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  1. The Normative Justification of Integrative Stakeholder Engagement: A Habermasian View on Responsible Leadership.Moritz Patzer, Christian Voegtlin & Andreas Georg Scherer - 2018 - Business Ethics Quarterly 28 (3):325-354.
    ABSTRACT:The transition from modern to postmodern society leads to changing expectations about the purpose and responsibility of leadership. Habermas’s social theory provides a useful analytical tool for understanding current societal transition processes and exploring their implications for the responsibility of business vis-à-vis society. We argue that integrative responsible leadership, in particular, can contribute to the reconciliation of business with societal goals. Integrative responsible leadership understood in a Habermasian way is not only a strategic endeavor but also a communicative endeavor. An (...)
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  • Responsible Leadership: A Mapping of Extant Research and Future Directions.Christof Miska & Mark E. Mendenhall - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (1):117-134.
    Recently, the increasing interest in responsible leadership (RL) has produced a research field rich in theoretical and conceptual potential, with diverse research foci, theoretical foundations, and methodological approaches. While these developments have demarcated the field from other leadership-oriented disciplines, they have equally courted fragmentation and ambiguity in terms of the field’s positioning within the greater body of leadership studies. To map the theoretical, methodological, and empirical state of the art of the RL field, we outline recent developments and delineate important (...)
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  • New Insights into Ethical Leadership: A Qualitative Investigation of the Experiences of Executive Ethical Leaders.Colina Frisch & Markus Huppenbauer - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 123 (1):23-43.
    Ethical leadership has become a thriving research field. However, on reviewing previous research, we argue that several fundamental questions remain unclear and need further investigation. Ethical leaders are defined as behaving ‘normatively appropriate[ly]’ :117–134, 2005), but it remains unclear what this entails. What specific behaviours does an ethical leader show? To date, ethical leadership has focused primarily on leader behaviour towards employees. Which stakeholders apart from employees are important to the ethical leader, and what kind of ethical behaviour does the (...)
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  • Strengthening Deliberation in Business: Learning From Aristotle’s Ethics of Deliberation.Sandrine Frémeaux & Christian Voegtlin - 2023 - Business and Society 62 (4):824-859.
    Deliberation has faced criticism with regard to its application to business, on the basis that it can be misused to disseminate an ideology, divert attention from genuine debates, or strengthen the power of certain people. We suggest that Aristotle’s notion of deliberation can mitigate these ethical risks and help companies strengthen their deliberative practices. A comprehensive perspective based on Aristotelian deliberation reveals the relevance of (a) individual and collective deliberation, promoting a virtuous and meaningful reflection, free from ideological conditioning; (b) (...)
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  • Global Governance: CSR and the Role of the UN Global Compact.Christian Voegtlin & Nicola M. Pless - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 122 (2):179-191.
    The article discusses the role of the UN Global Compact in the emerging global corporate social responsibility infrastructure. It evaluates the debate around the effectiveness and legitimacy of the UNGC alongside the arguments of its supporters and critics and thereby introduces the Thematic Symposium contributions. The article further identifies three theoretical perspectives that are used by scholars to discuss the performance of the UNGC: economic, socio-historical, and normative. It proposes that these perspectives can serve as generic distinctions with direct relevance (...)
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  • Theoretical Development and Empirical Examination of a Three-Roles Model of Responsible Leadership.Christian Voegtlin, Colina Frisch, Andreas Walther & Pascale Schwab - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 167 (3):411-431.
    This article develops theory on responsible leadership based on a model involving three leadership roles: an expert who displays organizational expertise, a facilitator who cares for and motivates employees and a citizen who considers the consequences of her or his decisions for society. It draws on previous responsible leadership research, stakeholder theory and theories of behavioral complexity to conceptualize the roles model of responsible leadership. Responsible leadership is positioned as a concept that requires leaders to show behavioral complexity in addressing (...)
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  • CSR and the workplace attitudes of irregular employees: The case of subcontracted workers in Korea.Mohammad A. Ali & Heung-Jun Jung - 2017 - Business Ethics: A European Review 26 (2):130-146.
    In recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in organizational trends to hire irregular workers. This inclination, in a time of great flux and uncertainty, exacerbates human resource issues faced by firms. We argue that corporate social responsibility can be an important antecedent to improve the workplace attitudes of irregular workers and as a result reduce the negative impact on organizations of the increased use of an irregular workforce. Hence, we explore the relationship between perceived CSR and unfairness perception (...)
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  • Does Integrity Matter in BOP Ventures? The Role of Responsible Leadership in Inclusive Supply Chains.María Helena Jaén, Ezequiel Reficco & Gabriel Berger - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 173 (3):467-488.
    Does responsible leadership matter when assembling an inclusive supply chain at the Base-of-the-Pyramid? Current literature implicitly assumes that it does not. BOP scholars initially focused on the importance of shaping innovative and disruptive offerings, with radically improved price–performance ratios. Subsequent studies tended to focus on barriers to implementation of large-scale ventures at the BOP. Their common characteristic was the fact that the attributes and roles of the individuals involved were deemed unimportant. If the opportunity was there, provided barriers were removed (...)
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  • Responsible Leadership and the Reflective CEO: Resolving Stakeholder Conflict by Imagining What Could be done.Nicola M. Pless, Atri Sengupta, Melissa A. Wheeler & Thomas Maak - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 180 (1):313-337.
    In light of grand societal challenges, most recently the global Covid-19 pandemic, there is a call for research on responsible leadership. While significant advances have been made in recent years towards a better understanding of the concept, a gap exists in the understanding of responsible leadership in emerging countries, specifically how leaders resolve prevalent moral dilemmas. Following Werhane, we use moral imagination as an analytical approach to analyze a dilemmatic stakeholder conflict through the lense of different responsible leadership mindsets and (...)
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  • Smallholders participation in sustainable certification: The mediating impact of deliberative communication and responsible leadership.Ammar Redza Ahmad Rizal & Shahrina Md Nordin - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The initiative to ensure oil-palm smallholders around the world participate in sustainable certification is increasing. Different efforts were strategised including increasing awareness and providing financial support. Despite that, the number of smallholders’ participation in sustainable certification is relatively low. This study embarked on the objective to identify the role of social structure, namely social interaction ties in affecting smallholders’ participative behaviours. Moreover, this study is also looking on the mediating impact of deliberative communication and responsible leadership in explaining the relationship (...)
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  • Responsible Leadership in Global Business: A New Approach to Leadership and Its Multi-Level Outcomes. [REVIEW]Christian Voegtlin, Moritz Patzer & Andreas Georg Scherer - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 105 (1):1-16.
    The article advances an understanding of responsible leadership in global business and offers an agenda for future research in this field. Our conceptualization of responsible leadership draws on deliberative practices and discursive conflict resolution, combining the macro-view of the business firm as a political actor with the micro-view of leadership. We discuss the concept in relation to existing research in leadership. Further, we propose a new model of responsible leadership that shows how such an understanding of leadership can address the (...)
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  • Virtue in School Leadership: Conceptualization and Scale Development Grounded in Aristotelian and Confucian Typology.Koustab Ghosh - 2016 - Journal of Academic Ethics 14 (3):243-261.
    Six cardinal leadership virtues based on Aristotelian and Confucian typology were advanced through this study by developing a measurement instrument and examining its predictive validity by studying the causal association with perceived leader happiness. Based on a sample of 183 school principals engaged in various types of schools, the results of both exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses generated satisfactory empirical outcomes by finding adequate support for the overall leadership virtue scale and the constituent subscale elements. The paper concluded with the (...)
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  • Responsible leadership and its place in the leadership domain: A meaning‐based systematic review.Jeremias J. de Klerk & Michelle Jooste - 2023 - Business and Society Review 128 (4):606-634.
    The emerging field of responsible leadership holds various possibilities for business and society. The wide range of conceptualizations, definitions, and theorizations of RL as a distinctive or unique leadership construct has not previously been investigated through a systematic review. To conceptualize the intrinsic meaning of responsible leadership as a distinct leadership construct, and to bring coherence to the expanding body of literature on responsible leadership, evidence from 162 peer‐reviewed journal articles on responsible leadership, ethical leadership, servant leadership, authentic leadership, transformational (...)
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  • Role of Responsible Leadership for Organizational Citizenship Behavior for the Environment in Light of Psychological Ownership and Employee Environmental Commitment: A Moderated Mediation Model.Ali Abbas, Ye Chengang, Sufan Zhuo, Bilal, Shahid Manzoor, Irfan Ullah & Yasir Hayat Mughal - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:756570.
    The world is looking toward organizations for social responsibility to contribute to a sustainable environment. Employees’ organizational citizenship behavior for the environment is a voluntary environmental-oriented behavior that is important for organizations’ environmental performance. Based on social learning theory, this study examined the effects of responsible leadership in connection with OCBE by using a sample of 520 employees in the manufacturing and service sectors in China including engine manufacturing, petroleum plants, banking, and insurance sector organizations. Further, the roles of psychological (...)
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  • Caring Leadership: The Alignment of Organizational Values and Social Media Messaging.Míriam Díez, Alba Sabaté Gauxachs & Josep Lluís Micó - 2020 - Journal of Media Ethics 35 (4):228-240.
    Social projects are based on ethical values that members defend, incorporate in their life and want to implement. Identity and mission play an important role in the transmission of values within or...
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  • Responsible leadership and project citizenship behavior: A cross-level investigation.Yuxin Yang, Jieying Huang, Pingping Wu, Xujiang Zheng, Han Lin & Shule Ji - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Project citizenship behavior has an important positive impact on project success. Researching how to promote PCB is an important issue in project management. Based on social learning theory and social cognitive theory, this paper adopted the method of questionnaire survey and hierarchical linear model to analyze the collected data derived from the sample of Chinese construction enterprises and verified this hypothesis. The results show that responsible leadership has a significant positive effect on PCB, moral identity mediates this relationship, and collective (...)
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