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  1. Phenomenological physiotherapy: extending the concept of bodily intentionality.Jan Halák & Petr Kříž - 2022 - Medical Humanities 48 (4):e14.
    This study clarifies the need for a renewed account of the body in physiotherapy to fill sizable gaps between physiotherapeutical theory and practice. Physiotherapists are trained to approach bodily functioning from an objectivist perspective; however, their therapeutic interactions with patients are not limited to the provision of natural-scientific explanations. Physiotherapists’ practice corresponds well to theorisation of the body as the bearer of original bodily intentionality, as outlined by Merleau-Ponty and elaborated upon by enactivists. We clarify how physiotherapeutical practice corroborates Merleau-Ponty’s (...)
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  • Pedagogic Being in a Neoliberal School Market: Developing Pedagogical Tact Through Lived Experience.Ilona Rinne - 2020 - Phenomenology and Practice 14 (1):105-117.
    Exploring teaching as an upper secondary school teacher through lived experience offers pedagogical insights that have been challenged over a period of 25 years, when neoliberal educational policies gradually transformed the conditions for teaching in Swedish schools. The article is grounded in the assumption that the teaching profession is complex and there are multiple tacit dimensions inherent in being and becoming a teacher. Several of these dimensions are captured by the notion of pedagogical tact and have to be learned through (...)
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  • Towards the Epistemology of the Non-trivial: Research Characteristics Connecting Quantum Mechanics and First-Person Inquiry.Urban Kordeš & Ema Demšar - 2019 - Foundations of Science 26 (1):187-216.
    The present article discusses shared epistemological characteristics of two distinct areas of research: the field of first-person inquiry and the field of quantum mechanics. We outline certain philosophical challenges that arise in each of the two lines of inquiry, and point towards the central similarity of their observational situation: the impossibility of disregarding the interrelatedness of the observed phenomena with the act of observation. We argue that this observational feature delineates a specific category of research that we call the non-trivial (...)
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  • Becoming Aware of Inner Self-Critique and Kinder Toward Self: A Qualitative Study of Experiences of Outcome After a Brief Self-Compassion Intervention for University Level Students.Per-Einar Binder, Ingrid Dundas, Signe Hjelen Stige, Aslak Hjeltnes, Vivian Woodfin & Christian Moltu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  • Trading in Imaginaries: Locating Authenticity in Argentine Tango.Rebecca Barnstaple - 2017 - Phenomenology and Practice 11 (1):43-57.
    Argentine tango tends to be associated with highly gendered images of women and men locked in contorted embraces. These images constitute a tango imaginary that is removed from the lived experience of the dance. Remaining close to the experiential core of tango, this paper provides a Heideggerian-inspired phenomenological account that re-imagines tango as a mode of being-in-the-world. By situating us in direct and constant relationship with an attentive partner and furnishing a complex grammar of constraints, tango generates a frame for (...)
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  • Mollenhauer and the pedagogical relation: A general pedagogic from the margins.Tone Saevi - 2014 - Phenomenology and Practice 8 (2):39-44.
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  • Debating Phenomenological Research Methods.Linda Finlay - 2009 - Phenomenology and Practice 3 (1):6-25.
    Phenomenological researchers generally agree that our central concern is to return to embodied, experiential meanings aiming for a fresh, complex, rich description of a phenomenon as it is concretely lived. Yet debates abound when it comes to deciding how best to carry out this phenomenological research in practice. Confusion about how to conduct appropriate phenomenological research makes our field difficult for novices to access. Six particular questions are contested: How tightly or loosely should we define what counts as "phenomenology" Should (...)
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  • (1 other version)“Will I ever connect with the students?”: Online Teaching and the Pedagogy of Care.Catherine Adams & Ellen Rose - 2014 - Phenomenology and Practice 8 (1):51-67.
    Educational research has explored the potentials and problems inherent in student anonymity and pseudonymity in virtual learning environments. But few studies have attended to onymity, that is, the use of ones own and others given names in online courses. In part, this lack of attention is due to the taken-for-granted nature of using our names in everyday, “face-to-face” classrooms as well as in online learning situations. This research explores the experiential significance of student names in online classrooms. Specifically, the paper (...)
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  • One Step Further: The Dance between Poetic Dwelling and Socratic Wonder in Phenomenological Research.Finn T. Hansen - 2012 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 12 (sup2):1-20.
    The phenomenological attitude is essential for practising phenomenology. Many refer to wonder and wonderment as basic attitudes and ways of being present with and listening to phenomena. In this article a critical view is placed on the typically psychologically-loaded language and tonality that is used by phenomenological researchers in the human sciences in order to describe the wonder and openness they try to be a part of when doing phenomenology. With reference to the difference between Heidegger’s and Gadamer’s views on (...)
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  • Kadın Kur’an Kursu Öğreticilerinin Erkeklik Algılarına Yönelik Yaklaşımları: Diyarbakır Kent Örneği.Mehmet Ozan Ahnas - 2024 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 28 (2):844-864.
    Sosyal bilimler disiplininde erkeklik, multidisipliner bir alana işaret etmektedir. Erkekliğin hem bilim alanında hem de gündelik yaşamda nelere tekabül ettiğini anlamak için cinsiyete dair fikirlerin pratik zeminlerine bakılmalıdır. Toplumsal cinsiyet çalışmalarında, çoğunlukla kadınların sosyal ezilmişliklerine vurgular yapılmaktadır. Erkeklik çalışmaları tarihsel, kültürel ve toplumsal bir kurgu olarak, eril iktidarın kaynaklarına ışık tutmayı amaçlayan bir çalışma alanıdır. Erkekliğin kültürden ve dinden bağımsız bir olgu olarak düşünülmesi mümkün gözükmemektedir. Kadınlığa dair araştırmaların gelişimi içinde erkeklerin varlığı ihmal edilmektedir. Kadınların ezilmişliği nasıl yaşadığını anlamanın bir (...)
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  • Honouring the opening: Unfolding the rich ground between the philosophical thinking of Martin Heidegger and practice-based empirical work.Graham Stew, Kathleen T. Galvin, Pirjo Vuoskoski, Vinette Cross & Kitty Maria Suddick - 2021 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 21 (1).
    ABSTRACT The aim of this article is to bring philosophical thinking closer to practice-based empirical work. Using Martin Heidegger’s philosophy, it offers a bridge between these two worlds, attempting to provide philosophical depth to the findings of a hermeneutic phenomenological study. This process unfolded through the appearance of three intertwined, potential, meaningful modes of being in the lifeworld: space as a condition for being and being for worlding the world; temporal and spatial self-being, the existence of multiple selves in time (...)
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  • Entering the world with notes: Reclaiming the practices of lecturing and note making.Joris Vlieghe & Piotr Zamojski - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (13):1388-1398.
    In this article we focus on note taking as a practice that is fundamental to education. We argue that note-taking should not primarily be regarded as a method that supports effective learning, but as formative of the student herself. Hence it is a practice that has educational meaning in and of itself. It is a pedagogical form in its own right. We go on arguing that the practice of lecturing can itself be seen as a form of note taking and (...)
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  • Pedagogy: A Teacher’s Practice.Andrew Foran, Dan Robinson, Margareth Eilifsen, Elizabeth Munro & Tess Thurber - 2020 - Phenomenology and Practice 14 (1):39-56.
    Neoliberal assaults upon public education have been grounded upon the supposition that schools are failing to prepare students to respond to local and global economic needs and realities. The result has left the relational between pupils and teachers as a taken-for-granted practice. Lived experiences often can show and capture the unexpressed in taken for granted moments. This discussion presents teaching as relational moments, shared between beginning teachers and pupils. We employ a phenomenological sensitivity as we unravel the anecdotal evidence to (...)
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  • van Manen's phenomenology of practice: How can it contribute to nursing?Begoña Errasti-Ibarrondo, José Antonio Jordán, Mercedes P. Díez-Del-Corral & María Arantzamendi - 2019 - Nursing Inquiry 26 (1):e12259.
    Phenomenology of practice is a useful, rigorous way of deeply understanding human phenomena. Therefore, it allows research to be conducted into nursing's most sensitive and decisive aspects. While it is a widely used research approach and methodology in nursing, it is seldom addressed and made use of in its practical and applied value. This article aimed to approach the global outlook of van Manen's hermeneutic‐phenomenological method to better understand its theoretical background and to address and support the contribution this method (...)
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  • Evidence and/or Experience-Based Knowledge in Lifestyle Treatment of Patients Diagnosed as Obese?Karen Synne Groven & Kristin Heggen - 2016 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 16 (1-2):181-194.
    Proceeding from a phenomenological perspective, this study investigates how physiotherapists’ experience-based knowledge acquires significance in their encounters with patients diagnosed as obese. Presenting the thematic accounts of three physiotherapists, this paper illuminates how they make use of experiences from both their own life as well as experiences from learning and doing physiotherapy. This multifaceted experience-based knowledge is significant for making individual adjustments in a group-based programme. In line with these findings, the authors question whether the therapeutic method itself can be (...)
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  • Raising the Question of Being in Education by Way of Heidegger's Phenomenological Ontology.Matthew Kruger-Ross - 2015 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 15 (2):1-12.
    The aim of what follows is to explore how to raise the question of Being by way of Heidegger’s phenomenological ontology. Phenomenological ontology is a way of approaching and conducting philosophy exemplified in the work of German philosopher Martin Heidegger’s, and specifically in his magnum opus Being and Time. In preparation to raise the question of Being a more nuanced understanding of Heidegger’s phenomenological analyses on truth and language are summarized. Following, the manner in which Being is referenced is analyzed (...)
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  • Contact with My Teacher’s Eyes.Yin Yin - 2013 - Phenomenology and Practice 7 (1):69-81.
    Eye contact, a subtle, pedagogical encounter in our classrooms easily slips teachers’ attention because of its transient nature. Teachers see their students almost every day. Yet, what does a moment of eye contact mean experientially to our students? By asking the question, ‘what is the student’s experience of making eye contact with their teacher,’ this paper represents a phenomenological study that captures this phenomenon and delves into its pedagogical meanings. Through lived experience description and phenomenological reflection, this research shows pedagogical (...)
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  • The “Muscles of the Psyche”: From Body Literacy to Emotional Literacy.Maya Vulcan - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neuro-developmental condition, which requires a multi-disciplinary matrix of treatments, including functional, educational, and emotional interventions. The latter mode of treatment entails particular difficulties, inasmuch as the core deficits of this condition seem to challenge the very premises of traditional psychotherapy. Reciprocity, verbal, and symbolic expression and inter-subjective dynamics are often difficult to attain with clients diagnosed with ASD, and emotional treatment thus often turns out to be a frustrating process, which may well elicit questions (...)
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  • Phenomenological Research is Existential.Tone Saevi - 2020 - Phenomenology and Practice 15 (2):1-4.
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  • (1 other version)Pedagogical Hope.Raquel Ayala Carabajo - 2013 - Phenomenology and Practice 6 (2):136-152.
    This paper explores the experience of pedagogical hope from educators’ viewpoints. Starting from a multidisciplinary study, it has been developed through the collection and analysis of descriptions of experiences lived by educators, which have revealed some essential points: realism, sense of wonder, patience, and openness, among others. The discovery of the powerful and fundamental influence of hope in the lives of teachers exercising their role, assistants, school counselors, as well as in the lives of the children and youth whom they (...)
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  • Toward Experiencing Academic Mentorship.Leslie Robinson - 2015 - Phenomenology and Practice 9 (1):17-40.
    The idea of mentorship has become rather fashionable in academia today. Indeed mentorship is claimed, promoted and even mandated as something we can expect to experience as graduate students. Yet what is it really like to experience it? Drawing on concrete descriptions and phenomenological reflection I attend to graduate students’ actual experiences of mentorship to uncover aspects of the mentee experience for what it is rather than how it is claimed to be. Graduate students’ experiences reveal ways that mentoring moments (...)
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  • Phenomenology as a Potential Methodology for Subjective Knowing in Science Education Research.Oscar Koopman - 2015 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 15 (1):1-10.
    This paper charts the journey that led to the author's discovery of phenomenology as a potential research methodology in the field of science education, and describes the impact on his own thinking and approach of his encounters with the work of Husserl and Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty and Van Manen. Drawing on this theoretical framework, the author argues that, as a methodology for investigating scientific thinking in relation to life experience, learning and curriculum design, phenomenology not only provides a means of accessing (...)
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  • (1 other version)“Heartful” or “Heartless” Teachers? Or should we look for the Good Somewhere Else? Considerations of Students’ Experience of the Pedagogical Good.Tone Saevi & Margareth Eilifsen - 2008 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 8 (sup1):1-14.
    Educational practice is concerned in profound ways with what is pedagogically good and right for children, and as parents and teachers we intend to help each child to cultivate his or her personal and educational potential in a human fashion. In the spirit of ancient Aristotle and Plato, Continental pedagogues and philosophers have for centuries explored the meaning of pedagogical practice/praxis and of the pedagogical good, the quality of both being regarded not as a means to an educational end, but (...)
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  • Oz Never Did Give Nothing to the Scarecrow: Neurophenomenology and Critical Pedagogy.Robert Garfield McInerney - 2010 - Phenomenology and Practice 4 (1):68-87.
    Using the film the Wizard of Oz, an illustrative comparison is made between the Scarecrow's learning experiences and our own. Like we often do, the Scarecrow reduces his potential learning and thinking abilities to nothing more than the formal operations presumably at work in the brain. Ostensibly lacking this brain, the Scarecrow solves nearly all the problems encountered in the journey to Oz. A neurophenomenological description of the Scarecrow's experiences reveals his prereflective, situated learning, and embodied cognition. These ways of (...)
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  • Beyond Collaboration: Embodied Teacher Learning and the Discourse of Collaboration in Education Reform. [REVIEW]Augusto Riveros - 2012 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 31 (6):603-612.
    In this paper I highlight the significance of Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s contribution to the study of teacher learning. I particularly draw on his notion of embodiment to show that professional knowledge is embodied knowledge and that teachers make sense of their professional world through their embodied action. I contrast my interpretation with a professional learning model that has been influential in Canada, the US, the UK, Australia and other countries. I suggest that policy makers interested in education reform initiatives would benefit (...)
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  • Embodied Pheno-Pragma-Practice - Phenomenological and Pragmatic Perspectives on Creative "Inter-practice" in Organisations between Habits and Improvisation.Wendelin M. Kupers - 2011 - Phenomenology and Practice 5 (1):100-139.
    The purpose of this article is to develop a critical and extended understanding of creative practices in organisation from a phenomenological point of view. To develop such an understanding of practice, this paper will first outline a phenomenological understanding of creative practice, understood particularly with Merleau-Ponty as an embodied and situated nexus of action. Subsequently, the paper will show the contribution of pragmatism to an interpretation of practice as an experience-based reality and will describe the significance of habits. After briefly (...)
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  • Lived Space and Support as Interrelated Phenomena in the Context of Young People with Mental Health Problems.Mona Sommer & Tone Saevi - 2018 - Phenomenology and Practice 12 (1):40-56.
    The Norwegian welfare system due to human rights is in charge of providing necessary support of life to every citizen in terms of a safe place to live, the opportunity to education or employment and meaningful life accomplishments. We explore how public sustenance is experienced by a group of young receivers of public support. The article is one of three substudies drawing on empirical material from in-depth interviews with 14 young adults with mental health challenges and experiences from being partly (...)
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  • Participating in a world that is out of tune: shadowing an older hospital patient.Hanneke van der Meide, Gert Olthuis & Carlo Leget - 2015 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 18 (4):577-585.
    Hospitalization significantly impacts the lives of older people, both physically and psychosocially. There is lack of observation studies that may provide an embodied understanding of older patients’ experiences in its context. The aim of this single case study was to reach a deeper understanding of one older patient’s lived experiences of hospitalization. The study followed a phenomenological embodied enquiry design and the qualitative observation method of shadowing was used. In April 2011, one older patient was shadowed for 7 days, 5–7 (...)
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  • Embodied Inter-Affection in and beyond Organizational Life-Worlds.Wendelin Küpers - 2014 - Critical Horizons 15 (2):150-178.
    This paper presents a phenomenology of affect and discusses its relevance for organizational life-worlds. With Merleau-Ponty, affects are interpreted as bodily and embodied inter-relational phenomena, which have specific pathic, ecstatic and emotional qualities. Relationally, they will be situated as “inter-affection” that are part of the inter-corporeality of the “Flesh” of wild be(com)ing. Affect and inter-affectivity are then related to organizational life-worlds, through a critical exploration of different phenomena and effects generated by positive, negative and ambiguous dimensions. Finally, the potentials of (...)
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  • "Leaning into the Light" A Review of Carina Henriksson's Living Away From Blessings: School Failure as Lived Experience. [REVIEW]Patrick Howard - 2008 - Phenomenology and Practice 2 (1):80-87.
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  • Whose Eyes?: Women’s Experiences of Changing in a Public Change Room.Marianne Clark - 2011 - Phenomenology and Practice 5 (2):57-72.
    Fitness and recreation centres populate today’s modern urban communities and cater to a wide range of people seeking health, fitness and social connection through physical activity. While women’s experiences in these spaces have received some scholarly attention from feminist scholars and scholars of the body, little research has explored women’s lived experiences of the change room. In this paper, I argue that everyday spaces such as change rooms and locker rooms are important spaces in which social understandings of the female (...)
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  • “Nourishing Communion”: A Less Recognized Dimension of Support For Young Persons Facing Mental Health Challenges?M. Sommer, L. Finlay, O. Ness, M. Borg & Alison Blank - forthcoming - The Humanistic Psychologist.
    This study, the third in a series of three, draws on a broader Norwegian research project exploring the phenomenon of support for young persons with mental health issues. The aim was to explore and explicate the sense of “nourishing communion”, as a somewhat neglected aspect of support. Fourteen Norwegian young adults, aged 18-25, were interviewed about their experiences of support. Data was analyzed using van Manen’s hermeneutic-phenomenological approach to open up possible meanings of how nourishing communion is concretely lived. Analysis (...)
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  • Beyond Rational Order: Shifting the Meaning of Trust in Organizational Research.Tone B. Eikeland & Tone Saevi - 2017 - Human Studies 40 (4):603-636.
    Trust is a key term in social sciences and organizational research. Trust as well is a term that originates from and speaks to our human relational experience. The first part of the paper explores trust as it is interpreted within contemporary sociology and organizational research, and systematically questions five basic assumptions underlying the interpretation of trust in organizational research. The last part of the paper reviews selected phenomenological methodological studies of trust in work life situations, in a quest for how (...)
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  • Hermeneutics and pragmatism offer a way of exploring the consequences of advanced assessment.Shelaine I. Zambas, Elizabeth A. Smythe & Jane Koziol-McLain - 2015 - Nursing Philosophy 16 (4):203-212.
    Linking specific nursing actions to outcomes in the healthcare setting is challenging. Patient outcomes are varied and influenced by a myriad of factors, and always involve a wider team than any one nurse. It is difficult to control for a single action or set of actions of a particular nurse. Furthermore, practice is seldom about any ‘one’ action, for one thing leads to another, all within a complex interplay of influencing factors. In this article, we outline a research method which (...)
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  • Phenomenology of Professional Practices in Education and Health Care: An Empirical Investigation.Wenche Bjorbækmo, Kristin Vindohl Evensen, Karen Synne Groven, Gro Rugseth & Øyvind F. Standal - 2018 - Phenomenology and Practice 12 (1):18-30.
    In this article a group of professionals working in education and health care explore professional practices and interactions from a phenomenological perspective, drawing on Max van Manen’s conceptualization of the phenomenology of practice and his knowledge interest in understanding and furthering sensitive, caring professional practice. Posing the question what is the meaning of interaction in encounters within education and health care, we look at practice experiences drawn from close observations and interviews during research concerning special needs education, physiotherapy and weight (...)
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  • Educational failure as a potential opening to real teaching – The case of teaching unaccompanied minors in Norway.Tone Saevi & Wills Kalisha - 2021 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 21 (1).
    ABSTRACT This article explores the complexity of classroom interaction between teachers and unaccompanied teenagers seeking asylum in Norway. These teenagers find themselves within legal and political ‘grey areas’ where educational goals specific to their extreme situations are unavailable to them, and they end up being either forgotten in the system or closely monitored for possible failure. Their teachers encounter these teenagers in their realities; new to a culture, new language, new ways of being and doing, in addition to past traumatic (...)
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  • How Much Do We Really Care What We Pick? Pre-verbal and Verbal Investment in Choices Concerning Faces and Figures.Alexandra Mouratidou, Jordan Zlatev & Joost van de Weijer - 2022 - Topoi 41 (4):695-713.
    Every day we make choices, but our degree of investment in them differs, both in terms of pre-verbal experience and verbal justification. In an earlier experimental study, participants were asked to pick the more attractive one among two human faces, and among two abstract figures, and later to provide verbal motivations for these choices. They did not know that in some of the cases their choices were manipulated. Against claims about our unreliability as conscious agents, the study found that in (...)
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  • Golden Paper, a Chain and a Bag: A Phenomenology of Queer Things in a Special Needs Education Unit.Kristin Evensen, Øyvind Standal & Borgunn Ytterhus - 2017 - Phenomenology and Practice 11 (2):60-69.
    Children naturally play with things in both expected and unexpected ways. A stick, a spoon, or a chain of pearls may each seem to contain a goldmine of possibilities for the individual child. Every child encounters an object according to their own predilections and abilities. Some children, due to severe and multiple disabilities, are restricted in their possibilities to approach certain things. In this paper, we explore the existential meaning of “queer things” as a way to understand how two children (...)
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  • The use of paintings and sketches as scientific knowledge.Trine Sofie Dybvikstrand & Knut Ove Æsøy - 2021 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 21 (1).
    ABSTRACT This article is written in the field of the philosophy of science. The aim is to express how painting and drawing can be used as part of a phenomenological research method. The painter or drawer is a visual researcher in the process of capturing a holistic and truthful experience of a cultural phenomenon. We will highlight the visual researcher process and how the experience of truth is known throughout this process. The paining and sketches, which we present in this (...)
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  • Decolonization of the West, Desuperiorisation of Thought, and Elative Ethics.Björn Freter - 2019 - In Elvis Imafidon (ed.), Handbook on African Philosophy of Difference. Springer. pp. 1-24.
    Through the vehicle of Nicolas Sarkozy’s so-called “Dakar Address” we will analyse the West’s persisting lack of insight into the need for a Western decolonization. We will try to identify the dangers that come from this refusal, such as the abidance in colonial patterns, the enduring self-understanding as superior com-pared to Africa, and the persisting unwillingness to accept the colonial guilt. Decolonization has to be understood as a two-fold business. Decolonization is over-coming endured and perpetrated violence. It is not only (...)
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  • Ohjelmoinnin fenomenologisista lähtökohdista. Fernando Floresin reduktio.Juha Himanka - 2020 - Ajatus 77 (1):205-230.
    Fernando Floresin ja Terry Winogradin Understanding Computers and Cognition poikkeaa perinteisistä ohjelmoinnin lähtökohtien pohdinnoista. Teoksessa asetetaan syrjään lähtökohta, jota tekijät kutsuvat rationalistiseksi perinteeksi, ja syvennytään sen sijaan fenomenologiaan. Keskeinen tekijä tässä siirtymässä on representaationhypoteesin hylkääminen. Kirjoittajat nojaavat lähinnä Martin Heideggerin, Hans-Georg Gadamerin ja Humberto Maturanan tuotantoon, mutta tässä artikkelissa lähden liikkeelle Edmund Husserlin fenomenologisesta reduktiosta. Tulkitsen Floresin suorittaneen reduktion hänen päätyessään hylkäämään representaatiot.
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  • A qualitative exploration of the social dynamics of religious shunning in the Jehovah’s Witness community.Windy A. Grendele - unknown
    Background: Research indicates that shunning and ostracism may have long-lasting and severe effects on the individual’s well-being. However, there is scarcity of research into shunning enacted in a religious context. Therefore, using Jehovah’s Witnesses as an example, the present research explores the experiences of being shunned from a religious community, with particular reference to the impact on the lives of individuals, and the strategies employed to cope with such an event. Methodology: Social Identity Theory (Tajfel & Turner,1986) and Identity Process (...)
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