienne Matthies-Boon & Naomi Head - 2018 - Journal of International Political Theory 14 (3):258-279.details
Ecological Rites.Bronislaw Szerszynski - 2002 - Theory, Culture and Society 19 (3):51-69.details
Are All Rational Moralities Equivalent?Darryl Gunson - 2011 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 20 (2):238-247.details
Freedom of political speech, hate speech and the argument from democracy: The transformative contribution of capabilities theory.Katharine Gelber - 2010 - Contemporary Political Theory 9 (3):304-324.details
Critique across cultures: some questions for CDA.Hongyan Zhang, Paul Chilton, Yadan He & Wen Jing - 2011 - Critical Discourse Studies 8 (2):95-107.details
Talk Ain’t Cheap: Political CSR and the Challenges of Corporate Deliberation.Cameron Sabadoz & Abraham Singer - 2017 - Business Ethics Quarterly 27 (2):183-211.details
Computer Decision-Support Systems for Public Argumentation: Criteria for Assessment.Willaim Rheg, Peter Mcburney & Simon Parsons - unknowndetails
Lessons from ten years of research on argument.Richard Andrews - unknowndetails
Communicative Unreason.Benjamin Noys - 1997 - Theory, Culture and Society 14 (1):59-75.details
Social philosophy: A reconstructive or deconstructive discipline?Jørgen Pedersen - 2012 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 38 (6):619-643.details
Public Mental Health, Discourse and Safety: Articulating an Ethical Framework.Jennifer Smith-Merry - 2018 - Public Health Ethics 11 (2):165-178.details
Internationalizing Nussbaum’s model of cosmopolitan democratic education.Julian Culp - 2018 - Ethics and Education 13 (2):172-190.details
The unease with civilization.Nicole Pepperell - 2016 - Thesis Eleven 137 (1):3-21.details
Imagining Adorno.Matt F. Connell - 2000 - Theory, Culture and Society 17 (2):133-147.details
The Ambiguous Modernism of Seyla Benhabib.Nicholas Onuf - 2009 - Journal of International Political Theory 5 (2):125-137.details
Mess is more: Radical democracy and self-realisation in late-modern societies.Norbert Ebert - 2019 - Thesis Eleven 151 (1):82-95.details
Knowledge Production, Publicness, and the Structural Transformation of the University: An Interview with Craig Calhoun.Michael McQuarrie - 2006 - Thesis Eleven 84 (1):103-114.details
Critical Theory and the Two-Level Account of Recognition -Towards a New Foundation?Somogy Varga - 2010 - Critical Horizons 11 (1):19-33.details
Introduction: Law in Habermas's theory of communicative action.Mathieu Deflem - 1994 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 20 (4):1-20.details
From substantive to negative universalism.Wim Weymans & Andreas Hetzel - 2012 - Thesis Eleven 108 (1):26-43.details
Exceptional Justice? A Discourse Ethical Contribution to the Immigrant Question.David Ingram - 2009 - Critical Horizons 10 (1):1-30.details
Media Concentration and Minority Ownership: The Intersection of Ellul and Habermas.Kevin Healey & John O. Omachonu - 2009 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 24 (2-3):90-109.details
Education of moral beings: the distortion of Habermas’ empirical sources.Hanna-Maija Huhtala & Katariina Holma - 2019 - Ethics and Education 14 (2):171-183.details
(1 other version)Education for ecological democracy.Michael A. Peters - 2017 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 49 (10):941-945.details
Habermas and Foucault: Deliberative Democracy and Strategic State Analysis.Thomas Biebricher - 2007 - Contemporary Political Theory 6 (2):218-245.details
Delivering Deliberation’s Emancipatory Potential.Andrew Knops - 2006 - Political Theory 34 (5):594-623.details
Towards a discourse-theoretical account of authority and obligation in the postnational constellation.Jonathan Trejo-Mathys - 2012 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 38 (6):537-567.details