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An Approach to Political Philosophy: Locke in Contexts

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (1993)

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  1. Do territorial rights include the right to exclude?Cara Nine - 2019 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 18 (4):307-322.
    Do territorial rights include the right to exclude? This claim is often assumed to be true in territorial rights theory. And if this claim is justified, a state may have a prima facie right to unil...
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  • Against Liberty: Adorno, Levinas, and the Pathologies of Freedom.Eric S. Nelson - 2012 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 59 (131):64-83.
    Adorno and Levinas argue from distinct yet intersecting perspectives that there are pathological forms of freedom, formed by systems of power and economic exchange, which legitimate the neglect, exploitation and domination of others. In this paper, I examine how the works of Adorno and Levinas assist in diagnosing the aporias of liberty in contemporary capitalist societies by providing critical models and strategies for confronting present discourses and systems of freedom that perpetuate unfreedom such as those ideologically expressed in possessive individualist (...)
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  • La constitución fiduciaria de la libertad política.Jordi Mundó - 2017 - Isegoría 57:433.
    Algunas formulaciones de la filosofía política reciente han descuidado el carácter históricamente indexado de conceptos como libertad política, propiedad o soberanía, propiciando un uso anacrónico e impreciso de su significado. No obstante, su posición académica y social dominante informa el «sentido común» filosófico- político de nuestra época. Locke constituye un ejemplo de cómo la coyuntura interpretativa liberal, que se desplegó en el siglo XIX y se consolidó en el XX, ha oscurecido una parte de la complejidad y pluralidad de las (...)
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  • Nationalism.Nenad Miscevic - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • The Empiricist Origin of Biopolitics: Freedom and Potentiality in John Locke.Haram Lee - 2021 - Philosophia 49 (4):1583-1600.
    This article examines John Locke’s theory of subjectivity to challenge the recent critical tendency to associate biopolitics and empiricism. Michel Foucault, most notably among modern theorists of biopolitics, proposes that the Lockean man, or an interest-seeking animal, constitutes the paradigm of a person that remains subject to biopower. Such understanding of empiricism by biopolitical theorists is, however, reductive because Locke’s view of human subjectivity is fundamentally equivocal. As I demonstrate by analyzing his discussion of freedom, action, and desire in An (...)
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  • Attachment to Territory: Status or Achievement?Avery Kolers - 2012 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 42 (2):101-123.
    It is by now widely agreed that a theory of territorial rights must be able to explain attachment or particularity: what can link a particular group to a particular place with the kind of normative force necessary to forbid encroachment or colonization?1 Attachment is one of the pillars on which any successful theory of territory will have to stand. But the notion of attachment is not yet well understood, and such agreement as does exist relies on unexamined assumptions. One such (...)
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  • ‘You be my body for me’: Dispossession in two valences.Catherine Kellogg - 2017 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 43 (1):83-95.
    Judith Butler and Catherine Malabou’s recent exchange, ‘You Be My Body for Me: Body, Shape and Plasticity in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit’, is remarkable because in their rereading of Hegel’s famous lord and bondsman parable, rather than focusing on recognition, work, or even desire, Butler and Malabou each wonder about how Hegel contributes to a new way of thinking about ‘having’ a body and how coming to ‘be’ a body necessarily involves a kind of dispossession. Butler and Malabou’s reading of (...)
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  • Locke's state of nature.Barry Hindess - 2007 - History of the Human Sciences 20 (3):1-20.
    Scholarly discussion has treated the account of the state of nature which Locke presents in his Second Treatise as neither an hypothesis nor a description but rather as a fiction. John Dunn, for example, claims that it is a `theoretical analysis of the fundamental relations of right and duty which obtain between human beings, relations which are logically prior to the particular historical situations in which all actual human beings always in fact find themselves'. Here Dunn presents a misleading account (...)
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  • Spoilage and Squatting: A Lockean Argument.Eloise Harding - 2020 - Res Publica 26 (3):299-317.
    John Locke is generally seen as an unequivocal defender of private property. However, taken normatively, certain aspects of his argument leave room for interesting loopholes with relevance to some of today’s social and political crises. This paper focuses largely on the spoilage proviso—in which Locke warns against appropriating more than one can make use of—and its possible application to abandoned buildings and the potential for legitimate productive use to be made of them by people other than the legal owner. Using (...)
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  • From natural disability to the moral man: Calvinism and the history of psychology.C. F. Goodey - 2001 - History of the Human Sciences 14 (3):1-29.
    Some humanist theologians within the French Reformed Church in the 17th century developed the notion that a disability of the intellect could exist in nature independently of any moral defect, freeing its possessors from any obligations of natural law. Sharpened by disputes with the church leadership, this notion began to suggest a species-type classification that threatened to override the importance of the boundary between elect and reprobate in the doctrine of predestination. This classification seems to look forward to the natural (...)
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  • Rights of Conquest, Discovery and Occupation, and the Freedom of the Seas: a Genealogy of Natural Resource Injustice.Petra Gümplova - 2022 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 54.
    Los derechos de conquista, descubrimiento y ocupación, y la libertad de los mares: una genealogía de la injusticia sobre los recursos naturales Este artículo analiza los orígenes coloniales de tres principios del derecho internacional: el derecho de conquista, el derecho de descubrimiento y ocupación, y la libertad de los mares. Argumento que cada uno de estos derechos se estableció como principio jurídico internacional para facilitar la colonización de pueblos lejanos, sus territorios y tierras, y con el fin de acumular sus (...)
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  • Três ensaios sobre Locke : Ou reconstruindo O sujeito liberal.Ronaldo Tadeu de Souza - 2018 - Cadernos Espinosanos 38:207-221.
    O artigo procura apresentar três interpretações contemporâneas da filosofia político de John Locke. A saber, Leo Strauss, C. B. Macpherson e James Tully. A partir desses três hermeneutas se problematiza a noção de sujeito liberal em Locke e como ele se apresenta na leitura daqueles autores e no próprio texto do filósofo.
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  • John Locke on Native Right, Colonial Possession, and the Concept of Vacuum domicilium.Paul Corcoran - 2018 - The European Legacy 23 (3):225-250.
    The early paragraphs of John Locke’s Second Treatise of Government describe a poetic idyll of property acquisition widely supposed by contemporary theorists and historians to have cast the template for imperial possessions in the New World. This reading ignores the surprises lurking in Locke’s later chapters on conquest, usurpation, and tyranny, where he affirms that native rights to lands and possessions survive to succeeding generations. Locke warned his readers that this “will seem a strange doctrine, it being quite contrary to (...)
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  • The empire of political thought: civilization, savagery and perceptions of Indigenous government.Bruce Buchan - 2005 - History of the Human Sciences 18 (2):1-22.
    This paper examines the relationship between understandings of Indigenous government and the development of early-modern European, and especially British, political thought. It will be argued that a range of British political thinkers represented Indigenous peoples as being in want of effective government and regular conduct due to the absence of sufficiently developed property relations among them. In particular, British political thinkers framed the ‘deficiencies’ of Indigenous people by ideas of civilization in which key assumptions connected ‘property’, ‘government’, and ‘society’ as (...)
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  • Limits to the Politics of Subjective Rights: Reading Marx After Lefort.Christiaan Boonen - 2019 - Law and Critique 30 (2):179-199.
    In response to critiques of rights as moralistic and depoliticising, a literature on the political nature and contestability of rights has emerged. In this view, rights are not merely formal, liberal and moralistic imperatives, but can also be invoked by the excluded in a struggle against domination. This article examines the limits to this practice of rights-claiming and its implication in forms of domination. It does this by returning to Marx’s blueprint for the critique of subjective rights. This engagement with (...)
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  • (1 other version)Lasst uns den Weg einer neuen Ontologie einschlagen! (Teil 1).Gianluigi Segalerba - 2017 - Analele Universitatii Din Craiova, Seria Filosofie 40 (2):91-183.
    The present essay is the first part of an analysis regarding aspects of Aristotle’s ontology. Aristotle’s ontology is, in my opinion, a formal ontology that examines the fundamental structures of reality and that investigates the features belonging to entities such as substance, quantity, quality, universals. Aristotle’s ontology investigates, moreover, the reciprocal relations existing between these entities. Aristotle’s interpretation of universals is not, in my opinion, a nominalist interpretation of universals: I do not think Aristotle regards universals as being only mental (...)
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  • John Locke.Alex Tuckness - forthcoming - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Causality and Morality in Politics: The Rise of Naturalism in Dutch Seventeenth-Century Political Thought.H. W. Blom - unknown
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  • Property rights and genetic engineering: Developing nations at risk.Kristin Shrader-Frechette - 2005 - Science and Engineering Ethics 11 (1):137-149.
    Eighty percent of (commercial) genetically engineered seeds (GES) are designed only to resist herbicides. Letting farmers use more chemicals, they cut labor costs. But developing nations say GES cause food shortages, unemployment, resistant weeds, and extinction of native cultivars when “volunteers” drift nearby. While GES patents are reasonable, this paper argues many patent policies are not. The paper surveys GE technology, outlines John Locke’s classic account of property rights, and argues that current patent policies must be revised to take account (...)
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  • John Locke.William Uzgalis - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Human Rights, Modernity, and Milton’s Areopagitica.William Walker - 2018 - The European Legacy 23 (4):365-381.
    Some of the founding documents of our modern human rights culture assert that, by virtue of natural law, the will of God, the will of a Supreme Being, or some kind of natural world order, all humans have a right to civil liberties. In Areopagitica, Milton rejects this way of grounding the claim to civil liberties. Instead, he argues for civil liberties on pragmatic grounds, but also on the premise that members of political societies are entitled to civil liberties from (...)
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  • Gubernamentalidad.Nikolas Rose, Pat O'Malley & Mariana Valverde - 2012 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 8.
    Este estudio revisa el desarrollo del análisis propuesto por Michel Foucault sobre el poder político en términos de gubernamentalidad, y esboza sus características principales. Se examina el despliegue de esta perspectiva, centrándose particularmente en cómo este enfoque genealógico del análisis de la conducta de todos y cada uno ha sido acogido y desarrollado en el mundo angloparlante. Se evalúan algunas de las críticas fundamentales que han sido planteadas a la analítica de la gubernamentalidad, y se arguye en favor de la (...)
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  • Locke E a apropriação privada: Em que condições O direito de excluir pode ser justificado?Jean-Fabien Spitz - 2018 - Cadernos Espinosanos 38:53-87.
    Ao colocar em evidência a legitimidade de uma instituição defendida por Locke, ou seja, o direito genérico que todos os membros da espécie humana têm de utilizar os recursos da natureza para preservar a sua existência, fca nítido que a propriedade privada exclusiva só é justifcável com o acréscimo de obrigações sociais rigorosas, apresentadas pelo próprio autor, para garantir que ela não prejudique a preservação da existência de qualquer dos membro da espécie, pelo simples fato de que a realidade de (...)
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  • Nature and the native.Timothy Bowers Vasko - 2022 - Critical Research on Religion 10 (1):7-23.
    Critics of climate collapse and colonization in the Americas rightly identify the origin of these twin crises in early modern political theologies. They seek to combat these crises with new political theologies of nature that pay greater reverence to “native” peoples’ ecological knowledge. But in doing so, these critics subtly, perhaps unwittingly, recall elements of the colonial power they criticize. I explain why this is the case, examining Bartolomé de Las Casas’s use of naturales in his critiques of Spanish Conquest, (...)
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  • Meritocratie en de erosie van zelfrespect.Tsjalling Swierstra & Evelien Tonkens - 2006 - Krisis 7 (3):3-23.
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