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  1. Categories of Goals in Philosophy for Children.Anastasia Anderson - 2020 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 39 (6):607-623.
    Philosophy for children is an educational movement that includes diverse goals that are not always clearly articulated by theorists and practitioners. In order to navigate the multitude of aims found in the philosophy for children literature I propose distinguishing between the following categories of goals: aims of education; educational goals of philosophy for children ; goals of a community of philosophical inquiry ; goals of the facilitator; and goals of the children. The definitions of these various types are given along (...)
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  • Idealer og virkelighed i Filosofi med børn.Cæcilie Ketil Hejl & Caroline Schaffalitzky de Muckadell - 2020 - Studier i Pædagogisk Filosofi 9 (1).
    Filosofi med børn har siden 80’erne været kendt i Danmark som en stærkt dialogisk undervisningsform med fokus på elevernes evne til at reflektere sammen og argumentere selvstændigt. Feltets idealer kan dog være vanskelige at leve op til i praksis. Denne caseanalyse undersøger en rapport, hvor de dialogiske idealer for Filosofi med børn beskrives sammen med praksiseksempler, og analysen viser, at den faktiske undervisning ikke lever op til idealerne. Casen illustrerer dermed nogle af udfordringerne ved at bryde med en klassisk lærercentreret (...)
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  • The Philosophical Classroom:balancing educational purposes.R. Välitalo - 2018 - Dissertation, University of Oulu
    The practice of teaching links long-standing philosophical questions about the building blocks of a good life to daily judgments in the classroom; in the journey to becoming a person who teaches, we must seek different ways of understanding what “good” means in the context of different social practices and communities. This doctoral thesis examines the educational innovation known as Philosophy for Children as a platform for teachers and students to address such questions within a community of philosophical inquiry. Advocates of (...)
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