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Michel Foucault: genealogy as critique

New York: Verso (1995)

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  1. (1 other version)Foucault, Habermas and the claims of reason.David Owen - 1996 - History of the Human Sciences 9 (2):119-138.
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  • Beyond the confines of the law: Foucault’s intimations of a genealogy of the modern state.Antoon Braeckman - 2020 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 46 (6):651-675.
    The general claim advanced in this article is that Foucault’s genealogy of the modern state traces two ideal-typically different power arrangements at the origin of the modern state, roughly referred to as ‘sovereign power’ and ‘governmentality’. They are ideal-typically different in that they operate according to a different logic, including different ends, means and modi operandi. The more specific claim, then, is that due to this different logic, their ever changing interpenetration on the level of the state is imbalanced. In (...)
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  • ‘There are no specific women questions’: Some considerations on feminist genealogy.Cathrine Egeland - 2011 - European Journal of Women's Studies 18 (3):231-242.
    The article probes into tensions following in the wake of feminism’s mappings of itself as a landscape that ‘is not there’, so to speak, but which is constituted and reconstituted discursively and affectively. The author discusses these tensions in relation to the notion of feminist genealogy. The discussion is elaborated with reference to a concrete, past and perhaps disturbing political and theoretical landscape: the official, state-sanctioned ‘women’s studies’ in the GDR during the Cold War. The author argues that efforts at (...)
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  • The Point of Scientificity, the Fall of the Epistemological Dominos, and the End of the Field of Educational Administration.Fenwick W. English - 2002 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 21 (2):109-136.
    The point of scientificity, or pos,represents a place in history whereeducational administration was founded as ascience. A pos creates a field of memoryand a field of studies. A pos isepistemologically sustained in its claim forscientific status by a line of demarcation orlod. A lod is supported by truthclaims based on various forms ofcorrespondence. As these forms have beeninterrogated and abandoned, correspondence hasgiven way to coherentism and finally to testsof falsification. As falsification has shownto contain serious flaws when compared to theactual (...)
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  • Introduction.Robert Nola - 1998 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 1 (2):1-4.
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  • Review Symposium on Ian Hacking : The Ethics of Indeterminacy.Thomas Osborne - 1995 - History of the Human Sciences 8 (4):113-117.
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  • As enciclopédias de Michel Foucault.Jean Dyêgo Gomes Soares - 2019 - Discurso 49 (2).
    Enciclopédia não está entre os termos mais conhecidos de Michel Foucault. Todavia, ao olhar com atenção para algumas ocorrências desse termo ao longo de sua carreira, com uma especial ênfase aos anos de 1960 e 1970, algo se revela ao leitor atento. O intuito desse texto é discernir esse termo no vocabulário foucaultiano, mostrando sua dupla face. Se por um lado, Foucault se refere tecnicamente à Enciclopédia editada por Denis Diderot e Jean D’Alembert; por outro, ele recorre ao termo sugerindo (...)
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  • Michel Foucault and Judith Butler: troubling Butler's appropriation of Foucault's work.Kathleen Ennis - unknown
    One of the main influences on Judith Butler‘s thinking has been the work of Michel Foucault. Although this relationship is often commented on, it is rarely discussed in any detail. My thesis makes a contribution in this area. It presents an analysis of Foucault‘s work with the aim of countering Butler‘s representation of his thinking. In the first part of the thesis, I show how Butler initially interprets Foucault‘s project through Nietzschean genealogy, psychoanalysis and Derridean discourse, and how she later (...)
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  • Intentional communities: ethics as praxis.Ruth Rewa Bohill - unknown
    Intentional communities are formed by a group of people who have voluntarily chosen to live together for a range of reasons in the creation of a shared lifestyle. They concern practical forms of living that may reflect diverse structures and distinct philosophies. The intentional community literature is both broad and unique in its representation of intentional community living. Intentional communities may also be considered sites that form the basis for resisting mainstream forms of living and representations of subjectivity. Through an (...)
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  • Economics and the Limits of Optimization: Steps Towards Extending Bernard Hodgson’s Moral Science. [REVIEW]David Geoffrey Holdsworth - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 108 (1):37-48.
    In this essay, my point of departure is Bernard Hodgson’s analysis of neo-classical economic theory and his demonstration that neo-classical economic thought is already a branch of normative theory. I undertake to broaden the demonstration by showing that other contemporary conceptions of economics are also irreducibly normative. The essay begins with an overview of Hodgson’s argument strategy, and a discussion of his thesis that economics is a moral science. This illustrates in what way moral presuppositions are at play as core (...)
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