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  1. Building Receptivity: Leopold's Land Ethic and Critical Feminist Interpretation.Kathryn J. Norlock - 2011 - Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture 5 (4):493-512.
    Aldo Leopold’s A Sand County Almanac emphasizes values of receptivity and perceptivity that appear to be mutually reinforcing, critical to an ecological conscience, and cultivatable through concrete and embodied experience. His priorities bear striking similarities to elements of the ethics of care elaborated by feminist philosophers, especially Nel Noddings, who notably recommended receptivity, direct and personal experience, and even shared Leopold’s attentiveness to joy and play as sources of moral motivation. These commonalities are so fundamental that ecofeminists can and should (...)
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  • Locating Ecofeminism in Encounters with Food and Place.Chaone Mallory - 2013 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 26 (1):171-189.
    This article explores the relationship between ecofeminism, food, and the philosophy of place. Using as example my own neighborhood in a racially integrated area of Philadelphia with a thriving local foods movement that nonetheless is nearly exclusively white and in which women are the invisible majority of purchasers, farmers, and preparers, the article examines what ecofeminism contributes to the discussion of racial, gendered, classed discrepancies regarding who does and does not participate in practices of locavorism and the local foods movement (...)
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  • (1 other version)The entanglement of race and cognitive dis/ability.Anna Stubblefield - 2009 - Metaphilosophy 40 (3-4):531-551.
    To consider blackness and cognitive disability together is paradoxical. On one hand, supposed black intellectual deficit has been used by white elites as a justification for antiblack oppression. On the other, both black children who are struggling in school and black adults labeled with developmental disabilities are less likely than their white counterparts to access the best support services available. These problems cut across a commonly drawn—but, I argue, erroneous—divide between the “judgment” categories of mild cognitive impairment into which black (...)
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  • Ecological ethics: An introduction by Patrick Curry.David Keller - 2008 - Ethics and the Environment 13 (1):153-165.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Ecological Ethics: An IntroductionDavid Keller (bio)Patrick Curry, Ecological Ethics: An Introduction. Malden, Massachusetts: Polity Press, 2007, 173pages.Were I in Bath having drinks with Patrick Curry, we would have much to agree about. Explaining his choice of title of his book, Ecological Ethics, he rightly points out that the more common descriptor "environmental ethics" presupposes a dualism between human beings and the nonhuman environment—an assumption which is itself anthropocentric (...)
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  • Warren's ecofeminist ethics and Merleau-ponty's body-subject: Intersections.Kelly A. Burns - 2008 - Ethics and the Environment 13 (2):pp. 101-118.
    While Karen Warren offers an ecofeminist ethic that is pluralistic, contextualist, and challenges Cartesian dualism, one area that remains underdeveloped in her theory is embodiment. I will examine Merleau-Ponty’s notion of embodied subjectivity and show that it would fit consistently with her theory. I will also explore some other areas in which the two theories supplement each other.
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  • (1 other version)Environmental ethics.Andrew Brennan - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Environmental ethics is the discipline in philosophy that studies the moral relationship of human beings to, and also the value and moral status of, the environment and its nonhuman contents. This entry covers: (1) the challenge of environmental ethics to the anthropocentrism (i.e., humancenteredness) embedded in traditional western ethical thinking; (2) the early development of the discipline in the 1960s and 1970s; (3) the connection of deep ecology, feminist environmental ethics, and social ecology to politics; (4) the attempt to apply (...)
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  • Plants as Persons: A Philosophical Botany.Matthew Hall - 2011 - Albany, NY, USA: SUNY Press.
    Challenges readers to reconsider the moral standing of plants.
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  • Anthropocentrism as the scapegoat of the environmental crisis: a review.Laÿna Droz - 2022 - Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 22:25-49.
    Anthropocentrism has been claimed to be the root of the global environmental crisis. Based on a multidisciplinary (e.g. environmental philosophy, animal ethics, anthropology, law) and multilingual (English, Spanish, French, German, Japanese) literature review, this article proposes a conceptual analysis of ‘anthropocentrism’ and reconstructs the often implicit argument that links anthropocentrism to the environmental crisis. The variety of usages of the concept of ‘anthropocentrism’ described in this article reveals many underlying disagreements under the apparent unanimity of the calls to reject anthropocentrism, (...)
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  • ‘To Persistently not Know Something Important’: Feminist Science and the Poetry of Wislawa Szymborska.Justyna Kostkowska - 2004 - Feminist Theory 5 (2):185-203.
    This essay examines the poetry of Wislawa Szymborska as sharing key similarities with modern feminist practice in science. Szymborska’s poetry invites such an analysis because of its interest in anthropology and the natural sciences, and because of its preoccupation with the creation, limitations, and effects of knowledge. I argue that Szymborska’s privileging of uncertainty, of the personal, the particular, and the ‘insignificant’, as well as her process- and question-oriented method of creating meaning aligns her with feminist science. Szymborska’s poetry explores (...)
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  • The Invasive Species Diet: The Ethics of Eating Lionfish as a Wildlife Management Strategy.Samantha Noll & Brittany Davis - 2020 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 23 (3):320-335.
    This paper explores the ethical dimensions of lionfish removal and provides an argument supporting hunting lionfish for consumption. Lionfish are an invasive species found around the world. Their presence has fueled management strategies that predominantly rely on promoting human predation and consumption. We apply rights-based ethics, utilitarian ethics, and ecocentric environmental ethics to the question of whether hunting and eating lionfish is ethical. After applying these perspectives, we argue that, from a utilitarian perspective, lionfish should be culled. Rights-based ethics, on (...)
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  • Benefit Sharing – From Biodiversity to Human Genetics.Doris Schroeder & Julie Cook Lucas (eds.) - 2013 - Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
    Biomedical research is increasingly carried out in low- and middle-income countries. International consensus has largely been achieved around the importance of valid consent and protecting research participants from harm. But what are the responsibilities of researchers and funders to share the benefits of their research with research participants and their communities? After setting out the legal, ethical and conceptual frameworks for benefit sharing, this collection analyses seven historical cases to identify the ethical and policy challenges that arise in relation to (...)
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  • Ekofeminisme dalam Antroposen: Relevankah?: Kritik terhadap Gagasan Ekofeminisme.Ni Nyoman Oktaria Asmarani - 2018 - BALAIRUNG: Jurnal Multidisipliner Mahasiswa Indonesia 1 (1):126-143.
    Sikap kritis terhadap krisis ekologi yang berdampak buruk pada perempuan telah dimulai oleh Francoise d’Eaubonne dalam bukunya La Feminsme au la Mort (1974). Inilah awal terminologi ekofeminisme diperkenalkan. d’Eaubonne mengungkapkan adanya keterkaitan yang erat antara penindasan terhadap perempuan dan penindasan terhadap alam yang berakar pada kultur patriarki. Dalam sistem ini, perempuan menempati konstruksi posisi yang sama dengan alam yaitu sebagai objek, bukan subjek. Ekofeminisme kemudian lahir untuk memecahkan masalah kehidupan manusia dengan alam yang berangkat dari pengalaman perempuan dan menjadikannya sebagai (...)
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  • We Are What We Eat: Feminist Vegetarianism and the Reproduction of Racial Identity.Cathryn Bailey - 2007 - Hypatia 22 (2):39-59.
    In this article, Bailey analyzes the relationship between ethical vegetarianism and white racism. This plays out in the dreaded comparison of animals with people of color and Jews as exemplified in the PETA campaign and the need for human identification with animals in ethical vegetarianism. To support the viability of ethical vegetarianism, Bailey resolves the dread of this comparison by locating ethical vegetarianism as a strategy of resistance to classist, racist, heterosexist, and colonialist systems of power that often rely on (...)
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  • Liberalism and the Two Directions of the Local Food Movement.Samantha Noll - 2014 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 27 (2):211-224.
    The local food movement is, increasingly, becoming a part of the modern American landscape. However, while it appears that the local food movement is gaining momentum, one could question whether or not this trend is, in fact, politically and socially sustainable. Is local food just another trend that will fade away or is it here to stay? One way to begin addressing this question is to ascertain whether or not it is compatible with liberalism, a set of influential political theories (...)
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  • The Capabilities Approach to Justice and the Flourishing of Nonsentient Life.Katy Fulfer - 2013 - Ethics and the Environment 18 (1):19-38.
    According to Martha Nussbaum’s capabilities approach (CA) to justice, a (liberal) society is just if it provides people with the means to actualize basic capabilities that are necessary for a dignified human life. In Frontiers of Justice, Nussbaum (2006) expands the CA to include sentient nonhuman animals in the sphere of justice (as opposed, for instance, to the sphere of compassion). As it does for humans, justice requires that sentient creatures have the ability to access capabilities necessary for their flourishing, (...)
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  • An Ecofeminist Philosophical Perspective of Anthony Weston's 'The incompleat eco-philosopher'.Karen J. Warren - 2011 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 14 (1):103-111.
    In his book The Incompleat Eco-Philosopher, Anthony Weston addresses interrelated methodological, conceptual, epistemological, educational and philosophical issues in contemporary reformist (or mor...
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  • The culture of nature through mississippian geographies.Jeff Baldwin - 2006 - Ethics and the Environment 11 (2):13-44.
    : The paper's first interest is in re-forming exploitive human-environment relations. It shows that culture/nature dichotomies are not only false, but obscure the commonality of culture to humans and nonhuman beings and processes. The paper draws upon the Roman genesis of "culture" to describe its function in finding appropriateness among co-evolving human and nonhuman projects. Culture, thus, is the process through which co-eval projects are brought together. The study argues that through dialectic interrelationships, culture works to move biospheric relations towards (...)
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  • Negotiating Eternity: Energy Policy, Environmental Justice, and the Politics of Nuclear Waste.Steven M. Hoffman - 2001 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 21 (6):456-472.
    Arguing that a crisis is upon us, the Bush Administration has proposed an energy strategy remarkable in its scope and audacity. While much criticism has been directed towards the plan’s ecological impacts, it also guarantees the continuing collapse of communities tha stand in the way of the full realization of the current energy economy. This situation is best understood reference to evolving notions of environmental justice. Unfortunately, the variety of meanings attributable to environmental justice often times come into conflict when (...)
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  • Kinship across Species: Learning to Care for Nonhuman Others.Harriet Smith & Shruti Desai - 2018 - Feminist Review 118 (1):41-60.
    This essay responds to Donna J. Haraway's (2016) provocation to ‘stay with the trouble’ of learning to live well with nonhumans as kin, through practice-based approaches to learning to care for nonhuman others. The cases examine the promotion of care for trees through mobile game apps for forest conservation, and kinship relations with city farm animals in Kentish Town, London. The cases are analysed with a view to how they articulate care practices as a means of making kin. Two concepts (...)
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  • Learning to Live in the Anthropocene: Our Children and Ourselves.Susan Laird - 2017 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 36 (3):265-282.
    This essay responds to recent philosophical interest in the Anthropocene by asking : Can and should educators adopt, form, transmit, teach ways of living to maintain, if not enhance Earth’s habitability, especially its habitability for diverse children? This inquiry therefore calls for conceptual study of learning to live through the Anthropocene—with, despite, after, before, amid, among, away from, and against its myriad harms, possible and actual, especially its harms to children. Examining cases of environmental racism in Checker’s Polluted Promises, and (...)
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  • Animals and the Concept of Dignity: Critical Reflections on a Circus Performance.Suzanne Laba Cataldi - 2002 - Ethics and the Environment 7 (2):104-126.
    This essay concerns the dignity of nonhuman animals. It is composed of three sections. The first recounts my experience of a Moscow Circus performance and records some of my thoughts, feelings, and observations of this circus' famous bears. As is obvious from that account, the performance and presentation of the bears seemed to me to be undignified in a nontrivial, that is, morally objectionable sense of the word. The second section of the essay tries to specify that sense, to identify (...)
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  • Identification with nature: What it is and why it matters.Christian Diehm - 2007 - Ethics and the Environment 12 (2):1-22.
    : This essay examines the content and significance of the notion of "identification" as it appears in the works of theorists of deep ecology. It starts with the most frequently expressed conception of identification—termed "identification-as-belonging"—and distinguishes several different variants of it. After reviewing two criticisms of deep ecology that appear to target this notion, it is argued that there is a second, less frequently noticed type of identification that appears primarily in the work of Arne Naess—"identification-as-kinship." Following this analysis, it (...)
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  • What is Worth Knowing? Science, Knowledge, and Gendered and Indigenous Knowledge-Systems.Tricia Glazebrook - 2021 - Axiomathes 31 (6):727-741.
    This article asks, what is worth knowing? The concept of objectivity in contemporary philosophy of science is argued to de-value indigenous knowledge-systems and gendered approaches. Community bias is argued to confound rogue research with gendered and indigenous situatedness. This problem is resolved using the innovation of ‘ecosystem services.’ Technoscience is explained as the appropriation of science by capital interests and strong critique from Vandana Shiva in the global South is provided. Finally, because philosophers of science resist discussion of sociopolitical issues, (...)
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  • Violation of Land as Violation of Feminine Space: An Ecofeminist Reading of Mother Forest and Mayilamma.Anugraha Madhavan & Sharmila Narayana - 2020 - Tattva Journal of Philosophy 12 (2):13-32.
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  • Food Sovereignty and Gender Justice.Anne Portman - 2018 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 31 (4):455-466.
    Food sovereignty asserts the right of peoples to define and organize their own agricultural and food systems so as to meet local needs and so as to secure access to land, water and seed. A commitment to gender equity has been embedded in the food sovereignty concept from its earliest articulations. Some might wonder why gender justice should figure so prominently in a food movement. In this paper I review and augment the arguments for making gender equity a central component (...)
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  • An ecofeminist conceptual framework to explore gendered environmental health inequities in urban settings and to inform healthy public policy.Andrea Chircop - 2008 - Nursing Inquiry 15 (2):135-147.
    This theoretical exploration is an attempt to conceptualize the link between gender and urban environmental health. The proposed ecofeminist framework enables an understanding of the link between the urban physical and social environments and health inequities mediated by gender and socioeconomic status. This framework is proposed as a theoretical magnifying glass to reveal the underlying logic that connects environmental exploitation on the one hand, and gendered health inequities on the other. Ecofeminism has the potential to reveal an inherent, normative conceptual (...)
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  • Rapes of Earth and Grapes of Wrath: Steinbeck, Ecofeminism and the Metaphor of Rape.Sigridur Gudmarsdottir - 2010 - Feminist Theology 18 (2):206-222.
    Early ecofeminists often emphasized the similarities of the oppression of women and earth and delineated both as rape. Is it helpful for ecofeminists today to connect women and nature in such a way? Is this metaphor an adequate expression for third wave feminists or does it cast female bodies and the cosmos into passive victimization? This article uses Steinbeck's novel The Grapes of Wrath as a platform to tease out three important aspects of the metaphor of rape, by examining the (...)
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  • A Care-Based Approach to Transformative Change: Ethically-Informed Practices, Relational Response-Ability & Emotional Awareness.Angela Moriggi, Katriina Soini, Alex Franklin & Dirk Roep - 2020 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 23 (3):281-298.
    Notions of care for humans and more-than-humans appear at the margins of the sustainability transformations debate. This paper explores the merits of an ethics of care approach to sustainability tr...
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  • Modes of Multicentrism: Some Responses to my Commentators.Anthony Weston - 2011 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 14 (1):113-122.
    It is a pleasure and honor to continue this philosophical exchange in Ethics, Policy & Environment. Many thanks to Eric Katz, Christopher Preston, and Karen Warren, whose commentaries appear here;...
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  • Something new under the Sun: forty years of philosophy of religion, with a special look at process philosophy. [REVIEW]Philip Clayton - 2010 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 68 (1-3):139-152.
    Looking back over the last 40 years of work in the philosophy of religion provides a fascinating vantage point from which to assess the state of the discipline today. I describe central features of American philosophy of religion in 1970 and reconstruct the last 40 years as a progression through four main stages. This analysis offers an overarching framework from which to examine the major contributions and debates of process philosophy of religion during the same period. The major thinkers, topics, (...)
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  • The universal versus the particular in ecofeminist ethics.Grace Y. Kao - 2010 - Journal of Religious Ethics 38 (4):616-637.
    While not a monolithic movement, ecofeminists are united in their conviction that there are important connections between the exploitation of both women and nature. They are internally divided, however, on the propriety of applying their theoretical claims and activist strategies across social contexts. This paper explores three debates within ecofeminism that largely turn on this universalist versus particularist tension: whether ecofeminist theorizing can adequately account for cultural variation; whether its common usage of essentialist rhetoric is productive or troubling; and whether (...)
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  • Dominating Nature.Jason Brennan - 2007 - Environmental Values 16 (4):513-528.
    Something is wrong with the desire to dominate nature. In this paper, I explain both the causes and solution to anti-environmental attitudes within the framework of Hegel's master–slave dialectic. I argue that the master–slave dialectic (interpreted as a metaphor, rather than literally) can provide reasons against taking an attitude of domination, and instead gives reasons to seek to be worthy of respect from nature, though nature cannot, of course, respect us. I then discuss what the social and economic conditions of (...)
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  • Integral ecology: The what, who, and how of environmental phenomena.Sean Esbjörn-Hargens - 2005 - World Futures 61 (1 & 2):5 – 49.
    Providing an overview of Integral Ecology, this article defines and explains some of the key terms and concepts that underlie an approach to the environment that is inspired by and makes use of Ken Wilber's Integral Theory. First Integral Ecology is distinguished from other environmental approaches. Then Wilber's Integral Theory is introduced, which provides a foundation for a participatory approach to ecology. Next, the ontology, epistemology, and methodology of environmental phenomena is examined in light of Wilber's framework and illustrated with (...)
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  • Love and Resistance: Moral Solidarity in the Face of Perceptual Failure.Barrett Emerick - 2016 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 2 (2):1-21.
    In this paper I explore how we ought to respond to the problematic inner lives of those that we love. I argue for an understanding of love that is radical and challenging—a powerful form of resistance within the confines of everyday relationships. I argue that love, far from the platitudinous and saccharine view, does not call for our acceptance of others’ failings. Instead, loving another means believing in their potential to grow and holding them to account when they fail. I (...)
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  • Gender and Geoengineering.Holly Jean Buck, Andrea R. Gammon & Christopher J. Preston - 2014 - Hypatia 29 (3):651-669.
    Geoengineering has been broadly and helpfully defined as “the intentional manipulation of the earth's climate to counteract anthropogenic climate change or its warming effects” (Corner and Pidgeon , 26). Although there exists a rapidly growing literature on the ethics of geoengineering, very little has been written about its gender dimensions. The authors consider four contexts in which geoengineering appears to have important gender dimensions: (1) the demographics of those pushing the current agenda, (2) the overall vision of control it involves, (...)
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  • Distributing Epistemic Authority: Refining Norton’s Pragmatist Approach to Environmental Decision-Making.Evelyn Brister - 2012 - Contemporary Pragmatism 9 (1):185-203.
    Environmental pragmatists are committed to analyzing questions of environmental policy. Bryan Norton's pragmatic critique of environmental decision-making shows how an implicit commitment to the fact/value distinction has hindered productive environmental action. Nonetheless, Norton, as well as the majority of environmental ethicists, have devoted more attention to theorizing value disagreements as a primary cause of controversy than to examining epistemic structures. A case study demonstrates why and how Norton's procedural account may be supplemented with sensitive attention to the construction of epistemic (...)
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  • Must Every Animal Studies Scholar Be Vegan?Traci Warkentin - 2012 - Hypatia 27 (2):n/a-n/a.
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  • Hidden in Plain View: Feminists Doing Engineering Ethics, Engineers Doing Feminist Ethics. [REVIEW]Donna Riley - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (1):189-206.
    How has engineering ethics addressed gender concerns to date? How have the ideas of feminist philosophers and feminist ethicists made their way into engineering ethics? What might an explicitly feminist engineering ethics look like? This paper reviews some major themes in feminist ethics and then considers three areas in which these themes have been taken up in engineering ethics to date. First, Caroline Whitbeck’s work in engineering ethics integrates considerations from her own earlier writings and those of other feminist philosophers, (...)
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  • Women and Climate Change: A Case‐Study from Northeast Ghana.Trish Glazebrook - 2011 - Hypatia 26 (4):762-782.
    This paper argues that there is ethical and practical necessity for including women's needs, perspectives, and expertise in international climate change negotiations. I show that climate change contributes to women's hardships because of the conjunction of the feminization of poverty and environmental degradation caused by climate change. I then provide data I collected in Ghana to demonstrate effects of extreme weather events on women subsistence farmers and argue that women have knowledge to contribute to adaptation efforts. The final section surveys (...)
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  • Mother Nature in Silko’s Yellow Woman : An Ecofeminist Dimension.Olfa Gandouz - 2018 - Human and Social Studies 7 (3):88-97.
    Ecofeminism is a term coined by Françoise D’Eubonne in her book Feminism or Death to show the affinities between ecology and feminism. Both women and nature are perceived as passive elements and like women who complain about patriarchal constraints, ecologists shed light on the impacts of human exploitation over nature which is affected by pollution. Some dimensions of ecofeminism are present in Leslie Marmon Silko’s The Yellow Woman. The postmodern novel contains a female character who forges a link with the (...)
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  • Achieving concrete utopia through knowledge, ethics and transformative learning.Trond Gansmo Jakobsen - 2018 - Journal of Critical Realism 17 (3):282-296.
    ABSTRACTRoy Bhaskar's concrete utopianism assumes that a key role for intellectuals, given the current precarious situation of humanity, is the envisaging of alternative possible futures, coherently grounded in the deep structure of what already exists, which includes what people already know and have. Without this grounding, people will not be able to make a persuasive case for change. With this grounding, and by combining the realism of the intellect with the optimism of the will, they may be able to usher (...)
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  • “Daring to Care”: Challenging Corporate Environmentalism.Mary Phillips - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 156 (4):1151-1164.
    Corporate engagements with pressing environmental challenges focus on expanding the role of the market, seeking opportunities for growth and developing technologies to manage better environmental resources. Such approaches have proved ineffective. I suggest that a lack of meaningful response to ecological degradation and climate change is inevitable within a capitalist system underpinned by a logics of appropriation and an instrumental rationality that views the planet as a means to achieve economic ends. For ecofeminism, these logics are promulgated through sets of (...)
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  • (1 other version)Trajectories of green political theory.Andrew Dobson, Sherilyn MacGregor, Douglas Torgerson & Michael Saward - 2009 - Contemporary Political Theory 8 (3):317-350.
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  • Toward a Postcolonial, Posthumanist Feminist Theory: Centralizing Race and Culture in Feminist Work on Nonhuman Animals.Maneesha Deckha - 2012 - Hypatia 27 (3):527-545.
    Posthumanist feminist theory has been instrumental in demonstrating the salience of gender and sexism in structuring human–animal relationships and in revealing the connections between the oppression of women and of nonhuman animals. Despite the richness of feminist posthumanist theorizations it has been suggested that their influence in contemporary animal ethics has been muted. This marginalization of feminist work—here, in its posthumanist version—is a systemic issue within theory and needs to be remedied. At the same time, the limits of posthumanist feminist (...)
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  • Todos los anymales son (des)iguales pero algunos anymales son más (des)iguales que otros. Una revisión del excepcionalísimo humano, el especismo y las relaciones óntico relacionales entre especies.José Gómez-Melara & Rufino Acosta-Naranjo - 2021 - Arbor 197 (802):a632.
    La relación entre seres humanos y otros anymales (anymals) (Kemmerer, 2006) es, por definición, asimétrica. A lo largo de la historia se han esgrimido múltiples argumentos para justificar un supuesto excepcionalismo humano (excepcionalism), desde la atribución de derechos divinos a una mayor inteligencia, legitimando así un sistema de explotación denominado dominación (domination) (Manfredo et al. 2019). Las relaciones entre especies y cómo se conciben son un tema difícil. Hay muchos modos de enfocar las relaciones entre el humano y los anymales, (...)
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  • Anancyism and the Dialectics of an Africana Feminist Ethnophilosophy: Sandra Jackson‐Opoku's The River Where Blood Is Born.Laura Gillman - 2014 - Hypatia 29 (1):164-181.
    Although intersectionality has been widely disseminated across the disciplines as a tool to center women of color's developed perspectives on social reality, it has been notably absent in the scholarship of feminist philosophy and philosophy of race. I first examine the causes and processes of the exclusions of women of color feminist thought more generally, and of intersectionality in particular. Then, focusing attention on Black feminisms, I read Sandra Jackson-Opoku's 1997 novel, The River Where Blood Is Born, with and against (...)
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  • Introducing eco-masculinities: How a masculine discursive subject approach to the individual differences theory of gender and IT impacts an environmental informatics project.Dgp Kreps - unknown
    In this paper I introduce the concept of eco-masculinities as a philosophical and critical project to understand the links between gendered and pro-environmental behaviour. The background of the feminist project, the sociology of masculinity, and the post-gendered world to which they both aspire, alongside a brief history of the project of ecofeminism, occupy the bulk of the paper. In the last section I briefly consider how these philosophical approaches might impact upon analysis of an EU Project entitled Digital Environment Home (...)
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  • Novel Neurotechnologies in Film—A Reading of Steven Spielberg’s Minority Report.Timothy Krahn, Andrew Fenton & Letitia Meynell - 2009 - Neuroethics 3 (1):73-88.
    The portrayal of novel neurotechnologies in Steven Spielberg’s Minority Report serves to inoculate viewers from important moral considerations that are displaced by the film’s somewhat singular emphasis on the question of how to reintroduce freedom of choice into an otherwise technology driven world. This sets up a crisis mentality and presents a false dilemma regarding the appropriate use, and regulation, of neurotechnologies. On the one hand, it seems that centralized power is required to both control and effectively implement such technologies (...)
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  • Animal Disenhancement in Moral Context.Korinn N. Murphy & William P. Kabasenche - 2018 - NanoEthics 12 (3):225-236.
    To mitigate animal suffering under industrial farming conditions, biotechnology companies are pursuing the development of genetically disenhanced animals. Recent advances in gene editing biotechnology have brought this to reality. In one of the first discussions of the ethics of disenhancement, Thompson argued that it is hard to find compelling reasons to oppose it. We offer an argument against disenhancement that draws upon parallels with human disenhancement, ecofeminism’s concern with the “logic of domination,” and a relational ethic that seeks to preserve (...)
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  • Climate Change, Ethics, and Human Security. Edited by Karen O'Brien, Asunción Lera ST. Clair and Berit Kristoffersen. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2010. [REVIEW]Victoria Davion - 2014 - Hypatia 29 (3):707-712.
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