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  1. Process Philosophy.Johanna Seibt - 2013 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Process philosophy.Nicholas Rescher - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Semiotics as a metaphysical framework for Christian theology.Andrew Robinson & Christopher Southgate - 2010 - Zygon 45 (3):689-712.
    We provide an overview of a proposal for a new metaphysical framework within which theology and science might both find a home. Our proposal draws on the triadic semiotics and threefold system of metaphysical categories of C. S. Peirce. We summarize the key features of a semiotic model of the Trinity, based on observed parallels between Peirce's categories of Firstness, Secondness, and Thirdness and Christian thinking about, respectively, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We test and extend the semiotic model (...)
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  • Credo in unam credentiam: religious beliefs are standard beliefs.Liam D. Ryan - 2024 - Synthese 204 (73):31.
    Does religious belief differ in any interesting way from other kinds of belief? For now, take ‘belief’ to mean how one takes the world to be, on the basis of which they act. Call beliefs like this ‘ordinary beliefs’. There are also more complicated, or abstract, beliefs. Call such beliefs ‘non-ordinary beliefs’. Are religious beliefs different in any significant or interesting way from what we call ‘standard belief’? Our analysis shows that they are not. Although the content of religious belief (...)
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  • Process theism.Donald Viney - 2012 - In Ed Zalta, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, CA: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    This article concerns primarily the concepts of God in process theism, especially as they appear in the later writings of A. N. Whitehead and in the works of Charles Hartshorne. The article concludes with a brief discussion of arguments for God's existence in process thought and a note on the historical influences on, and anticipations of, process theism.
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  • Continuity, Naturalism, and Contingency: A Theology of Evolution Drawing on the Semiotics of C. S. Peirce and Trinitarian Thought.Andrew J. Robinson - 2004 - Zygon 39 (1):111-136.
    The starting point for this article is the question of the relationship between Darwinism and Christian theology. I suggest that evolutionary theory presents three broad issues of relevance to theology: the phenomena ofcontinuity, naturalism, andcontingency. In order to formulate a theological response to these issues I draw on the semiotics (theory of signs) and cosmology of the American philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce. Peirce developed a triadic theory of signs, underpinned by a threefold system of metaphysical categories. I propose a semiotic (...)
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  • Conceptions of Experienced Time and the Practice of Life.Noel Boulting - 2022 - Process Studies 51 (1):46-69.
    This article is prompted by some ideas from Robert S. Brumbaugh and Alfred North Whitehead, in particular. Four different views of experienced time are considered as well as four different conceptions of the practice of life that are the implications of these views of time. Further, four different famous works of literature are considered in the effort to understand these views of time and their implications for the practice of life.
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  • Sociobiology, God, and understanding.Charles J. Lumsden - 1989 - Zygon 24 (1):83-108.
    This article presents the rationale of a new approach to the debate between sociobiology and religion. In it, I outline a sociobiology that may generate alternative and competing hypotheses about the existence of gods as beings (theisms) and the nature of their participation in the universe. I examine the central theoretical issues of this sociobiology and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of a sociobiological approach to theological issues, including problems pertinent to nontheistic theologies. A concluding case is made for an (...)
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  • Whitehead, confucius, and the aesthetics of virtue.Nicholas F. Gier - 2004 - Asian Philosophy 14 (2):171 – 190.
    The most constructive response to the crisis in moral theory has been the revival of virtue ethics, an ethics that has the advantages of being personal, contextual, and, as this paper will argue, normative as well. The first section offers a general comparative analysis of Confucian and Whiteheadian philosophies, showing their common process orientation and their views of a somatic self united in reason and passion. The second section contrasts rational with aesthetic order, demonstrating a parallel with analytic and synthetic (...)
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  • Creative mutual interaction in action.Andrew Robinson - 2018 - Zygon 53 (3):850-864.
    In this article, I describe a multidisciplinary project at the interface of philosophy, science, and theology. The project is the product of an ongoing collaboration between the author and Christopher Southgate, to whom this special issue of Zygon is dedicated. At the philosophical core of the project is a development of C. S. Peirce's semiotics (theory of signs). The scientific branch of the project involves the application of semiotic theory to the problem of the origin of life, and to questions (...)
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  • Religion in the Making? Animality, Savagery, and Civilization in the Work of A. N. Whitehead.Clare Palmer - 2000 - Society and Animals 8 (3):287-304.
    Constructions of the animal and animality are often pivotal to religious discourses. Such constructions create the possibility of identifying and valuing what is "human" as opposed to the "animal" and also of distinguishing human beliefs and behaviors that can be characterized as being animal from those that are "truly human." Some discourses also employ the concept of savagery as a bridge between the human and the animal, where the form of humanity but not its ideal beliefs and practices can be (...)
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  • Sacred Naturalism and Cosmic Unity: Seeking Harmony in the Midst of Chaos.Dwayne Schulz - 2024 - Process Studies 53 (2):275-294.
    This article argues for a version of sacred naturalism within the framework of a processual metaphysics that characterizes the cosmos as an interplay between Chaos (disunity) and Logos (unity). I argue that although creativity is highly valuable from the perspective of life and humanity, at a cosmic scale it is overshadowed by the universal tendencies toward conservation and destruction. Within this metaphysical picture I develop a naturalist notion of the sacred as a phenomenological object inspiring particularly intense feelings of inner (...)
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  • Learning from Leibniz: Whitehead (and Russell) on Mind, Matter and Monads.Pierfrancesco Basile - 2015 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 23 (6):1128-1149.
    Whitehead's system may be interpreted as a majestic attempt at recasting Leibniz's theory of monads in terms of sounder ontological categories. After a brief introductory section on the sources of Whitehead's knowledge of Leibniz's philosophy, the paper explains why Whitehead turned to Leibniz for metaphysical inspiration. Attention then shifts to Whitehead's understanding of the problems involved with Leibniz's theory of monads and his alternative explanation of monadic causation. Whitehead's endeavour to install windows in Leibniz's monads may not be entirely convincing, (...)
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  • Theories of Religious Knowledge from Kant to Jaspers.Bella K. Milmed - 1954 - Philosophy 29 (110):195 - 215.
    THE problem of religious knowledge may be stated very simply. If there is a real God, how can we find out that fact? The present discussion assumes that this is just what we must find out, if there is to be any possibility of a philosophically valid religion; for the essential element in religion is God, and consequently the essential philosophical question in regard to religion is that of the reality of God.
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  • Cooking and Eating with Love: A Whiteheadian Theology of Meals for Planetary Well-Being.Thomas G. Hermans-Webster - 2023 - Process Studies 52 (1):28-46.
    This article pursues a Whiteheadian association of meals and cooking with an orienting concern for ecological well-being and planetary health. Process thought helps those who eat to recognize the real influences that our meals have upon the emerging world.
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  • Religion and Hatred: Examining an Unpublished Whitehead Essay.Joseph Petek - 2022 - Process Studies 51 (1):6-24.
    This article examines a recently discovered unpublished essay by Alfred North Whitehead titled “Religious Psychology of the Western Peoples.” It is the most sustained criticism of religion he would ever make. This essay is put into conversation with a previously published essay by Whitehead titled “An Appeal to Sanity.”.
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  • Whitehead on Religion in a Metaphysical Context: Some Pros and Cons.L. Scott Smith - 2022 - Process Studies 51 (1):95-117.
    This article treats religion as a central concern in Whitehead. His view of rational religion relies primarily on rational inference, not direct intuition. Taking seriously in religion the nonreflective elements in human cognition would not jeopardize, but would strengthen, his treatment of the reflective ones. While religion can certainly include vestiges of human savagery, it also promotes the ascent of humanity beyond social decay and enhances the art of life.
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  • Whitehead's Ethics: Fill in the Blanks.Daniel Bella & Milan Stürmer - 2023 - Process Studies 52 (2):179-200.
    The recent publication of the stenographer's transcript of Whitehead's guest lecture on “social ethics” has shed new light on the relation between his metaphysics and ethics. Instead of including ethics in his philosophy, Whitehead treats it as a distinct, specialized science that does not share in the universality of metaphysics. The present article argues that an analysis of his lecture shows that a nonindividualist Whiteheadian ethics is possible without rupturing the coherence of Whitehead's system or contradicting the ontological or subjectivist (...)
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  • The Path to Understanding: Relation and Solidarity in Whitehead's Metaphysics.Alessia Giacone - 2023 - Process Studies 52 (2):249-262.
    In this article, I will respond to questions regarding the ontological status of relations by exploring Whitehead's pivotal notion of solidarity, especially focusing on the recently published Harvard lectures. Particularly, I shall investigate how solidarity become a metaphysical law in the development of Whitehead's thought, also exploiting other Whiteheadian works of the same period, such as Science and the Modern World and Religion in the Making. I will attempt to show that the comprehension of an immediate brute fact necessarily requires (...)
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  • The convergence of science and religion.Charles W. Fowler - 2021 - Zygon 56 (4):1008-1026.
    Zygon®, Volume 56, Issue 4, Page 1008-1026, December 2021.
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  • Process and Aesthetics: An Outline of Whiteheadian Aesthetics and Beyond.Veronika Krajickova - 2022 - Process Studies 51 (1):131-135.
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  • On the Goodness of Whitehead's God: A Defense and Metaphysical Interpretation.Andrew M. Davis - 2024 - Process Studies 53 (2):192-212.
    My purpose in this article is to defend the goodness of Whitehead's God against two recent critics: Pierfrancesco Basile and Peter Sjöstedt-Hughes. I will both rely on Whitehead's own statements regarding God's goodness and offer a metaphysical interpretation of these statements in relation to his “axianoetic” universe.
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  • (1 other version)Deleuze, Whitehead, and the ‘Beautiful Soul’.Russell J. Duvernoy - 2019 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 13 (2):163-185.
    This paper explores one means of connection between Whitehead and Deleuze through an investigation into the figure of the ‘beautiful soul’. I first examine Deleuze's claim that a philosophy of difference risks a ‘new’ version of the beautiful soul, situating this figure in its historical context in Hegel. I then consider why Whitehead may initially appear to fall into the trap of the beautiful soul before arguing that this is not the case. Seeing how brings Whitehead and Deleuze closer together (...)
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  • Loren Eiseley: Religious scientist.Robert G. Franke - 1984 - Zygon 19 (1):29-41.
    Loren Eiseley is known both as a scientist and an essayist/poet. The disillusionment with science and technology among many in the late 1950s and the search for new values in the 1960s help account for Eiseley's significance as a writer. He appears to offer a solution to mankind's contemporary disillusionment by reminding that science has limits and that intuitive, nonscientific insight is valid, especially when it is complementary to scientific knowledge. The thesis of this essay is that in content and (...)
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  • On Ian Barbour's issues in science and religion.David Ray Griffin - 1988 - Zygon 23 (1):57-81.
    Although Ian Barbour endorses process organicism in Issues in Science and Religion, his rhetoric against vitalism and dualism makes his discussion of life, mind, and the part-whole relationship sound like relational emergentism and hence like a denial of process philosophy's nondualistic interactionism. Also his rhetoric against a God of the gaps seems to exclude the God-shaped hole in Alfred North Whitehead's philosophy. A more consistent articulation of Whitehead's postmodern position would lead to greater adequacy and consistency on these issues, and (...)
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  • Telescope + mirror = reflections on the cosmos: Umberto Eco and the image of religion.Benjamin John Peters - 2017 - Zygon 52 (2):343-360.
    Umberto Eco argues that a mirror image is not a sign. At best it is a double, a thing that ceases to be once the reflected object is removed. Harry Mulisch narratively suggests that mirror images function metaphorically as gateways between human suffering and the divine. And interestingly, science employs mirrors and mirror images both to turn our gaze upwards and to show us reflections of our place in the cosmos. Tying together Eco's notion of the double, Mulisch's insistence that (...)
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  • Religion and spirituality: What are the fundamental differences?Brimadevi van Niekerk - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (3):11.
    Some Victorian evolutionary thinkers, such as James Frazer, theorised that humanity’s mental stages are characterised by magic, followed by religion, culminating in science. Put another way, the notion of humanity’s encounter with the sacred in society will eventually retreat, giving way to secular conditions, and that science and rationality would triumph as a more persuasive means of satisfying human needs. In this first foray in explorations on spirituality and religion, this article asks what the fundamental differences between religion and spirituality (...)
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  • The possibility of applying Whitehead’s philosophy.Štefan Zolcer - 2016 - Human Affairs 26 (4):450-461.
    In this paper I try to elucidate the differences between theoretical and practical endeavors in philosophy, and then to show that in a sense philosophy has to be theoretical, but— if it claims to be viable—it must be practical as well. First I consider the meaning of the terms theoretical, practical, abstract, and concrete. Then, with the help of Whitehead’s ideas on this topic, I briefly reflect on the method, aims and role of philosophy. I hold that a properly established (...)
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